PCCGST, Chennai

PCCGST, Chennai

( NATION TAX Phone No. 28335015/28335067 ' MARKET - Fax No. 044-28331050/1015 email: ccu-cexchn2Inic.in - GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CHIEF COMMISSIONER OF GST & CENTRAL EXCISE, TAMILNADU & PUDUCHERRY No.26/1, MAHATHMA GANDHI ROAD, CHENNAI - 600 034 C.No.I/13/06/2017-CZO(Admn) Dated: V /07/2017 To The Additional Director (EMC) Directorate of Human Resource Development Expenditure Management Cell, Ground Floor, IRCON International Ltd, Plot No. C-4, District Centre, Saket, New Delhi - 110 017. Madam, Sub: Allotment of DDO Codes consequent to re-structuring of Commissionerates w.e.f. 01.07.2017-reg ******* Kind reference is invited to your letter F.NO.8/B/ 1 0(133)HRD(EMC)/20 17 dated 14.07.2017 on the above subject. 2. With regard to the above, the proforma received from the field formations under this CGST & CX Zone is forwarded herewith for information and further necessary action. Yours faithfully, Ends: As above (MANASA GANGOTICATA ? r) l JOINT COMMISSIONER (CCO) Copy to: The Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts (CBEC), A.G.C.R. Building, First Floor, New Delhi- I 10 002 PIOFORMA FOR ALLOTMENT Of 000 COOl I PAD NJ'!* of DUO Jot -,1'c "t CII 000 c,, 4 j P.12017. O Consnosolone,a DOSCIirJV t/Ono. 04ance 1000.1 000 Coy kieflyohIe 000 p' Ill sa te to onth Cod, "t-on PA') r.CDOO1 300 000 (rOy 030 Slate Pm Code "beo -_ rio. 000 e-Mal applicable) NC000. Iiqt. 0.a The Ccmnu 1 R7O605. salem, Ceotia'GSTL Cf. Nol. CBE & lem Adn4tSlwatme '.tts Coml..'so.1. I 0fke, Lea. Salem ccoo: Salem Salem tam4rad 44'44COIO 0427-2296535 Otenr.31 21534 CSfo lie' Asyt Ccwnes'. of NC000. Salem-i CtntaI 651 & Cl., SJlem-I N,,.106, V-4f$1411131m1 (BE & f1PIAO, lem AdmnasUat,on P4oly 3 Ceded. Ri.osahrishnJ Road. sai rys.yJ55 Salem Officer EM Salpm Tm4rsadu "Ct'3O-1 Salem 636007 0427-2333404 0427.2430008 2.55 Osenn1 Ole. The Asst .Cor'w'vcf N(000. Salem- Ceodrl 63-! & CE. Salem-" Rs.1109C00. 11 Dyn. Dn.,No.l,Fcuiks PAD. C8C( Salem dn".st,at.,e Same' Cemoound Anai Medu. salem2&.n.aot Rs3230000, 3 055340 lff .ce SJ1ens t,SJdU Salem lo 6i'dsr 00-1 Salem 636001 0427-239 7.2296128 d0 C0*nnal 255343 ricaoo. Erode-I 010- The Ass3.Commr of 01.20350000, Doe.. I Central 651 & CE, (rode-I & O, CBEC, Salem Admnrslrat Don. No.81. Bharltlll ao.lT1Ur3R190S Rs5230000. JPSAS0340 Sale-rn ONce' 60 Li..' 1C000-1 Nagar, Erode Erode Taminadu 638004 0424-2291081 0424-2294900 ROVAn thenral 155344 J,MCDDO,'Er,olel Olo- The Mst.Coerm, of Central GOT & CO. (rode-U coo & PAD, C&C. Salem Mnid,saioe Don., 0081, BhJrthI 9os@ 01.5230000 5055340 Salem fhCtr 60 Ei.5 ItC0-i Nagar Erode Erode Tamib'sadu 6310040424.2290725 0424-2294500 lVaL—in 0lenn 355345 NC000. P4030' O/e. ASst.Cor of Rl7102080, PAD, CBEC.Salem I. Mm.nls Cent' at 651 & CE, Ilosur I admn- Ill&. 