Grades K-6 Collection

Grades K-6 Collection

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Purchase the Fall 2018 Seasonal Collection 978-1-5415-5774-1 • 22 titles $1,106.34 (List) • $829.75 (S&L) audisee® ebooks with audio: collectiongrades K-6 1 collection ™ NEW Bumba Books™ — A First Look at Physical Science 6 Book Series Bumba Books — SERIES Multi-User Per Title: $46.65 (List) • $34.99 (S&L) FALL 2018 Multi-User Bundle: 978-1-5415-3931-0 • $279.90 (List) • $209.93 (S&L) A First Looks at Physical Science TITLE ATOS LEXILE RC GRL ISBN What's the difference between transparent and opaque? How can water Let's Explore Gases ©18 TBD 360 TBD K 978-1-5415-2946-5 Let's Explore Gravity ©18 TBD 400 TBD K 978-1-5415-2948-9 take the form of ice and vapor? What keeps the moon in Earth's orbit? Let's Explore Light ©18 TBD 310 TBD K 978-1-5415-2955-7 Introduce the concepts of gravity, sound, light, and the states of matter in Let's Explore Liquids ©18 TBD 370 TBD J 978-1-5415-2957-1 this beginning reader series. Let's Explore Solids ©18 TBD 350 TBD J 978-1-5124-8397-0 Let's Explore Sound ©18 TBD 400 TBD J 978-1-5124-8399-4 Reading Level: K-1 • Interest Level: PreK-1 ™ Bumba Books™ — Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Beasts 6 Book Series Bumba Books — Multi-User Per Title: $46.65 (List) • $34.99 (S&L) Multi-User Bundle: 978-1-5124-8581-3 • $279.90 (List) • $209.93 (S&L) Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Beasts TITLE ATOS LEXILE RC GRL ISBN Discover what scientists know about the amazing beasts that roamed the Iguanodon ©17 2.0 360 2.2 K 978-1-5124-8377-2 Pterodactyl ©17 1.8 430 2.2 K 978-1-5124-8379-6 earth millions of years ago. Meet cats with giant teeth, woolly mammoths Saber-Toothed Cat ©17 1.5 380 2.3 K 978-1-5124-8381-9 with thick fur, and even dinosaurs with feathers! Fascinating, realistic Triceratops ©17 1.6 400 2.4 K 978-1-5124-8383-3 illustrations will draw in early readers. Velociraptor ©17 1.7 370 2.2 K 978-1-5124-8385-7 Woolly Mammoth ©17 1.6 440 2.5 K 978-1-5124-8387-1 Reading Level: K-1 • Interest Level: PreK-1 NEW SERIES ™ FALL 2018 Bumba Books™ — Feelings Matter 4 Book Series Bumba Books — Feeling Matter Multi-User Per Title: $46.65 (List) • $34.99 (S&L) Multi-User Bundle: 978-1-5415-3933-4 • $186.60 (List) • $139.95 (S&L) Explore feelings with this engaging series. Vibrant photos and simple TITLE ATOS LEXILE RC GRL ISBN text introduce the basics of each type of feeling and make connections to Feeling Angry ©18 330 2.1 J 978-1-5415-2963-2 readers' experiences. Age-appropriate critical thinking questions encourage Feeling Happy ©18 320 2.1 I 978-1-5415-2965-6 readers to think more about the topic. Feeling Sad ©18 340 2.2 J 978-1-5415-2967-0 Feeling Scared ©18 430 2.4 J 978-1-5415-2969-4 Reading Level: K-1 • Interest Level: PreK-1 ™ Bumba Books™ — Fun Firsts 6 Book Series Bumba Books — Fun Firsts Multi-User Per Title: $46.65 (List) • $34.99 (S&L) Multi-User Bundle: 978-1-5124-8582-0 • $279.90 (List) • $209.93 (S&L) There's a first time for everything! Celebrate these milestones with Fun TITLE ATOS LEXILE RC GRL ISBN Firsts. Carefully leveled text, full-color photographs, diagrams, and age- Getting a Pet ©17 1.2 330 2.1 I 978-1-5124-8389-5 appropriate critical thinking questions guide readers through each topic. Going Camping ©17 1.2 450 2.5 I 978-1-5124-8391-8 Going on an Airplane ©17 1.2 340 2.2 I 978-1-5124-8393-2 Reading Level: K-1 • Interest Level: PreK-1 Having a Sleepover ©17 1.5 400 2.3 H 978-1-5124-8395-6 Moving Day ©17 1.2 390 2.3 H 978-1-5124-8397-0 Starting a Sport ©17 1.7 430 2.4 J 978-1-5124-8399-4 4 | LERNERBOOKS.COM | 800-328-4929 | SIGN UP FOR A FREE TRIAL AT LERNERDIGITAL.COM audisee® ebooksaudisee with® ebooks audio: with grades audio: K-6 collection collection 1 ™ Bumba Books™ — Hooray for Community Helpers! 