'Slats* ' "* JE'^^W^ Hjj^B ^y| ^j^ ^kH^.^ fo V % J&tf 18& $i&fl$»t to awit sMpnsent sr«ond aWV«?t.*, I s^y *sikf?d {&HpStajLto^opt^itie tneir tecord of cn*my t>|sW<Jtt^A M^ffBa* wilt be mada regardless a* ,o< filotWh^ expe<itfed*|KJ«t "week during ihi Hk*lk* aute "Christ ** &s jpttff M\l £l**dk Vlih ti« for ai*4 ail •* * * i of In preparation tbt this fifteenth annual clothing fastowNJlt^hnoanel again tjtas Sunday the Joca* fityvy w*te$ro«f; pape^ jKnd Jjttul ifc $p fQfftlti^tt| imw&tofof2S* tons of usable clothing wd shoes Urn •»mj»i!||ri, •i>on$oi,ed fcy the eathalfo jblsheps of tha iloiutid hout&of their ^wa«ol^cttlon centers to wWcb Wiefal strip?, the tfrtifom lift fU'ttWli what* #$« { Slnfcft t$«te$0H«sctl9i* In 1849 parishes of the Roch> ion nition to *JrHi» needy of the world, t special appeal th* donation* of clothing lifioald be taken There Y$fcJi]ta]pgkw*M *nar the «higm«ntl to pltms along tster di.otei» hive conlnbuted nearly 2 OQO tons t<- fk-oer 1 I I ti "»5 j»?jm, -yjfoyw^ •WW*** liai aal THE CATHOtIC LAST WEEK'S PAID CUtCUlATlON I,JT1 U. S. Students Build led nit- le' 67,381 M tn tt." ; ..., , ihet^ i^fltiii fr*;lf»ui|%,«i^ r*j?erfi i^«J this efFttlafiiiffiiili He ,i r jv Ef^gj|ri^y^-,, .in ^ •UI *J, ?5tb Vear. PRICE 10 CENTS *st ^^IT^-f.; $m&, ti¥tEmm iii, lite Ise a iM^ifftil 'AtlhiWIf lbfyr¥gf# «f ^6Jr own llil* p4$* t«mi«#r. 6 H- ishops or Roman li- fwo -.... _ ,... „.,.. (StiiOl&itjf^ji^ent'tft? tot «Mto Mr Wef lis Mexico to help build a pirochtaj ichool In Ptiebt*, k fits *»s%ty mite* *«tttfie*sft of Mexico City, the t*i> yotinK Council at Crossroads hien aire nqw back it theft •tudles .— Joseph Looney of New. Hivcg, Cann^ at Louvaln tiolrltsit* m& JoKtf lawrenttr of Roclieliter it St, ncrn»rd'«- Fpllowlilg is the report of tliclr On Authority Topic mission venture » told by Jo> <eph Looney. By FATHER PLACID By FATHER EDWARD "The task o( the clerjgy is to JORDAN, O.S.B. DUFF. 8J. consecrate bread and wine. Tile Special Correspondent task of the layman is to conse­ (NCWC Newa Service) crate tbe world." These were 1 Rome — The ecumenical Vatican City — (RNS) — the words o( Fatl.or Donald Hosslcr, a Maryknoll priest Counctl Is making a "leap The predictable and the from Lake Orion, Michigan. lie forward," said Archbishop predicted happened. In the ipoke during a day and a half most dramatic moment of retreat held in Cholula, Mexico, Hyacinthe .Thiandoum of the Second Vatican Council, to Inaugurate the building pliJise Dakar, Senegal, at a press of the 1963 "Yale Catholics the functioning of the Su­ conference here reviewing Abroad" Program. premo Sacred Congregation the past week's debate in The project was planned and of the Holy Office was pub­ the Council. financed mainly by Yale stu­ licly deplored as harmful dent!!, but students participated The Archbishop said that from Canterbury Prep School. to Catholics and a scandal 1 Maryknotl Seminary, St Bcnv the issues now pending — to those outside the Church. is a r d'« Seminary, Dartmouth, collegiality of bishops and Princeton, Marian Central High sacramental character of The indictment « as brief­ School, Woodstock, UI., Fair­ ed in plain, measured field Prep. St. David's School, the episcopacy — are of New York City, Portsmouth such transcendental impor­ terms by the austere aristo­ Priory and Montclalr Academy. tance that the current ses- cratic Archbishop of Co­ A working titan from No$ }sion cannot end unless they logne, Joseph Cardinal Frings. Ills limpid Latin York, was the only non-student. are clarified. He represcn'Td Local No. 28, was interrupted by general Sheet Metal Workers. • Certainly. Archbishop Thian­ applause. An energetic and For the past three years the doum added, "a reversal of the fiercely emotional defense Yale group has been among the invreasing number of North Mexican priest (with Ut) and catechlst at nearly com­ position we have taken cannot was promptly made by Ar- American College students Wtio pleted fsrtooi. Meikatt taw forWdi we«tdn* of eW«*y «vcn be considered. We must turo Cardinal Ottavianl. the Dot call a bait in midstream." a a VtlteajB Cttjr ^ &M) — P6|e f«•* Vt Is h*tfflit«» piiwiW| for tl» Vilt- secretary of this ancient working te MeSfco. & mi *" * i»^F* • TH? A^jJCAJi ftrjl«i-.*a» ea* Pivtift* <A Ike erected at tW tffiTOrF^rWi- ratr. Ilerr the fMrf i l M mt rteWttir the s'illledl labor-[alluding to the crucial conflict arm of the Roman Curia. moderMz^ ^^hSn bctagsna^i^.