E1514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 2009 and overhaul technologies that increase pro- during the Civil War that turned brother American children has cost the lives of close ductivity and reduce the cost of sustaining against brother and cost nearly 600,000 Amer- to 14 million black children. That equates to weapons systems in military depots, and in- ican lives, that few would ever have believed no less than a genocide against black Amer- corporates Level II roller bearing refurbish- was possible, Madam Speaker. ica. It is a tragedy that beggars my ability to ment, heat tolerant tube fabrication, inside-di- And yet here in America, where the words describe. ameter protective coatings to metals, heat- ‘‘all men are created equal’’ were formally rec- This Juneteenth, as we recognize a great treat, and foundry process improvements for ognized by government for the first time in his- victory for human freedom and equality, the 309th Maintenance Wing, Ogden Air Lo- tory as a self-evident truth, we recognized that Madam Speaker, we must also recognize that gistics Center, at Hill AFB, Utah reducing the status of a black man to less the most fundamental freedom and basic civil Project Title: Small Responsive Spacecraft than human simply because he was black was right of all—the right to live—especially for at Low-Cost (SRSL) something that was both abominable to God, black Americans, has never been more threat- Amount: $4.5 million and fundamentally incompatible with the prin- ened or under attack. Requesting Member: ROB BISHOP (UT) ciples of human freedom on which America But Juneteenth should also give us hope, Bill Number: H.R. 2647 was built. because it shows us that nations caught up in Account: Research and Development, Air Abraham Lincoln realized that truth, Madam something as tragic as slavery can rise to vic- Force Speaker. He said this about our Founding Fa- tory and change history. Address of Requesting Entity: Space Dy- thers: Madam Speaker, I have a painting in my of- namics Laboratory, Utah State University, fice depicting this floor and this chamber on ‘‘In their enlightened belief, nothing 1695 North Research Park Way, North Logan, stamped with the Divine image and likeness Juneteenth, celebrating the end of slavery in Utah 84341 was sent into the world to be trodden on, and America. It is a scene of pandemonium and Matching Funds: None degraded, and imbruted by its fellows. They celebration, illustrating the feeling of that day Detailed Spending Plan: Not applicable grasped not only the whole race of man then among men and women who realize some- Description and Justification of Funding: living, but they reached forward and seized thing truly historic and great had happened— Project would continue previous-years’ efforts upon the farthest posterity. They erected a that an entire race of human beings had been in conjunction with the Air Force Research beacon to guide their children and their chil- recognized for the children of God that they Labs to develop and demonstrate technologies dren’s children, and the countless myriads were, and that America had been used to end who should inhabit the earth in other ages. for new, low-cost space systems with military the 7,000-year reign of the acceptance of utility. Current space-based reconnaissance Wise statesmen as they were, they knew the tendency of prosperity to breed tyrants, and human slavery in the world. assets are cost-prohibitive and too massive to so they established these great self-evident That picture gives me great hope, Madam be used in a quick-reaction tactical environ- truths, that when in the distant future some Speaker, because it shows that even some- ment. This effort could lead to providing local man, some faction, some interest, should set thing as evil and entrenched in human society field commanders a dedicated space asset for up the doctrine that none but rich men, or as was human slavery can be changed. tactical actionable intelligence under the Oper- none but white men, were entitled to life, And Madam Speaker, because I have the ationally Responsive Space (ORS) construct liberty and the pursuit of happiness, their privilege of living in America, I am just ideal- Project Title: UAV Sensor and Maintenance posterity might look up again to the Dec- istic enough to believe that we can also rise Development Center laration of Independence and take courage to renew the battle which their fathers began— to the occasion in this country and change his- Amount: $5.5 million so that truth, and justice, and mercy, and all tory again, and end this tragic genocide called Requesting Member: ROB BISHOP (UT) the humane and Christian virtues might not abortion on demand. Bill Number: H.R. 2647 be extinguished from the land; so that no And you know the irony, Madam Speaker, is Account: Research and Development, Air man would hereafter dare to limit and cir- that it may be African-Americans, who were Force cumscribe the great principles on which the once enslaved in this country and who are Address of Requesting