{ i DAILY REPUBLICAN. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20,1808; WANTED. FOR RENT FOR SALE. Fit# of Cbirgo to Sufferers. t THE GOVERNOR SURPRISED. ANTED-HJBj? FUBfilMMD FOR HO- ARMYSEARCHLIGHTS AFTER FIGHT,MERCY Cut this out sad take it to jour druggist DR. THEEL 604 Ml OR RENT—-2 BRICK HOUSES,NOS. 0 AND or kale-ten r. i.p. a. n.s, for o and get a sample bcttle free of Dr. King’s short uotiV. A ▼ate seat F 8 Irwin Court for rent cheap, 10 per mouth cents at druggists. Owe gives relief. Sixth St., Philadelphia, W».. r at Wilmington Intel!! Apply to Hawkins & Co., 712 Market street. F THE practical use of electricity New Discover? for Consumption, Coughs Taken Frist Before Bo Knew That Wm genoe Office, 806 pley street, tf lyrd rescue of the crew of the vis- and Colds. Tbej do not ask jou to buy U,l Entrance on Green St. "CURE CU/IRMBHD* ON THE BATTLEFIELD. Was Declared. The only Genuine, HoncaldUMdll. 170R RENT-10 rooms AND BATH ALL ^OR SALE-FIRST CL ABB SALOON. IN‘ CAYA AFTER HER DESTRUCTION. before trjlng. This will show you the anted-a blacksmith, ONE AO- JT lor proven sots, 1708 B roome street. Ap^ly great merits of this truly wonderful The first expedition to reinforce Ad­ Dil Advrr. Islfig Hpeclallut la Pttlls., t)w Xflf custom*! to wugon work at H. B. Bui. B quire at 682 Federal street, Cumd«*n, N. J only Graduate £Begletered with 81 1710 neat door, J. R. D. Seeds. remedy, and show you what con be ac­ miral Dewey—the transports City of rears Practical A six years Hoepttwf lock’s, m West 10th street. Jyl8-tf . alU-6t || Movable Searchlights That Cnn Bo Used la KippiifDce Id Ornnsny, notwithstand­ OR RENT-HOUSE NO. 810 B. FOURTH “Fighting Bob” Evans, TalU of tha Scene complished by the regular size bottle. This Pekin, City of Sydney and Australia, ing what other* falsely ndvertlM, ANTED-A GOOD C0MPO81T0R OR street. All modern conveniences. ^Ajp^>ly or kale-an electric fan and Col loot log tlio Dos 4 In Protecting a 017 Santiago Aftar Ilia Iowa Defeated ilia Is no experiment, and would be disastrous . the results of *ln* F F motor. Apply 202 Market street, alfr-tf to the proprietors, did they not know it carrying troops, convoyed by the cruis­ Nervous Oabilitjr dleeretlen A Bnooi , who wants to learn. Apply at thin at m Market street. Reconnaissance Party, Also In Directing Spanish Ship-Hack* of the Iowa Rau .Office, third floor. afl-tf would Invariably cure. Many of the best er Charleston—arrived at Manila lal DUeoara PermMi eutlyt urodln Tj OR HALE-CHEAP, ONE OAK NO TOR Iks Aim of Heavy Guns. With Rlood of Kaaoaed* physicians are now using it lu their prac­ on 4 to 10 Day*. •trlctnre, Varicocele aad OR RENT-TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE rarriago, In good order, made by Clymer Thursday, June 80. Primary or edary, cored lE/ANTED-SEVlsRAL HORSES TO PAS- F 828 Poplar strert, 110 a month; in good It is proposed to take Into Cuba mov­ tice with great results, aud are relying aBLOOD POISON by entirely method, ex- Apply to Frank Vernon, Republioan office ■ ■ ture on farm one mile west of Centro- condition; large yard. Apply to the owner J. After “Fighting Bob” Evans, Cap­ It In mostsevere cases. It's guaranteed. The voyage was most favorable. elusive)/ mr own,In 30 to 90 <layo. CRRO villo; plenty of graas, water id shade. Ap- R. Hartman, 413 East 4th street. ul7-12tjo mif’tf able searchlights of great power. The tain of the Iowa, had described to a re­ rtsSh ply to Lewis PottH. Trial bottle free at N. B Dan forth'* drug General Anderson’s soldiers suffered alfl-tf War Department has detailed plans of burn pa for hook “Troth.** only true neklaal or rent-to an elderly couple OR SALE-CIIEAP. 1 2-SEAT CARRIAGE porter the opening of the great naval store, Corner Second and Market Streets. much fj 1 dtwtor’w buggy in good order. Apply Regular size 60 cents and 91.00. seasickness. Thu sail* book advertised giving valuable information and ANTED-A SITUATION AS COACH* F or ladies, a suite of rooms on first floor. F such equipment ani appended descrlp- battle off Santiago and the manner In ors of Dewey’s squadron enthusiastl- young anil old, alnsrle or married and W man, can do gardening, several year* 400 Wost 8th street. alOOtood 507 Elliott avenue JyZO-st* thoifl Ct•otempTotlBtf marriage, and Is the only experience, best referencob for honesty,sobriety tionst furnished by specialists who which his ship drove the Spanish Vis- 1 TXT TCI lirm, cirkTinr eally wclcon,('d lh«>n. and the soldiers booklhat exposes