The Java™ Language Specification Third Edition The Java™ Series The Java™ Programming Language Ken Arnold, James Gosling and David Holmes ISBN 0-201-70433-1 The Java™ Language Specification Third Edition James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele and Gilad Bracha ISBN 0-321-24678-0 The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification Second Edition Tim Lindholm and Frank Yellin ISBN 0-201-43294-3 The Java™ Application Programming Interface, Volume 1: Core Packages James Gosling, Frank Yellin, and the Java Team ISBN 0-201-63452-X The Java™ Application Programming Interface, Volume 2: Window Toolkit and Applets James Gosling, Frank Yellin, and the Java Team ISBN 0-201-63459-7 The Java™ Tutorial: Object-Oriented Programming for the Internet Mary Campione and Kathy Walrath ISBN 0-201-63454-6 The Java™ Class Libraries: An Annotated Reference Patrick Chan and Rosanna Lee ISBN 0-201-63458-9 The Java™ FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions Jonni Kanerva ISBN 0-201-63456-2 The Java™ Language Specification Third Edition James Gosling Bill Joy Guy Steele Gilad Bracha ADDISON-WESLEY Boston ● San Francisco ● New York ● Toronto ● Montreal London ● Munich ● Paris ● Madrid Capetown ● Sydney ● Tokyo ● Singapore ● Mexico City The Java Language Specification iv Copyright 1996-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054 U.S.A. All rights reserved. Duke logo™ designed by Joe Palrang. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to the restrictions set forth in DFARS 252.227-7013 (c)(1)(ii) and FAR 52.227-19. The release described in this manual may be protected by one or more U.S. patents, foreign patents, or pending applications. Sun Microsystems, Inc. (SUN) hereby grants to you a fully paid, nonexclusive, nontrans- ferable, perpetual, worldwide limited license (without the right to sublicense) under SUN’s intellectual property rights that are essential to practice this specification. This license allows and is limited to the creation and distribution of clean room implementa- tions of this specification that: (i) include a complete implementation of the current ver- sion of this specification without subsetting or supersetting; (ii) implement all the interfaces and functionality of the required packages of the Java™ 2 Platform, Standard Edition, as defined by SUN, without subsetting or supersetting; (iii) do not add any addi- tional packages, classes, or interfaces to the java.* or javax.* packages or their subpack- ages; (iv) pass all test suites relating to the most recent published version of the specification of the Java™ 2 Platform, Standard Edition, that are available from SUN six (6) months prior to any beta release of the clean room implementation or upgrade thereto; (v) do not derive from SUN source code or binary materials; and (vi) do not include any SUN source code or binary materials without an appropriate and separate license from SUN. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Solaris, Java, JavaScript, JDK, and all Java-based trademarks or logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX® is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other coun- tries. Apple and Dylan are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other product names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. THIS PUBLICATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. THIS PUBLICATION COULD INCLUDE TECHNICAL INACCURACIES OR TYPO- GRAPHICAL ERRORS. CHANGES ARE PERIODICALLY ADDED TO THE INFOR- MATION HEREIN; THESE CHANGES WILL BE INCORPORATED IN NEW EDITIONS OF THE PUBLICATION. SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. MAY MAKE IMPROVEMENTS AND/OR CHANGES IN THE PRODUCT(S) AND/OR THE PRO- GRAM(S) DESCRIBED IN THIS PUBLICATION AT ANY TIME. Credits and permissions for quoted material appear in a separate section on page 649. / Text printed on recycled and acid-free paper ISBN 0-321-24678-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-MA-99989796 First printing, May 2005 vi “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.” —Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass ix Preface XXIII Preface to the Second Edition XXVII Preface to the Third Edition XXXI 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Example Programs 5 1.2 Notation 6 1.3 Relationship to Predefined Classes and Interfaces 6 1.4 References 6 2 Grammars 9 2.1 Context-Free Grammars 9 2.2 The Lexical Grammar 9 2.3 The Syntactic Grammar 10 2.4 Grammar Notation 10 3 Lexical Structure 13 3.1 Unicode 13 3.2 Lexical Translations 14 3.3 Unicode Escapes 