BOARD OF GOVERNORS’ ANNUAL REPORT 2017/18 This report has been produced by the Governors of Ballycarrickmaddy Primary School and is a summary account of the work that undertaken in carrying out our responsibilities for the management of the school during the year 2017/2018. BOARD OF GOVERNORS’ MEMBERS Period of Office: September 2014 – June 2018 The Board of Governors is comprised of nine voting members, ie four transferor (local church) representatives, two parent representatives, two Education Authority representative and one teacher representative, plus the school Principal, Mr D Spratt (non- voting member). Transferor Representatives Mrs M McCoy Rev T Cleland Rev A McCullough Mrs N Parker Education Authority Representatives Dr J Doherty Miss P Best Parent Representatives Mr P Parker Mr P Reid Teacher Representative Mr P Dunbar OFFICE BEARERS Chairperson Mrs N Parker Vice Chairperson Mr P Parker Hon. Secretary Mr D Spratt The next election for parents’ representatives to the Board of Governors is due to take place during the Summer Term 2018. GOVERNORS’ MEETINGS During the school year 2017/18 the Governors met formally on a monthly basis to discuss school business. To contend with specific issues arising from school life some Governors were also involved in informal discussions. Some governors also were involved in training sessions from the Education Authority. Governor Responsibilities The Board of Governors are responsible for the Appointment of Staff, Discipline, Grievance and Suspension/Dismissal Procedures and devolved responsibilities in the overall management of the school, this also includes the following areas – The Curriculum, Special Education Needs, Assessment, Admissions, Child Protection, Security and Personal Safety, Finance, Staffing, Internal Maintenance, Annual Governor’s Report and the Prospectus. Sub-Committees Sub-committees have been formed to consider reports and to make proposals for consideration by the whole Board in the following areas of responsibility: • Complaints Committee • Staffing Committee • Finance Committee • Appeals’ Committee Final decisions are reached by the full Board of Governors. Overall responsibility for the day to day running of the school continues to rest with the Principal and he is also responsible for the monitoring of school spending and for advising the Board on any problems that may arise. STAFFING 2017/18 PRINCIPAL Mr D Spratt BEd (Hons) PQH(NI) VICE PRINCIPAL Mr P Dunbar BS (Hons) MSc PGCE PQH (NI) TEACHING STAFF Primary 1 Mrs J Dougherty and Mrs O McKillop Primary 2 Mrs C Anderson and Mrs B Dark Primary 3 Mrs A Robinson Primary 4 Mrs J Snape and Mrs O McKillop Primary 5 Mrs C Faulkner and Mrs R Stewart (Oct to March sickness cover) Primary 6 Miss L Kennedy (cover for Miss M McKane) Primary 7 Mr P Dunbar LEARNING SUPPORT TEACHERS Mrs O McKillop (SENCO) Mrs B Dark Mrs J CLASSROOM ASSISTANTS Mrs W Scott Mrs R Bann Mrs J Ferguson Mrs I Dodds Miss S Kavanagh Mrs E Fleming Miss L Allen Mrs S Graham Mrs R Willis Miss A Megarry Mrs A Loughran Mrs L Foote Mrs G Grattan SECRETARY Mrs J McCourt BUILDING SUPERVISOR Mr G White CLEANER Mrs D Robson (until May 2018) Mrs C Cunningham (from June 2018) LUNCH TIME SUPERVISORS Mrs S Graham Mrs G Grattan Mrs W Scott / Miss L Allen Mrs D Moore CATERING STAFF Mrs L Vayro Mrs C Cunnigham ENROLEMENT AND ATTENDANCE Academic P1 Intake Total Attendance Free School Year Enrolment % Meals % 2015/16 29 178 96.9% 21.3% 2016/17 30 180 97.4% 21.1% 2017/18 30 189 96.1% 18.5% Admissions Criteria for Year 1 Intake The following criteria will be applied in the order set down, 1 to 5, by the Board of Governors of Ballycarrickmaddy Primary School in selecting children for admission to Y1. 1. Children of compulsory school age, who have a brother/sister, half-brother/half- sister, step-brother/step-sister in attendance at Ballycarrickmaddy Primary School. 2. A child of a parent/guardian who previously attended the school or a child whose parent is a member of the school staff. 3. Children whose brother/sister/half-brother or sister is a former pupil of the school. 4. Children who live closest to the school, as the ‘crow flies’ from the centre of their home to the front gate of the school as measured by the online OSNI Map Shop “Linear Distance Measurement Tool” will be given priority. 5. Other children of compulsory school age. Please note: It is parents’ responsibility to ensure that any information which may be relevant to the above criteria is included on the Application Form or is attached to the Form. Duty to Verify The Board of Governors reserves the right to require such supplementary evidence as it may determine to support or verify information on any application form. If the requested evidence is not provided to the Board of Governors by the deadline given, this will result in the withdrawal of an offer of a place. Similarly, if information is supplied which appears to be false or misleading in any material way, the offer of a place will be withdrawn. SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN The school has a detailed School Development Plan which sets the school’s targets