K: ' " iviii'-Tp THURSDAY, MARCH 29,1945 Averhir* Dally Ciriralation Tbe Wsather Manchester Evening Herald r « tha Month «l rohraory. 1948 Forecast of L'/ 8. Weather BaNaa Une, oh the sale of Uoketn ter the 48234853235348238923534823484848894823484848535323 meet the approval of all attending. , 9 , 1 1 6 Colonel George S, Waller of the Ray Donahue'a orche'itra haa b*«n o<;eaaion. Fair tonight and Saturday; cesi- U. S. Army Is spending a 30-day Plan Banquet secured for dancing after the ban­ Chairman Wilton, naka all com­ Meosber o f the Andit znAtttiiiiPBiPir icupuiun jtiFraiD er tonight. mittee members to report at the furlough with his family, at their quet. Borean od Otaoolatlaaa horns, 372 Oakland street. Colonel Herb Johnson, In charge of the Social Club, Friday evening, at For Birthday 7:30 for final Inatructlona. • M anehe$ter^A City of Village Charm Waller who Is engaged In speclal- dinner committee, reports that i D o r E n e ’ s 1 tervlc* of Holy Coininunion ixed work aa an Army Technician Chef Osano haa been engaged for The dinner vrill be served TINKER BUILDING ^ observed at 7:30 o'clock lisa apent 15 montha In Australia, promptly at 5:30 Sunday after­ PRICE THREE the catering. (OloaoUled ASverttelag on rage U) MANCHESTER, CONN.; FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1945 (FOURTEEN PAGES) ht at the South Methodlat New Guinea and other places In I„ocal.Tribe of Keil Men This affair ia held annually for noon, April 8. This will be followed • DRESSMAKING VOL. LXIV., NO. 152 iCh. Person* may receive the the Pacinc area, and will be glad Red Men and their friends. Wil­ bj a one-hour entertainment pro­ TEL. ^m union Individually beylnninj: to have his friends drop in to a «, To Observe Anniver­ liam DeHan la the present l?a- gram, and dancing pntll 11 p. m, • ALTERATIONS o'clock. him and the trophies he sary on April 8. Chem of the local tribe. Joseph 2-0818 brought back with him. The^Wal- Butler, chairman of the ticket Ft PLAIN SEWING Yankfi Advance in FranklFurt Street Fightii^g ler famllv moved here frop* East committee, requests that all mem­ Hartford'about throe yeata ago. MlRDtonomah Tribe No. 58 bers make rotuma to him, on or A REMINDER! S Honm t to 5 daily except Thoro. 9 to t Red Arn [y Tanks First Army’s Tanks I. O. R. M. will celebrate its 33d before April 4 aa that ia the dead- Rev. Raynold G. Johnson, pastor anniversary Sunday afternoon, When You Need Mora l iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiim^^^^ lif of the Covenant-Congregational April 8, at the Mancheator Sporta church, will take for his subject at TALL CEDARS , Invade A ustria; the Good Friday service tomorrow Center, Wells street. All sub-com­ INSURANCE J A R T E 9 E S evening at 7:30: "Standing in Awe mittees have reported to General Streak North Fast; Fire - TheFt - Automobile Before the Gross.” It will be a Chairman Alex Wil.son, and have i B u R A N C E communion service with special informed him, that all is in readi- Bingo or Fumitura SEED POTATOES ' music, and a cordial invitation is neas for this annual affair. Danzig Occupied extended to all who have no The entertainment committee CALL Certified Green Mountains and Cobblers church home to attend this service, has arrangeil a program that will Fine Aroostok County Stock hhur A. Knofla or the Easter Sunday services at Orange Hall Race for Junctio 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Coven­ ALEXANDER Stab Across Frontier I P a p e r Main S t TeL 5440 ant-Congregational church is lo­ Tomorrow Night O N IO N S6TS Into Low Range of V ■Aak'Yonr Neighbor" cated at 43 Spruce street. JARVIS Red, Yellow, White. Buy Early! Limited Quantity! Gerniuiis Report Sol LECLERC 26 ALEXANDER STREET Hills and Threaten to 23 REGULAR GAMES 25c, Hits Stand Nazi Leaders Gas Enough Arnior at Bad Gibbons Assembly, Catholic FUNERAL HOME 7 SPEClAl^ GAMES Weekdaya and Sondaye Lay Siege to Vienna; Ladies of Columbus, will hold an SWEEPSTAKES OIRee 41U BeoldeaM 2875 dungen in Drive Seoman 2c William T. Ritchie 23 Main Street BLISH HARDWARE COMPANY Important business meeting, Tues­ WEEKLY PRIZE Germans Still Fight­ Taken Now Using Terror To Advance day evening, April S, In the K. of Jr., 18, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. \Vil-» Phone 5259 Manchester, Conn. ^ ward DIeetiug Wi . MONTH I. Y PRIZE ing on Westerplatte. ATTENTION C. Home. Election of officers will liam Ritchie of Ifi Anderson take place at this time. Refresh­ W AR BOND 21st Army Group; street has completed his basic SpatUf Portugal and In Extremity Into Berlin ments will be served by Mrs. TO BE DR.AWN FEB. 28 HOSPITAL Bulletin! Miles from British Timothy Bye, chairman, who will training at the Subinai'ine schckil | VETERANS Argentina Accused be asaisted by Miss Vera Gorman, at the Submarine Base at New , EXPENSE IS NO London, March 30.