SPEEOIIE II ETCOMING THE ilETEGATI{)N ()F THE PE()Ptr,I'S BEPUBI,IO OF IHINA BI THE U.Li. GENIIiAT ASSEMB PNESIIIENT AT THA PMNAHY ilIEETING OF THE 26TII SESSION OF THE U.N. GINERAI, ASSEMBTY (N0VEIIBER I , t97t) FOI1EIGN LANGUAGES PRESS I'EKING SPEECHES WELCOMING THE, DELEGAT{ON OF' THE, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF' CHINA BY THE U.N. GENERAL ASSE,MtsLY PRESIDE,NT AND REPRESENTATIVES OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES at the Plenary Meeting of the 26th Session of the U.N. General Assembly (November 15, l97l) FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRESS PEKING I97L CONTENTS /1{ORNlNG SPEECH BY ADAM MALIK, President of the z6th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations SPEECH BY ABD,\LLA YACCOUB BISHARA, PCT- lnaneflt Representative of KU!7AIT to the U.N. (on Be- half of the Asian States) - SPEECH BY MILAN KLUSAK, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of CZECHOSLOVAKIA (on Behalf of the East European Statcs) SPEECH BY ROtsEItT FACK, Permanent Representative of the NETHERLANDS to the U.N. (on Behalf of the W'est European and Other States) SPEECH BY K. B. ANDERSEN, Minister for Foreign Affairs of DENMARK (on Behalf of the Five Nordic Srates) II SPEECFI BY MEHDI MRANI ZENTAR, Permanent Rep- resentative of AzIOROCCO to the U.N' (on Behalf of the Arab States) IJ SPEECH BY GEORGE BUSH, Permanent Representative of thc UNITED ST.A.TES OF AMERICA to the U.N. (as Hosl Country) SPEECH BY SAMI BAHOLLI, Permanent Representative of ALBANIA to the U.N. SPEECH BY JACQUE,S KOSCIUSKO-MORIZET, PCT_ Printeil in the People's Repu,blic of China manent Representative of FRANCE to the U.N. SPEECI] BY HUMBER],O DIAZ CASANUEVA, PeT- Sl'1,,1',CH BY PADMA BAHADUR KHATRI, Permanent manent Representative of CHILE to the U.N. lleprcscntative of NEPAL to the U.N. 6q SPEECH BY NSANZE TERENCE, Permanent Representa- Sl)lillcH BY KURT \trALDHtrIM, Permanent Representa- tive of BURUNDI to the U.N. tivc of AUSTRIA to the U.N. SPEECH BY LUIS MOLINA, Pcrmancnt Rcprc- JOSE AFTER}/OON sentative of COSTA RICA tc the U.N. (on Bchalf of thc Latin American States) SPEECI{ BY LAZAR MOISOV, Vice-Chairman of the SPEECH BY VERNON JOHNSON MITAANGA, Chair- Delegation and Permanent Reprcsentative of YUGO- man of the Delegation and Permanent Reprcscntativc of SLAVIA to the U.N. ZAMBIA to [he U.N. SPEECH BY ATDELLATIF RAHAL, Permanent Reprc- SPEECH BY RICARDO ALARCON PcT- QUESADA, scntative of ALGERIA to thc LI.N. 76 manent Representative of CUBA to the U.N. SPEECII BY PRIMO JOSE ESONO MICA, Chainnan of SPEECH RY TENSORE PAUL ROUAMBA, Pcrturncnt the Dclcgrtion and Permanent Rcpresentative of Reprcsentative of UPPER VOLTA to the U.N. (on llchalf EQUATOIUAL GUINEA to thc U.N. Br of the African States) 41 SPEECH BY JA\/IER PEltllZ Dll CUELLAR, Permanent SPEECH BY MOULAYE EL HASSEN, Pcrrnancrrt ltcp- Representative of PERLI to thc U.N. resentative of MAURITANIA to the U.N. SPEECH BY FAKIJREDDINE MOIIAMED, ViCC_ SPEECH BY MAHMUD ALI, Chairman of thc Dclcgrtion Chairman of thc l)clcgation and Undcr-Secrctary of the of PAKISTAN to the U.N. 47 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the SUDAN SPEECH BY NICOLAE ECOBESCU, Vice-Chairrnan of SPEECH EY MAMADOIJ tsOUBACAR KANTE, Vice- the Delegation and Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Chairman of the Dclcgation of MALI of R.OMANIA SPEIICH BY ABDUL i\{ALEK ISMAIL, Vice-Chairman SPEECH BY SALIM AHMED SALIM, Vice-Chairrnan of of thc Delegation and Permanent Representative of the the Delegation and Permanent Representtrtive of the PE,OI'L]]'S DEMOCITATIC REPURLIC OF YEMEN tO UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA to thc U.N. t4 thc U.N. SPEECH BY PIERO VINCI, Permanent R.eprcscntative of SPEECFI BY GRACE S. K. IBINGIRA, Permanent Rcpre- ITALY to the U.N. 6t scntativc of UGANDA to the U.N. 97 SFEECH BY RICHARD MAXIMILIAN AI(\XiEI, PeT- SPEECII BY U L!flIN, Permanent Representative of manent Representative of GII.ANA to the U.N. 65 BURMA to the LI.N. SPEECH BY Il. M. A. ZAKARIA, Permanent Representa- SPEECH BY EL HADJ ABDOULAYE TOURE, Vice- tive of MALAYSIA to the U.N. (Also on Bchalf of In- Chairrnan of the Delegation and Permanent Representative donesia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand) 61 ot GUINEA to the U.N. SPEECFI BY NiCOL,\S MONDJO, Permanent Rcprcscnra- Sl'li,tictri IIY KAROI,Y CSATCIi.DAY, Vice-Chairman of tive of the PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO tlrc Dclcgation atd Dcputy Minister for Forcign Affairs to the LT.N. 102 ,rl IIL.TNGARY 132 SPEECH BY'IORU NAKAGAWA, Permancnr llcpr.cscnra- SI'llticH BY ZENON ROSSIDES, Vice-Chairman of the to tive of JAPAN to the U.N. ro6 t)clcgation and Permanent Rcpresentative of CYPRUS thc [J.N. SPEECH BY ABDUR-IIAF{MAN PAZH!7AK, Ilcrnrancnl Repre- Representative of AFGHANISTAN to the U.N. SPEECH