for improvement 2017/18 is year 1 of the school’s three year development plan (2017-2020). The implementation of this development plan is reviewed by the Board of Governors. The School Development Plan outlines the self review process at Ballycarrickmaddy Primary School. It develops a system to monitor, evaluate and review the school’s performance in all significant areas and standards of provision. The document is reviewed annually and areas for improvement are identified. The areas for improvement feed directly into our yearly action plans and form the basis of whole school development for the next school year. Areas of improvement/development are derived from the following processes: • Co-ordinator Audits • Feedback from ETI inspection reports • Curriculum/non-curricular development provided by SEELB • Department of Education NI (DENI) initiatives • Staff development training provided by DENI, CCEA, Education Authority or other agencies • Parent and pupil feedback questionnaires • Whole school audits • ETI ISEF self-evaluation audit tool All staff members have relevant input into the self-review process and it is managed by the Senior Management Team. STAFF/CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT In the academic year 2016/17 staff and curriculum development addressed the following areas: • Increasing pupil Reading Comprehension skills • Introducing Accelerated Reading programme to P4 to P7 • Improving Problem skills within Numeracy • Use of Effective Questioning in lessons to improve pupil learning • Use of Peer/Self Assessment • Use of teacher formative feedback when marking (tickled pink/green for growth strategy) • Improving observations at FS and KS1 during PBL and ABL lessons • Progression in PBL and ABL and sharing good practice • Use of Booster groups • Use of Assessment data PTE, PTM and CAT4 • Progressive use of ICT – ipads • Effective use of CCEA UICT tasks to assess pupils in ICT • Develop teaching of internet safety To support curriculum development teachers met in Key Stages and as a whole school. These meetings took place in weekly directed time staff development meetings, during Baker Days and on school development days. The governors wish to place on record their appreciation of the work carried out by all the staff to improve the teaching and learning in the school. POLICY REVIEW The policies listed below were reviewed, amended as appropriate and approved by the Board of Governors during the 2017/18 academic year. • Child Protection Policy • Volunteers and Visitor Policy • Administration of Medication Policy • Critical Incidents Policy • First Aid Policy • Drugs Policy • Attendance Policy • Code of Conduct for Staff and Volunteers • Relationships and Sexuality Policy • Complaints Policy • Social Media Policy • Pastoral Care Policy • E-Safety Policy (Including acceptable use of the internet) SHARED EDUCATION This year we successfully applied for a Shared Education link with St Patrick’s PS in Lurgan. The focus of the partnership was ICT and STEM based (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). The partnership was highly successful and will continue to develop over the next few years. ASSESSMENT/ACHIEVEMENTS The school is very proud of the achievements of its pupils. End of Key Stage assessment results are detailed below. All pupils and teachers (P1-P7) are to be congratulated for their high level of commitment and hard work. END OF KEY STAGE ASSESSMENT RESULTS (2016/17) Key Stage 1 (P4) % Communication Using Mathematics Using ICT BCM NI average BCM NI average BCM NI average Level 2+ 90 88.2 85 89.3 90 89.9 Key Stage 2 (P7) % Communication Using Mathematics Using ICT BCM NI average BCM NI average BCM NI average Level 4+ 88 78.8 88 79.6 92 84.2 Most schools did not submit levels to DE due to industrial action therefore Northern Ireland figures are not available. STANDARDISED ASSESSMENTS Ballycarrickmaddy Primary School carries out Standardised tests for Y3-7 in May each year as part of our screening process for low and underachievement, tracking of pupils and individual pupil target setting. The main assessments carried out are: • GL Progress in English (PiE) • GL Progress in Maths (PiM) • GL Cognitive Ability Test (CAT4) – computer based TRANSFER TO POST-PRIMARY EDUCATION Ballycarrickmaddy Primary School enjoys an excellent working relationship with post- primary schools throughout Lisburn and the Greater Belfast area. In June 2018 pupils of transfer age moved on to the following schools: • Belfast Royal Academy • Crumlin Integrated College • Fort Hill Integrated College • Friends’ School • Hunterhouse College • Laurelhill Community College • Lisnagarvey High School • Lurgan Junior High School • Methodist College • Parkhall High School • Royal School Dungannon • Wallace High School 72% of pupils transferring obtained grammar school places. CHILD PROTECTION AND SAFEGUARDING Designated Teacher: Mrs O McKillop Deputy Designated Teacher: Mr P Dunbar Designated: Mrs N Parker and Rev T Cleland The area of Child Protection is one that Ballycarrickmaddy takes very seriously.
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