s 0 2 0 2 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS r e t n EMBRACING LIFE NEWS i W REPAIR SHOP SPECIALTIES! 143 S 38th Street, Omaha NE 68131 402- 399-0299 www.nebraskansembracinglife.org Winter 2020 PO Box 318/331 Relf Ave Orchard NE 68764 NEBRASKANS Embracing Life Evaporative Pressure Jim Zoucha Coolers 47th Annual Celebration of Life Washers 402-340-0199 [email protected] Virtual Program LIFEstreaming event, January 15, 2021, 7-8:30 pm, VAL6 Radiant EconoDri Heaters Grain Transiitions with keynote speaker Waste-Oil Heaters Archbishop Joseph Naumann, spiritcatholicradio.com Semi Bumpers 800-846-5157 Pickup Bumpers USCCB Chairman of Prolife Activites Thomas More SOCIETY Joining His Excellency on the progam will be Sister Renee Mirkes, OSF , offering her presentation, “The Creighton Model Fertility Care System: Celebrating the Feminine Genius.” On a Mission to Save Lives A national not-for-profit law firm Siding and Gutters Our special guest for the evening will be Mary E. Buckley , author and providing legal help for pro-life sidewalk counselors in need 402-714-2000 pro-life advocate. Her book I Knew You Before You Were Born: A Pregnancy pitchroofingllc.com ThomasMoreSociety.org Memoir, is available at righttobeborn.com. Surprise Thrift Store NEL Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Claire and 143 S 38 St, Omaha NE Denny Hartford of Vitalsignsministries.org Open Thur through Sat 10:00 am–4:00 pm. Nebraskans Embracing Life is offering free advance registration at Shoppers and donations always needed. nebraskansembracinglife.org/LIFEstream 402-341-0625. omahacatholicdoctors.org Wheatfieldscatering.com All proceeds go to defend life! Please join us for a memorable virtual evening celebrating life! (More information on page 5) “No Crib for His Bed” Nebraskans Embracing Life collects donations of Nebraskans for new baby cribs, car seats, or other new maternity Founders Values Knights of Columbus items for mothers in need in a program called NFFV.org KofC.org www.andresomaha.com Nebraska Cares. Drop off donations at Surprise Thrift Store, 143 S. 38th St., Omaha, NE, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10 am - 4:00 pm, donations identified as Nebraska Cares. If you would like to YOUR YOUR YOUR make a monetary donation, please send it to NEL Office Nebraska Cares, 143 S 38 St, Omaha, NE ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT 68131, call us 402-399-0299, or email COULD COULD COULD Surprise Thrift Shop manager Becky Buxter [email protected]. BE HERE BE HERE BE HERE (left in photo) presents seed money check for Nebraska Cares to NEL Chairman Help us to help mothers! Emeritus Ann Marie Bowen. Winter 2020 s Page 1 By David Zebolsky NEBRASKANS Unanswered, Unknown, Immoral? We know that we can never justify abortion in any circumstance, EmbracingLife favoring the well being of the mother and child, sacred human life. With this understanding of faith in life from conception, abortion and the sale or procurement and use of the bodies of unborn babies for medical research of any kind is gravely immoral. We are free to lay down our lives for another, which is understood in our Chris- tian faith as the greatest love ( John 15:13-14). But it is not Chris- tian to kill for our own gain. Would you kill your own child to po- EngagE tentially save the life of another? Bishop Joseph Strickland in the Diocese of Tyler, who is known for his straight talk and defense of the faith, tweeted on EnlightEn Nov. 16: “Moderna vaccine is not morally produced. Unborn chil- dren died in abortions and then their bodies were used as ‘labora- tory specimens.’ I urge all who believe in the sanctity of life to re- EmpowEr ject a vaccine which has been produced immorally.” fessionals say? Many other questions have been asked. While some vaccines Dr. Lloyd Pierre from Sancta Familia Medical Apostolate are good, we know there are side effects, disability and even death said, “We just don’t have all of this information, we don’t have all of EmbracE! risks to varying degrees with vaccines. What of the side effects, and these answers.” permanent effects known or possible from Covid-19 vaccines pro- Dr. Ben Tapper at a Papillion, Nebraska, City Council meeting Nebraskans Embracing Life, duced at such a record pace? What are the risks for a pregnant on December 2 said, “The World Health Organization last year Board of Directors: mother and her child? What does the known testing data show or stated ‘the greatest threat to the health of the world are people who why is it not available from ethical, scientific, medical professional refuse vaccinations or unvaccinated people.’ This mask mandate will David Zebolsky, Chairman sources? Why are we trusting for profit pharmaceutical companies soon turn into a vaccine (mandate).” Ann Marie Bowen, Chair. Emeritus who have not shown consideration for aborted children in their re- Why is there a politically biased push for mandatory adminis- search, or our own government with their known misplaced tration? How can we make a decision independent of population Ann Glinski, Vice Chairman morals? What about RNA/DNA alteration, and use of aborted fe- control influence, political, or other bias? Why is the Covid-19 Lois Coyne, Secretary tal tissue, printed already on early vaccine packaging? What about death rate carefully observed and publicized, without explanation William Berry, Treasurer the possibility of nanotechnology or “contact tracing” proposed for comorbidity factors, which dramatically reduce the numbers of Mike Steil, Creative Art Director technologies or implications? What is in the proposed vaccines those who die primarily on account of the disease,, reported by the that has nothing to do with Covid-19 immunization? Why are CDC at 6 percent of the total? Why is the governor of the worst Anthony Espinosa these elements present or proposed? What about “herd immunity” state in the union for the Covid-19 death rate, New York, given Maris Bentley and the uncertainties with mutant viral strains reducing or elimi- awards instead of reprimand? Lauren Bopp nating the effect of the vaccine? What of physicians who contend a We certainly want to protect our families and we must seek vaccine is not necessary with a 99+ percent recovery rate, statistical faithful sources and medical professionals to best answer these NEL Newsletter Editor: comparisons to the flu, and their claims of effective prevention and questions. With eyes of faith and hearts for truth, we can see ulte- Sister Renée Mirkes, OFF treatment? What about successful treatments employed by coun- rior motives and find truthful information before we make a deci- tries such as Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and Iceland who have not sion that can impact our lives forever. With so many unanswered relied on social spacing and masks? What do faithful medical pro- questions and unknowns, can we consent to immunization? Before I formed thee in the womb of thy mother, The Gabriel Award I knew thee: Nebraskans Embracing Life ‘culture of life, one that cooperates with God’s plan as He defeats and before thou wishes to announce Nancy Gir- vil, draws souls to Himself, and saves hearts, minds, and souls camest forth out mus from Omaha as our Gabriel through their conversion to only choose life! We entreat you to also of the womb, Award winner for this quarter. make a difference in offering your prayers for the success of our en- Nancy has sacrificed time, talent deavors and, if you are so inspired, please consider volunteering for I sanctified thee, and treasure to support our our organization. Just call our office at 402-399-0299, or email en- and made thee a Omaha office and our fundraising [email protected]. prophet unto efforts. She is among over a hun- Congratulations Nancy, you have gone above and beyond in dred dedicated volunteers who your dedication to helping the most innocent persons by defending the nations. support the many outreaches of sacred human life with us, Nebraskans Embracing Life! Jer 1:5 our organization. NEL volunteers serve with our Mobile Ultrasound RV pro- Ann Marie Bowen $250 Scholarship for it is an gram, minority outreach team, ed- ucational efforts through church Life Application: “Why I Am Pro-life” networks, and with pro-life displays in religious and public settings. All applicants must be current high school students honor Volunteers also facilitate year-round spiritual events, media out- who belong to a church in Nebraska. Amounts will be reach, and community engagement in faithful witness. Our volun- awarded according to the merit of the Youth Essay. teers bring mothers in need donated material goods, organize our Application Deadline: December 30, 2020. Award fundraising events such as this year’s 47th Annual Virtual announced on January 4, 2020. to sErvE LIFEstream Program on January 15 and our annual garage sale. No one has worked harder as a volunteer for our organization than Applicants may not have previously received a with You. Nancy Girmus has in 2020! Thank you, Nancy, for your willingness Nebraskans Embracing Life Scholarship. Essay must be to defend life with NEL! We salute you and your great faith and 500 words or less. Submitted on standard 8.5” by 11” dedication to serving God by defending life! paper. Typed essays preferred. We salute all of our volunteers and extend a congratulatory THANK YOU to each of you for your help! We will only reach Mail to: Nebraskans Embracing Life. Attn: Scholarship. our highest potential with the support of each of you, our many 143 S. 38th St. Omaha, NE 68131. volunteers. Our goal is to transform this culture of death into a Winter 2020 s Page 2 A Light in the Darkness By Maris Bentley No matter the circumstance, or our struggle, no matter less; the lie that teaching pornographic, inclusive (that dents at SBCA attend Mass every day, and they study the challenge, we must never give up.
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