TT Commons Font Family Type Specimen TT Commons Design TypeType Release Date Feb 26, 2018 Publisher TypeType Styles 18 styles File Formats otf, ttf, woff, eot, svg www.typetype.org TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2018 TT Commons Font Family Type Specimen 2 About TT Commons TT Commons is a universal sans serif with Initially, we did not plan to release this font The typeface intentionally does not have a minimal contrast of strokes, a closed aper- for sale, but given the number of incoming distinctive decorative details. On the contrary, ture and geometric shapes of characters. The requests, we changed our decision. At the it wins hearts with his laconism, simplicity and design of the typeface was developed for the same time, we have significantly improved the sharpness of forms, which set the seasoned widest possible range of tasks with which any typeface: we increased the number of faces corporate style for years to come. quality corporate font is required to cope. to 18, added small capitals for the Latin and The name TT Commons comes from the word The history of TT Commons originates from Cyrillic alphabets, expanded the character 'common' (widely accepted, typical, frequent) the new TypeType logo, which appeared case to 771 glyphs, introduced 18 OpenType —this typeface can be used for any everyday in late 2016 as part of the rebranding project. features, and included trial hinting (ClearType tasks related to typography. And small Ideas embedded in the logo formed the basis and DirectWrite) performed at our studio by capitals, stylistic alternates, ligatures, arrows, of two fully developed faces (regular and me- our team. Low contrast strokes and averaged different types of figures and other features dium), which in early 2017 became the official drawing of letters makes TT Commons excel- (ordn, frac, case, c2sc, smcp, sinf, sups, numr, corporate typeface of the TypeType Foundry. lent for large arrays of text. On the other hand, dnom, tnum, onum, lnum, pnum, liga, dlig, calt, individually developed design of each glyph salt, ss01) add significant functionality. If you makes it possible to use it successfully as are in doubt about which font to choose, pick a display font. TT Commons, it will definitely work. 123 TT Commons Medium 180 pt AaBb www.typetype.org TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2018 TT Commons Font Family Type Specimen 3 About TT Commons TT Commons is available in 9 weights (Thin, ExtraLight, Light, Regular, Meduim, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, and Black) and 9 true match- ing italics. Weights Italics TT Commons Thin TT Commons Thin Italic TT Commons ExtraLight TT Commons ExtraLight Italic TT Commons Light TT Commons Light Italic TT Commons Regular TT Commons Regular Italic TT Commons Medium TT Commons Medium Italic TT Commons DemiBold TT Commons DemiBold Italic TT Commons Bold TT Commons Bold Italic TT Commons ExtraBold TT Commons ExtraBold Italic TT Commons Black TT Commons Black Italic www.typetype.org TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2018 TT Commons Font Family Type Specimen 4 Examples While the north of the peninsula was Soon afer, the Pomors were followed already settled in the 7th–5th millen- by the tribute collectors from the nium BCE, the rest of its territory Novgorod Republic, and the penin- remained uninhabited until the 3rd sula gradually became a part of the millennium BCE. Novgorodian lands. TT Commons Thin 16 pt TT Commons Thin Italic 16 pt By the end of the 19th century, the Nevertheless, the economy rebound- indigenous Sami population had ed somewhat in the first decade of been mostly forced north by the the 2000s and the peninsula remains Russians as well as by newly arriving the most industrially developed and Izhma Komi and Kominized Nenets. urbanized region in northern Russia. TT Commons ExtraLight 16 pt TT Commons ExtraLight Italic 16 pt The peninsula is covered by taiga It is located in the far northwest in the south and tundra in the north, of Russia, almost completely inside where permafrost limits the growth the Arctic Circle and is washed by of the trees resulting in landscape the Barents Sea in the north and the dominated by shrubs and grasses. White Sea in the east and southeast. TT Commons Light 16 pt TT Commons Light Italic 16 pt www.typetype.org TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2018 TT Commons Font Family Type Specimen 5 Examples Because the last ice age removed Deposits of construction materials the top sediment layer of the soil, such as granite, quartzite are also the Kola Peninsula is on the surface abundant. Diatomaceous earth extremely rich in various ores and deposits are common near lakes minerals. and are used to produce insulation. TT Commons Regular 16 pt TT Commons Italic 16 pt Monsoon winds are common Record highs exceed +30 °C (86 °F) in most areas, with south winds almost on all the territory of the prevailing in winter months and peninsula. First frosts occur as early with