EAStErn rEGIon ADvOCACy EAStErn rEGIon then scroll down to “Partnerships for Advocacy Inclusion Program” section. Accessible Nova Scotia Project devoted to including more 1 (866) 696-7536 (toll free) children with special needs in [email protected] child-care centres through a quality www.accessiblens.ca enhancement process. A group of individuals, businesses, equal education Association of government representatives, Nova Scotia and organizations who share a 860-1759 common vision of Nova Scotia as [email protected] an accessible destination for both www.eeans.com residents and visitors. Non-profit association that Deafness Advocacy Association of advocates educational rights on Nova Scotia behalf of all children with learning 1660 Hollis Street, Suite 803 disabilities in Nova Scotia. Halifax, nS B3J 1v7 425-0240 Nova Scotia Disabled persons ttY/videophone: 425-0119 Commission Fax: 429-9312 dartmouth Professional centre [email protected] 277 Pleasant Street, Suite 104 dartmouth, nS B2Y 4B7 Promotes rights, needs, and equal 424-8280 access for deaf and hard of hearing 1 (800) 565-8280 (toll free within Nova Scotians. nova Scotia) www.gov.ns.ca/disa early intervention Nova Scotia— partnerships for inclusion Gives people with disabilities a 95 college Street, Suite 203 way to participate in the provincial Antigonish, nS B2G 1X6 government policy-making process, 863-3556 and advises policy-makers and carolyn Webber, project manager, program-developers about the needs 863-6958 of people with disabilities and the [email protected] issues and concerns that affect the www.earlyintervention.net: click lives of people with disabilities. “resources” tab on top menu and 52 EAStErn rEGIon CHilD DevelOpMeNt Specialink: the National Centre Child Care Connection Nova Scotia for Child Care inclusion 1200 tower road, Suite 100 76 cottage road Halifax, nS B3H 4K6 Po Box 775 423-8199 Sydney, nS B1P 6G9 1 (800) 565-8199 (toll free) 562-1662 Fax: 492-8106 1 (866) 902-6333 (toll free) [email protected] Fax: 539-9117 www.cccns.org www.specialinkcanada.org Resource library and referrals based Increases quality and quantity of on specific child-care issues. Website opportunities for young children allows search of facilities by region. with disabilities to fully participate in community programs. Harbourview Montessori 290 Murphy road Sydney, nS B1r 1W8 child development Mailing address: 69 Kenwood drive Sydney, nS B1S 1t7 Allkids Services 539-8884 early intervention program Fax: 539-8884 15 Second Street [email protected] Glace Bay, nS B1A 4E9 www.harbourviewmontessori.ca 849-3429 Children’s House program for ages Fax: 842-0655 three to six years. Elementary [email protected] education for ages 6 to 12 years. www.nsnet.org/glacebay/ Services for children who are inverness Richmond early developmentally delayed or at risk intervention program of delay. Ages zero to six years. 609 church Street, Suite 107 Port Hawkesbury, nS B9A 2X4 Cape Breton Family place 625-0396 Resource Centre [email protected] 106 townsend Street www.nsnet.org/ireip Sydney, nS B1P 5E1 Offers services for children from 562-5616 birth to school age who are Fax: 562-8528 developmentally delayed or at risk Offers support services to families of delay. during the prenatal period. Services continue with children from birth to six years. 53 EAStErn rEGIon eDuCAtiON la Centre préscolaire de la picasse Sydney Day Care Centre 3435 route 206 62 cottage road Petit de Grat, nS B0E 2L0 Sydney, nS B1P 2c7 226-3319 539-5965 Fax: 226-0549 Child care for ages 18 months Alvina Berthier, directrice-éducatrice, to 12 years. [email protected] French-language day-care centre. town Daycare Centre 15 Second Street Richmond County early Childhood Glace Bay, nS B1A 4E9 education Association— 849-6086 St. peter’s branch Fax: 842-0655 9366 Pepperall Street Integrated day-care facility. Po Box 88 St. Peter’s, nS B0E 3B0 535-3446 Education Services for children who are developmentally delayed or at risk ApSeA (Atlantic provinces of delay. Special education Authority) 5940 South Street St. peter’s/isle Madame Daycare Halifax, nS B3H 1S6 Centre Administration Office 424-8500 3250 Highway #320 Fax: 424-0543 Po Box 494 www.apsea.ca d’Escousse, nS B0E 1K0 Serves children and youth who are 226-2481 deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, St. Peter’s Early childhood Educa- blind, or visually impaired. tion centre APSEA—Services for students who 9366 Pepperall Street are blind or visually impaired. St. Peter’s, nS B0E 3B0 John Mcconnell, director, mccon- 535-3446 [email protected] Isle Madame daycare centre APSEA—Services for students who 3250 Highway #320 are deaf or hard of hearing. d’Escousse, nS B0E 1K0 Joan Skinner, director, skinnerj@ 226-0399 apsea.ca Provides subsidized spaces. 54 EAStErn rEGIon FiNANCiAl SeRviCeS/GOveRNMeNt Cape Breton–victoria Regional School Board Financial Services 275 George Street Canada Revenue Agency— Sydney, nS B1P 1J7 Sydney District Office 564-8293 47 dorchester Street Fax: 564-0123 Po Box 1300 www.cbv.ns.ca Sydney, nS B1P 6K3 1 (800) 387-1193 (toll free) Conseil Scolaire Acadien provincial— Fax: 564-3095 Acadian provincial School Board www.cra-arc.gc.ca cP 88 Saulnierville, nE B0W 2Z0 Provides information on child and 9248 route 1, La Butte family tax benefits. Meteghan river, nE B0W 2L0 769-5458 Nova Scotia Department of 1 (888) 533-2727 (toll free) Community Services— Fax: 769-5459 income Assistance www.csap.ednet.ns.ca Po Box 2561 Halifax, nS B3J 3n5 School board responsible for 1 (877) 424-1177 (toll free) administration of French Acadian 424-4150 schools in the province. Fax: 424-0578 www.gov.ns.ca/coms: Select equal education Association “Employment Support & Financial of Nova Scotia Assistance” and then “Income Assis- 860-1759 tance” from the Programs section. [email protected] www.eeans.com Provides income assistance to those in need. Non-profit association that advocates educational rights on behalf of all children with learning disabilities in Nova Scotia. Government Agencies and departments Strait Regional School Board 16 cemetery road Access Nova Scotia— Post Hastings, nS B9A 1K6 port Hawkesbury 625-2191 Service nova Scotia and Municipal 1 (800) 650-4448 relations Fax: 625-2281 Provincial Building [email protected] 218 MacSween Street, Suite 22 www.strait.ednet.ns.ca Port Hawkesbury, nS B9A 2J9 55 EAStErn rEGIon GOveRNMeNt AGeNCieS AND DepARtMeNtS 1 (800) 670-4357 (toll free) Adoptees wishing to apply for [email protected] native status must write to the www.gov.ns.ca/snsmr above address. Provides hands-on information, forms, applications, and various Mi’kmaq Family & Children’s services, which vary from centre Services of Nova Scotia to centre. 76 Logan drive Po Box 7142 Cape Breton Regional Municipality Eskasoni, nS B1W 1A2 320 Esplanade Street 379-2433 Sydney, nS B1P 7B9 1 (800) 263-8300 (toll free) 563-5005 Fax: 379-2381 Fax: 564-0481 www.cbrm.ns.ca Municipality of the County of inverness Children’s Aid Society Po Box 179 of Cape Breton—victoria Municipal Building Provincial Building 375 Main Street 360 Prince Street, Suite 31 Port Hood, nS B0E 2W0 Sydney, nS B1P 5L1 787-2274 563-3400 Fax: 787-3110 Fax: 563-3660 Kate Beaton, chief administrative offi- cer, [email protected] Children’s Aid Society www.invernesscounty.ca of inverness-Richmond 218 MacSween Street, unit 3 Nova Scotia Department of Port Hawkesbury, nS B9A 2J9 Community Services—Adoption 625-0660 Disclosure Service program Fax: 625-4021 Po Box 696 www.gov.ns.ca Halifax, nS B3J 2t7 424-2755 indian and Northern Affairs, Fax: 424-7529 Adoption team www.gov.ns.ca/coms: Select Indian registration and Band List “Support for children, Youth & department of Indian and northern Families,” then “Adoption,” and development then “Adoption disclosure.” ottawa, ontario K1A 0H4 Maintains a Passive Adoption 1 (800) 567-9604 or 1 (819) 953-0960 Registry and conducts searches for [email protected] adoptees and birth families. Assists with issues related to Adoption Information Act. 56 EAStErn rEGIon GOveRNMeNt AGeNCieS AND DepARtMeNtS Nova Scotia Department of Nova Scotia Department of Community Services—Direct Community Services— Family Support Glace Bay District Office 5675 Spring Garden road Senator’s Place, 3rd Floor Po Box 696 633 Main Street Halifax, nS B3J 2t7 Glace Bay, nS B1A 6J3 424-0932 842-4000 Fax: 424-0708 Fax: 842-4067 www.gov.ns.ca/coms/disabilities/ www.gov.ns.ca/coms Provides support and services to both children and adults with Nova Scotia Department of disabilities who live at home with Community Services— their families. North Sydney District Office Parsons Building Nova Scotia Department of 184 commercial Street Community Services— north Sydney, nS B2A 3Y7 eastern Regional Office 794-5110 Provincial Building Fax: 794-5171 360 Prince Street, Suite 25 www.gov.ns.ca/coms Sydney, nS B1P 5L1 563-3302 Nova Scotia Department of Fax: 563-5693 Community Services— www.gov.ns.ca/coms port Hawkesbury District Office Provincial Building Nova Scotia Department of 218 MacSween Street, unit 3 Community Services—Family Port Hawkesbury, nS B9A 2J9 and Community Supports Division 625-0660 nelson Place Fax: 625-4021 5675 Spring Garden road, 5th Floor www.gov.ns.ca/coms Po Box 696 Halifax, nS B3J 2t7 Nova Scotia Department 1 (866) 259-7780 (toll-free number of Community Services— for nova Scotia Adoption Sydney District Office Information Line) Provincial Building 424-4279 360 Prince Street, Suite 25 Fax: 424-0708 Sydney, nS B1P 5L1 www.gov.ns.ca/coms 563-3300 Fax: 563-0516 www.gov.ns.ca/coms 57 EAStErn rEGIon GOveRNMeNt AGeNCieS AND DepARtMeNtS Nova Scotia Dept of Community Service Canada Call Centre Services—Regional Resources, 1 (800) o cAnAdA (622-6232) eastern Region (toll free) 360 Prince Street, Suite 25 ttY: 1 (800) 926-9105 (toll free) Sydney, nS B1P 5L1 Fax: (613) 941-1827 563-5736 www.canada.ca [email protected] Primary access point to find infor ma- Using PRIDE core in-service Modules, tion on federal government services.
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