8 Book Series Bumba Books — Multi-User Per Title: $46.65 (List) • $34.99 (S&L) Multi-User Bundle: 978-1-5124-8019-1 • $373.20 (List) • $279.90 (S&L) Hooray for Community Helpers! TITLE ATOS LEXILE RC GRL ISBN Who makes a difference in your community? Young readers are fascinated Hooray for Chefs! ©17 2.1 420 2.4 J 978-1-5124-6030-8 Hooray for Construction Workers! ©17 1.8 350 2.2 J 978-1-5124-6032-2 by community helpers. Simple text and vibrant photos introduce how all Hooray for Farmers! ©17 1.5 350 2.1 J 978-1-5124-6034-6 kinds of community helpers contribute. Hooray for Nurses! ©17 1.6 330 2.1 J 978-1-5124-6036-0 Hooray for Pilots! ©17 1.6 340 2.2 J 978-1-5124-6038-4 Reading Level: K-1 • Interest Level: PreK-1 Hooray for Police Officers! ©17 1.6 360 2.2 J 978-1-5124-6040-7 Hooray for Teachers! ©17 1.6 360 2.2 J 978-1-5124-6042-1 Hooray for Veterinarians! ©17 1.4 340 2.4 J 978-1-5124-6044-5 ™ Bumba Books™ — I See Ocean Animals 6 Book Series Bumba Books — I See Ocean Animals Multi-User Per Title: $46.65 (List) • $34.99 (S&L) Multi-User Bundle: 978-1-5124-8020-7 • $279.90 (List) • $209.93 (S&L) Dive deep into the sea with these fascinating introductions to ocean TITLE ATOS LEXILE RC GRL ISBN animals. Carefully leveled text and vibrant photos engage early learners. Look, a Clown Fish! ©17 1.5 430 2.4 J 978-1-5124-6160-2 Age-appropriate critical thinking questions and a photo glossary help build Look, a Dolphin! ©17 1.6 280 1.7 J 978-1-5124-6162-6 Look, a Jellyfish! ©17 1.5 270 1.7 J 978-1-5124-6164-0 nonfiction reading skills. Look, a Ray! ©17 1.4 320 2.1 J 978-1-5124-6166-4 Reading Level: K-1 • Interest Level: PreK-1 Look, a Shark! ©17 1.4 400 2.3 J 978-1-5124-6168-8 Look, a Starfish! ©17 1.6 380 2.3 J 978-1-5124-6170-1 SPANISH ™ EDITIONS Bumba Books™ en español — Veo animales marinos (I See Ocean Animals) 6 Book Series Bumba Books en español — Multi-User Per Title: $46.65 (List) • $34.99 (S&L) Multi-User Bundle: 978-1-5124-8587-5 • $279.90 (List) • $209.93 (S&L) Veo animales marinos (I See Ocean Animals) TITLE ATOS LEXILE RC GRL ISBN Dive deep into the sea with these fascinating introductions to ocean ¡Mira, un delfín! (Look, a Dolphin!) ©17 1.9 380 TBD 978-1-5124-8457-1 ¡Mira, una estrella de mar! (Look, a Starfish!) ©17 1.6 460 TBD 978-1-5124-8463-2 animals, now available in Spanish! Carefully leveled text and vibrant photos ¡Mira, una medusa! (Look, a Jellyfish!) ©17 1.7 340 TBD 978-1-5124-8465-6 engage early learners. Age-appropriate critical thinking questions and a ¡Mira, un pez payaso! (Look, a Clown Fish!) ©17 1.4 460 TBD 978-1-5124-8459-5 photo glossary help build nonfiction learning skills. ¡Mira, una raya! (Look, a Ray!) ©17 1.8 430 TBD 978-1-5124-8467-0 ¡Mira, un tiburón! (Look, a Shark!) ©17 1.1 430 TBD 978-1-5124-8461-8 Reading Level: K-1 • Interest Level: PreK-1 ™ Bumba Books™ — It's a Holiday! 12 Book Series Bumba Books — It's a Holiday! Multi-User Per Title: $46.65 (List) • $34.99 (S&L) Multi-User Bundle: 978-1-5124-8021-4 • $559.80 (List) • $419.85 (S&L) Carefully leveled text and fresh, vibrant photos engage young readers TITLE ATOS LEXILE RC GRL ISBN in learning about the holidays we celebrate throughout the year.

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