VOLUME 44, ISSUE 1 • MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2010 CPO1 Bob Cleroux, Lt(N) Christopher Grant and VAdm Dean McFadden serve Christmas dinner to the crew of HMCS Fredericton. The ship is deployed on a six-month mission to the Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden and Horn of Africa to conduct counter piracy and counter terror operations alongside Canada’s CPL HALIFAX IMAGING SERVICES, PETER REED, FORMATION NATO and Coalition partners. Raising the flag An FDU first MFRC Faceoff CNC flag to fly during 2010 Father and son share surface Halifax and region Environmental hockey PAGE 3 supplied dive programs for the tournament in February PAGE 25 PAGE 6 INSIDE whole family PAGES 15-20 2 TRIDENT, JANUARY 11, 2010 CFNES brings the Navy to NSCC Truro By Capt Scott A Butler the PLC works. CFNES QCO During the day, Cdr Page and CFNES Coxswain CPO1 Mario ver the last few years, CFNES Gagnon visited the event to assess O has been an active partner with student engagement and to get a feel Skills Canada including participa- for the value of the school’s partici- tion in several events. Recognizing pation. After reflecting on the event, the importance of technical skills Cdr Page said “As a naval technical in both society and the military, and engineering training establish- CFNES Commandant Cdr Simon ment, our link with Skills Canada is Page, along with select members of vital; this Tech Shop was a superb CFNES, maintained a solid commit- example of how the Navy can part- ment to Skills Canada during the ner with Skills Canada and connect Skills Canada Tech Shop at NSCC with young individuals interested in Truro held on November 26, 2009. technical trades.” Cdr Page hopes to Nine CFNES personnel participated host a future Skills Canada event at in this event while PO1 Ian CFNES and expose potential recruits McNaughton and I looked on. to that establishment. The existing During the event, three senior relationships that have been bridged sailors mentored grade 10 and 11 stu- with Skills Canada are setting the dents by answering questions regard- scene for this possibility. ing their careers in round table dis- The future presents many uncer- cussions. PO1 Don Tazzman and tainties, including the health of PO1 Daniel Savard emphasized the skilled trades both in the military and importance of mathematics and sci- High school students participate in damage control scenarios organized by CFNES personnel during the Skills our society in general. By exposing ences to the students and provided a Canada Tech Shop at NSCC Truro. the workforce of the future to what realistic view point of life in the the Navy has to offer, it is guaranteed Navy. PO1 Tazzman enthusiastically has acquired from being a sailor. Lat- included a damage control scenario which students were able to try on the that some young minds will discover described the abundance of opportu- er, the students participated in dis- in which high school students acted equipment, and a Programmable an innate attraction to the Navy and nity that he has had to travel as well plays including three major displays as the first responders to an emer- Logic Control (PLC) display allow- will become the CPOs and senior as the rolodex of lifelong friends he executed by CFNES. The events gency, a HazMat clean-up display in ing students to see, first hand, how officers of tomorrow’s Navy. www.relocatecanadianmilitary.com www.sellhalifax.com Relocating?Relocating? NeedNeed helphelp findingfinding WeWe cancan help.help. thethe perfectperfect home?home? Relocating to a new area can be stressful, Links to many resources for those in the but it does not have to be. 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Byron Balcom John Dulong Managing Partner Owner/REALTOR® [email protected] [email protected] EXIT REALTY METRO 1-800-375-3884 209-4761 TRIDENT, JANUARY 11, 2010 3 New Year’s Day marked by CNC flag raising in Halifax By Virginia Beaton RAdm Maddison observed Trident staff that the relationship between Halifax and the Navy has alifax Regional Munici- grown through both world Hpality (HRM) welcomed wars, the Korean conflict, the the New Year by raising the Cold War “and today our Canadian Naval Centennial sailors, like those in HMCS (CNC) flag in front of City Hall Fredericton, deployed in the on the Grand Parade. Gulf of Aden, continue to act Crewmembers from HMCS and to lead in the uncertain Halifax conducted the cere- and constantly shifting post- mony at 9 a.m. on January 9-11 security challenges that 1, 2010, during which the are so much a part of the glob- CNC flag joined the Canadian SGT HALIFAX IMAGING SERVICES PINEO, FORMATION SHAWN al landscape and seascape ensign and the HRM flag on of 