238 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. J .ANU.A.RY 7, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. of this resolution. We do not repeal any rule heretofore adopted by the present House. MONDAY, January 7, 1884. Mr. SPRINGER. But you commit the House, if the resolution is adopted, to the rules of the last House, without reference to our previ­ The House met at12o'clockm. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. JoHN ous action here. In order that there may be no doubtaboutthe matter S. LINDSAY, D. D. a provision should be inserted in the resolution specifically excepting The Journal of the proceedings of Monday, December 24, 1883, was from its operatioJ;! such portions of the rules as have been already read and approved. adopted. POLITICAL ASSESSMENTS. Ur. RA...@ALL. To what does the gentleman from Illinois refer? Mr. REED. I ask unanimous consent to offer at this time, for adop­ Ur. SPRINGER. Such as the division of the Committee on Educa­ tion, a resolution of inquiry. tion and Labor into two committees, the changemadewithreferenceto The SPEAKER. The resolution will be read, after which objections the Committee on Commerce, and several others which do not occur to will be asked for. , me at this time. The Clerk read as follows: 1\Ir. REED. The phraseology can be changed, I presume, if the res­ Whereas it has been alleged that circulars have been distributed in some of olution submitted by the Committee on Rules is open to the objection the Departments asking contributions for political purposes, iB violation of the urged by the gentleman from illinois. twelfth section of the civil service law: Therefore, Resolved, That the heads of the Departments where such distribution of circu­ 1\Ir. SPRINGER. I would suggest that the resolution be modified lars has taken place, if any, be requested to inform the House of the facts con­ by the insertion of the words'' except in so far'' as changed or modi- nected with such distribution. fied in this House. , The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present consideration of Mr. RANDALL. I am instructed by the committee- , \ the resolution? 1\Ir. TURNER, of Kentucky. I desire to offer an .amendment to the There was no objection. rules, which I ask to have read for the information of the House. The resolution was agreed to. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Pennsylvania, under instruc­ Mr. REED moved to reconsider the vote by which the resolution was tions of the Committee on Rules, has demanded the previous question. agreed to; and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the 1\Ir. TURJ.~R, of Kentucky. I presume the gentleman from Penn­ table. sylvania will not object to have the proposed amendment read for the The latter motion was agreed to. information of the House. 1\fr. RANDALL. I have no objection to its being read; but I have . EXPORTATION OF AYERICAN HOGS. no authority from the committee to waive the demand for the previous ~Ir. TOWNSHEND. Ur. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to offer question. • a resolution of inquiry. The SPEAKER. The proposed amendment will be read. The SPEAKER. The resolution will be read, subject to objection. The Clerk read as follows: The Glerk read as follows: .Add to Rule XXIV additional clause as follows : Resolved, That the Secretary of State be, and lie is hereby, requested to furnish "When any public bill pr resolution shall have been referred to a committee for the information of this House, if not incompatible with the public ser\ice, and the committee shall rail or refuse to report said bill or resolution back t~ all communications, documents, and papers in his possession relating to the ~e House !Jf Representatives, either f~:~.vorably or unfayorably, for thirty days, exclusion of and restrictions avon the importation of American hog products It shall bE? m or~er for the member ~ho offered the btll or resolution, on any into Germany and Frnnce. l\londay unmediately after the mormng hour, to move to discharge the com­ mittee from the consideration of the bill or resolution, and the House shall then Mr. CANNON. Letmesuggesttomycolleaguethathesubstitutethe dispose of the bill pr resolution by recommittal or by final action such as a. ma- word " President" for the "Secretary of State." It is merely a change jority of the House may determiRe." ' in the phraseology. The SPEAKER. The question is on ordering the previous question Ur. TOWNSHEND. I have no objection. on the resolution offered by the gentleman from Pennsylvania. Mr. CANNON. I shall otherwise be compelled to object to the reso- 1\fr. KEIFER. Does that include the amendment just read? lu~on. · The SPEAKER. The amendment has been ::rimply read for infor- Mr. TOWNSHEND. I accept the modification suggested by my col- mation. · league. 