6 055340 Salem Officer 1(0(34 1CDDO-1 Den.. Thully Road. H0ur. Hosur Tamksadu 63510936344-243600 104344-247093 cexhsr1#ovm 5230000, Salem thermal lone 0/0' TheAsstCon'wrr of NC000 Hosu' Ii Central 651 & CO. Hour U I 01.17102060. Os. 352107 PAD, C8EC, Salem Ad,ThnistratNf Don. No. 67/A. SJPCOT, adern- Ill & RI. Olelvial-Il. 7 055340 Salem 01&er - 180 X.M 1NC000-1 Hosur 635126. HOSur Tamfnadu 635126104344-279117 104344-274488 cexhsr2gov.in 5230000. Salem Osenrial belt Off ornce Pay & Accounts 6001. Scanned by CamScanner Proforma (1); Change in the nomenclature of DDO Details of New Formation under Principal Chief Commissioner of CGST & Central Excise and Existing DDO Code allotted to erstwhile Commission erates. Sl.NO. Name of the Field DDo Code required Existing DDO Existing DDO Formation for (Nomenclature i Codes with DDO Code related to of DDO) details PAO Salem Commissionerate Salem, hqrs S. Vijaya 255341 Salem-1 division B .Shree Susmithaa 255342 055340 Salem-11 division S. Duraisamy 255343 PAO, CBEC, r Erode-I division A. Murali Kandhan 1155344 ' Salem Erode —Il division A. Murali Kandhan 355345 Hosur—1 division I R. Santhi 152108 052084 Hosur-11 division P. Krishnan Kutti 352107 PAO,CBEC, Chennai Signature Commissioner... Pro forma (2): Merger! Discontinuation of DDO DDO Code SI.No Name of Field Formation Existing DDO The Name of & Code & merged DDO nomenclature to I Nomenclature with be discontinued I nomenclature PAO, CBEC, Salem Hosur-1/152 108 1 R. Santhi Hosur-11/352107 P. Krishnan kutti - çcctc, L Signature Commissioner... Scanned by CamScanner Proforma (1) : Change in the nomenclature of DDO Details of New Formation under Principal Chief Commissioner of CGST & Cenral Excise And Existing DDO Code allted to erstwhile Commissionerate Coimbatore Commissionerate DDO Code required for Existing DDO Codes Existing DDO Code SI. No. Name of the Filed formation (Nomenclature of with DDO Details related to PAO DDO) 1 Headquarters Office, Cbe. N.A. 253930 N.A. 2 Coimbatore I Division N.A. 253931 N.A. 3 Coimbatore II Division N.A. 253932 N.A. 4 Coimbatore Ill Division N.A. 253933 N.A. 5 Coimbatore IV Division N.A. 253940 N.A. 6 Pollachi Division N.A. 206411 N.A. 7 Tirupur Division N.A. 253944 N.A. 8 Coonoor Division N.A. 206553 N.A. Proforma (2): Merger/Discontinuation of DDO The Name of DDO Code & Existing DDO Codes & SI. No. Name of the Filed formation merged DDO with Nomenclature to be Nomenclature nomenclatre discontinued 1 Headquarters Office, Cbe. 2 Coimbatore I Division 3 Coimbatore II Division 4 Coimbatore Ill Division 5 Coimbatore IV Division 6 Pollachi Division 7 Tirupur Division S Coonoor Division Note : There is no merger of DDO5 (D.SRINIVAS PRASAD) CHIEF ACCOUNTS OFFICER 2 0 C) Ct, 0 0 > 1p O0sr '.0 g - 0- (0 -(0 cIo I .o .E .