SEMINARY CRUSADE SWEEPS COLORADO LIKE WILD FIRE FAIBER J O i A. R IA N STANDS BEPoms liiliT d b t r k t ( H D LABOR ( t n i e r HCA 1E 1I60IIT $370,072.72 OF A R M SM P OIRLEY AGAINST It $500,000 m W B H Take Ojiposile Views in Speeckes at Protestanls V d n i i i ! ; S ed in W Ahnnae Ciiwitioi ( d h i t c f k --------------- The $500,000 crusade for the en­ St Dominic’s .... 3,622.00 777.00 Washington.—Discussion of the tude of being persecuted prevents us Pncticallj All Um Natioiial and IntmrnatioiMil N«we Articlee Appaaring in Tkie Papar, as child labor amendment on both sides from doing our real work. It pre largement and endowment o f St. St Elizabeth’s.. 10,194.50 2,61».50 from high Catholic sources was heard vents ns from co-operating with our Wall as Msuiy Faatures Fraquantly Printed, Are Compiled from the N. C. W . C. News Sam oa Thomaa’ seminary, Denver, by noon St. Francis de here last Thursday by the District fellow citizens in good projects. It Wednesday had $369,072.72 reported Sales’ ............ 23,435.00 1,740.25 of Columbia chapter of the Interna­ makes us a class apart, stigmatizes VOL. XX. NO. 2S. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, FEB. 26, 1925. |2 PER YEAR in pledgee and cash subscriptions at S t James’ ..... 1,669.60 266.50 tional Federation of Catholic Alum­ us. the Denver headquarters, 1028 Pat­ S t John’s . 6,779.00 1,204.00 nae, at its annual conference. “We must defend our rights, of terson building. Inasmuch as there St. Joseph’s In, the morning, Dr. John A. Ryan, course, where they have to be de­ is still some of the work not j^t re­ (C.SS.R.) .... 10,886.00 1,730.76 professor of moral theology at the fended. But taking the country as ported on from Denver, Colorado St. Joseph’s Catholic university, defended the mo­ a whole, we are not .compelled to Doctor Agrees to Springs and Pueblo, and as tee work (Polish) ........ 1,616.60 816.26 Political and Crime F p res Given is proceeding satisfactorily every­ S t Leo’s ........ 6,854.00 1,858.00 tives of those who framed and advo­ look continuously for ‘Jokers’ in all cated the amendment, declared much laws. They don’t exist. We Cath­ where in which collection has started, S t Louis’ ....... 3,994.00 259.00 of the opposition is based on misun­ olics ought to consider civic, state there is no doubt of the complete St. Mary Mag­ derstanding and pcejudice, and asked and national measures on their mer­ Ruccess of the crusade. Denver, Colo­ dalen ............ 3,134.00 265.00 Handle Cost of rado Springs and Pueblo have done S t Patrick’s .... 7,046.00 1,386.75 fair consideration of the measure on its. We ought not to fall back on by Colorado Klan Are Falsehoods its merits. In the afternoon. Host our prejudices by saying that certain remarkably well. St. Philomena's 15,110.50 1,673.00 Rev. Michael J. Curley, Archbishop persons or organizations are pro­ Protestants, altogether unsolicited, Spanish Miss___ 216.00 1.00 of Baltimore, prefaced his pro­ moting them whom we do not like, The Crowley County Leader, of about one fourth the proportion in have sent about $3,000 to the crusade S t Rose of Lima 1,325.,00 180.00 grammed address to the women by and hence they are bad. That is Ordway, in a series of advertisements public jobs to which their numbers Mass Wine Test headquarters. One prominent busi- St Rosa’s Home 2,588.00 1,196.50 replying to Dr. Ryan, vigorously op­ laziness.” inserted for the purpose of budding would entitle them. It would prove us I ness man sent a $500 check. At his Advance Subs... 39,160.00 5,145.00 posing the amendment. A Debatable Question ‘ own request, his name was not an­ Miscellaneous .. 4,513.50 3,038.50 up the Ku Klux Klan and giving the rather smart people to have obtained A physician living at Williamsport, Catholics in this country a're too The child labor amendment itself. nounced, as he did not want the gift Clergy ............... 34,225.00 1,825.00 inner meaning” of the Klan as the leadership accredited to ns by Pa., /in an open letter to Governor prone to be dominated by a “psy­ Dr. Ryan admitted, is a debatable the Klan; but we do not claim to be to appear as an aOTertisement for Pueblo ........... 17,920.00 2,469.00 “ made plain by a Trinidad Klans- Morley, received Wednesday by The chology of persecution,” to nurse an question, and it seems to have little that smart. We have our just pro­ bis business. This feature of the Canon City ___ 2,050.00 785.00 man,” who conceals his identity, pre­ Register, offers to pay the full costs “inferiority complex” which hampers chance of approval by the states portion of officers in the navy, espe­ campaign will deli|:ht every Catholic. Florence .......... 