Vol. 68 Washington, D. C., February 28, 1963 No. 9 11th Annual Temperance-Youth Program Mt. Vernon Youth Wins Oratorical Honors REPRESENTATIVES of nine Seventh- By John N. Morgan sistent, healthful living with constant day Adventist high schools partici- Public Relations Secretary, Potomac contact with Christ. pated in the 11th annual temperance Conference A 3: 15 Sabbath-afternoon program youth weekend at Shenandoah Val- included a musicale directed by Mar- ley Academy, February 1 and 2. vin Adams and Rick Stewart, S.V.A. Conference Temperance Secre- students. Various musical groups taries, along with academy princi- from the academies performed for pals, academy temperance oratorical the students and visitors. program winners, American Temper- Following the musicale, E. M. Pet- ance Society presidents, and faculty erson, Columbia Union Conference sponsors, united together to sponsor MV Secretary, directed a "Youth what has become one of the yearly Speaks Out" panel. Participating high lights of Adventist youth fel- Photo by H. H. Hamilton with him were Quinton Schander of lowship in the Columbia Union Con- TOP ORATOR. Larry Carter (center) re- Blue Mountain Academy; Bob Sum- ference. ceives the plaque from Elder E. M. Peter- merour, Mount Vernon Academy; More than 1,000 persons attended son (right) at the close of the annual ora- (Continued on page 2) torical contest held at Shenandoah Valley. the Saturday-night oratorical pro- Academy. Carter received the plaque be- gram directed by E. M. Peterson, cause he took top honors in the oratorical Secretary of the Temperance Depart- program. At the left, looking on, is Elder ment of the Columbia Union Con- Richard Dickinson, sponsor of the A.T.S. chapter of Mount Vernon Academy. ference, to hear nine Seventh-day Adventist youth orators spell out the John Nash and Linnie Keith. evil effects of alcohol, tobacco, and R. L. Osmunson, Temperance Sec- narcotics. retary of the Ohio Conference, chal- Larry Carter, an 18-year-old senior lenged the entire student body to of Mount Vernon Academy, was healthful living on Sabbath morning. POSTERS. One of the winners in the contest judged to be the outstanding orator His sermon, "Find Me a Man," called for temperance posters was Carole Ashbaugh and captured the A.T.S. trophy for for the youth to be ready when God of Garden State Academy. Other winners are in the background. Looking over the poster his school. Others participating in- calls for them to fill a responsibility. cluded Bob Emmerling of Shenan- at the right is Elder Peterson, director of To do this, he said, requires con- the weekend program. doah Valley Academy; Joe Wojcicki of Garden State Academy; Clifton Davis, Pine Forge Institute; David Groff, Mount Aetna Academy; Nancy Welker, Blue Mountain Academy; Bob Helms, Takoma Academy; Milo Kincaid, Echo Valley Academy; and Timothy Waxter, Greater Baltimore Academy. Each orator received a check for $25 for participating in the night's program. CONTESTANTS. Pictured here are the orators in the annual oratorical program at Shenandoah The weekend of activities got un- Valley Academy. Left to right: Timothy Waxter, Greater Baltimore Academy; Clifton Davis, der way, in spite of severe weather, Pine Forge Institute; Milo Kincaid, Echo Valley Academy; Larry Carter, Mount Vernon Acad- emy; Joe Wojcicki, Garden State Academy; Nancy Welker, Blue Mountain Academy; David with an A.T.S. program by Columbia Groff, Mount Aetna Academy; Robert Helms, Takoma Academy; and Robert Emmerling, Union College under the direction of Shenandoah Valley Academy. Report From Australasian Division CUC Alumni to Meet on Thursday, February 28 The Aborigines of Australia HARRY HOUSE, President of the Na- tional Alumni Association of Colum- By Ernest H. J. Steed bia Union College, has announced Public Relations Director, Australasian Division that the annual February meeting of the Association will take place AMONG some of the most primitive Thursday night, February 28, at 6:30 people in the world are the Austra- to raise up the tribes of Jacob and o'clock, in the Recreation Room of lian aborigines. There are approxi- to restore the preserved of Israel; Morrison Hall. mately 100,000 living in Australia, I will give you as a light to the na- All members of the Alumni Asso- mostly in the dry, barren lowlands tions, that my salvation may reach ciation in the area, especially in and dry-grass plains. to the end of the earth" (Isaiah 49:6, Takoma Park, Silver Spring, and In western Australia where we RSV) . other Washington-area cities, are have three missions I recently saw Many requests for light and infor- cordially invited to attend. what God can do among these people. mation are reaching us from Jewish This will be a potluck