SCHOOL UNIFORM TOP TO TOE SERVICE Official Outfitters to Strathallan School MAIN Start-rite STOCKIST Come and see our full range of children’s widths and sizes from that very first toddler shoe to teenage styles with an excellent BACK-TO-SCHOOL SELECTION DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE SPORTS CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT RIDING WEAR LADIES SWIMWEAR AND KEEP-FIT CLOTHING PUNCH AND JUDY BABYWEAR “AT FENWICK’S ONLY” VISA AND ACCESS WELCOME FENWICK’S OF PERTH 21-23 HIGH STREET, PERTH Tel. 0738-37843 Fax. 0738 441758 AND 77-79 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3HT Tel 031-225 1461 A tik e n Niven Fax 031-220 4271 OPEN Mon-Sat 9-5.30 pm Contents 1991 Vol. 15 No. 2 Page Governors and Staff 2 School Authority, Salvete and Editorial 3 Speech Day 5 House Reports 8 Chapel Notes 16 Careers 17 Music 18 Drama and the Arts 21 Sports 30 CCF and D of E 50 Activities 56 Gossip 63 Valete 66 Obituary 70 Reminiscences 72 Strathallian Club 76 Front Cover photograph from Tartuffe — Tessa Dunlop and Colin Pettinger Editors: Mrs Adam Peter Goody Margaret Low Chris Procter Jennifer Macdonald David Clark Nic Hartley Photographers: Mr Burgess Peter Goody Mrs McFarlane David Bradbury Mr Court Mr Barnes Mr Vallot Miss England Governors Chairman: Professor A. J. Kennedy MA. Ph.D . (University of J. W . Dinsmore, FRICS G lasgow ) A b e rd e e n ) A. A. Arneil, FRICS Professor J. L. King, MA. P h . D . FIMA R. S. P eters, MA J. J. Blanche, CA A. Logan Esq E. G. M. Targowski, OC A. S. Cook Esq Professor G. S. Lowden, MA. LL.B. CA M rs K. M. W alker Professor P. Gifford (University of St Andrews) His Honour Judge J. McKee, OC. RD D r A . P. D. W ilkinson, MD. BSc. MB. Ch.B. J. Hunter Esq W. A. McMillan, BL Bursar and Clerk to the Governors: I. 0. Jones, MA. LL.B WS A. M. Nicol Esq W . A . B ullard, ACTS. MBIM Mrs A. Laing HEADMASTER C. D. Pighills, MA (Cantab) TEACHING STAFF SUBJECT Housemaster Ruthven D. J. Barnes, BSc. (Loughborough) Geography/Maths Head of Department G. A . B olton, BA. MSc. (L eed s) Chemistry/Music Head of Department J. L. B roadfoot, BA (L e ed s) English J. S. Burgess, BSc (Manchester) Mathematics Administrative Secretary J. F. Clayton, BA (Leicester) French Housemaster Freeland C. N. Court, BEd. M .Phil (Stirling) English P. J. Crosfield, BA (D u rh a m ) French/Spanish Housemaster Simpson N. T. H. Du Boulay, BA (W arw ick ) H istory Mrs C. A. C. Duncan, MA (Edinburgh) French/Russian A. L. K. Dutton, Cert. Ed. (St John's, York) Jnr. Chemistry/Physics Head of Department P. J. E lliott, BSc (Manchester) Design/Technology Miss E. A. England, BA (O x o n ) G eography Housemaster Nicol J. N. Ford, BSc (L o n d o n ) Biology Housemaster Woodlands J. Forster, BA (L e ed s) English D . R. G iles, BA (W arw ick ) Mathematics/PE K. G lim m , MA (Bcrlin/Kiel/Edinburgh) French/German Head of Department T. S. G oody, BSc (D u rh am ) Mathematics P. R. A. Green, MA (Edinburgh)) G eography P. J. S. K eir, BEd (College of St Paul & Mary) English/P.E. I. J. Keith, BEd (Dundee College Education) English G . KitSOn, BSc (A b e rd e e n ) Mathematics C haplain Rev. T. G. Longmuir, MA (O x o n ). BEd Divinity A . L. G. Love, BD (London), FRCO, FTCL, LARM, ARCM Music Head of Department T. J. MacLeod, DA (A b e rd e e n ) A rt C. A. Mayes, BA (E ssex ) Econ/Business Studies A. Murray, MA (G lasg o w ) English Miss L. H. Neale, MA (Edinburgh) History/Music Director of Studies A. M. Pearson, MA (O x o n ) Chem istry Head of Department G. H. S. Pengelley, BA (B risto l) H istory A. N. Phillips, BEd (L c ed e s) Design/Technology Senior Master R. J. W . Proctor, MA (St Andrews) H istory B. R aine, BA (D u rh am ) H istory D. J. R alfs, BSc (Nottingham) Mathematics Head of Department F. N. Reed, BA (Reading). GRSM. ARCO, LRAM Music Miss M. R odgers, BA (S tirling) French G . R . R O S S , BSc MSc (Nottingham) Biology/Computers Miss L. J. Smith, BEd. BA. (Dcp/Opcn)) P .E . Housemistress Thornbank Head of Department N. Sm ith, BSc. MA (L o n d o n ) Econ/Business Studies D . R. Sneddon, BSc (Strathclyde) Mathematics Head of Department C. D . Stew art, BSc (Manchester) Physics A. C. W. Streatfeild-James, MA (O x o n ) French/German P. R. Summersgill, MA (O x