^t^*eii«'^*^if comnauiiityi tot t credit is ahown as tie conferred with, tcfl to right. Tbininas J. Dccgan. chairman of union to enable others to It ttou'd tx? an curt<-inWy center in a Mexico City slum. flwinc* construction of thtif the Mr; Blahop Bryan J. McEntcjatrt of Brdriltlyn: *nd Cardinal Spellman 1SSJ ihcy' competed a five; of the Nov. 8 debate, when »ui>»Mfte isl nuarradtng of tha own bouses. (wete completed It took about] of New Vork. MiTTions of Anerfcmii are expected to visit the Pavilion, which MKniIU-jrt<c of Ihe irmdi-nt of Ssssroom school In a remote twelve more days: Jto set up the sharply oppejlte views were «• i mountain vtiiagts called Buaya- The school uras built In the. pressed by Joseph Cardinal will be featured by an exhibition of the Pieta, fanned Michelangelo sculpture, Nov R in roricpnlrato on th« formi to pour the roof. All the siormy rIjsh af the p<--tonalttiM cocotla. village of Resurrection, about reinforcing rods had to be beat; ffrlngs iOf Cologne, Germany, scheduled to be shipped from the Vatican next April. \4 18 mtlcs away. This Is a small ln\ohi-d and* tin- human reac­ A trauedy marked the start and shaped by hind. and Alfredo Cardinal Ottavianl. tion* of partisanship d'-plavetl settlement outside Puebta of Secretary of the Sacred Congre- Of that project when Walter about 700 Mexicans of pure In­ Communication was a prob­ | What M al issue i« [hf a<t«- Welsh, a promising student and gaUon of the Holy Office and !qu4i<v o( Ihff crnlral govnn- dian descent, most of them to lem at times. Many students did president of the Theological U.S. Prelofes Differ on Authority an only son. loft his life in iBpM(,My. prom thc be3tn'nms not know Spanish, and some of mm! of IhP Calh^'ir i hur'h Commission of the Council. for our l.mr* snd Ihr :,nrj r,( «UtO accident nnar New Orleans' , jtnam to thc end of July the Mexicans did not know it on his way to Mexico. lover 2O0 small children were either. At Rcsurrcccion the peo­ tfraub'p rrlnt-rn lo h<" jdnptr-i, la the attalaa af ehservers For Bishops' National Conferences [reforms nhirh Pop** I'^ui VI This past summer two groups (burled from the village Church ple spoke an Indian dialect. By here, tt is up (• Pepe faal VI At Mass in the morning you the end of the summer most Of to decide haw ta •vcrcome tbe Three American Cardinals! in opposing nationwide atilhor- frustrated It Isolated lndlriduiU'(t0|(j thj, priw»nne I of U'o Curia of students worked in and near ity for tbe bishops' confcn>n-cs refuse to follow the-** decisions }^n Srjrt. 21 »»ll nrertatnly be in- the City of PueMa (pop. 285.- could hear the ominous cough the students became familiar imamsse eauted by the passive took three different positions' of the people in Church, especi­ with the words and gestures '— such as the National Catho- ••Attrtbutlng juridical hirdlng'undur,.,! 000) which Is 80 miles south- i restsUace of a Cornell mlaorlty. on the role of national bishops" lie Welfare Conference of the'force to the derisions of thtfte | ewt of Mexico City. They help­ ally the children. necessary for construction work. "Two men are blocking every­ conferences In talks at the U.S. bishops. T.nferpnccj teems neressary,"' Cardinal Fxinirs. before offer- ed to build a brick house nnd The Mexican people were Vatican Council this week. hf satd. tns his sharp «(rlrtum on lha a 3 classroom addition to « The Rcsurrcccion school was thing," a Council Father said, built with stones taken from a very generous For example: r "t 'ns to Cardinal Ottavianl A frtACTICAL rase is itearj ninhoda of tho Holv Offlrr, parochial school. Two Mexican Thirty students lived together Cardinal Mclntyre of Los Catholic laymen serv?<l BS thc 200 year old wall. Mexican stu­ and Father Sebastian Tromp, Angeles spoke strongly in favor at hand. The Council's r Worm I Cardinal Meyer said Ihe bind ir)mfe»»ed hl« "amaxemenf at dents, mostly from the Col- at the rancho of one Catholic SJ.. secretary of the Theologi­ Of the liturgy — partlculary thejlna forre of such dwutons Is' t),e r|ajm „f jrflandA ( ardtnal aWhitcr* and the engineer for layman for about five weeks o' each bishop's independence, both butldings. leelo Benevcnte, worked side by cal Commission, which Is sup­ opposing any binding force for ose of local language* In por-!"really the heart and marrow" silcliaci Browne that Die »ote side with the North Americans. and then the same man arrang­ posed to revise the erhema on tions of the Mass — will bo left-of the current 1op(«- at the ("oun- ol t|,p ^fk btforr on ihe rol- ed housing with various Catho-^' dertsions made By other bish­ The hotise, a trim one-story It «aa a major objective to in­ 'urf of thc Church In ops.
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