unmerciful Fake Inmates, or bale-fob want of use i pole Wid capability. Call or address J. R. 4<M East TiX)R RENT-STORE AND DWELLING n have made a study of possibilities of caya ashore, a wreck, he spoke as fol­ ; Belt swindles, so-called Former fellow Fifth stioet. aiy-'Jt [ X1 Maryland avenue; an old established grained oak, also 1 double set of carriage, returned cheer for cheer. l ii fferer’a free advice A free prescription banhun harness.F Apply to Frank Vernon, this office. electrical projectois and other appli­ lows: SPAIN IS Jil ER CRUEL end Advertising Doctors with tbelr fSSn ?ry store; good stand, suitable for any On the way the expedition stopped guarantees A professed knowledge A experience ANTED-A GOOD FARM HADN, WHO uainess; low rent. Apply to Mrs J. Ash, 185 "L^OR SALE—A 2-STORY FKAMeTHOUSE,’ cations of electricity upon the battle­ “As it was apparent that the Iowa i Is u good milker. Apply to Herman Linden street alfl-fltl HER PLEASURE IN INFLICTING TOR- ,0BB cno,,gh 10 capture Ouajan, the It W X containing 0 rooms, located at3U3 DuPont field. could not possibly catch the Cristobal i. I ill ve you from fulling Into thebaod* ' Lang, adjoining Shellpot park. ulU-4t$ at root, will sell cheap. 8350 will purcliuse it. largest of the Ladrone Islands, and to Of nd I»rrten«irr». Iloursdally0to«tJtv,»i Glectric searchlights for such pur­ Colon, and that the Oregon and Brook­ TURE ON THE HELPLESS. tto9, Siirul l » 12. Hour* for examination and *\A7 ANTED-AT ONCE GIRL at GEORGE- ost, strayed or stolen-on wed- Rent ftt per month Apply toW. Scott Vernon, taka possession, In the name of the * Med Incurnblo and 4ua*v«ni his office, or Hawkins' reiri estate office. lyn undoubtedly would, and as the fast l! dally from 10 told. d ind SatTmthta « l ▼ ▼ town Hoaiory Co.,Thirtceuth and Loni.. L noarlay morning, August 17, from Niulh poses can be made to throw light far United States, of the group of I,a- to 10. For aworn tctllaonlaUscftvfWltata* hard streets, allMt uud Sitiploy street* a ahuphord dog of good New York was also on her trail, I de­ Atrncloua Treatment of War Prlaonera Boa dajr'v Fhlln. Tlmca. Tisauucal It rtalL hj/.o, yellow color, with white hrcaat, foot and Ti’OR BALE—ON MODERATE TEKMB, AM as nine miles. These will be used for aiway Been a. Natural Characteristic- drones- The Stars and Stripes now lege, tip of tail, etc., named Bingo. Any pc X’ one of thrtwflno rrsulences, Na Itoilai cided that the calls of humanity should *«/ ANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL (IOUBE West 14th street, 20 feet from. 11 room*, with gathering the dead and wounded left Deeds aa Horrlbto us Any Savages Kver flaats OVer lSan Luls DaPra- the town WGtfl'MB ,VV work at 412 E. Fourth struct a!9 2tl found dotuiuing raid dog will itc PJ be answered and.attention given to the uiited. Reward if re ■m-l; nl... :) F. U recentior liol! nnd all couvenieuces, finely ftn* on the battlefields at night and for Thought of. I on tbe <*oast 0f Gunjan, where a small ANTED—TO BUY FOR CASH A SMALL Curawell, No. 8 West Ninth street, utb 2t islied, papered throughout, also gae fixture. many other purposes. The ground In twelve or fifteen hundred Spanish offi­ .. * ... J Part of the United StAtes force landed. W place in dewirable location with small Now is a good time to boy. os property wiU cers and men who had struck their bieoe or land, $600 to 1800. Address with par- T OST ON SUNDAY EVENING, A POCK- ccen advance in price. Only one ehort block front of a party sent out for reconnois- n "" ul The Spani»h officers on the islands liotflara B this office. nit Kit || AJ BT BOOK containing money and gold from Dei;twurn Avenue. eance can be kept veil lighted by night colors to the American squadron com­ fnri.n ar°mlnt.oa y “ , 80 remotely situated in the Pacific did ring in car on & & a Railroad or In goiug S’ Broome street, manded by Admiral Sampson. I there­ Easily, Qilciify, PmicsifD Rtitand. * lEfANTED- ANOTHER ENERGETIC IN- from Delaware Avenue Station to Rodney H. B. HEEUB, 1318 We*t 10th street. without betraying their positions to the tonan may have written, one can say,| not know that war was „„ betwepn If dustrioua boy at Wright’s Jewelry store, Street. The fluder can keep money on leaving _____________________________ d2.tf Spaniards. One of the men In advance fore headed for the wreck of the Viz­ without fear of Contradiction, that off thdr mother rount and the Unlted la anld 820 King street.
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