February 2018 16 Shevat - 13 Adar 5778 Photo Gallery - page 21 KJCC’s First Shabbaton Redux - page 35 Purim Section - page 48 Keys Jewish Community Center P.O. Box 1332 • Tavernier, FL 33070 • 305-852-5235 • keysjewishcenter.com Chai-Lights February 2018 1 February 2018 16 Shevat – 13 Adar Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Ken Atlas Movie The Green Tu BiSh’vat Oneg Prince Lynn Nobil 7:00 p.m. Marc Bloom 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Movie Sisterhood Dana Grace Gett: The Meeting Trial of Erica Lieberman- 10:00 a.m. Vivienne Garrett Amsalem Arthur Plutzer 7:00 p.m. 11 KJCC 12 13 14 15 16 17 Board Mindy Agler Meeting post-Irma New Moon/ Joyce Peckman Rabbi Agler 9 a.m. counseling Rosh Torah Service Annual Mtg. 6-7 p.m. Chodesh Hannah David 10:00 a.m. 11 a.m. at KJCC Adar 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Movie Art Barney Coltman The Outra- Discussion geous Sophie Group - Jane Friedman Tucker Rembrandt 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Advertisers’ & New Members Dinner 6:00 p.m. 25 26 27 28 Purim, Pizza & Movie 6:00 p.m. 2 Chai-Lights February 2018 2017 - 2018 KJCC Officers and Board President’s Message President Beth Hayden Beth Hayden Executive Vice President Gloria Avner Shalom uvrachah, This is February, the in which every Vice Presidents month in 1943 which marks word uttered Marc Bloom • Michael Kaufman • Medina Roy the arrests and deaths of Die and every ac- Treasurer Linda Kaplan Weiße Rose (the White Rose). tion taken had to be carefully Die Weiße Rose was a non- controlled. One never knew Recording Secretary violent resistance organiza- who was watching, listening Arthur Itkin tion formed by students at and reporting to the Gestapo. Corresponding Secretary Joyce Peckman the University of Munich dur- Tragedy encountered the ing the rule of the Third Scholls on February 18, 1943. Financial Secretary Donna Bolton Reich. Hans Scholl founded They had been successful in the movement and his sisters, turning out fliers encouraging Directors Ken Atlas • Dave Feder • Susan Gordon Sophie and later, Inge, also resistance against the Reich. Steve Hartz • Mitch Harvey joined when they became stu- On February 18, Hans and So- Beth Kaminstein • Linda Pollack dents at the University. For phie decided to distribute Skip Rose • Gene Silverman • Stuart Smith nine months the White Rose more fliers at the University of Sisterhood printed and distributed circu- Munich. They distributed fliers Susan Gordon lars calling for resistance to outside the classrooms and Adult Education & Librarian Nazi policies and governance. then left only to discover they Medina Roy Core members, and their had, in their haste, neglected Historian names deserve remembrance to distribute a significant num- Mary Lee Singer for their courage, included ber of fliers that remained in Resident Scholar Hans and Sophie Scholl, Inge the briefcase. They returned Rabbi Richard Agler, DD Scholl, Alex Schmorell, Willi and Sophie, for whatever rea- Past Presidents Graf, Cristoph Probst and son, decided to throw the re- Joel S. Cohen Robert Faeges their philosophy professor, maining fliers off an upstairs Ronald Horn Kurt Huber. balcony into the courtyard be- Lester Nieman The Scholls came from an low. They were spotted by a Irving Stein Myron Rubin upper middle class, politically university custodian — an in- Bea Graham progressive family. At first, former — and arrested. George Swartz Susan Horn taken in by the Reich’s bom- Sophie and Hans were ques- Jim Boruszak bast, both Sophie and Hans tioned for four days; their trial Joel Pollack served as leaders in Nazi set for February 22nd. They Jeff Schocket Steve Steinbock youth movements. They were were convicted of treason and Alan Beth shortly disillusioned. In an sentenced to death, executed Stuart Sax Bernard Ginsberg atmosphere where it was dan- by guillotine only hours later. Sam Vinicur gerous to even speak or think Hans Scholl’s last words before Editor against the Reich, the Scholl his death were “Long live free- Gloria Avner family maintained its intellec- dom!” Hans and Sophie were Design & Production tual and spiritual integrity. 