15 3.4 Line Terminators 16 3.5 Input Elements and Tokens 17 3.6 White Space 18 3.7 Comments 18 3.8 Identifiers 19 3.9 Keywords 21 3.10 Literals 21 3.10.1 Integer Literals 22 3.10.2 Floating-Point Literals 24 3.10.3 Boolean Literals 26 3.10.4 Character Literals 26 3.10.5 String Literals 28 3.10.6 Escape Sequences for Character and String Literals 30 3.10.7 The Null Literal 30 3.11 Separators 31 3.12 Operators 31 4 Types, Values, and Variables 33 4.1 The Kinds of Types and Values 34 4.2 Primitive Types and Values 34 4.2.1 Integral Types and Values 35 4.2.2 Integer Operations 36 The Java Language Specification x 4.2.3 Floating-Point Types, Formats, and Values 37 4.2.4 Floating-Point Operations 40 4.2.5 The boolean Type and boolean Values 43 4.3 Reference Types and Values 44 4.3.1 Objects 45 4.3.2 The Class Object 47 4.3.3 The Class String 48 4.3.4 When Reference Types Are the Same 49 4.4 Type Variables 49 4.5 Parameterized Types 51 4.5.1 Type Arguments and Wildcards 52 Type Argument Containment and Equivalence 55 4.5.2 Members and Constructors of Parameterized Types 55 4.6 Type Erasure 56 4.7 Reifiable Types 56 4.8 Raw Types 57 4.9 Intersection Types 62 4.10 Subtyping 63 4.10.1 Subtyping among Primitive Types 63 4.10.2 Subtyping among Class and Interface Types 63 4.10.3 Subtyping among Array Types 64 4.11 Where Types Are Used 65 4.12 Variables 67 4.12.1 Variables of Primitive Type 67 4.12.2 Variables of Reference Type 67 Heap Pollution 68 4.12.3 Kinds of Variables 69 4.12.4 final Variables 71 4.12.5 Initial Values of Variables 71 4.12.6 Types, Classes, and Interfaces 73 5 Conversions and Promotions 77 5.1 Kinds of Conversion 80 5.1.1 Identity Conversions 80 5.1.2 Widening Primitive Conversion 80 5.1.3 Narrowing Primitive Conversions 82 5.1.4 Widening and Narrowing Primitive Conversions 84 5.1.5 Widening Reference Conversions 85 5.1.6 Narrowing Reference Conversions 85 5.1.7 Boxing Conversion 86 5.1.8 Unboxing Conversion 88 5.1.9 Unchecked Conversion 89 5.1.10 Capture Conversion 89 5.1.11 String Conversions 92 5.1.12 Forbidden Conversions 92 5.1.13 Value Set Conversion 92 5.2 Assignment Conversion 93 5.3 Method Invocation Conversion 99 xi 5.4 String Conversion 101 5.5 Casting Conversion 101 5.6 Numeric Promotions 108 5.6.1 Unary Numeric Promotion 108 5.6.2 Binary Numeric Promotion 110 6 Names 113 6.1 Declarations 114 6.2 Names and Identifiers 115 6.3 Scope of a Declaration 117 6.3.1 Shadowing Declarations 119 6.3.2 Obscured Declarations 122 6.4 Members and Inheritance 122 6.4.1 The Members of Type Variables, Parameterized Types, Raw Types and Intersection Types 122 6.4.2 The Members of a Package 122 6.4.3 The Members of a Class Type 123 6.4.4 The Members of an Interface Type 124 6.4.5 The Members of an Array Type 125 6.5 Determining the Meaning of a Name 126 6.5.1 Syntactic Classification of a Name According to Context 127 6.5.2 Reclassification of Contextually Ambiguous Names 129 6.5.3 Meaning of Package Names 131 Simple Package Names 131 Qualified Package Names 132 6.5.4 Meaning of PackageOrTypeNames 132 Simple PackageOrTypeNames 132 Qualified PackageOrTypeNames 132 6.5.5 Meaning of Type Names 132 Simple Type Names 132 Qualified Type Names 132 6.5.6 Meaning of Expression Names 134 Simple Expression Names 134 Qualified Expression Names 135 6.5.7 Meaning of Method Names 137 Simple Method Names 137 Qualified Method Names 137 6.6 Access Control 138 6.6.1 Determining Accessibility 138 6.6.2 Details on protected Access 139 Access to a protected Member 139 Qualified Access to a protected Constructor 140 6.6.3 An Example of Access Control 140 6.6.4 Example: Access to public and Non-public Classes 141 6.6.5 Example: Default-Access Fields, Methods, and Constructors 142 6.6.6 Example: public Fields, Methods, and Constructors 143 6.6.7 Example: protected Fields, Methods, and Constructors 143 6.6.8 Example: private Fields, Methods, and Constructors 144 The Java Language Specification xii 6.7 Fully Qualified Names and Canonical Names 145 6.8 Naming Conventions 146 6.8.1 Package Names 147 6.8.2 Class and Interface Type Names 147 6.8.3 Type Variable Names 148 6.8.4 Method Names 149 6.8.5 Field Names 150 6.8.6 Constant Names 150 6.8.7 Local Variable and Parameter Names 151 7 Packages 153 7.1 Package Members 154 7.2 Host Support for Packages 155 7.2.1 Storing Packages in a File System 155 7.2.2 Storing Packages in a Database 157 7.3 Compilation Units 157 7.4 Package Declarations 158 7.4.1 Named Packages 158 Package Annotations 158 7.4.2 Unnamed Packages 159 7.4.3 Observability of a Package 160 7.4.4 Scope
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