CONTENTS. PAGE Figures 2 Tables 3 Executive Summary 5 Chapters. 1 Introduction 9 2 Local Development Scheme 14 3 Sandwell and Contextual Indicators 15 4 Housing 20 5 Economy and Employment 28 6 Transport 35 7 Shopping and the Role of Centres 44 8 Open Space 47 9 Nature Conservation 51 10 Urban Design Policies 54 11 Physical Constraints on the Development of Land 55 12 Waste Management 57 13 Conservation and Heritage 59 14 Minerals 60 15 Renewable Energy 61 16 Community Involvement 62 17 Conclusion 64 Appendix. 1 Saved UDP Policies 65 2 5-year Housing Supply Site Details 71 3 Housing Figures - Core Output Indicators 2ai-v 82 4 Biodiversity Action Plan Priorities 84 Ancient Woodland, Black Redstart and Grassland Habitats 5 Community Involvement 92 6 Glossary 107 1 FIGURES. 1-22 PAGE 15 1 Sandwell in the West Midlands and UK 15 2 Map of Sandwell 23 3 Sandwell MBC Housing Trajectory 2007 25 4 Density of Completed Developments (COI 2c) 26 5 Percentage of Eligible Housing Sites Granted Planning Permission Providing Affordable Housing 26 6 Sandwell Housing Supply, Building Rates and Average House Price and Income 27 7 Percentge of Completed New Dwellings (2006/2007) by Dwelling Type 27 8 Percentge of Completed New Dwellings (2006/2007) by Size 29 9 Amount of Land Developed for Employment by RSS Portfolio 30 10 RSS Employment Land Portfolio Supply 30 11 Employment Land Available by Type (COI 1d) 33 12 Proportion of REL’s Sites by Type within 400m of a Half-Hourly Service Bus Route 36 13 Access to Fresh Food within a Reasonable Walking Distance 37 14 Monthly Average Cycling Levels of Cycling Monitoring Points in Sandwell Between 2004-2006 39 15 Target Progress on Bus Use in the West Midlands 39 16 Target Progress on LTP Light Rail Use in the West Midlands 40 17 Change in Area-Wide Road Traffic Mileage in the West Midlands 44 18 Percentage of Completed Retail, Office and Leisure Development in Centres (COI 4b) 45 19 Percentage of Completed Retail, Office and Leisure Development in Centres 2006/7 by Retail Hierarchy 52 20 Number of Ancient Woodland Sites in Sandwell 53 21 Proportion of the Borough Within Walking Distance of Accessible Wildspace 56 22 Breakdown of Environment Agency Objections to Planning Proposals 2006/7 (COI 7) Appendix Figures. 4 84 4.1 Level of Protection Granted by the Planning System to Currently Known Ancient Woodland Sites in Birmingham and the Black Country 85 4.2 Ancient Woodland Site by Local Authority 86 4.3 Black Redstart 1km Consideration Zones 87 4.4 Black Redstart 500m Consideration Zones 89 4.5 Distribution and Extent of Potential BAP Priority Grasslands 91 4.6 Area of the Different Types of BAP Priority Grasslands which are Currently Designated for their Nature Conservation Value 2 TABLES. 1-28 PAGE 10 1 Core Output Indicators (COI) 11 2 Local Output Indicators 20 3 Potential Distribution of New Dwellings 2001-2006 gross Figures 20 4 Sandwell’s Five Year Housing Land Supply 2007 21 5 Sandwell Years Housing Supply 22 6 Sandwell Housing Trajectory 2007 (COI 2ai,ii,iii,iv,v) 23 7 Windfall Developments and Commitments 2006/2007 24 8 Percentage of New and Converted Dwellings on Previously Developed Land (COI 2b) 25 9 Number of Planning Applications Granted Between 01/04/06 and 31/03/07 that were Conditioned to Provide Community Open Space. 26 10 Affordable Housing Completions (COI 2d) 28 11 Amount of Employment Land Developed During 2006/2007 (COI 1a)f 29 12 Amount of Employment Land Developed in Strategic Regeneration Sites During 2006/2007(COI 1b) 34 13 Proportion of REL’s Sites within 800m of a Public Transport Interchange 35 14 Percentage of New Housing in Sustainable Locations (COI 3b) 37 15 Provision of Cycle Parking in Residential Developments Built in 2006/7 38 16 Amount of Housing Built in 2006 within 400m of a Town or District Centre, Bus Service, Metro Stop or Heavy Rail Station Meeting Density Target 41 17 Percentage of Non-Residential Development Complying with the Council’s Car Parking Standards by Type (COI 3a) 42 18 Number of People Killed or Seriously Injured in Sandwell in Road Accidents 43 19 Sandwell Company Travelwise – Annual Membership 44 20 Amount of Completed Retail, Office and Leisure Developments (COI 4a) 47 21 Accessible Green Space and Quality by Town 49 22 Green Space Provision by Town 52 23 Areas of BAP Priority Grassland in Sandwell 55 24 Land Identified as Derelict Land in 2006/7 57 25 Municipal Waste Arising and Managed by Management Type (COI 6b) 62 26 Consultation Stages of Development Plan Documents 3 APPENDIX TABLES. CHAPTER 1-5 PAGE 1 65 1.1 ‘Saved’ UDP Policies 2 71 2.1 Allocated Sites of 10 units or More Under Construction 72 2.2 Non-allocated Sites of 10 units or More Under Construction 72 2.3 Sites Under 10 Units Under Construction 74 2.4 Allocated Sites of 10 units or more with Planning Permission 