= —. o= < - <— - rD .c '.3 .3 00 0 C 0- <0 - 3 :3 0 -0 0 0 0 C 0o —• = 00 0 -' -'o 0-' 0 (0 (0 (0 0 (0-' --0 C) Lr C) -° 7": > 2 0) C 2 2 2 Z Z Z 2 2 C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) o C C C 0 0 C C C vi C 0 C C C C C -9 -9 -9 P— 9— 9— -9 -9 - 0 2 C) Z -4 C) -I C 4 - oj 0 00)0 0 -4 '' -4 0'°o ' 0 • C0 f 40 b . 3 . co a 9- az - CD > C C)o Ztt, 2 0) 2C)c 2C)c ZC)c - 0) x '-- 0)0 = 0)0 = 0)0 0)0=.:z co C C U) CL 0 a - a. -. a. a. a. a. a. a. -. a. 0 c Es 2...- 0 a,Q UQ to c- --q -4 - t" -+ -4 Q (0 - a'm C: 2 cC -< co cc co < ,g (0 C) -4 0 0- C) C) C) C) C) 0 C = -.0 0—. -.0 0 0 -D 3 3 3 3 2 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 a 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 Z Z Z Z oj Z C Ln oc 00 cc co cc I rD w CL CL J• rl NJ 3 3 3 z3 co CL : :': : : : V1 v1 00 0' 0 0' 1 0 1 0 I 0 0' 0 I 0 o Co o C CL 0-' 00 C C C C CL 0 CD CL M ul Nj hUE hUt i-S -. - CD -9. 2. Administrative Administrative Officer Administrative Officer Administrative Officer . CL Officer g • 0 2 rC C C C C C C C CC on o 0 0 0 80 J. - ( 0 0 < 0 (_• - - ,. cm - > cm rD f 0 U. cm 0 ILI. fl cm . cm < 00 c-o3 I g > z --< Ln LA &!HI0 a t!Ucm (D 90 U 0 90 471 CD CN eD C Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Ln Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu Tamilnadu C 4- cmQcm 600035 600035 a -< 600035 600035 r) 9994386334 044-26142879 044-24363648 9444445436 L C C gstsouthpyygrI! .jL( g ji vv@igma iI.c perungudidn6502 cgmai kokiIavani639cgmjco ocr. om Lcorn rn o Cr 0 2 CL 3cm g'c CL - C 0 Cr 6CD CD 0 (- >CD 0 3 3 CD LA CD S a8r NJ CD (p1,rD tu CD (-.O CDCD o C;' eD 0 M -. CD CD O5O 0 CD Administrative Officer i 0 DC 0 OQ CD D -V 0 >—; 3 3 CD CD CD DC C z rl C-) Z(-)_0 Cv =(0CD0 o 00 0 C 8 09< 0 00 -CD r— =_ I :-C Q CD— CD 0 0 E'.r )I1 0 0 — 0 o > z;v o ° Po2 o 0. 1 0Q- DC— 5r) CD (n -'-1 —2° c CD DC-CD m 0 Chennai Tamilnadu 0 (DO (-C 600035 • 9994386334 P 8 C 0 DC gstsouthpvvgmaiI.co 8 !fl o C(D 8 3C * 'C CD 8CD 0 rn z Cu CD ' o_ 05 3 CL o = 0 CD - 0 C) r-J o . !o Z 0 3 -' 0) 1-1 D,, t-0 rD o CL 0 > Co -oQJ -. CD OQ 0 CD C) C) C) o rD ''8 0 10 CU,çC 0_ o CL CD 0I Cr - C) -< 0 0) z. m COO -4 .n0 o C) 2 C) o-< p..) 00 U)0 000 Un .0 (11 CD f-n Di n (P I tA = n -. o U) U) p..) 'C CL 0 CQ) a - 0(D 00 '-4 - 0 = 0(0 0 0 .-p< 0 CD 00b a 0 Scanned by CamScanner C cDU i-n = rr 2- CL -•M 0 = CC 00 Co -.

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