CENSUS·. OF INDIAi 1971.. : SERIES 6-HARYANA DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK PART X-C ANALYTICAL REJ'ORT DISTRICT CENSUS TABLES AND ADMINISTRATIVE, WELFARE AND DEVELOPMENTAL STATISTICS AMBALA DISTRICT ARDAJvlAN SINGH Deputy Director oj Census Operations, Ha.rya.na Publlabed by the Government of Haryana , 1979 Motif The Pinj07'e Moghul Gardens jalLing in Kalka Tahsil of Ambala D'strict have a mythical and legendary history. .They first find mention in the Mahabharata. The Pandavas during their 12 years exile taking fancy to this Spot took refuge here and catled it Panchpura. .Fadai Khan the great architect and the GovernCYr of Punjab dUl'ing Aurangzeb's rule planned these gardens with flutter­ ing balcon,'es, spacious terraces, symmetrical water-courses, sparkling fountains and green grassy plots all around encircled by embattle­ ments. With the passage of time the gardens fell On evil days to be restored to the present glory first by the rulers of PaHala and then by the present Haryana Government. Now the gardens have become an important tourist resort with all the modern faciZitip.s. CENSUS ot INDIA 1,'1 A-CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PUBUCATIONS TIle fUblicatioQS relating to Haryana bear Series No.6, and are bound separately as fottows:- p- I·A · . Gencrailleport Part IV · . Housins Report and Tables p- l.. .. GeMral Report Part V-A · . Special Tables for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part I-e · . Subsidiary Tables Part V-B .. Ethnographic Notes cn Scbe­ Part ll-A · . General Pop.lation Tables dulod Oastes and Scheduled Tribes Part IJ.A I • Ci!llMral)Jo"",_ ]""es Supplement (standatd'{1rbab 2\teas-) Part VI·A Town Directory Part II-B · . Economic Tables Part VI·B · . Special Survey Report on selected towns Part IJ..C(i) .• ,Soe"l_~ullural Tables PaIt VI-C . Survey Reports on selected (Religion and Scheduled Castes) villages Part II -C(i i) · . Social and Cultural Tables and Part VIII-A ., Administration Report : Enu­ Fertility Tables meration (for official use only) Part U-D · . Migration Tables Part VIII-B . Administration Report : Tabulation(for official use only) · . Establishment Report • . :is.... Mlnent Tables Part IX-B .. Census Atlas I-ILULYA.blA GOVERNMENT PU8UCATIONS Part IX-A · . Administrative Atlas Part X · . District Census Haadbook for each district in three parts Part A-Villase and Town Directory Part B-Villaae and Townwise Priuwy Census Abstract 'Pat C-Analytical Report, District Census Tables, and Administrative, Welfare and Developmental Statistics (1 he Present Volume). (Part A and B of the District Census Handbook for each District of Haryana State have bten printed in one volume) Note :-Boundaries of the district map are correct upto 1971 CONTENTS Pages Preface v Acknowledgements vi Figures at a glance vii District Map Facing Page 1 SECTION-A-A,llytlcal Report Chapter-I-Introduction 1-3 Chapter-II-The district during the decade 5-112 Cbapter-I1I-An overal1 view of the district 113-115 SECTION-B-Serle8·I-Cens.~ Tables Description of Census Tables 119-121 A-Series 123-144 B·Series 145-227 C·Series 229-253 D-Series 255-339 E-Series 341-387 389-401 Scheduled Castes Tables 403-425 Annexures 427-447 SECTJON-B-Serles·JI-Adadnlstratlve, Welfare lid Delelopm ..tal Statistics List· A 4S1·452 Ust·B 453 Tables 454-509 PREFACE District Census Handbook has been introduced since 1951. The level of presentation in all-India volumes is State. District and City. [n State volumes. this level goes down to tahsil level for some tables while in District Census Handbooks most of the tables give data down to tahsil and a few tables give data for each town and village also. The greatest advantage of District Census Handbook is that data on all topics are available in one volume while in all-India and State volumes only data of one topic arc available in a volume. As District Census Handbooks gave non-Census and Census data upto the lowest level these were found very useful by the planners, administrators, election departments and research scholars, etc. 2. In 1951-Census, District Census Handbook besides presenting most of the Census tables at tahsil level gave primary Census data of village/block level and presented non-Census data on a number of topics e.g. Health. Bducation, Administration. Agriculture. General PhySiography. etc. This coverage was further enlarged by Dr. Asok Mitra, the then Registrar General, India and 1961·Censos Handbook gave very useful day-to-day information on non-Census data besides Census data. 3. The 1951 and 1961·Census Handbook having been applauded by the research workers. adminis­ trators and planners it was decided to further enlarge the scope of this handbook for 1911-Census. Shri A. Chandra Sekhar, the then Registrar General. India and