SATURDAT, JULY 25, l»4f IQ.URTEE1J iHauritrBtrr £oraina ISeralik Averags Daily Circulation The Wrather For tiw Month o f iv m t, 1942 would be unable to eompete wUb Forecast of U. S. Weather Burean Jf^ents to Meet some of their prices, he say* The About Town To Wed Local Man Heard Along Main Street neighborhood store eontimiea to be 7,451 Oocaslonal rain, little change In a success simply because It contin­ DINE and DANCE at Member of the Audit At Woodstock ues to be Just that—* neighbor­ temperatare tonight. Bnreaa of drenlatlens ■ lUv. Bari E. Story. And on Some of Manche$ter*s Side Streets, Too hood store. When It cuts Its night Aaat of the Norwich DUtrict 1 1 ^ - hours and Sundays it gets out of /Manchester-—A City of'Village Charm The annual meeUng the Parent*’ . odiat churchea, waa reelected prea- A number of the local realdenta to get to the lake with all tbs the neighborhood class, this dealer DANTE’S RESTAURANt .J.L ' Idant of the WlUimantic Camp Association o f Camp Woodstock who are employed at the United foodstuffs hot he had left tha big told us. '^Otound aaaociatlon at ita annual 18 Bast Center Stoeet <Mi VaBaws DallMai lA^Vertlslag on Pagq U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 27, 1942j (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS will be held at the Camp on Sun­ Aircraft plant in East Hartford hot container of chicken at hU VOL: LXL, n o . 253 meeting yeaterday kitchens on Oak street. Have ,. you noticed how the Chmp meeting we^k will close day, immediately,after dinner, ac­ are worried over the possibility ITALIAN AND AMERICAN COOKING they may be among those who So he made a hurried dash back yoiing boys flock to the local with the aer\'lcea tomorrow at cording to announcement of Irving Featnring Chicken, Stenks, SpngbettI and RavlolL E. Partridge, Jr., of Wethersfield, will be transferred to the new to Manchester for the chicken. He State Armory and ogle the sol­ 10:30 a. m., 2:30 p. m. and the Orders Pnt Cp To Take Ont. Youth Night program In the eve President of the Association. This plant of the corporation In Long- got back to the outing in good diers there? . The youngsters be­ Nazi Drives Equal Thrusts Halfway Across U. S.' will be part of the special activ­ meadow, Mass. Some have al­ time, and despite the delay the come strongly . military minded Bing at 7:80 vrith Rev. R. H. p>rw NO ORCHESTRA DURING THE SUMMER i atio of North GroavenordaU - ities of ,VUltori' Day at the Camp, ready been told they will be trans­ entree was piping hot when he and they soon adopt a military Hamburg Hit H^ard Germans Hurl Fresh ' c eliarge. Arrangements for the con­ to which not only parents of camp- ferred to the new plant. served It. It made a somewhat carriage and pick up military lan­ guage. ■VM- '18!!T!!!y is|:i|i>!:i cert this evening eii but members of the Camp Others are wondering If they, different kind of progtaun. It was • X by Rev. G. Albln .-Oahlqulat of Board of Trustee^ and snerabera too, will be put on the Longmea- the first time the after dinner One of these youngsters came ■aat Greenwich, .-R. I-, and Mrs. of the Board of Directors of the dow plant force. Transportation speeches were seized before the to the dinner table the other eve­ In Heavy Assault; mam courae, and the firemen seem­ ning without his appetite. ' His Dahlqulst. Hartford County YMCA, Tolland will be one difficulty for them, If DAKOTA County YMCA, and Windham they intend to make their homes ed to enjcqr tbe chicken better mother could do little with him s into Battle; Memhara of the Lithuanian County YMCA.'have been inwted. than ever. when it came to getting him to here as they have for some years. e ______ c OltlaenB club and the Lithuanian Fifty-five .families have already Others have purchased homes in h eat. Finally father took a hand. AS' c Ooaporation who worked at tte- ’Come on now," the father ad­ New Englanders Are joined the Association for the cur­ 29 Plailes Missing a k o t a X town, and they are hoping that One of the local delivery men $ D recent carnival, wlU hold a dog rent year. Other officers are My­ monished. "eqt your dinner like a ■A they will not have to sell them for a milk concern had a bad scare roast and get-together tonight^ at ron A. Katten of West Hartford, and move into the Springfield dis­ the other day. He was on a bua real soldier.” eight o’clock at the hall on^Gol- Treasurer, and W. S. Harrison, “All right," answered the Say Bataisk Taken trict. bound for his employer's office to Urged to Fill Their aray street It U hoped aU those Secretary. ' Still others we have heard talk tU|n in hie week’s collections. The youngster, "pass the gol danged Heaviest Raid on Reich A ■I bla'nkety-blank mess." More Yanks n 1 laclud^ above will a t ^ d . and, =. Another special feature of Sun­ about the possibility .