Bios of candidates for MNA office, 2010 Editor’s note: These bios were provided by the our Association and will support policies Education: MS, UMass Amherst, 2005; BS, candidates and appear exactly as submitted. that secure a fair and equal process that will American International College, 1997; encourage all members to speak out and have Diploma, Baystate Medical Center, 1973 Vice President their voices be heard. Present/Past MNA Activities: Congress on Karen Coughlin, RN, BC Health Care Policy & Legislative, BOD, Treasurer Mansfield, MA Co-chair Legislation Committee, Regional Employment: Department of Mental Health, Ann Marie McDonagh, RN 1 Council Taunton State Hospital Canton, MA Candidate Statement: First I would like to say Education: Associates, Massasoit Community Employment: Tufts Medical Center thank you for electing me to the Board of College, 1984 Education: BSN, Northeastern University, directors, two years ago. It is a very exciting Present/Past MNA Activities: MNA BOD: 1996 time to be on the Board and I appreciate the Vice President Nov ’09-present, MNA BOD: Present/Past MNA Activities: MNA BOD, opportunity to represent my region, Region Directors Oct ’05-Nov ’09, Unit 7 Execu- Treasurer 2008-present, Finance Commit- one, as well as the rest of the state. tive Board; Vice President, Taunton State tee, Chair 2008-present, Finance Committee, We joined National Nurses united, which Hospital-Vice Chair, MNA Stat Team, MNA member 2005-2008, Region 5, Treasurer made us a stronger organization and will finance committee, MNA PAC, Recipient of 2006-present, Region 5, Director at Large continue to make us strong and benefit our MNA Elaine Cooney Labor Relations Award 2004-present, NNU 2010 Organizing Insti- members. Being a member of the NNU has 1995. tute, Graduate, NNU founding convention, given us a national voice. We, staff nurses, Candidate Statement: This is what we have Delegate, MNA Labor School, Graduate. will have input into the national debate on been seeing in our workplaces: Profits before Candidate Statement: I have been a member healthcare and staffing issues. Having the patients, greed before need, and working con- of the MNA since 1997 when I began work- Massachusetts Nurses Association be part ditions that place your professional license ing at Morton Hospital and Medical Center. of this national discussion is an absolute at risk and endanger the health and safety In 2001, I moved to Tufts Medical Center. I necessity in today’s healthcare environment. of not only your patient, but frequently, that attended my first MNA convention in 2004. Partnering with NNU is the fulfillment of you and your colleagues. These are the My experience at that convention opened me of a request from the membership. With issues that we see not only across our state up to a world of activism both in my profes- that partnering we have not lost our own but across our nation. As a RN of 26yrs, I sion and in the larger labor movement that I identity as MNA. We are just as strong and continue to be an active MNA member. I have eagerly remained committed to. powerful as always. We continue to nego- have stood with you on your picket lines, My first leadership role was serving on tiate, implement, and monitor individual repeatedly testified and lobbied on your the Region 5 council as a Director-at-Large. contracts. MNA has negotiated good con- behalf at the State House. I have worked I then became treasurer of Region 5 Coun- tracts in spite of difficult economic times. extensively on and will continue to actively cil. As treasurer of the MNA Board, I have The Workplace Violence Prevention Bill has pursue solutions to the escalating problem worked with the MNA Finance Department just passed thanks to Congress on Health of workplace violence, whether it is at the and board to maintain the fiscal health of and Safety with the support of our Legisla- local unit level, through the media, the court our organization so we can continue to be tive Department. system or our legislature. I am proud of our the voice of nursing and healthcare in our We are also continuing in our commitment MNA, the work that we have done, and as Commonwealth. to Single Payer Health Care in Massachusetts your Vice President, will continue to address As hospitals and healthcare institutions and on the national level with NNU. your issues as we move forward. I respect continue to push towards corporate based With your vote I hope to continue to work you and the work that you do. I know that agendas, it is more important than ever for our members, look for ways to involve in supporting each other, we can still face that we as an organization remain united, more members and listen to concerns of the whatever challenges may lie ahead of us. I not only within MNA but with direct