Dr-~ s. Madg~ .: Lewis·· Box 456, MH·B Belton, Texas 76513 FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR MARY HARDIN·BAYLOR COLLEGE, BELTON, TEXAS, JANUARY 25, 1971 No. 10 Dr. Tanner Suffers Fractured Vertebra Summers Reveals Himself as Mary Hardin-Baylor. College of· ficials have announced that Presi­ Author of 'Me, The Flunkie' dent William G. Tanner suffered Robert Andrew Summers was began in the slum areas that it is a fractured vertebra as a result of the chapel speaker Tuesday. He now a major problem in the so­ a plane crash January 12. was reared in Houston, was presi­ called middle class change drew Dr. Tanner will be hospitalized ·dent of the first freshman class near urging us to consider this. for approximately five more days, of San Jacinto College in Pasa· He was introduced by Dr. Rey­ but the medical authorities in dena and graduated from Sam nouds, head of Religion Depart­ charge make no projections beyond Houston University in 1965. From ment. that time. 1965-66 he taught and counseled Whereas the drug problem used All college business will proceed in Operation:, Wastebasket, then to be confined to the slum areas, as usual, according _to Vice Presi· left teaching to enter the field of Summers stressed that it has dent Bobby E. Parker. social work. He also directed work "leaped frogged" to the nice Dr. Parker said, "The entire col­ at "The Source", a ·hippie out­ suburban high school. lege family feels deep apprecia· reach center on Allen's Lading, With the use of drugs, the tion for the outstanding medical Houstons famed hippie kingdom. "kids minds are completely dull­ care and courtesies extended by Mr. Summers is the founder of ed," Summers explained, "staying . Darnall Army Hospital and General Mission: American :Youth, a cam­ clean is not on his mind, and that Beverly E. Powell, and. by Ted Con­ pus-oriented, Christian, anti-drug is why so many live in real filth nell of Rio Airlines." organization and as a lecturer has or dirt,' he added. Although they been a guest on numerous tele­ say they are for improving the vision and radio talk shows, civic living standards of the American N' ~~~· prtt~ Will Begin luncheon and school programs. Indians, most live in worse con­ His wife, Audrey JoAn, is also a ditions than the Indian they want former teacher and is the author to help. Self-Defense Class of three books. His students wrote on many Victor Maratta from Michigan, topics from democracy to God. who has a Black Belt in Karate, Because time was limited, Mr. This is an excerpt from Marsha's will begin self- defense classes Summers was unable to go into theme: tonight, January 25, in Goodman the story at great length, but the I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW Gym at 9 p.m. The classes will be summary of the story was still WHO GOD IS held every Monday -and Wednes­ quite effective. Operation Waste­ 1 WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO day night for six weeks. The price basket was a project designed to GOD IS. TO SEE IF HE REALLY for the entire period will be $12. help children about the age of IS ALIVE AND IF HE KNOWS Mr. Maratta feels every girl sixteen who have had the op- MY NAME· AND WHY 1 CRY A should be able to defend herself. portunity to complete only the LOT. AND WHY MY DADDY In ··dGrm mcdin~ ·throughout tbe · ·· ,seco_nd grade. ~e teen~gers are LEFT.- ~OM ANn _'QS . AND lF campus, Mr. Maratta, explained · . mainly from the ·slum sreas, GOD BLAMES DADDY. I WOULD that his goal for the classes is to P....adent Wllllem G. Tenner auffen from • broken vertebre .tter broken homes, and many have LIKE TO SEE GOD IF HE IS provide girls with the skills to elrplene eccldent at Fort Hood. · drug addictlon records. They do ALIVE. I WOULD LIKE TO SIT do so. ms self-defense classes, he not know any other life than the DOWN BESIDE HIM AND BE added, will also help every girl •d . ' El led one they have become accustomed CLOSE FRIENDS 1 WOULD stay in good shape. to. A life centered around theft PROBLY CRY. I KNOW I WOULD. Presl en1 . anner ec as and murder, filth and hate. Their MAYBE HE WOULDN'T MIND Stanford Presents ·c Pr s't B ,. I A I :=~~~- :.? s:~c:::::adisfro-:~ THOUGH. PROBLY NOT. VI e e ' ap IS 55 _n ~: ~~ ;:'!:~n:.!