—^/P)— 186 Miles from No Fear by Allied Com- Cater the O. L BUI of Righta. Miss Mary O'Leary, Mrs. Hector DON WILLIS Russian troops have thrust Of Trying to Save Making Effort to Hold London. | ALICE COFBAN LONGER A DRAIN lin at Last Repc 'laiaaWT Dtadwrced Veteraaa Provost, Mrs. Patrick Peak, Mrs. over the Austrian frontier,^ German People in manders Drive Will tfea War Caa BaUd a New Henry Arnold and Mrs. James Mc- The local youth attended Man- j GARAGE (Known An Qneea AUea) ON THE Agents of Fascism. „JMe New! Brierty. Chester High and enlisted in the i Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son Moscow dispatches said to-" Bog Down from Any Navy last September. He un-1 Complete Auto Service Line During Great­ Bulletin! /i We eaa eapplj PlaaB— Specl- Bom With a VeU FAMILY INCCVVIE! day, and Marshal Stalin an­ derwent his reoruit training at 18 Main St. Tel. 8085 Beadlngn Daily, lachidlng Sunday, When Moscow, March 30- i/P)— The est Hours of Peril. Lack of Supplies Now. Paris, March 30,— ypatlitnT aa« SItaa. We eaa do nounced a 31-mile advance Mldbig and arfaaga the the 8amp.*on Training Ccnti'i- i 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Or By Appoint­ 3c Per Day and Up Soviet government newspaper The American First Sampson, New York, and w a s. ment. In the Service of the Fbo- north oF the Danube in a Wni Pay for X-rmya - Boom aad Izvestia accused Spain, Portugal London, March SO.—{IP)— Nazi With the U, S. First Army in Ninth Armie.s drove Auto Collision then assigned to the Submarine i ple for 30 Tears. Board - Operating Room - Am-, twin thrust upon Vienna. and Argentina today of "attempt­ ^ T a a eaa let aa haadla the do- school. ' SPHUTCAL MEDIUM leaders appeared today tO|be re­ Germany, March 30—UP)—'Allied fully forward today tc I trees hegtaalBg to ead and balance . Anaetbetda - Medl- ing, under the flag of falae demo­ Body, Fender (GUTTERS 169 Chnrcb Street, Hartford, Conn. dnee end Laboratory. London, March 30.— (A*)— sorting to a campaign of stark commanders say they have no fear a junction northeast oF la advaaee that every* Phone 6-2024 cracy.” to save Fascism and pro srin work oat to year and (.'oiuliictorM Need Repairing Men, Women and ChUdrea Easter Tanks of Marshal Feodor I. tect Fascism's agents from full rC' terror in an effort to hold the Ger­ their drive through Germany will Ruhr that would seal oFF or Kepliicing On Your Home? Mtlefaetloa. Work and from birth to 78 year* of age. Tolbukhin’s Third Ukrainian trlbutlon. man people in line during the na­ bog down from lack of fuel and many’s greatest and last I I Btatoeaeata ore oet UHa CAI.I. .NORM.AN BENT! Slanderous pro-German articles tion'# greatest hours of peril. supplies aa It did at the Siegfried arsenal and up to 40,000 ai Army invaded Austria today, of the Vatican's official organ, Oa- line after the great push across I ImI bMskod I9 ft ftMft ftftd WANTED so:! East Center Street ASHES and RUBBISH ALLEN & Infantrymen of the Fifth division advance cautioualy in early street fighting in the city of Frank­ The campaign seemed to be tak­ my troops among its atloa of andlapataMo Painting Moscow dispatches said, and servatore Romano, about ‘Soviet France and Belgium laat fall. Telephone 89M furt, Germany, March 27. The city, the Reich’s ninth largest, on March 29 waa announced cleared of ing two forks. Nazi propagandists Millions of gallons of gasoline aged factories. Secut REMOVED the German high command Terror In Poland’ and foolish enemy resistance except for amall section in the northern outskirta. (AP wlrephoto from Signal Corps HITCHCOCK rumors of reactionary American warned the (Jermans they would are stored within a short distance blackouts hid new advanc SOLIMENE & Cardroom Help announced that the Russians radiophoto from London.) TELEPHONE 8962 AU Ltneo o f Inraraneo Comes newapapera. The New York World- be no better ' than slaves If the of the front and huge stores of had completely occupied Dan­ For second and third shiFts. 988 MAIN STREETT Telegram and Tha Clilcago Tri­ Allies are victorious, and at the food and atfimunition art available. Paris, March 30.- Jarvis Realty FLAGG, INC. GAVELLO A E. SCHULZ T E ^ 5108 zig, great Baltic port where bune, concerning ‘Bolahevization of same time they threatened with "If we. never get another drop Phooea « 1 » er n T * Also Fini.shers, Tenders and Myriads oF Easter Flow­ the curtain was raised on World dire punishment all who failed to of gasoline from America, we atlll First Army tanks she «34 Center St.
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