
An Organization Helping people to fight against Poverty since 1989 ;Ne–g]kfn, aflif{s k|lta]bg @)&#–&% SOLVE-NEPAL ANNUAL REPORT 2017-2018 Publication Group: Advisors: Mr. Narayan Joshi Mr. Prakash Shrestha Mr. Rajesh Lal Singh Shrestha Ms. Shanta Dahal Mr. Yogendra Subedi Ms. Renuka Karki Ms. Saraswoti Limbu Ms. Bodha Dahal Chief Editor Mr. Rajendra Bahadur Pradhan Executive Director Editor Mr. JP Bhujel Deputy Executive Director Ms. Sabitri Shrestha Coordinator Micro Finance Programme Mr. Saroj Pokharel Coordinator, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Mr. Himal Ghimire Project Manager, SEED Project Mr. Niran Man Sthapit Project Coordinator, PUNARNIRMAN Project Ms. Pratigya Neupane Project Coordinator, SUSASAN Project Mr. Shambhu Pradhan Administration Officer Mr. Basanta Stha Finance Officer Mr. Grishma Stha M&E Officer Mr. Doyam Pradhan Loan Officer Ms. Milan Pradhan MIS Officer Mr. Santosh Kuwar Software and IT Chief Mr. Rajendra Basnet Micro Finance Supervisor Special Thanks Inuja Pradhan – Volunteer CONTENTS Abbreviation ii ;Ne g]kfnsf] b'/b[i6L, Wo]o, nIo iii sfo{sf/L lgb]{zssf] egfO{ iv cWoIfsf] cfjfh v Important events of the reporting period 1 Organizational Structure 3 Stakeholders Analysis of SOLVE-Nepal 4 Areas of Operation 5 1. Micro Finance and Micro Enterprise Development 5 SHIP Micro Finance Programme 5 2. Women Empowerment, Social Justice and Peace Building 6 Socio Economic Empowerment of Disadvantaged Women and Girls (SEED), Project 6 Livelihood Promotion for Earthquake affected Population in Nepal (PUNARNIRMAN Project) 10 3. Sustainable Natural Resource Management and Climate change 14 Biomass Energy Project 14 Empowering Women to Adapt Climate Change effects and generate incomes 15 4. Rural Water Supply, Health and Sanitation 17 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project. 17 Rehabilitation of Water Supply Schemes affected from Earthquake 2074-2075 19 5. Governance and Accountability 22 Sustainable Use of Technology for Public Sector Accountability in Nepal (SUSASAN) 22 Financial Statements 25 Information about Board of Directors: 2014-2017 32 ;+:yfsf s]lx lqmofsnfkx?sf] emns 33 kl/of]hgf lqmofsnfksf emnsx? 34 Success Stories Case study of Kamala Nagarkoti 9 A Case study of Goma Lo 16 Gunja Man Magar is a change agent for making people access to energy 20 i ABBREVIATION AEPC Alternative Energy Promotion LGOA Local Government Operation Act Centre LRP Local resource Person CAPA Community Adaptation Plan for MCPW Micro Credit Project for Women Action MEDEP Micro Enterprise Development CECI Center for International Studies Project and Cooperation MPAC Municipality Project Advisory CSOs Community Support Committee Organizations MSMEs Micro Small and Medium DCC District Coordination Committee Enterprises DLPIU District Level Project NAPA National Adaoptation Plan for Implementation Unit Action DPAC District Project Advisory NRA Natinal Reconstruction Authority Committee ODF Open Defecation Free DRRCCA Disaster Risk Reduction and ODI Open Data Initiatives