BY EUGENIUSZ KULAGA, Permanent scntative of POLAND to the U.N. r37 SPEECH BY HAMILTON SHiRLEY AMERASIN(;IIJI, SPEECH BY DUGARSURENGIIN ERDE,MBILEG, ViCC. Permanent Representative of CEYLON to thc Ll.N. Chairman of the Delcgation and Deputy Minister for SPEECIJ BY ALFONSO GARCIA ROBLES, Pcr-rrrlucnr Foreign Affairs of MONGOLIA Representative of MEXICO to the U.N. SPEECFI BY SAMAR SEN, Permanent Representative of U.N. r4J SPEECII BY TALIB EL-SHIBIB, Perrnanenr Reprcscrrrurivc INDIA to thc of IRAQ to thc U.N. SPEECFI BY EDOLIARD GFIORRA, Permanent Rcpre- sentativc of LIIBANON to thc tl.N. r46 SPEECH BY MICIIEL NJINE, Fermanent Reprcscrrtrrrivc of CAMEROON to the U.N. rt7 SPEECH BY ABDOU-IiAOUF ISSAKA, I{cpresentative o[ TOGO I4B SPEECH BY RAFIC JOUE-iATI, DepLrry Permancul lic.prc- ABBY FARAI{, ViCC- sentative of SYIiIA to the U.N. II8 SPEECFI BY ABDULRAIIIM Chairman oI thc Delegation and Permanent Rcprcsentative SPEECH BY YOHANNES TSEGF{E, Vice-Chairrrrln o[ of SOMALIA tc the U.N. r49 the Dclcgation and Permanent Represcntativc of RACHID DRISS, Permanent Representative ETHIOPIA to the U.N. SPEECH BY of TUNISIA to the U.N. rt2 SPEECH BY UMIT HALUK BAYULKEN, Pcrruuncnr SPEECFI BY EDI7IN OGEBE OGBU, Permancnt Reprc- Representative of TURI(EY to the U.N. r23 scntativc of NIGERIA to tl're U.N. rti SPEECH BY YAKOV A. MALIK, Depury Ministcr for SPEECH BY MILKO TARABANOV, Vice-Chairman of Foreign Af fairs and Pcrmanent Representativc of thc the Dctcgation and First Deputy Minister for Foreign SOVIET UNION to the U.N. r2t Affairs ot BULGARIA \6 SPEECFI BY PRINCESS ASHRAF PAHLAVI. Chairman of the Delegation of IRAN r28 SPEECH BY YAHYA H. GEGI-IA,{AN, Vice-Chairman of the Delegation and Perrnanent Representatit,e of the ARAB REPUBLIC OF YEMEN to the U.N. TJO lv SPEECH BY ADAM MALIK President of the z6th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations This morning the Delegation of the People's Republic of China is seated for the first time in the General Assembly. As President of the Assembly, I take great pleasure in welcoming that delegation. This is a historic occasion. The People's Republic of China is now begin- ning its participation in the work of the principal inter- governmental organization in the world today. Un- doubtedly, by this participation the United Nations will be strengthened in its effectiveness. Several representatives have indicated their wish to mark the occasion with statements of welcome' I caII first on the representative of Kuwait to speak on behalf of the Asian states. ;rrrtl constructive role of China. Neither the United Na- l ions, in its quest for implementing its goals and purposes crrshrined in the Charter, nor the countries of the world, wiLh all their different systems and policies, could affqrd SPEECH BY ABDALLA YACCOUB BISHARA t he absence of China. Permancnt Represcntativc of I(U\iflAIT to thc U.N. Furthermore, the United Nations has become more (on Eehalf the Asian Statcs) of universal now as an organization that reflects the policies of governments and the yearnings of the peoples of the world. The search for peace has gained a new impetus, month As Chairman of the Asian Group for the of the quest for constructive co-operation has achieved gives November, and as representative of Kuwai1,, it me a leverage, and the trend towards rapprochement and greqt pleasure the Delegation of to the to welcome China detente has received a new boost. I am sure that the representative 1,he great United Nations as the sole r:[ restoration of the lawful rights of the People's Republic people of China. of China in the United Nations will brighten the future On Monday, 25 October, the General Asscrrrbly voted of mankind in a nc'w era in which dialogue will supplant overwhelmingly for the restoration of the lawlul r'ights confrontation, compromise will supersede fanaticism and of the Chinese people, after 22 years of unjust and un- accornmodation will lcplace extremisrn. 'iustifiable obstruction. That evening of 25 October was One of the unfulfilled hopes of President Woodrow a historic event in the annals of the United NaLions and Wilson was to ,uvitness an era of, as he said, "open treaties of the international community. At long last the General openly ai'rived at". A11 of us yearn for that era. Assembly decided to right the wrongs inflicted upon the Chinese people. This was achieved because of lhe pa- May posterity record that the unattained hope of tience, discretion and rvisdom which the government of Woodrow Wilson was realized after China joined the Peking has demonstrated during the past two decades, Unitccl Nations and worked with others, vigorously and and also because a new concept has emerged in interna- irlaginatively, towards soiving the problems that face tional affairs: the concept of adhering to reality and mankind.
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