2010.” the flagstaff where it will be Stating his belief that “the flown during the entire year. 21st century will ultimately “This year, your centennial, come to be known as the mar- is a chance for us also to be itime century,” and to meet thankful for your sacrifice, all the associated challenges, your dedication and your RAdm Maddison stated that commitment to this communi- Canada would continue to ty,” said Mayor Peter Kelly, require a modern and compe- mayor of HRM. “You have tent Navy, “crewed by well- been a strong presence since led, well-trained, proud and day one and you continue to confident members of the grow and prosper, as we grow Navy, who along with their and prosper. It is important families, are supported by the that we never forget that you whole community.” and we are one and that these, Other attendees at the cere- your good times, are ours, and mony included HRM council- that your bad times are ours as lors, Commodore Mark Nor- well. We want you to know man, Commander CANFLT- that we support you, each and LANT; Capt(N) John Newton, every step along the way.” Commander CFB Halifax; Cdr RAdm Paul Maddison, Josée Kurtz, Commanding Commander JTFA and MAR- Officer of Halifax; CPO1 Tom LANT, thanked Mayor Kelly Riefesel, Formation Chief, and HRM Council and said and CPO1 David MacDonald, “Today we celebrate the start Fleet Chief. of the second century of Capt(N) Craig Walkington, Canada’s Navy with a short MARLANT CNC Project and time-honoured naval Coordinator, gave an over- tradition, the ceremony of In honour of the Canadian Naval Centennial, a special flag was commissioned and will be flown by all naval vessels and view of upcoming CNC colours.” He noted that navies naval establishments as well as on Halifax’s Grand Parade throughout 2010. events, including the Febru- around the world enact simi- ary 2 launch of a stamp hon- lar daily ceremonies with warships and shore-based of the very close connection for over 250 years. And just the proven and professional ouring Victoria Cross recipi- their national flags. “Today is naval establishments through- between Halifax and the as Halifax is no longer the Canadian Navy that Haligoni- ent William Hall. A Royal the first raising of the Canadi- out 2010.” Navy, according to RAdm small garrison town of years ans know so well. A Navy that Navy veteran of the Crimean an Naval Centennial flag, The flag’s presence on the Maddison. “The relationship past, your Navy has matured sailor for sailor, tonne for War, Hall was the first Nova which was specially commis- Grand Parade throughout the between Halifax and the Navy from its comparatively hum- tonne, is the equal of any in the Scotian and the first person of sioned to be flown by all naval year will be in recognition has been inextricably linked ble beginnings to become 21st century.” colour to win this award. Four Canadian soldiers and one Canadian reporter killed and five injured in an IED strike By CEFCOM The incident occurred four km cial Reconstruction Team; Sgt Kirk Provincial Reconstruction Team; Canadian civilian official were south of Kandahar City at approx- Taylor, 28, a member of 84 Inde- and Pte Garrett William Chidley, 21, also seriously wounded in the inci- our Canadian soldiers and one imately 4 p.m., Kandahar time, pendent Field Battery, Royal Cana- a member of the 2nd Battalion dent. All of the injured were evacu- FCanadian reporter embedded Wednesday afternoon as a result of dian Artillery, based in Yarmouth, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light ated by helicopter to the Multi- with Joint Task Force Afghanistan an improvised explosive device Nova Scotia and serving with the Infantry, based in Shilo, Manitoba National Medical Facility at Kan- (JTF-Afg) were killed, while four attack on an armoured vehicle dur- Kandahar Provincial Reconstruc- and serving with the Kandahar dahar Airfield. The injured soldiers other Canadian soldiers and one ing a patrol. tion Team; Cpl Zachery McCorma- Provincial Reconstruction Team. and civilian are reported to be in Canadian civilian official were Those killed in action include ck, 21, a member of the Loyal Michelle Lang, 34, a Canwest jour- stable condition. injured in an improvised explosive Sgt George Miok, 28, a member of Edmonton Regiment, 4th Battalion nalist from Calgary, embedded with A ramp ceremony took place at device (IED) incident in Kandahar 41 Combat Engineer Regiment, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light the Canadian Forces in Afghanistan Kandahar Airfield on Friday, Janu- province, on Wednesday, Decem- based in Edmonton, Alberta and Infantry, based in Edmonton, Alber- was killed in the same incident.
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