^y they money totalelf $70 and he had it in Since 1,000-PIanf^ At- they are privileged to Invite a day’s program will be a demon­ would just as soon move to the an ofdinary store paper bag. He Needless to say ths boy has fHsnd. W Mlaa Mary T. Keane stration of the new game, '"Bom- got out of the bus to get a cup of been warned to forget some of the Coal Bins Now ^Strongly Fortified and Great Weight of Rein- new plant. There is a large new- . tack on Bremen; Bet­ •Mmcow ball," invented by John V. Lamber- coffee la a . nearby restaurant things he hears, the soldiers say. To Join Air Civilian Life The Gospel veap^ra ' tomorrow Miss Mary T. Keane, whose en housing prtject there and facili­ Tenaciously Diefended f orcements Massed ton of Chestnut street—*, game ties should be better than they are when he mieaed the money. ter Results Are Re­ H gftamoon at 5:Sp, In which Liewis gagement to Corporal Joseph K. combimng features of volley ball, He spotted Oue Walts, the oper­ . This represents quite an investment. Perhaps ^ou Town' 20 Miles South For Drives Against BaskinS'Of this town and Ruaai— FMtsgerald,tgerald, son of Police Sergeant In this area just now. A local young awaln la going ported Than in Bomb­ Raids Soon SOVIET RUSSIA Like British All basketball, football, and lacrosse It is understood that a certain ator of the hue, a little later when haven’t the ready cash to pay for same. Come in and - t ■U4MCVsingers —of Hertford— will--- have S srouhd with a patch on his nose ..^hael Fltsgerald. of this town with several new features. Mr. proportion of key men are to be Gue also came Into the restaurant. and when asked bow he got it, he Of Rostov on Rail­ North Caucasus and p ert will tebe "broadcast over °SU- " w He told Gus of his loss and the ing Late / Last Month. has been announced, is the daugh- I Lamberton is chairman . of the taken from East Hartfbrd to replies "A t a bridge party." One talk H •ver with ns. Perhaps wa aan help yon. Looms Now tioB WTHT. ' ter of Michael Keane, of S5 And­ ' Physical' Education Committee of ; . accommodating driver went back Increasing Participation Seslinfrad way Leading to Baku Stalingrad Are Used; In Longmeadow. This Is to his bus to take a look. Sure fellow he told that to asked him 11 over street. Hartford. the Hartford County YMCA. ■ bound to affect quite a number he trumped hU partner’s ace. London, July 27.— (^P)— Reported Captured ’ Tanks and Planes in enough, on one seat was the The big port of Hamburg, Of Fighter Pilots in To^tart Concert of Manchester residents. Many t>»g of money. "Heck, no,” the injured one re­ By Storm After Air American Experts Reach ^ Furibusr w Assault to of these are, no doubt, ■ estab­ "The bag had been on the' trip plied, “I was sitting on the bridge The Manchester Trust Co. Germany’s second largest Stceeps Over Conti 4 State Claims Land Birthday Party lished residents of the towm. that takes the bua down around with a girl the other night and city and greatest submarine Force Clears Way. England for Study o/i Widen Nazi Footholds. /A t Seven Q’Clock Manchester will be sorry to lose when I made a pass at her she Member Federal Deposit Ins. Corp. nent Forecast Today. the mills. Several oii the bus had building center, was hit hard --------- For New Highways them, and they will perhaps be lunch bags and this paper bag shoved me off the bridge.” Industrial Concentr»\ For Mrs. Crosseii last night by the Royal Air Berlin (From German Moscow, July 27.—(^P)— Becausa of lack of llghtA; the sorry to leave here. .It can’t be looked aa though It contained a London, July 27—(>P)—Increeui- helped, and ns it Is one effect of Force in its heaviest assault tion; Curbs Are Seen. The Germans hurled into band concert to lie' given by the lunch instead of $70 in currency. Every Urns we hear that "jin- Ing participation by United States Broadcasts). July 27.— (/P)— \ Terrance Shannon, of Russell the war effort It must be met In.
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