$)uWfsI|8& Itjjr Hufliutifir. No.* 6,132 —FRIDAY, JU tY 20, 1906. Part I.—General : Minutes, Proclamations, Appoint­ Part in.—Provincial Administration. ments, and General Government Notifications. Part IV.— Land Settlement. P art IT,—Legal and Judicial. Part V,—Mercantile, Marine, Municipal, Local, Ac. Separate paging is given to each Part in order that it may he fled separately. ^art If.—Legal and Judicial. PAGE PAGE Passed Ordinances _ Notices in Testamentary Actions ., .. 671 Draft Ordinances .. .. 704 Notices in Insolvency Cases .. .. 673 Notices from Supreme Court Registry .. — Notices of Fiscals’ Sales .. 697 Notices from Council of Legal Education.. — Notioes from District and Minor Courts. .. 702 Notifications of Criminal Sessions of Supreme Court. 702 Lists of Articled Clerks * ‘ Lists of Jurors and Assessors., 675 NOTICES IN TESTAMENTARY ACTIONS. In the District Court of Colombo. ■ Livera of Colombo—shall,-on or before the 26th day of July, 1906, show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of Order Nisi. this court to the contrary. Testamentary In the Matter of the Estate of the ^Jurisdiction. late Louisa Cornelia de Livera, J. R. W einman, ¥■ District Judge. No. 2,521 C.• deceased, of Colombo. IS matter coming on for disposal before JamesThe 12th day of July, 1906. Richard Weinman, Esq., District Judge of Colombo, on the 12th day of July, 1906, in the pre­ In the District Court of Colombo. sence of Mr. W. A. S. de Vos, Proctor, on the part of Order Nisi. the petitioners (1) John Ernest de Livera and (2) Emma Cornelia de Livera, both of Jail road in Testamentary In the Matter of the Estate of the Colombo; and the affidavit of the 1st petitioner, dated Jurisdiction. late Ratnayaka Kalu Arachchige the 4th day of July, 1906, having been read : No. 2,601 C. Appurala, deceased, of Amunu- kumbura in the Meda pattu of It is ordered that John Bonifacio Misso, Secretary Siyane korale. of the District Court of Colombo, be and he is hereby declared entitled to have letters of administration to • HIS matter coming on for disposal before. James the estate of the late Louisa Cornelia de Livera, the T Richard Weinman, Esq., District Judge of above-named deceased, issued to him, unless the res­ Colombo, on the 27th day of June, 1906, in the pre­ pondents— (1) James Henry de Livera of Colombo, sence of Mr. W. B. Ranesinghe, Proctor, on-thepart of (2) Simon de Livera Tennekoon of Owitagala in the petitioner Ratnayaka Kalu-arachchige Davith P&sdun korale, Kalutara, and (3) Alfred Henry de Appu of Amunukumbura aforesaid; and the affidavit 671 £ 1 672 PART II. — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — July 20,1906 of the said petitioner, dated the 20th day of June, 1906, before the 2nd'day of August, 1906, show sufficient having been read : cause to the satisfaction of this court to the contrary. It is ordered that the aforesaid petitioner be and he is hereby declared entitled to have letters of P. E. Pieris, administration to the estate' of his late uncle Rat- District Judge. nayaka Kalu-arachchige Appurala, the above-named The 2nd day of July, 1906. deceased, issued to him, unless the respondents—-(1) Jayaweera Arachchige Sardiel Appu, (2) Jayaweera Arachchige Julis Sinno, (3) Jayaweera Arachchige In the District Court of Kalutara. Daniel Sinno, (4) Jayaweera Arachchige Carohami, (5) Jayaweera Arachchige Mangohami, (6) Jaya­ Order Nisi. weera Arachchige Peter Sinno, (7) Jayaweera Arach­ chige Coranelis, (8) Jayaweera Arachchige Hara- Testamentary In the Matter of the Estate of the manis, all of Udatuttiripitiya in the Meda pattu of Jurisdiction late Meera Lebbe Markar Pattuma Siyane korale, (9) Ratnayaka Kalu Arachchige No. 446. Umma of Welapura, Kalutara, Roidahami and her husband (10) Disanayakage deceased. Babasinno, both of Amunukumbura aforesaid, (11) HIS matter coming on for disposal before P. E. Ratnayaka Kalu Arachchige Samichchahami and T Pieris, Esq., District Judge of Kalutara, on the her husband (12) Mapage Piloris, both of Puwak- 4th day of July, 1906, in the presence of Mr. S. Goone- pitiya in the Meda pattu of Siyane korale, (13) tilleke, Proctor, on the part of the petitioner Thamby Ratnayaka Kalu Arachchige Sanchihami and her Markar Mohamado Sali of Welapura Kalutara; and husband (14) Mapage Appu Sinno, both of Puwalc- the affidavit of the said petitioner, dated 4tlr day of pitiya aforesaid, (15) Ratnayaka Kalu Arachchigo July, 1906, having been read : Charles, (16) Ratnayaka Kalu Arachchige Sepa, (17) Ratnayaka Kalu Arachchige Siyatu, (18) Ratna­ It is ordered that the petitioner Thamby Markar yaka Kalu Arachchige Podinona, all of Amunu­ Mohamado Sali of Welapura Kalutara, as widower kumbura aforesaid, (19) Ratnayaka Kalu Arachchige of the said deceased, be declared entitled to. have : Nonohami, (20) Mapage Sinnappu, (21) Mapage letters of administration to'the estate of the deceased ‘Liyanchihami and her husband (22) Harankaha Meera Lebbe Markar Pattuma Umma issued to him, Arachchige Samel Appu, both of Wilimbula in the unless the respondents— (1) Ismail Lebbe Markar Meda pattu of Siyane korale, (23) Mapage Duliyan- Meera Lebbe Markar, (2) Saibo Dorey Pattuma chihami and her husband (24) Herathamillage Nachchia of Welapura Kalutara— shall, on or before Sinnappu, both of Kittanmahara in the Meda pattu the 2nd day of August, 1906, show sufficient cause to of Siyane korale, (25) Wickrama Arachchige Amaris the satisfaction of this court to the contrary. Appu, and (26) Wickrama Arachchige Carolis, both of Kurawalana in the Udugaha pattu of Siyane P. E. Pieris, korale— shall, on or before the 26th day of July, 1906, District Judge. show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this court The 4th day of July, 1906. to the contrary. 