75 2.5 Non-allocated sites of 10 units or more with planning permission 76 2.6 Sites of less than 10 units with planning permission 80 2.7 Allocated Sites without planning permission 81 2.8 Other Sites identified in the preparation of AAP’s (Tipton, Smethwick and West Bromwich) 3 82 3.1 Past and Current Gross and Net Completions 82 3.2 Completions, Conversions and Demolitions 2006/07 83 3.3 Projected Net Completions 83 3.4 Projected Net Annualised Requirement 83 3.5 Outstanding Annualised Requirement 4 88 4.1 Areas of BAP Priority Grassland in Sandwell MBC 90 4.2 List of potential sites containing BAP Priority Grasslands in Sandwelll MBC 5 92 5.1 Consultation undertaken for the Brades Village Supplementary Planning Document (Adoption) 93 5.2 Consultation undertaken for the Brades Village Supplementary Planning Document (Draft) 94 5.3 Consultation undertaken for the Brindley II Supplementary Planning Document (Adoption) 95 5.4 Consultation undertaken for the Brindley II Supplementary Planning Document (Draft) 96 5.5 Consultation undertaken for the Tipton Area Action Plan (Locarno Road) (Preferred Options) 97 5.6 Consultation undertaken for the Hill Top Supplementary Planning Document (Adoption) 98 5.7 Consultation undertaken for the Hill Top Supplementary Planning Document (Draft) 99 5.8 Consultation undertaken for the Intensification Supplementary Planning Document (Draft) 100 5.9 Consultation undertaken for the Lyng Supplementary Planning Document (Adoption) 101 5.10 Consultation undertaken for the Lyng Supplementary Planning Document (Draft) 102 5.11 Consultation undertaken for the Smethwick Area Action Plan (Issues and Options) 103 5.12 Consultation undertaken for the Tipton Area Action Plan (Preferred Options) 104 5.13 Consultation undertaken for the Transport Assessments Supplementary Planning Document (Adoption) 105 5.14 Consultation undertaken for the Transport Assessments Supplementary Planning Document (Draft) 106 5.15 Consultation undertaken for the West Bromwich Area Action Plan (Issues and Options) 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. In the year to 31st March 2007: • The Local Development Scheme Milestones have been met. • The Statement of Community Involvement requirements for publicity and consultation were generally met and often exceeded. • Considerable progress has been made towards the housing target, with the highest net completions recorded since 1998, dwelling completions are on track to reach and exceed the Regional Spatial Strategy targets. • Sandwell has identified a 5-year supply of land available for housing. • 220 affordable dwellings have been provided, with further provision being progressed. • No inappropriate development was permitted in the Green Belt or on wildlife sites and 99.8% of residential completions were on previously developed land. • Housing densities and car parking policies are being met thereby helping achieve sustainability objectives. • 10.42 hectares of employment uses have been developed. • 93 hectares of employment land is readily available. • Some derelict land has been reclaimed. • There has been some loss of employment land to other uses. • Over 60% of all new dwellings were built in locations with good public transport accessibility. • There are now two open spaces managed to Green Flag Award Standard with the addition of Victoria Park, Tipton. • No consents were granted which would have adverse implications on watercourses. • Minerals and waste monitoring indicate positive trends, particularly with regard to municipal waste. • Many of the air quality indicators are below the level of concern, however an Air Quality Management Area has been declared for the whole of the Borough in response to widespread exceedances of Nitrogen Dioxide. Overall the saved policies of the UDP appear to be working and do not currently need amending. However this is only the third year of the AMR and the first time that some of the indicators have been monitored, which has highlighted that in some cases procedures need to be put in place to be able to monitor them in the future. The AMR will usefully form part of the evidence base for the development of policy through the Local Development Framework. 5 Executive Summary Table POLICY POLICY REF POLICY WORKING H1 Housing Land Provision H2 Principal Housing Sites H3 Windfalls H6 Design of Housing Development H7 Amenity of New Housing H9 Affordable Housing H10 People and Their Housing Needs E1 Key Industrial Allocations E2 Business Zones E3 Redevelopment of Existing Non-Allocated Industrial Units E6 Locational Factors T1 General Policy ? T2 Walking T3 Public Transport, Accessibility and Location T4 Public Transport T5 Bus Services T6 Passenger Rail T7 Cycling T12 Car Parking T13 Park and Ride T16 Road
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