I Diary describes early II Tom Thumb Singers Fentons retain charm while days on centennial farm present old favorites transforming older home I Page 3 II Page 5 See special home improvement section c I’ VOLUME 79, NUMBER 1 CASS CITY, MICHIGAih , 1985 Twenty-five cents School board nixes June millageIJ vote While a request for addi- $1,408; fifth and sixth for in 1984-85 and $11.73 in 1985- tutoring. There are five tional taxes for curriculum $427 and 7th and 8th for $420 86. It takes about an hour to more tutors available when enrichment is far from were approved. conduct two tests. needed. dead, it now appears cer- Students in grades 10, 11 Based on the number of When a tutor has worked tain that Cass City School and 12 can attend summer students in kindergarten for 10 hours, a pin will be District taxpayers will not vocational classes at Tus- this year, the cost of the awarded. After that, each face a millage election im- cola Area Skill Center. testing will be about $475. additional hour will bring mediately. There are two 12-day ses- other recognition, Wallace The school board Mon- sions running for five hours NEW PROGRAM said. day, at its regular meeting, daily. Each session com- Most students asking for was advised by Supt. Don pleted earns the student Karen Wallace reported help are in the harder Crouse that any millage re- one-quarter of a credit. on a new program at the courses such as algebra quest that would be placed An agreement was school whereby members and physics. on the ballot in the regular reached with the Tri- of the National Honor Soci- The board also elimi- June election would have to County Bargaining Associ- ety act as tutors for other nated the school policy that be decided in April. ation to pay teachers for high school students. She restricted chocolate milk to The board does not want prekindergarten testing. said that 26 students volun- three times weekly. Now it to make any decision until Teachers will be paid $11.17 teered to be tutors and 21 can be offered as often as the report from the Citi- for each two students tested students are receiving desired. zen’s Advisory Committee is completed in June. AUTO ROLLOVER - Members of the Cass City Ambulance Service, assisted According to Crouse, the by Elkland Township firemen and law enforcement officers, prepare to trans- group has worked hard to brine rule present a- list of school DNR port Jeffery 8. Bruno to Hills and Dales Hospital after his vehicle rolled over needs and rank them in Saturday evening. order of priority. He said that members have indicated that top raises no dust Car demolished priority items will probably be addition of an elemen- A new Department of to use either rock salt or chloride is more effective, tary physical education Natural Resourcks order liquid calcium chloride. and lasts longer than the teacher and expanded that will eventually pro- “Both are a lot more expen- brine that was previously elementary counseling ser- hibit the use of brine for sive than brine,” Gleeson used. “Two applications of vice. dust and ice control on added. that (chloride) is supposed injured as car hits tree A June report by the Ad- Michigan roads, is not ex- Last year, when the to make a good hard sur- 2 visory Committee means pected to affect Tuscola county switched from brine face,” Kloc said. that the earliest curriculum cle, driven by Jeffery s. taken to Hills and Dales County residents this sum- to liquid calcium chloride Ellington Township Two area men were taken listed in iair condition. enrichment could be for dust control, they ac- to Hills and Dales General Bruno, was northbound on Hospital by the Cass City Firemen from the Elk- mer. It may cause an added Supervisor Jack Kappen achieved would be the sec- cepted a low bid of $285 for Hospital following an auto Koepfgen Road, when it left Ambulance Service. A pas- land Township Fire Depart- expense to the county road said he feels the. chloride ond semester next year, each 1,OOO gallons of . rollover Saturday evening the road, and slid into a senger in the vehicle, ment were called to the ac- commission during the treatments are a waste of That’s because it normally winter. when brine €ram chlcride, from Ray Dust money for the township, be- , Robert 13. MuCreedy, on Koepfgen Road, One-half ditch on the left side of the 32, cident scene to wash down takes nearly three months Control, Bay City. Each road. The vehicle went 6598 Gage St., Gagetown, county owned wells is used cause they do not last, El- mile north of Milligan fuel that leaked from the to conduct an election. .1,000 gallon unit will control Road. down a 15-fOOt embank- was taken to the hospital by gas tank of the Bruno vehi- to melt ice. lington did not use chloride Mike Gleeson, road dust on one mile of road. last year, and it is not plan- AccordinE to the resort ment, struck a tree and rol- the Huston Ambulance cle, and to pry open the QUESTION CHARGE $led by Tuscola Cohty led over. Service, Caro. Bruno was superintendent for the Tus- “We did it last year,” ned for this year. doors Of the so the cola County Road Commis- Gleeson said about using Bruno, 29, Sebewa- released from the hospital Sheriff’s Department De- 5335 The board is questioning sion explained that last calcium chloride on the Kappen said that he read puty John Oliver, the vehi- ing Rd., Owendale, was Tuesday. McCreedy is men be a sharp increase in the summer the county used roads. “It is a lot more ex- articles on possible health budget for the Regional only calcium chloride for pensive than brine, but it and water runoff problems Educational Media Center dust control. It was the first does do a better job.” from the chemicals used for 3rd try for school district (REMC). The center fur- year the county did not use The county paid $150 of dust control. nishes film clips and other brine. Gleeson explained the $285. Townships that ag- teacher aids to schools in that they switched to reed to have the chloride “Why take a chance,” Huron, Tuscola and Sanilac chloride because the brine applied, paid the rest. Kappen said. “I would Counties. was not effective at control- Last year, Novesta rather have a little dust in Director Don Richards ling dust, and because they Township paid $2,100 to my lungs instead of some Ubly seeks rnilhge again were anticipating the new have the calcium chloride chemicals. ” has requested an increase Elkland Township has from $208,300 to $275,652, DNR regulations. applied in front of each house in the township. not been using brine or The Ubly School District down the two-nw, four leakiiig;, U14U the gym roo!, cost of $500. about 32 percent. Crouse According to DNR re- will again ask voters to ap- year increase twice before. which has been sliding off The board also agreed to feels that is too much for ports, the brine from oil and Clerk Nursie Kloc said the chloride. prove a two-mill increase At the most recent millage the edge of the walls, is in purchase six used two-way one year and suggests that gas production will eventu- to purchase new school election, April 26, voters re- need of extensive repair. radios and a base unit. The spreading the increase over ally be phased out over the buses and for roof repair on jected the increase by a 476 Voters will also decide on radios, to be used in school two years would be more next three years because of all school buildings. The to 498 vote. an 8.65 millage renewal for buses, and the base unit suitable. possible groundwater con- Zinnecker takes voters will decide the fate If approved, money from the school district. The re- cost $4,123. While the total budget tamina tions. of the millage increase at the increase will be used to newal is for four years. The board will hold an from all sources is up 32 Gleeson said they are not the June 10 school board purchase at least two new Also at the Monday night open house May 12 from percent, the amount that sure if the brine the county oa- -- th 0 f office election. buses during each year of board meeting, members 1:oO to 4:oO p.m. for resi- Cass City would pay more uses for ice control is a re- d Mark Tenbusch, business the levy. approved the purchase of dents to view science pro- than doubles from $3,096 to sult of oil and gas produc- nanager for the school dis- Tenbusch said the roof on 60 English textbooks for jects made by fifth through When former Cass City master officially began $7,241. tion. The five county owned Postmaster Grant Glaspie trict, said voters have voted the elementary building is the sophomore class at a twelfth grade students. wells are old, and will be Saturday. Richards will be invited retired Nov. 20, 1984, he Zinnecker, 49, spent the tested to see if they meet said it would be great if to attend the next meeting DNR guidelines. first 13 years of his career to discuss his request. someone from the Cass City as a mail carrier and During the winter the Post Office took over his While me REMC request counter clerk.
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