1 In the District Court of Jaffna, J. R. W e i n m a n . District Judge. j Order Nisi. Testamentary In the Matter of the Estate of the Jurisdiction. late Catherine Annamma of The 27th day of June, 1906. No. 1,761. Karativu East, deceased. I Charles Marimuttu Sanders of Kara­ tivu East ........................................ Petitioner. In the District Court of Kalutara. Vs. (1) Annam, widow of Ariyanayagam Order Nisi declaring Will proved, <&c. of Chundiculy, (2) Samuel Arumukam, Testamentary In the Matter of the Estate of the clerk, Public Works Department, Jurisdiction. Last Will and Testament of the Chilaw, and his wife (3) Sellamutto No. 445. late Kurukulasuria Patabendige of Public Works Department, Chilaw, . Silvestry de Silva Arsakule- (4) Ampalavannar Richard Suppera- ^ ratne, deceased, of Kalamulla. maniar of 46, Wolfendahl street, Colombo, and wife (5) Gnanamma of HIS matter coming on for disposal before P. E. Karativu East .-.........................Respondents. T Pieris, Esq., District Judge of Kalutara, on '"pHIS matter of the petition of Charles Marimuttu the 2nd day of July, 1906, in the presence of Mr. D. X Sr,riders praying for letters of administration de Silva, Proctor, on the part of the petitioner Kuru­ to the estate of the above-named deceased Catherine kulasuria Patabendige Anthonis de Silva Arsakula- Annamma’ coming on for disposal before W. R. B. ratne of Kalamulla; and the affidavit of the said Sanders, Esq., District Judge, on the 3rd day of petitioner, dated 25th June, 1906, having been read : July, 1906, in the presence of Messrs. Casippillai & It is ordered that the last will and -testament of Cathiravelu, Proctors, on the part of the petitioner; of the late Kurukulasuriyapatabendige Silvestry de and affidavit of the petitioner, dated the 2nd day of Silva Arsakuleratne, deceased, dated 16th June, 1906, July, 1906, having been read : It is declared That the deposited in this court, be and the same is hereby petitioner is the lawful husband of the said intestate, declared proved, unless any person interested shall, and is entitled to have letters of administration to on or before the 2nd day of August, 1906, show suffi­ the estate of the said intestate issued to him, uuless cient cause to the satisfaction of this court to the the respondents or any other person shall, on or before contrary. the 28th day of July, 1906, show sufficient cause to . It is further declared that the said Ivurukulasuriya- the satisfaction of this court to the contrary. patabendige Anthonis de Silva Arsakularatne is the executor named in the said will, and that he is W . R . B. Sa n d e r s , entitled to have probate of the same issued to him District Judge. accordingly, unless any person interested shall, on or This 3rd day of July, 1900. PABT II .— CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — J uly 20, 1906 - 673 In the District Court of Jaffna. aforesaid be declared entitled to have letters of ad. ministration to the estate of the deceased Nawaratna Order Nisi. Mudianselage Punchirale issued to her, as the paternal Testamentary In the Matter of the Estate of the aunt of the heir of the said deceased, unless the res­ Jurisdiction late Sellamuttu, daughter of Sin- pondent aforesaid shall, on or before the 23rd day of No. 1,764. nappu of Kokuvil, deceased. July, 1906, show sufficient cause to the satisfaction Parupatham, widow of Sinnappu of Koku­ of the court to the contrary. vil...................................... ..............Petitioner. (i Bertram Hiix , ' Vs. District Judge. (1) Sinnappu Subramaniam, (2) Sinnappu The 20th day of June, 1906; Kandiah, (3) Sapapathy Muttutamby and wife (4) Ponnamraah, all of Koku­ vil ................................................Respondents. In the District Court of Badulla. HIS matter of the petition of the above-named T petitioner praying for letters of administration Order,Nisi. to the estate of the above-named deceased Sellamuttu, Testamentary In the Matter of the Intestate Estate daughter of Sinnappu, coming on for disposal before Jurisdiction. of Muna Ittana Thana Kana W. R. B. Sanders, Esq., District Judge, on the 9th 278 B. Runa Walliappa Chetty, late of day of July, 1906, in the presence of Mr.
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