somewhat more pronounced as August and may last through easterly winds in summer. May and even June. TTT Commons Medium 16 pt TT Commons Medium Italic 16 pt The peninsula is covered by taiga In northern coastal areas, stony in the south and tundra in the and shrub lichens are common. north. In the tundra, cold and The taiga in the southern areas windy conditions and permafrost is composed mostly of pine trees limit the growth of the trees. and firs. TT Commons DemiBold 16 pt TT Commons DemiBold Italic 16 pt www.typetype.org TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2018 TT Commons Font Family Type Specimen 6 Examples Reindeer herds visit the grass- American minks, which were lands in summer. Other animals released near the Olenitsa River include red and Arctic foxes, wol- in 1935–1936, are now common verines, moose, otters, and lynx throughout the peninsula and in the southern areas. are commercially hunted. TT Commons Bold 16 pt TT Commons Bold Italic 16 pt Twenty-nine species of fresh The average temperature in July water fish are recognized on the is about +11 °C (52 °F). Record territory of peninsula, including lows reach −50 °C (−58 °F) in the trout, stickleback, northern central parts and −35 to −40 °C pike, and European perch. (−31 to −40 °F) on the coasts. TT Commons ExtraBold 16 pt TT Commons ExtraBold Italic 16 pt The rivers are an important Strong storm winds blow for habitat for the Atlantic salmon, 80–120 days a year. The waters which return from Greenland of the Murman Coast remain and the Faroe Islands to spawn warm enough to remain ice- in fresh water. free even in winter. TT Commons Black 16 pt TT Commons Black Italic 16 pt www.typetype.org TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2018 TT Commons Font Family Type Specimen 7 Supported languages TT Commons supports more than 72 langua- ges including Western, Central, Northern European languages and most of cyrillic. Albanian Filipino Macedonian Spanish Basque Finnish Moldavian Swahili Belarusian French Norwegian Swedish Bosnian Gaelic Polish Turkish Breton German Portuguese Turkmen (Latin) Corsican Hungarian Romanian Ukrainian Croatian Icelandic Russian Zulu Czech Indonesian Sámi (Lule, and others Danish Irish Southern) English Italian Serbian Estonian Latvian Slovak Faroese Lithuanian Slovenian www.typetype.org TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2018 TT Commons Font Family Type Specimen 8 По Кольскому полу- острову протекает много рек: Поной (самая длинная река), Варзуга, Кола, Териберка, Йоканга, Воронья, Умба и др. TT Commons Light 60 pt Russian www.typetype.org TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2018 TT Commons Font Family Type Specimen 9 Languages Wybrzeża są słabo urozmaicone. Norge hadde råderett over Kola Jest zbudowany z granitów, gnej- frem til 1265. Dette endret seg på sów i łupków krystalicznych, w jego 1200−tallet da russiske pomorer zachodniej części znajduje się oppdaget velstanden av vilt og fisk masyw Chibin (Judyczwumczorr på halvøya. Ikke lenge etter fulgte 1200 m n.p.m.), w części południo- tributtinnsamlere fra Republikken wej nizina przykryta osadami polo- Novgorod, og halvøya ble gradvis dowcowymi. Przez półwysep prze- en del av Novgorod. Ingen perma- pływają liczne zasobne w energię nente bosetninger, derimot, ble rzeki: Ponoj, Warzuga, Umba etablert av novgoroderne før i Jokanga. 1400−tallet. Polish Norwegian Poloostrov má rozlohu přibližně Kuolan niemimaata asuttaa venä- 100 000 km². Severní břeh je läisten lisäksi saamelaisten alku- vysoký a srázný, zatímco jižní břeh peräiskansa. Kantalahden ympä- je nízký a mírný. V západní části ristössä asuneet karjalaiset ovat poloostrova se rozkládají dvě toisen maailmansodan jälkeen pohoří Chibiny a Lovozerské tun- käytännössä sulautuneet venäläi- dry (nadmořská výška do 1 120 m) siin. Kuolaan muutti 1800−luvulla a ve střední části se podél osy myös suomalaisia, jotka kuitenkin poloostrova táhne vysočina Kejvy pakkosiirrettiin kesällä 1942 muual- (do 397 m), tvořící hlavní místní le Neuvostoliittoon toisen maail- rozvodí. mansodan aikana. Czech Finnish www.typetype.org TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2018 TT Commons Font Family Type Specimen 10 mösť ñěcėssăry lāņgűåģęs şùppôrt TT Commons Medium 110 pt www.typetype.org TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2018 TT Commons Font Family Type Specimen 11 Glyphs Basic Character Set Uppercase ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Lowercase abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Figures 0123456789 Cyrillic Uppercase АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦ ЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯЄҐЂЋЉЊЏЃЌЎЈІЇЅ Cyrillic Lowercase абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхц чшщъыьэюяєґђћљњџѓќўјіїѕ Punctuation & Symbols !¡?¿«»‹›.,:;‘’‚“”„…’”|¦-–—_\/()[]{}·•* #§©®¶№™@&†‡°^ Accented Uppercase ÀÁĂÂÄĀÅÃĄÆĆČĈÇĎĐÈÉĚËĖÊĒĘĞĢ ĶĹĽĻŁÌÍÎÏİĪĮŃŇŅÑÒÓÔÖŐŌÕŒØÞŔŘŖ
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