25 and 22, respectively, at the Heather Seal Children were trained to re- time of their deaths. Three oth- CHAI-LIGHTS is the port their parents, neighbors er members of the White Rose monthly publication of the were encouraged to turn in were tried and executed; the Keys Jewish Community Center their neighbors. This was an rest received prison terms. P.O. Box 1332, Tavernier, Florida 33070 [email protected] atmosphere of “correct speak” —B’shalom, Beth Chai-Lights February 2018 3 gratitude for surviving to reach this season, and Nosh then we will sample and bless the fruits. We are going small but significant this year. All who come Rabbi Agler’s February Torah Service to services on Friday night, February 2nd (though Saturday morning Torah learning services Tu Bish’vat actually begins on the 31st of January) with Rabbi Richard Agler have become a highlight will, if they wish, get seedlings that look like mini- of our winter months, both for our ever-present trees to bring home and care for and bring back stalwarts and our snowbirds. The engaging dis- to use as living karpas when we assemble in cussion happens in a warm, informal atmosphere, March for our Passover Seder. Reminders of what is important in our history and heritage feel like gifts while we brush up on Pizza and Purim: Wednesday, February 28 Jewish life lessons. (There is never any white- We will hold our annual reading of Megillat washing of ancestral behavior.) This month’s ser- Esther on Wednesday evening, February 28th, vice will take place on February 10th. As always, starting at 6:00 p.m. Bring masks and costumes or Rabbi Agler’s services begin promptly at 10:00 let us transform you with shawls and masks, a.m. There will be a Kiddush afterwards, of crowns and beards. This is always a fun evening as course. We believe in feeding the body as well as well as a chance to perform the important mitz- mind, heart and soul. vah of hearing the ganze Megillah. We’ll have healthy food to eat as well as pizza and there will KJCC Jewish Film Festival Continues be an uproarious comedy afterwards, “A Matter If you enjoyed “The Women’s Balcony” and of Size,” about overweight Israelis who decide to “A Stranger Among Us” in January, you definitely become Sumo wrestlers. Among the other mitz- want to see the films our 2nd Annual Winter Film vot of the holiday (to share a festive meal, to give Fest will show in February (see poster on page gifts of food to our neighbors, mishloach manot, 32 for schedule). “The Green Prince” will start and to give charity to the needy), there is the off the month on Saturday, February 3rd. We are commandment to drink until we cannot tell the grateful to our anonymous donor sponsoring half difference between “cursed be Haman” and of the festival and would welcome anyone else “blessed be Mordechai.” Yes, there will be adult who would like to contribute to this weekly pro- beverages. (We count on your discretion to make gram in season (and its delicious post-movie re- driving home safely your prime directive). Bring pasts). Many thanks to Medina Roy and her Adult on the groggers!!! Be prepared to make lots of Education Committee for preparing this thought- joyful noise. ful, entertaining program. All films begin at 7:00 p.m. There is no charge, and we encourage you A Pop-Up Program on Wednesdays to bring friends and winter guests. For further There’s a new group in town. It’s called the information or to become a sponsor, contact Upper Keys Life Enrichment Coalition. Terry Medina at [email protected]. Willner-Tainow, Natalie Dorf, Dave Mont and Georgia Landau are some of the key KJCC people A Gift for You on Tu BiSh’vat who have been working on this project. Every We are going to celebrate The New Year of Wednesday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., now through the Trees differently this year. No big sit-down April, J.O.Y. will host activities ranging from body metaphysical family seder with four glasses of stretching to brain stimulation, computer profi- wine, stories, blessings on every kind of fruit that ciency to mah jongg, art projects, afternoon mov- flourishes in Israel followed by planting trees on ies, popcorn, coffee and pot luck lunches. If you KJCC’s property. Instead, we will have a Tu are looking for something interesting to do on Bish’vat oneg, chant a vigorous Shehechiyanu in Wednesdays, drop by the airy facility at 161 Pearl 4 Chai-Lights February 2018 February Birthdays February Anniversaries 1st………………………………….Libby Shapiro 1st……………………………………Roy Pollack Years 2nd…………………….Jaxson Brandon Lebofsky 9th Uri & Liliam Kamely……………...26 3rd………………………………..Beth Horowitz 3rd……………………………….Dick Bromwich 3rd………………………………...Leslie Janowitz success (and the lunch so delicious) that a second 5th……………………….Rebecca Smith Strasser session is being planned for February. Watch 6th…………………………………...Evan Harvey Beth’s Tuesday announcements for location and 6th…………………………………...Martin Field title of the new book to be discussed. Many 7th……………………...Erica Lieberman-Garrett thanks to Linda Pollack for setting the bar high 7th…………………………………...Larry Jacobs for an afternoon of stimulating talk and deepening 9th…………………………………...Linda Pincus friendships. Again, bring your suggestions with 9th…………………………………...Ron Garrett you for future books to discuss so we can 9th…………………………...Rosemary Barefoot choose our next book. For more information, 12th……………………………...Johnny Knowles contact Randi Grant at [email protected] or 12th…………………………………Paul Roberts 954-383-4320.
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