Entity: Space Dy- temple of liberty was being built. now recognizing that abortion on demand is namics Laboratory, Utah State University, Mr. Lincoln helped us decide as a nation, killing more of their little brothers and sisters 1695 North Research Park Way, North Logan, Madam Speaker, that regardless of what it than did slavery, who will be the ones to help Utah 84341 cost, we would choose to once again recog- lead America to place this modern day geno- Matching Funds: None nize Imago Dei, the image of God in man, and cide behind us forever. Detailed Spending Plan: Not applicable although millions never would have believed it By the grace of God may it be so, Madam Description and Justification of Funding: possible, the United States chose to abolish Speaker. Project would provide technical assistance to slavery once and for all. f the Ogden Air Logistics Center at Hill AFB, Yet today, Madam Speaker, few people who EARMARK DECLARATION Utah, in the areas of developing, calibrating, remember and celebrate Juneteenth realize and integrating sensors and other payloads that freedom has not yet fully come to all in onto Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), which the African-American community. HON. JO BONNER will facilitate future development of UAV capa- Today, Madam Speaker, in the land of the OF ALABAMA bility within the military free and the home of the brave; in the same IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f nation that threw off the yoke of slavery and Friday, June 19, 2009 JUNETEENTH overturned the abomination of a Supreme Mr. BONNER. Madam Speaker, I submit the Court decision that said the black man was following: not a person and not worthy of protection Requesting Member: Congressman JO HON. TRENT FRANKS under the law; today in America, Madam OF ARIZONA BONNER Speaker, the lives of one in two black unborn IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bill Number: H.R. 2892 children are lost before they ever see the light Account: State and Local Programs/Emer- Friday, June 19, 2009 of day for the first time. gency Operations Center Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. Madam Speaker, And though some, captive to an invincible Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Mobile today, June 19th, marks the anniversary of blindness, would deny this reality, Madam County Commission what has become known as Juneteenth,’’ the Speaker, we are all witness to what has been Address of Requesting Entity: 205 Govern- name given to emancipation day by African- the deadliest form of discrimination in our ment Street, Mobile, AL 36644 Americans in Texas. On that day in 1865, country’s history: the systematic elimination of Description of Request: Provide $800,000 Union Major-General Gordon Granger read millions. Today, fully one-half of all black for the initial federal share of construction of a General Orders, No. 3 to the people of Gal- Americans conceived in this country are killed new Emergency Operations Center in Mobile, veston. It stated: before they are born, primarily at government- Alabama. Mobile County is home to one of the ‘‘The people of Texas are informed that, in funded abortion clinics placed in our inner cit- country’s ten largest ports with a new con- accordance with a proclamation from the ies. tainer terminal and a number of chemical Executive of the United States, all slaves are Every day, Madam Speaker, almost 1,500 manufacturing facilities. As a gulf-front county, free. This involves an absolute equality of unborn black children are aborted. Black ba- Mobile County faces an annual risk of severe personal rights and rights of property . bies are aborted at between four and five hurricanes and flood related emergencies. A It was an event in the early days of the 19th times the rate of that of white babies. The new Emergency Operations Center is nec- century, and especially in the darkest of hours daily killing of 50 percent of unborn black essary for the all-hazards approach Mobile VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:32 Jun 20, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.028 E19JNPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS June 19, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1515 County Emergency Management Agency must Requesting Member: Congressman Steve HONORING TERRY BRADLEY take in response to these diverse natural and Buyer potentially terrorist threats. Mobile County’s Bill Number: H.R. 2647 HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH existing Emergency Operations Center no Account: DoD RDT&E, Technology Transfer OF CALIFORNIA longer has the necessary space or the appro- Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Tech- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES priate equipment to meet the County’s needs, nology Service Corporation given the leadership role the County has taken Friday, June 19, 2009 in regional planning and preparation for man- Address of Requesting Entity: 116 West Mr.
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