E192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 14, 2001 Lorentzen and Diane Nilan with the Hesed the late 70s. In high school, I studied Sam’s creases in Social Security benefits, and have House in Aurora, Illinois for bringing this issue legal, ethical, and moral case against the U.S. been pushed just beyond the cutoff. to my attention and for their years of tireless, government and his steadfast support for the My bill does the following: where a taxpayer, and often unrecognized, work on behalf of the First Amendment; his unyielding respect for in any given year, pays an average of 50% homeless. our Constitution. As editor of ‘‘The Progres- more per therm, over the average per therm I also want to thank Barbara Duffield with sive’’ Magazine, Sam Day agreed to publish cost for the previous three years, she is enti- the National Coalition for the Homeless for her ‘‘The H-Bomb Secret: How We Got It, Why tled to a refundable tax credit. The maximum help in putting together this bill and my col- We’re Telling It.’’ The federal government tried credit, which is phased out from the 150 to leagues Representative Doug Ose of Cali- to prevent publication of that article, bringing 300% poverty level, is $500. Under this bill, a fornia and Chaka Fattah of Pennsylvania for suit against the magazine in a case that family of four, with an annual income of being original cosponsors. upheld our right to free speech. By publishing $25,575 would be entitled to a $500 credit. f that article, Sam taught us much more than The phase-out, for a family of four would end how to build a bomb. His efforts taught us at one with an income of $51,150. RECOGNIZING THE ACCOMPLISH- about the right of a citizen to question his or While we must find solutions to the United MENTS OF THE SERVICE CORPS her government . a radical notion whether States’ energy problems, we in Congress must OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES you’re seventeen or seventy. And he taught us also attend to the consequential costs which the obligation of every human being to actively those problems levy against the average con- HON. MICHAEL BILIRAKIS oppose nuclear annihilation, no matter what sumer. The Middle Income Home Heating As- OF FLORIDA the personal toll. These are lessons that I sistance Act of 2001 focuses on the middle in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES carry with me every day into the Halls of Con- come consumer, and ensures some relief in years where current law offers none. Wednesday, February 14, 2001 gress. Sam’s commitment to social change was f Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to unwavering; his mission the same whether take this opportunity to recognize the accom- challenging the government of the United CHARITY TO ELIMINATE POVERTY plishments of SCORE, the Service Corps of States on its nuclear policies or challenging TAX CREDIT ACT OF 2001 Retired Executives. SCORE is a prototypical our local bus company on policies that ad- model for a nonprofit, non-governmental asso- versely affected people with disabilities—to HON. JIM KOLBE ciation that melds American expertise and en- protect and preserve humanity in the face of OF ARIZONA trepreneurial spirit with a uniquely American everything from outright aggression to insensi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tradition of service and esprit de corps. tive indifference. He remained, until the very Wednesday, February 14, 2001 SCORE utilizes the talents of current and re- end, a self-proclaimed, ‘‘Old Codger for tired American business executives, a talent Peace.’’ Our nation has lost a powerful voice Mr. KOLBE. Mr. Speaker, we are intro- pool that many consider to be among the fin- of conscience. I ask the Congress today to ducing today—Valentine’s Day—the Charity est business minds in the world, to provide recognize the life of Sam Day, Jr., an indefati- To Eliminate Poverty Tax Credit Act of 2001. volunteer business consulting service to the gable fighter for peace, and to continue, This legislation is a Valentine’s present for all small business community. SCORE provides through our own words and deeds, his lifelong the families and people who are struggling these services free of charge thanks to the ef- pursuit of justice. every day to survive. I am talking about our nation’s poor. forts of its tireless volunteers. f Founded in 1964, there are currently 389 lo- We are a wealthy nation. The federal gov- cally based chapters of the organization that INTRODUCTION OF THE MIDDLE ernment should reward people for trying to provide business counseling at the community INCOME HEATING ASSISTANCE help raise the standard of living of those living level. SCORE currently has over 11,000 vol- ACT OF 2001 in poverty. unteers and since its inception, has helped This bill would give every American the op- nearly four million business people throughout HON. BOBBY L. RUSH tion of sending $100 to an organization that the nation with free advice. SCORE success OF ILLINOIS primarily assists the poor instead of sending stories run the gamut of the business world IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the money to the IRS. and include technology oriented companies, When you fill out your tax forms this year, Wednesday, February 14, 2001 retail establishments, restaurants, and service wouldn’t you like the opportunity to redirect providers, just to name a few. President Bush Mr. RUSH. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to in- $100 of your money that is headed to the fed- has repeatedly pointed out that community troduce the Middle Income Home Heating As- eral bureaucracy and give it directly to an or- based organizations such as SCORE can pro- sistance Act of 2001 (MIHHAA). ganization that is helping raise the standard of vide an invaluable service to the nation with- In the face of this winter’s natural gas crisis, living of some of America’s poorest citizens? out relying on government bureaucracy and there has been a great deal of discussion na- The Charity To Eliminate Poverty Tax Credit expenditures of taxpayer dollars. tionwide, about raising the LIHEAP 150% pov- Act of 2001 allows a tax credit up to $100 I salute the volunteers of the Service Corps erty level eligibility cutoff. While LIHEAP fund- ($200 if filing a joint return) for charitable con- of Retired Executives and hope that they ing and eligibility limits must be increased to tributions to tax-exempt organizations that help serve as a model for a new generation of protect the increasing number of people who people whose annual income is under 150 Americans dedicated to excellence with a desperately need assistance, the tremendous percent of the official poverty level. Currently, commitment to service. cost associated with such legislation, must be that level is $12,525 annually for an individual f supported by other legislative initiatives de- and $25,575 for a family of four. signed to accomplish similar assistive goals. The legislation also acknowledges the im- HONORING THE LIFE OF SAMUEL Consider the statistics in Illinois alone. In Illi- pact that inflation can have on the ‘‘real’’ dol- H. DAY, JR. nois, when the eligibility cutoff was 125% of lars that people may give to charity so we poverty level, LIHEAP covered 633 thousand have indexed the tax credit amount to infla- HON. TAMMY BALDWIN households. At the current eligibility cutoff of tion. OF WISCONSIN 150% of the poverty level, 740 thousand Another important provision requires an or- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES households will be covered. If raised to 175%, ganization to spend at least 70 percent of its as some have proposed, close to 1.4 million money on helping the poor in order to qualify. Wednesday, February 14, 2001 households will be covered. This would more Only a maximum of 30 percent of the chari- Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to than double the number of homes currently table organization’s budget can be spent on pay tribute to Sam Day, Jr., a tireless advo- covered, and would according to State offi- administrative expenses, expenses to influ- cate for peace and justice. Sam Day’s efforts cials, result in an additional $130 million in ad- ence legislation, fundraising activities, and liti- to preserve our planet from nuclear destruc- ministrative costs. gation costs, among others. We want the tion have been recognized not only in our Instead of altering LIHEAP, my bill would charitable contribution to go to the poor, not to home community of Madison, Wisconsin, but pick up where LIHEAP leaves off. The impor- increase an administrator’s salary. across the country and around the world. tance of relief for those earning just above the President Bush’s tax proposal touches on I first heard of Sam Day long before I ever 150% poverty rate is especially clear in a year this objective by suggesting that a charitable had the honor of meeting him. It was back in when many individuals have received in- tax deduction be allowed for people who do VerDate 11<MAY>2000 06:01 Feb 15, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14FE8.054 pfrm01 PsN: E14PT1 February 14, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E193 not itemize their deductions. The President the Orange County California Sheriff’s Depart- works extensively in the Chicago inner-city also has encouraged the States to provide a ment, upon his retirement. area and travels on occasion to help in the dif- charitable tax credit. In my State of Arizona, Sergeant Thomas began his career in law ficult Roxbury district of Boston.
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