o n ) Physics J. K. T aylor, BSc (L o n d o n ) Physics Housemaster Riley A. Thomson, BA (Aberystwyth) English/History P. M. Vallot, BSc (N ap ier) Biology Head of Department C. N. Walker, BSc (A b e rd e e n ) Biology R. N. W allace, MA (Birmingham) Design/Technology Head of Department A. J. H. W ands, MA (St Andrews) G eography Head of Department M rs J. W atson, BA (L e ed s) French/Russian D. A. R. Williams, MA (C an ta b ) C areers M. Wilson, RN Design/Technology PART-TIME TEACHING STAFF Mrs E. Adam, BA (Dublin) English Mrs L. J. Innes, BSc (Aberdeen) Science Mrs D. J. Balnaves, MA (Edinburgh) Geography/English Mrs S. Lamont, (Dunfermline) G am es Mrs E. D. Buchan (jordanhiii) G am es Mrs K. I. M altm an, MA (Aberdeen) French Mrs E. Cairns, DA (Edinburgh) A rt M rs I. I. M cFarlane, M A (Edinburgh) English Mrs J. Forbes, M A (Aberdeen) English Mrs F. N. Ninham, BA (St Andrews) Mathematics Mrs E. Hamilton, M A (Aberdeen) Chemistry Mrs H. C. K. Segauld Games Mrs D. Hunter, DA (Dundee) A rt Medical Officer A . Forsyth, MB. ChB. D.Obst. MRCGP. RCOG 2 School Authority A cadem ic Y ear 1990/91 Acadcmic Year 1991/92 Captain of School Captain of School N. J. R obb A. M. G. Burrell Head of Freeland H. M. Lochore J. M. Langley H ead of Freeland Head of Nicol N. P. Buckley A. M. Buchan Head of Nicol Head of Ruthven G. R. Maclellan H ead of R uthven T. P. Lawrence Head of Simpson J. A. Leiper J.C. Fraser Head of Simpson Head of Thornbank L. S. G rant J. A. Clark Head of Thornbank H ead of W oodlands F. M. Clayton H ead of W oodlands F. J. Mowat School Prefects School Prefects D. J. Gritten, J. J. B. Minihane, E. K. Wall, P. Aitken, E. D. Anderson, F. M. M. Hutchison, R, G. J. Johnston, M. S. R. Tench, B. D. W ebb C. L. Tomlin, J. A. Tornos, A. F. C. Wood SALVETE RILEY HOUSE FREELAND HOUSE A. Hussain, C. Mitchell, A. Reekie, L. G. D. Obank, A. Chapman, R. Dundas, T. J. Forster, D. C. Horsfall, M. R. A. Walker. D. Gray, D. Henderson, L. Loam, A. Morley, W. J. Stark, D. C. Taylor, R. D. Robertson, N. Scales, N. Telfer. THORNBANK HOUSE Wallace, G. I. Wheeldon, S. C. Burnett, K. L. Nicolson, R. Peters, G. Dunn, S. S. C, D ury, D. K azaka, L. A. NICOL HOUSE Jones, A. Mitchell, J. A. Baillie, K. Maceachem, T. P. Turner, C. N. D. Elliot, R. Wheeldon, C. Dorman, C. Barker, A. L. Barlow, K. Burr, G. Appleby, T, K. Ashcroft, A. S. M. Burnett, S. Heslop, M. Hunter, M. Clifford, E. Dilger, C. Halliday, K. Backman, K. G. Baird, A. R. Bishop, Ingham, R. Mawdsley, R. Walker. Lawson, C. MacDonell, E. Manning. A. Blackstock, H. Campbell-Jack, C. Charlies, J. M. Dailey, R. J, Duffy, D. RUTHVEN HOUSE McL. Fisher, N. J. Gdula, R. Gemmill, WOODLANDS HOUSE C. J. Mouat, N. A. Nicholson, C. R. P. Clow, B. Simmers, R. A. D. Williams, F. Grainger, N. A. Crowe, L. English, J. Roome, I. Stewart, Y. G. R. Thomson, T. Preston, J. Bird, W. Broughton, S. Griffiths, C. Lusk, C. Smith, C. A. A, M. Turner, J. A. R. Wright, S. E. C. Cochrane, E. Mackay, B. Martin, B. Jones, A. Blair-Oliphant, C. Duckworth, Branson, K. S. Dutton, L. M. B. McClure, A. Miranda, A. Whyte. L. Falconer, S. Galt, T. C. L. Gilliver, Gemmell, A. M. Grant, G. M, Green, E. Kerr, E. Kerry, L. McLardy, W. SIMPSON HOUSE L. E. A. Macdonald, R. Sharp, N. A. Rankin, H. Ross, T. Stevens, I. Tylde- Young. S. J. Callander, E. Frost, H., Hensman, sley. EDITORIAL Looking back over previous Strathal- some brillaint individual and team sport­ tour is also on the horizon. All these lian editorials, it seems the building ing success, detailed elsewhere, while the plans meant that this year numerous fund programme has been in operation since school play, Tartuffe, was in a class of its raising activities which always bring a the dawn of time. I don’t intend to go own; and for once the acoustics in the sparkle to Strathallan life, have taken into detail here (Fve already had enough marquee didn’t make the orchestra place. of green vans and huge articulated sound like a primary school band on Thanks to Mrs Adam for once again lorries) but I am pleased to report that Speech Day. badgering people to write articles and the end is in sight, although I myself will Once again this summer, Strathallan is also to the editorial team.
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