supper, so Pastor A. D. Vaughan, a man with inquirers, and many of our own everyone is requested to bring a hot the love of God in his heart, has members are earnestly asking for dish, a salad, or a dessert. Drink and pioneered these missions. I saw the counsel regarding methods of work rolls will be provided. change, so to speak, from a grub to for the sons and daughters of Abra- Important business items will be a butterfly. Filthy, degraded, living ham. Questions are asked: Do we discussed, according to Mr. House, in humpeys and ground hovels, many have any literature that can be used? Do not forget the date, Thursday, of these people have been given a Yes, we have special lessons which February 28, 6: 30 P.M., Morrison meaning for living. have been prepared for use in this Hall, College Campus, on Flower At Karalundi 60 young people are type of missionary work. These les- Avenue. in training for service. They are clean, learning the art of living. To hear them sing leaves you inspired with their enthusiasm and fervor. Oratorical Program . At Wiluna 40 smaller children and (Continued from page 1) older people, rated as hopeless, have had the spark of life renewed. In- and Jerry Bregan, Jr., Takoma Acad- stead of being lazy and indifferent, emy. These youth set the tone for a these natives now are eager to work, group discussion of topics, including with a sparkle in the eye. "When I Establish My Home," "Can At Mullewa, a town of approxi- a Youth Have a Fling and Get Away mately 3,000, a different approach is With It?" and "When Is the End?" being followed. These people had A full house of students, commu- been cast off as if animals, hated and nity residents and visitors from despised by the populace. Then came throughout Virginia came early on Mr. Dod, the Adventist missionary. Saturday night to hear a concert by Again love came to the rescue. It the S.V.A. Band. The band, under the took Divine grace and power to lift direction of Pat Silver, has achieved these people who were living only outstanding success this year and for liquor and immorality. Now a delighted the audience with various church hall is filled to capacity, up musical moods and movements. to 80 meeting regularly. Judges for the Saturday-night pro- Yes, missions are worthwhile. God gram included Dr. Stephen Hiten, can lift the lowest to the highest. sons have been prepared for the Professor of Speech at Columbia Your dedication to the cause of mis- Hebrew Scripture Association and Union College, chairman; W. Howard sions by your sacrifice is being are being processed by Faith for To- Eligrifz, a member of the Virginia blessed by God, day. We also have three volumes of House of Delegates; I. B. Young, Israel's Heritage which are available D.D.S., Dayton, Va.; Carl Estep, through the Hebrew Scripture Asso- owner, New Market Feed and Hard- ciation office at the General Confer- ware; and Pastor Reid Diggs, First Avenues of Light ence. Methodist Church, New Market, Va. For the Jews In addition to these materials we Seventh-day Adventists are tem- also have our quarterly periodical, perance-minded people. The great AVENUES of light? Certainly. That Israelite, which is published by the educational program of the church is what we read in the ancient proph- Pacific Press Publishing Association embraces, as one of its highest goals, ecy of Isaiah. Avenues of light to the especially for our Jewish friends and the proclamation of the great tem- Jews, and avenues of light to the neighbors. You will be given an op- perance message of total abstinence. gentiles. We read: "It is too light a portunity on March 16 not only to thing that you should be my servant Principals, teachers, and parents provide names and addresses but also are to be commended in their efforts to give a liberal offering during the to fortify the youth of our schools NOTE—The overflow offering for church service. Thirteenth Sabbath this quarter goes and churches to be total abstainers to the Australasian Division. The ar- This offering will be forwarded to and to militantly fight the evils of ticle at the top of the page is the last your local Book and Bible House, alcohol, tobacco, and narcotics, to of three articles by Elder Steed who and from there it will pass on to the help prepare a people to live for visited the Columbia Union Conference last summer.—D. A. Roth. (Continued on page 10) eternity. 2 COLUMBIA UNION VISITOR us to sound the gospel trumpet to those in double darkness. Let us in- Zeut Recend Rd-ea-de-4 vite the blind people to go through with us to the kingdom" (Review and Herald, December 31, 1903, (Appearing periodically in the "Visitor" will be information concerning new record releases.
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