care whole organization. am inspired by the MNA members who seek nurses across the country. As a participant in Region 2 and work for change collectively not only at the early negotiations to found our national Ellen Smith, RN their own facility but in collaboration with union, I felt an urgency to successfully com- Douglas, MA others within our Union, across the state plete our task. We needed to empower the Employment: UMass Memorial-University and this nation. Together we can change our collective voice nurses present and future to Education: ADN, Cape Cod community Col- present conditions and create a better future combat the industry. lege, 1994 for those who are just coming into our hon- In partnership with our brothers and sis- Present/Past MNA Activities: Board of Direc- ored profession. I respectfully request your ters in the NNU, I believe that we can effect tors 2008-2010, VP of Region Council 2, vote. Thank you. real change that that will allow us to provide Awards Committee 2009, Region Council Barbara Norton, RN safe care to our patients, defend our collec- BOD since 2000, Negotiating Team (UMass Portsmouth, RI tive bargaining rights and bring the benefits University), Grievance Co-chair-UMassUni- Employment: Brigham & Women’s of union membership to the unorganized in versity. Education: Associate, Laboure Jr College, 1983 our Commonwealth and beyond. Candidate Statement: There are many chal- Present/Past MNA Activities: Chairperson, Director, Labor lenges in healthcare in nursing today. Many BWH, BOD 2000-2008 of these are affecting our patients in Mas- Region 1 Candidate Statement: Democracy, trans- sachusetts and in the United States. Patients parency and free speech should be the Sandra Hottin, RN, MS deserve better quality of care than what they foundation of our union. If elected, I pledge Agawam, MA are receiving with all the cutbacks that have to work on behalf of all members throughout Employment: Mercy Medical Center been done. 8 July/August 2010 Massachusetts Nurse As an RN working in a hospital in Worces- Michael Savoy, RN, BSN MNA Board of directors, having served ter, MA I feel that nurses need to get back to Dartmouth, MA my first term as a director and having been more patient care and less paperwork. The Employment: Brigham& Women’s Hospital active in my local bargaining unit for several bedside nurses are getting more work put on Education: BSN, University of Massachusetts years, currently as Chair at Tufts Medical them and less staff to help take care of our Boston, 1996 Center. I would like to continue to work for patients in our hospitals. Present/Past MNA Activities: Brigham Nego- nurses in our local bargaining units, across There are many current issues that are tiating Committee at Large 2003-Present, our state and nation for better working affecting the nurses in Massachusetts and MNA Diversity Committee. conditions and a stronger voice in health in the United States. We face challenges on Candidate Statement: Democracy, trans- care. Nurses need to have a voice in how a daily basis on how our patients are going to parency and free speech should be the patients are cared for, and as a director on get the best quality of care and how to do it foundation of our union. If elected, I pledge the Board I will continue to work hard to safely and effectively with what the hospitals to work on behalf of all members throughout support and empower nurses at every level give us to work with. our Association and will support policies to work towards better working conditions If re-elected to this position on the MNA that secure a fair and equal process that will and contracts that reflect protections and Board of Directors I will continue to fight encourage all members to speak out and have compensation for the hard work that they do for patients rights to quality care. I will also their voices be heard. every day. Nurses, standing together, at the continue to fight to help the nurses in Mas- Region 4 local, state and national level, can make this sachusetts and the united States so they can happen. MNA, having been a significant part Tiffany Diaz Bercy, RN, MSN provide safe quality patient care. of the formation of National Nurses United Lynn, MA (NNU), has been completely empowering Region 3 Employment: North Shore Medical Center for me and the nurses who have attended Donna Dudik, RN, BSN Education: MSN, University of Phoenix, 2005; our first nurses Rally in Washington, D.C. I Weymouth, MA BSN, Salem State College, 2000 have attended many different functions and Employment: Boston Medical Center Present/Past MNA Activities: Bargaining unit met many different nurses from across this Education: BSN, Thomas Edison State College, Secretary state and this country.
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