1\Ir. RANDALL. I do not think the point essential; but, as sug­ Mr. KEIFER. Let the resolution be read as modified. gested by the gentleman from Illinois [Air. SPRINGER], I am quite The resolution was again read. willing, after conference with my associates on the committee, to add The SPEAKER. Is there objection .to the present consideration of the words '' as amended by the present House of Representatives.'' the resolution? The Chair hears none. The SPEAKER. The resolution as proposed to be modified will be The resolution was agreed to. read. 1Ir. TOWNSHEND moved to reconsider the vote by which the reso­ The Clerk read as follows: lution was agreed to; and also moved that the motion to reconsider be Resolved, That the rules of the House of R~presentatives of the Forty- eventh Congress as amended by this House be the rules of the House of Representa­ laid on the table. tives of the Forty-eighth Congress for twenty days from this date unless other- The latter motion was agreed to. wise ordered by the House. I '• THE RULES. Ur. TURNER, of Kentucky. I desire to make a parliamentary in­ Mr. RANDALL. Under instructions from the Committee on Rules quiry. I submit for the consideration and action of the House the resolution The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. which I send to the desk. Mr. TURNER, of Kentucky. Is the previous question now· pend­ The SPEAKER. The resolution will be read. ing? The Clerk read as follows: The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Pennsylvania bas demanded Resolved, That the rules of the House of Representatives of the Forty-seventh the previous question, and the Chair was about to take a vote on that Congress be the rules of the House of Representatives of the Forty-eighth Con­ motion whoo a modification of the resolution was suggested. gress for twenty days from this date, unless otherwise ordered by the House. Mr. TURNER, of Kentucky. Are amendments being offered? Mr. RANDALL. I desire to state, Mr. Speaker, that there are now The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Pennsylvania accepted the pending before the Committee on Rules some amendments to the rules, suggestion of the gentleman from illinois [Mr. SPRINGER] and has but owing to thefactthatall themembersof the committee were not pres­ modified his resolution accordingly. That is as the Chair understood it. ent this morning, the gentleman from Kentucky [1\fr. BLACKBURN] 1\Ir. RANDALL. The Chair is correct. being necessarily absent, we are unable to make a full report, and in 1\ir. TURNER, of Kentucky. I would like the gentleman from lieu it is thought desirable to present this resolution for immediate Pennsylvania to allow me a vote on my amendment. adoption. 1\Ir. RANDALL. I would like to do so, but I have no authority I ask the previous question on the adoption of the resolution. from the committee. Mr. SPRINGER. I would like to ask the gentleman from Pennsyl­ The previous question was ordered; and, under the operation thereof, vania whether the resolution he now submits should not make an ex­ the resolution as modified was adopted. ception of such portions of the rules as have already been modified and Mr. RANDALL moved to reconsider the vote by which the resolu­ accepted by the House at its present session? tion was adopted; and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid Mr. RANDALL. Speaking for myself alone, I should say yes; but on the table. there were considerations which prompted the Committee on Rules, or The latter motion was agreed to. the members who are present this morning, to unanimously agree not El\IPLOYEs OF THE HOUSE. to go further at present than to submi~ the resolution which has been 1\Ir. COX, of North Carolina. I desire to offer a resolution for im.­ read. media.te consideration. Mr. SPRINGER. Thenletmeaskwhatwould become of the amend­ The SPEAKER. The resolution will be read for information after ments and changes made in the rules by the House at this present ses­ which the Chair will call for objections. , sion? The Clerk I:ead as follows: Mr. RANDALL. Such action as the House has already taken with Resolved, That the Committee on Accounts is instructed to inquire and report reference to the rules would, I presume, be excepted from the operation to this House as early as practicable the number of employes, the character of 1884. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 239 their employment, the nnmber of hours they are engaged in the public service, granting a pension to Jemima Underwood; which was read a first and their compensation. and whether the convenience of members in the discharge second time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered of their public duties requires that they be diminished or increased. 2. They shall further inquire whether in minor committees the same clerk to be printed.
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