~le for, entitled Dr. C. Vaughn is MH-B with Grant Dr. William Graydon Tanner, Soelet)' and wu the president of 'Ibis book is composed of short d ' Mary Hardin-Baylor College re- President of Mary Hardin-Baylor the Baptist Student Union at Bay- themes and poems written by Speaker at Har ' ceived an unrestricted eUt of College, was elected Vice Preal· lor University. Currently he is a these students on such topics as .1,000 from the H. E. Butt Founda- dent of the Texas Baptist School member of the Executive Board of "What 1 Hate About School" or The Division of Continuing Edu­ tlon of Corpus Christi. Administrator's Association at a the Heart O'Texaa Council, Boy topics about themselves and their cation and the Department of Re- The check wu presented by recent Dallas meeting. Scouts of America, and the Belton interests. Although the students Ugion at Mary Hardin-Baylor Col- Billy P. Stanford, manager of the Dr. William G. Tanner received Rotary Club. shook with laughter as Mr. sum- lege presented a workshop on the local H. E. B. Grocery Store, to his Bachelor of Arts from Baylor, Others elected to office were Dr. mers read a few of these themes. Epistles of John in Hardy Hall on colleee president, Dr. William G. Master of Education and Doctor of Guy D. Newman, President of it was soon realized that Instead the MH-B campus. Tanner. Education from the University of Howard Payne College, as Presi· of laughing there should be sym. Registration began at 9:30 a.m., The H. E. B. organization has sup- Houston, Bachelor of Divinity and dent and President Jack Byrom of pathy for these children and their with a fee of .$5.00 for the seminar, ported the colleee on an annual Doctor of Theolol)' from South· San Marcos Baptist Academy as problema. Mr. Summers also spoke lunch, study course books and basis for severc~l years with unre- western Baptist Theological Semi· Secretary ' of how many of his students in study helps, Dr. J. A. Reynolds, strlctod eiftl. nary. At Baylor he was named to • this project turned to druaa for Chairman of the Department of The presentation waa made In Who's ~ho In Colleeea and Unl· The Auoclatlon Ia composed of a way out or what they termed Religion at MH·B, introduced the the office of the Prealdent In the venltlea of America. He waaln Sll· the prealdenta of all Texas Baptist "aomethlnl better". He stated book of tho epistles of John until college administration bulldlne. rna Tau Delta, Honorary Literary achoola and collele&. that althouah the drug problem 10:80 a.m. Dr. Curtla Vaughan, New Testa· mont profeaaor at Southwestern Baptist Seminary In Fort Worth, was the main speaker, at 10:30 a.m. Lunch was served from 12:00 to Surplus Applicants for School T•hing Jobs 1:00, and at 1:00, Dr. Vau1han spoke again. Dr. Leroy Kemp pre· For tho firat time alnce World pared with only 892,000 only a be reformed draatlcally and per· technoloslcal economy and soc- aonted tho techniques of preaching War D, there Ia a aurplua of decade ago, are aeeking work In haps contlnuoualy. There are op. lety. f til school teachers In this country, the toachins profession, having portunitlea for Innovation, but 'lbere almpl)' are not enou1h from tho Epistles rom 2 :SO un more appllcanta for employment been attracted to lt by past abort· more experimentation ahould be professional, exocutlvo, academic a:~~. Vaughan authored a book on than there are joba. The National a1e1, encouraged. But an adequate num· and white-collar jobs for everyone ICch_.,atlon Aaloclatlon eatimatea Now that school officials do not ber of good teachera, with smaller to set one. Moat jobs today re· the eplatlea. that the aurplua may exceed 88,· have to scramble to fill teacher olaaaea and lower teacher-pupil quire technical akllls of one kind ha~r.a R..:,~ol::te~~!~:e t~:~ ~~~~ 000 nationally, and the Dllnola poaltlona and do not have to hiro ratloa, are a flrat and baalc ro· or another ,and despite mechanl· • State Unlveralty Bureau of AP· practically anyone they can set to quiroment. Good teachera will zatlon, thoro still Ia much manual Dr. Vaushan did an excellent job polntmenta haa predicted that the fill faculty openinl&, It Ia poaalble want to brlnl about the other lm· work that hal to be dono by _ln-te.a.ch•l•n•g•t•h•o•b•oo•k··----• fl1uro will reach 800,000 by 1870. for them to upgrade tho quality of provements and wlll help to bring aomebody. r In abort the outlook Ia that tho their toachlnl ataffa, them about. It Ia up to tho hilh aohoola employment situation will get There are few more urgent and Among other thln11, It Ia be· and junior oollogea to provide PSI THETA wone rather th'n bettor. more challenglnl needs In the coming lncreaalntiY clear to ev· moat of thla vocational educntlon Numeroua factora undoubted!)' country toda)' than that for lm· eryone that there 11 a areat need and technical training, In addition Candy Sale! have contributed to tho lltuatlon, provement of elemental')' and 1oo- for elementary and • .,oondary to proparlnl aome atudonts for MAIY MARTIN but the basic one Ia that tho poat· ondary education.
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