500.00 55.00 sents charges which, if they were for a test up to the Supreme Court their own practical interests, Dr. within the next two years. But he cially in war times, because we have Pueblo council, Knights of Colum­ true, would show overwhelming con­ of the United States of the Colorado Ryan said. “ We say everybody’s asked that it be considered fairly. always done far more than our share bus, through John J. McNally, grand Totals .......... $316,992.70 $39,491.36 trol by Catholics of the politics and sacramental wine measure, providing hand is against us. We assume t ^ t He saw the chief opposition as based in the defense of the flag. The War knight, sent Bishop J. Henry Tihen The above table includes bnly ac­ crime of this country; but which are it becomes a law (which i<very doub^ we are forced continually to figh^ on a scrutiny of the Volstead act and Dictionary issued by the Committee" this telegram Wednesday: “ Pueblo tual pledge cards and cash subscrip­ far from true. fn l), if the governor will prove his fight, fight for our rights. This atti (Continued on Page 4) on Public Information of the U. S. council, of C., pledges $1,000 to tions received and audited at the Den­ The claim is made that investiga­ 100 per cent. Americanism by reim­ Government in the World war gave Seminary fund with sincere wishes ver headquarters. Pueblo, for in­ tion proved 85 per cent of the com­ bursing him, if the doctor wins the missioned officers of the U. S. navy us credit with having a third of the for its complete success and con­ stance, is known to have raised $32,- case. The doctor will pay if he losea. tinued suMort to you in your under­ 080 in addition to the $17,920 re­ to be Catholic, 70 per cent of all fighting forces. We have no apology An Open Letter to Governor Morley to make for that. taking.” The Denver Catholic Daugh­ ported in the above table. Colorado managers and superintendents of Your Excellency: The charge is made that there is ters of America have contributed Springs has not yet made its report, Priests Needed in Philippines; electric light, gas and water works You are proposing a law for your one state in which XOO public schools $500 as an organization. but the workers there estimate that in America, 65 to 95 per cent o f the state of Colorado which seeks to for­ can be found without a Protestant Never before has the Denver dio­ $20,000 has been assured in pledges police forces in all cities o f 25,000 bid the use of fermented juice o f the teacher. We doubt that. But if cese found its people so enthusiastic and cash. or more population, with one or two grape at the Mass. This is a matter exceptions, the entire secret service New Mexico is referred to, it would about any movement aa they are over Boulder, Sterling, Greeley, Long­ Now One for Every 9 ,(i Catholics vitally concerning the religion of this crusade to furnish sufficient mont and oteer large cities in the not be astounding to find 300 schools system and its main lieutenants, 80 twenty million Ameriran people, more in which the entire student body was priests for the state. Following are northern part of the diocese are con­ per cent of ail the government em­ than one hundred thousand of whom of Catholic Mexican children and the reports by parishes from the ducting their campaigns this week. ployes in Washington^ 65 per cent of are residents of Colorado. The use Manila.— The great need for conditions he and Mr. Carpenter, S J., where it would be difficult to get any­ First district (churches named are in Two more weeks will be required for all elective and appomtive officers in of wine of proper age and alcoholic priests to minister to the millions of found in Batangas, Mr. Willmann, body but a Catholic teacher, as Cath­ Denver unless otherwise indicated): the collections in those paiia of the the United States, etc. content is ritualistic with the Catholic Catholics in the Philippine islands is SJ., said: olics make up the community. Cath­ Parish Pledge Cash diocese where the crusade was started Any one who wishes to investigate Church for use at the Holy Sacrifice typically illustrated by an event that “ This incident is not an unusual olics do not protest because yon ean Cathedral .......
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