Climate Change Adaptation POWER Promotion of Women's Economic EAFS Enhancing Access to Financial Social and Cultural Rights Services RM Rural Municipality ED Executive Director RMDC Rural Micro Finance Development FCA FinChurh Aid Centre FMDB First Micro Finance Development RWSSFDB Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Bank Ltd. Fund development Board GAC Global Affairs Canada SEED Socio Economic Empowerment of GESI Gender and Social Inclusion Disadvantaged Women GMALI Grant Management and Local SLBSL Solve Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Infrasturture Ltd. ICS Improved Cooking Stoves SOLVE Society of Local Volunteers' Effort INGO International Non Government UNCDF United Nation Capital Organization Development Fund JAKPAS Janatako Khanepani ra Sarsafai VDCs Vollage Development Committees Karyakram WMG Women and Marginalized Group KAP Knowledge Attitude and Practice WUC Water User's Committee LAPA Local Adaptation Plan for Action VM Village Municipality ii ;Ne g]kfnsf] b'/b[i6LM Vision: “SOLVE envisions æg]kfnL ;d'bfon] Gofok"0f{ ;dtf Nepalese communities Pa+ ;Ifdtfsf ;fy cf–cfˆgf which are equitable and ;fwgsf] pkof]u åf/f cfwf/e"t capable of meeting their cfj:ostf k"/f ug]{5Æ basic needs with their own resources”. Wo]oM Mission: “SOLVE works with æ;Nen] ;d'bfodf ;Da4 groups to empower ;d"xx?nfO{ k|]l/t ub}{ Ifdtf people and encourage clej[l4 Pa+ ;zlQms/0fsf capacity growth in nflu sfd ug]{5Æ communities”. nIoM Goals: “Targeting to create gender ædflg;x?sf] cfly{s / ;fdflhs equality and social inclusion in lasf;sf nflu Ifdtf clea[l4 ub}{ every sector of development ;dfhsf x/]s If]qdf n}+lus ;dfgtf, aspects enhancing people's ;fdflhs ;dfa]zLs/0fsf] aftfa/0f capacity for economic and social development ;[hgf ul/ at{dfg k"jf{wf/sf] plrt through utilization of pkof]u af6 gLlt lgdf{0f, ;'zf;g, current infrastructure and ;fdflhs pQ/bfoLTj / cy{k"0f{ meaningful participation in decision and policy making ;xeflutf åf/f lbuf] ljsf; k|fKt ug{ for good governance and ;xof]u k'/ofpg]Æ social accountable to achieve sustainable development ”. iii sfo{sf/L lgb]{zssf] egfO{ /fh]G› axfb'/ k|wfg sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs ;Ne g]kfn, wgs'6f b]zn] gFof ;+lawfg kfP/ ;+l3otf lt/ nlDs/xbf of] u|fld0f hgtfsf] cfa:ostfdf Jofks ?kfGt/0f ePsf] 5 / ;+:yf ‘lasf;sf nflu :yfgLo :jod\ ;]js x?sf] k|of; lzIffsf] dxTj cfTd;ft ub}{ cfTd ;Ddfg o'Qm /f]huf/sf] -;Ne_, g]kfnÚ :yfkgfsf] @* j;Gt kf/ ul/ @( aif{df ck]Iff 5 – nlIft au{df a}b]lzs /f]huf/ af6 :jb]z k|j]z u/]sf] 5 . lasf;sf d'2fx? km/s cj:yf cg';f/ kmls{Psf o'afx?nfO{ :jb]zd} yfDg ;s] b]zn] km8\sf] df5{ hgtfsf cfa:ostfx? la:tfl/t x'b} uPsf 5g\ / ufFp eGg] s'/fdf laZjf; ug{ ;lsG5 . kflnsf, gu/kflnsfsf] lgjf{rg kZrft hgk|ltlglwx?sf] :yfgLo cj;/x?nfO{ hgtfsf] pkof]usf nflu k|of; pkl:yltn] lasf;df clwsf/ k|fKt gFof ;fem]bf/ kfPsf] ug]{ ‘;Ne g]kfnÚ Pp6f ;fgf] ;+:yf xf] / o;sf la:tfl/t dxz'; ePsf] 5 . kfOnfx? ablnbf] kl/j]z cg';f/ ;fg{ tof/ kfg{ xfdL t'ngfTds ?kdf :yfgLo ;/sf/sf] ah]6 pNn]vgLo nflu k/]sf 5f}+ . ;Ne n3'ljQ ljQLo ;+:yf ln= sf] b]lvPtf klg ;du|df a9\b} uPsf] hg cfsf+Iff ;Daf]wg ug{ :yfkgf e} la:tf/sf] qmd hfl/ 5 eg] ;+:yfsf] p2]Zo tyf cem} ljsf;] ;fem]bf/x?sf] pkl:ylt ckl/xfo{ xf] ls eGg] nlIft au{sf] k|fyldstf nfO{ b[li6ut ub}{ :yfgLo ;/sf/ xfd|f] 7DofO{ 5 / u|fld0f If]qdf a9\b} uPsf] pTkfbg Ifdtf, ;+u xft]dfnf] ug{ xfdL nfnflot 5f} h;af6 ljsf;sf s[lifsf] cfw'lgsLs/0fsf] cfa:ostf, :yfgLo /f]huf/ kfOnfx?n] ;d[l4sf] kydf bu'g{ ;S5g eGg] cfzf ub{5f} . l;h{gf tyf lgdf{0f ePsf] u|fld0f k'jf{wf/ nfO ;dl:6ut xfdL xfd|f] cys k|of; af6 ;Dea ;]jfx? nfO{ nlIft ?kdf lgofNbf :yfgLo lzk tyf sRrf kbfy{df cfwfl/t ;d"x ;Dd k'of{pg nflu kg]{ 5f} – kl//xg] 5f} . u|fld0f p4dsf] ljsf; tyf k|ab{gsf] ;fy\ ;fy} pTkfbgsf] plrt ahf/ Joa:yfkg cfhsf] 68\sf/f] cfa:ostf wGoafb . ePsf] 5 . @)&% iv cWoIfsf] cfjfh gf/fo0f hf]zL cWoIf ;Ne g]kfn, wgs'6f ;g\ !**( ;Ne g]kfn :yfkgf e} cfh @* jif{ k'/f u/]sf] g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] gLlt cg';f/ lgs6 elaiodf ‘;Ne ;Gbe{df k|To]s @÷@ aif{df k|sflzt x'g] ;+:yfsf] k|lta]bg n3'ljQ ljQLo ;+:yf ln=Ú sf] gfdaf6 ‘3Ú au{sf] ljQLo @)!&÷)!* oxfFx?sf] ;dIf k|:t't 5 . ;+:yfsf] ?kdf ?kfGt/0f x'g] a]xf]/f kf7s ;dIf /fVg kfpbf laut @* aif{sf] Oltxf;df o; ;+:yfn] laleGg sfn xfdLnfO{ cToGt xif{sf] dxz'; ePsf] 5 . v08df cnu cnu cf/f]x ca/f]x y]Ub} clxn]sf] ca:yfdf ljleGg lhNnfsf dlxnf ;b:ox?sf] ;+nUgtf / ;Ne cfOk'u]sf] 5 / o; leq k|:t't ePsf ;fdu|Lx?n] g} cfˆgf] g]kfnsf z'e]R5'sx?sf] dfof Pa+ ;b\efjsf sf/0f of] klxrfg AoQm ug{ ;Ifd 5 eGg] s'/fdf d lj:j:t 5' . ;+:yf cfh of] ca:yfdf k'Ug ;kmn ePsf]df ;Dk"0f{ x'g t of] ;+:yf ;fdflhs ;+:yfsf] ?kdf :yflkt eO{ z'e]R5's, g]kfn /fi6« a}+s tyf bfqL ;+:yfx? k|lt cfef/ laleGg bfqL ;+:yfx?sf] ;xof]udf w]/} lasf;sf AoQm ub{5f} . ;fy} blIf0f nlntk'/ lhNnfsf] s]lx ufFp lqmofsnfkx? ;DkGg eP t/ lg/Gt/ o; k|sf/sf] afXo tyf gu/kflnsfsf] j8fx?df ;+rflnt kl/of]hgfx?n] ;xof]uaf6 dfq ;+:yf ;+rflnt x'bf efaL lbgdf hf]lvd dlxnf ;xsf/Lsf] k|ab{g, e"sDk lkl8tx?nfO{ 3/ lgdf{0f, x'g ;Sg] ;DefjgfnfO{ Wofgdf /fv]/ ;g\ @))! b]lv cfocfh{g, vfg]kfgL tyf ;'zfzgsf sfo{qmdn] ;xof]u n3'ljQ sfo{qmdsf] yfngL u/]sf] 5 / cfh % lhNnfsf] k'u]s} xf]nf eGg] xfdLn] 7fg]sf 5f} . !& j6f zfvf cGtu{t sl/a @$ xhf/ lbbL alxgLx? o; wGoafb . sfo{qmddf cfa4 5g\ . v Completing 28th Years of IMPORT SOLVE-Nepal SOLVE-Nepal celebrated EVENT completion of it's 28th. (1989- 2018) (@)$^–@)&%) OF THE REPOR establishment on October in it's own building. The historic PERIOD moment was shared with the key achievements organization has achieved and the way forward from the gathered Sharing anniversary cake of SOLVE-Nepal members. Griha Puja of new SOLVE building SOLVE Nepal Secretariat started in it's own building On the eve of silver jubilee year SOLVE-Nepal The construction of building was possible decided to start the construction of it's own from the cooperation of many development building and started functions. The building stakeholders including the women groups was completed in one and half year and formed under the SOLVE-Nepal activities.
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