Dr. B. K. Roy Burman, Deputy Registrar General, India (Social Studies) prepared draft guidelines for preparation of 1971-Census Handbooks. As per these guidelines District Census Handbooks were to appear in three parts details of which appear in introductory notes. This part i.e. Part-C of the Handbook was to contain detailed analysis and it was aimed to study whether it supported some anticipated hypothesis or the inference drawn from the analysis of the data went against the hypothesis. On account of inordinate delay in procurring non-Census data and processing of analytical tables, the idea of testing these hypothesis was dropped for all districts except this district. DJtaileJ anlly)is could only be carried on for Ambala district which has been presented in District Census Handbook of this district. Those interested in this type of study can go through this publication and if interested attempt detailed study of other districts. Dated Chaodigarh, the ARDAMAN SINGH. 7th November. 1978. Deputy Director of Census Operations, Haryana, Chandigarh. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Collection, compilation and analysis of data appearing in this volume is a result of hard labour i'Ut in by scores of officers of this office, all of whom deserve appreciation and thanks. While it is not 'possible to mention names of aU these officers, names of those whose contribution is significant are gi~en below in the form of credits. For non-Census data appearing in this volume, we are grateful to all concerned State and Central Government Departments who readily co-operated and spared no pains in furnishing the data in desired formats. 2. I am extremely grateful to Shri A. Chandra Sekhar and Shri R. B. Chari, Ex-Registr.ar Generals India and Shri P. Padmanabha, Registrar General, India, Dr. B. K. Roy Burman, Deputy Registrar General. India (Social Studies) and Shri K. K. Chakravorty, Assistant Registrar General, India (Census) for guidance and encouragement I received from them from time to time. I express my sincere thanks to Shri N. G. Nag, Assistant Registrar General, India (Social Studies) for getting scrutiny of th:: draft completed in shortest possible time and for obtaining special permission of the 'Registrat General, India, allowing us to bring out detailed discussions on testing of anticipated hypothesis and interpretations for this district on which Sh. :1. R. Vashistha, Investigator, Sh. K. B. Lakhanpal, T.O. and Shrj Koshy P. Zachariah, S.A. had put in a lot of lab)ur a ld had produced rem;lrkable work, Without his assistance this valuable: work would bave been lost. 3. Shri K. C. Rajput, Controller of Printing and Stationery, Haryana, Shri P. Oommen, Dc;puty Controller and Shri Arnir Chand, Assistant Controller, Printing and Stationery Department, Union Territory Chandigarh, deserve special thanks f(lf arranging printing of these handbooks in shortest possible time. CREDITS ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 5. Mrs. S. P. Ratra, Comp. OF DATA 6. Shri Nagesh Kumar, A.C. 1. Shri J. R. Vashistha, Investigator. 7. Shri Karam Singh, A.C. 2. Shri K. B. Lakhanpal, T.O. 8. Shri Krishan Lal Saini, A.C. 3. Shri Koshy P. Zachariah S.A. IN-SET TABLES BASED ON VI LLAGE INTRODUCTION AND FLYLEAVES DIRECTORY AND PRIMARY CENSUS 1. Shri J. R. Vashistha, Investigator A.BSTRACT DATA 2. Shri K. B. LakhanpaI, T.O. 1. Shri Nagesh Kumar. A. C. 3. Shri Koshy P. Zachariah, S.A. 2. Shri Krishan Lal Saini, A. C CENSUS TABLES PROOF READING & PRINTING 1. Shri J. R. Vashistha, Investigator 1. Shri Koshy P. Zachariah, S.A. 2. Shri G. D. Singla, Investigator 2. Shri O.P. Malik, S.A. 3. Shri J. N. Suri, T.O. 3. Shri Jaswant Lal, S.A. 4. Shri P. N. Modgil, T.O. 4. Shri Varinder Kumar, A,C. 5. Shri Koshy P. Zachariah, S.A. 5. Shri Raja Singh, A.c' 6. Shri A. L. Kakkar, S.A. 6. Shri Jaswant Singh, A.C. 7. Shri Jaswant Lal, S.A. 7. Shri Lekh Raj, A.C. 8. Miss Inder Mohan Kaur, S.A. 9. Shri Hari Krishan, Comp. MAP & COVER 10. Miss Manju Rani, Compo 1. Shri S. R. Puri, Cartographer 11. Shri Varinder Kumar, A.C. 2. Shri Amarjit Singh, Cartographer ADMINISTRATIVE, WELFARE & 3. Shri N. P. Gupta, Artist DEVELOPMEN1AL STATISTICS 1. Shri J. R. Vashistha, Investigator DICTATION & TYPING 2. Shri K. B. Lakhanpal, T.O. 1. Shri D. R. Khanna, P.A. 3. Shri Koshy P. Zachariah, S.A. 2. Shri B. L. Sehgal, Typist 4. Shri O. P. Malik, S.A. 3. Shri R. S. Bedi, Typist f'iGUaES At A GLAN~n AMBALA DISTRICT Total area as supplied by the Surveyor General, 3,833 Km' Percentage of State Area 8.67 India Total Population Persons 1.098,405 Percentage of State Total Population ]0.95 Males 590,151 Females 501.654 Rural Population .. Persons 753.610 Percentage of StaCe Rural Population 9.12 Males 406,889 Females 346,781 Urban Population .
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