July 2018 vdp Pfandbrief breakfast Host: Commerzbank AG, Ted Packmohr, Head of Financials & Covered Bond Research Pfandbriefe as a sustainable funding instrument In May 2018, Commerzbank hosted the annual vdp Pfandbrief breakfast in Frank- furt. Besides general developments on the Pfandbrief market, the focus this time was on sustainable/ESG Pfandbriefe. The following is an abbreviated transcript of a panel discussion in which representatives of some sustainable Pfandbrief issuers and Commerzbank participated. The participants talk about obstacles to setting up a sustainable funding programme, their green plans for the future, greenwashing, SpaBol’s approach, the risks of premature regulation, the green investor landscape, the pricing of green bonds and more. Participants: Ted Packmohr: The topic of sustainabili- ty has attracted a great deal of atten- tion on the capital markets. This is also true of the Pfandbrief market. But how do we define a sustainable Pfandbrief? Bodo, what is it that distinguishes a sus- tainable Pfandbrief from a regular one? Bodo Winkler: I cannot give you a general answer as to what are the key features of a sustainable Pfandbrief. But I can tell you the key features of a green Pfandbrief. When we issued our first green Pfandbrief, we took the Bodo Winkler, Franz-Josef Kaufmann, following approach: The Pfandbrief Head of Funding & Investor Relations, Deputy Head of Capital Management itself is already a sustainable instru- Berlin Hyp & Funding, Commerzbank ment. It has been around a very long time, it has never defaulted and it helps financing properties at reason- able costs. This already includes some sustainability aspects. Berlin Hyp has specialised in green Pfandbriefe. That means our main fo- cus is on the energy-efficiency of the buildings that are going to be financed or that have been financed already. Our first step thus was to define what we regard as “energy-efficient” and review the number of such buildings Jürgen Klebe, Claudia Bärdges-Koch, we finance. We have marked these Head of Funding & Investor Relations, Head of Debt Investor Relations assets in the bank’s systems early on. Deutsche Hypothekenbank & Client Acquisition, We have now extended these systems Münchener Hypothekenbank in a way that they include all ener- gy-efficiency data and sustainability Moderator: certificates of the buildings, implying that they can be analysed at any time. Ted Packmohr, Head of Financials & Covered As our roots lie in the Pfandbrief Bond Research, Commerzbank market, Berlin Hyp’s approach in the green bond segment has always been to have the green assets available prior to issuance. Temporarily allo- cating the issue proceeds from the green bond in non-green assets is not an option for us. That means that we have basically applied the Pfandbrief’s collateralisation concept to our green bonds – even if we are speaking of senior unsecured bonds. 2 The Pfandbrief itself is already a sustainable instrument. Bodo Winkler Another requirement in the green meantime, however, we have expand- We convinced several investors with bond market is annual reporting. How ed our range of products and also of- this approach, but others were rather have the funds in fact been used? In fer our customers for example a green sceptical. They accused us of "gre- what concrete assets have the funds or another social loan facility. The enwashing" along the lines of: "You been invested? How has the pool of range has thus also widened for us. granted the loans to make money. assets developed over time? And the But initially, the question was: What Don't tell us now that there was some- supreme discipline: assessing the fits our business model and where is thing noble about it." We also wanted impact of the issue. the greatest potential for us? to address this in future. The market’s first sustainable Pfand- You entered the sustainable Pfand- Another issue for us was the system- brief did not target the green seg- brief market already in 2014 but have atic recording of sustainable loans. ment though. Instead, Münchener not been active since then. Why is How do I find the corresponding loans Hyp placed the social component of that? in the mass of more than 190,000 sustainability at the fore in 2014. Why individual items? We initially lacked a is that? Wouldn't the green aspect have Bärdges-Koch: I hope that we will suitable marking in our systems, which been easier for a property financier? manage a follow-on issue before made reporting difficult. Consequent- Or do you have a different understand- maturity. But in the meantime we are ly, we introduced fundamentally new ing of sustainability? already working on the next project. products for which easier analysis is possible. Claudia Bärdges-Koch: 'Green' is defi- As I said: When the idea of entering nitely an important aspect of sustain- the sustainable market was born, we These new, sustainable products ability but not the only one. And when first had to go through our loan port- include for example private property you come from Munich or work there, folio, which already consisted then of financing geared to energy efficiency. you see very clearly that affordable almost 190,000 individual loans. Of We have also introduced a new social living space for example can also be an course, this meant a lot of effort and a loan for families. We consciously important pillar of sustainability. We lot of persuasive work. More and more invest in both product groups by of- have an internal Sustainability Com- requirements were also added by fering reduced interest rates. Hence, mittee that deals with such issues and oekom, with whom we have developed we believe we have addressed the gre- is made up of colleagues from a wide a framework. That is why we initially enwashing aspect while at the same range of specialist areas. A number of limited ourselves to housing loans time broadening our future sustain- different ideas were discussed as to with a social component. And still, the able focus. how Münchener Hyp should position effort was considerable: we had to go itself in this area. This began with an through the statutes of the individual analysis of the credit products we housing cooperatives for example, to already had in our portfolio. In the check how democratic they are. The question of reporting is also not easy when it comes to 'social'. 3 Investors we had never seen in our books before accounted for roughly 40% of our first green Pfand- brief issue. Jürgen Klebe This proves the enormous initial ob- to prepare our IT landscape for this. distance from public transport and stacles new issuers in the sustainable This took up the greatest part of our the sealing of surfaces are examples of segment can face. Deutsche Hypo is preparatory period, which comprised new ideas. In part, we included such the latest addition to the green Pfand- a total of c. 18 months. ideas from our roadshow activities, to brief market. What did it take to get integrate them into our reporting. This this project up and running? By now we have published our re- also took up part of the 18 months we porting, after issuing the first green needed to prepare. Jürgen Klebe: Of course, we moni- Pfandbrief in November. So actually, tored our predecessors’ experience we did not have to start our reporting Why hasn’t Commerzbank become closely and recognised the relevance before November of this year – but active in the ESG bond segment yet? of the sustainable market. Based we managed it two weeks ago, i.e. half on these examples, we decided to a year after the first issuance. This Franz-Josef Kaufmann: I think the address the green segment of the makes us glad. Hence, the targeted other participants have illustrated sustainable market. work towards reporting required a lot this point very well: There are circum- of effort, but it has paid off. stances when entering the sustainable Since Deutsche Hypo is a pure com- bond segment is easier and others mercial property financier, we have a But of course there are always sur- when it is more difficult. Commerz- much smaller number of loans. While prises on a roadshow. For example, bank, for example, is a universal bank our portfolio is not small, it is man- we were asked what “additionality” active in the mass market rather than ageable in that respect. Nevertheless, we offer. This means whether we are a specialist institution with a relative- we too naturally had to completely re- merely a trend follower or whether we ly low number of loans. Hence the IT vamp our IT landscape first, to permit are doing something new. My answer systems needed for such a step are coherent reporting. And if you don’t to this is: “Yes, we take criteria that much more diverse. When establishing keep that in mind right from the start, are known from other banks and have Commerzbank’s Pfandbrief eligibility you tend to make mistakes. For this therefore been established, analyse some years ago, we already noticed reason, we discussed at an early stage: them and have oriented our IT towards how much this increases the entry What is such reporting? What does them. But we also establish additional costs. it have to show? Of course, we had criteria that we think make sense”. In our case, taking account of the 4 And we have a clear aspiration: If we market entrance should therefore be cause something bigger has developed enter the green segment, we want to rather a question of time. from them. For us, too, the initial make a sustainable market appear- impulse came from the Treasury.
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