i , ;■ . —K;~ IJIOWCITYSLICKB[ERSFARE 1^1^ I Lady Di remembereB r e d at memorial service 1 0 years'' aftera' d6atl>. world;.d;B4 ^ Urban dwellerss g e t a . MISS YOIiU^ DIANAJ jR T aste of ag at We fair. -CONRSISMDCiSaiNTROVERSY .. Movies AEABOUT MERCY. ■ MAGIC VALLEY, E - • AUCTTDW OWNER 7 ^ NER WONT'SELL-SEIZeP COWS.''■ '"MAGIC VALLEY,Bl' SUNS VALLEY FESTIVAL SPOTUGHJGHTS forgiveness. RELIGION.N. D l ' GoodMominling • / T ^ IlitKW............. I ..... - ‘"‘SATURDAY ^ Low:iMr;63 H ‘ September 1,2007. , • • ■ Very warm. dry. Detail* ■ " JL' .i m ( e s ' N e ’w s I 50 cents HtasicValley.cam-r - " ....... ~ — Friday ••= - 'H A.A new celebrity ‘ l i . G o mling i ] tom orrow . Meridian ,55. Twin ftlls 20 Jeanno Pinchincha-Tuiley. head ot (he national Ughthouse Christian 68. ' incldenlmarmanoEement team tackling the Dietrich 36 • ; 4 : in.i’^^^T im es-N e w s Castle Roc)(Ro( Fire is a new roclt siar.. Middleton 37. Jerome 18y« ' Minlco 50, Buriey 0 h r Buhi 12. Wendeil 6 li the rails - — DyslexicCuiitle?— Fbr full details, J 35 ffeight transport 3 t Ifs on old joho. but (ho disease)ls I: vhile businesses < —) no laughing matter for parents andan h shipping costs. ^ ■ (heir struggling students. r « Gunman GOPco f f l d a iIsrCmi^g w i l l ne s i p tl:o d a y ' ByJobaMBIerudMitaevDaV Daly confcrcncc in BoiseBe this morning during5 aa iewd-conductI Invcstlga- Although se\’erai RepubI deadafteir Awoctrtdd P rw writertI that he will rcsij:siga crfcctlve Scpi. lion atI (he(li Minneapoils-Si. Pnul familiarI with internal deli:jb lic a n s ^ 30. GOP ofilcia:ciols In Idaho and Intcrnaiioaiional Airport. 1(ions said Idaho Gov. C.L lelibera-“Bi BOISE — Idaho Reptepubllcan Washington toldold The Associated The three-termti Republican Oitcr1 favored Lt. Gov. Jim Ills“Butch" Sen. Larry Craig will rcsl{cslgn from Press, speaidngig on condition of- senatorir hadh mnlnialhed that iic ai replacement, both Oner,Rlsch as Friday the Senate amid a furoror overc his anonymity. did nothothing wrong except for and.Rischj suid no decisioner .aldes.> arrest anid guilty pica Irt ai policc, Word of thea Tresignation camc makingg thetl guilty plea without beenI made. ion 1)ad. sex sting In' an airporttort men's four days afterr theth disclosure that consultingIting a lawyer. But he found “1 have not been promisei room, Republican' ofncioIcials said Craig had plca<eaded guilty to a almostt no support among jobj of U.S. senator, nor hasIscd 1 ihc M m W robbery] Friday. • . reduced mlsdeidemeanor charge Republlcallcans in ills home stale'or as (here H A Craig will announce at a news arising out of hi his lune 11 arrest Washlngtcigton. Please see CitAIG, Pag B ysw iaix ■ - ■ ■ ; Pa ge A3 Cnig - F6rtheTlin8»News6 F PAUL — A m a n whcho attempted to rob a lemoltale em pIo>w of Sw enson's groceryuty . ..... sto re Friday, abo u t 10:15 a.mm. \ idllcd him self a sh o n tim e ln(ei(er after being p u rsu ed hy l(^cncal law cnfd«jtoen( ofllcers. NoNc - o m c ers we?<? Injured In d:he u F t r e f l p l d o h l e b l i incident. a z e i T h e m a n attaciced th»[hu , . ' ; , employee outside the storeire. ' sp ray in g -h e r face a n d tors<rso with mace. Minidoka Countnty ' Sheriff-iCcvin Malverson saila id ' r , .■ -'theS m a n .h ad stolim on “uhdlsills- i>' ' -'td o s e d am o u n t of (Boncy'' fror•om iH ew onutn. Accoidlng to a siotcmeilent -- released by Halverson earlarly Friday anerhoon,' a countnty ' depu^ tried (o stop the manart's vchlcle as h e fled die store. ■ ‘The suspect Ilred severs;ral shots, ;strlldng the depu^' whicle. The suspect H i thi£ ......... v ^ d c and ofOcers condnuecled ptirsult on fooL After a brie.•lef staiTdoir \vltl) onicers, thehe ^ I Please se e CUNIWN, Page A3 South Floridai students- arrested after bombs found[■ ; / in their car BjrlanJakesJonba I Associated Press wrttef________ . W ASHINGTON , TWo3 Egyptian studcms at (heS University of South. Florldti1 ■•- . .1 toi >di IM TM ir B iiw boms sstint«t yiysiib fnM «i<8^ Wm prinp Rbsd.- A* 0- Frldiy U.1- Ferstt 1 -I were« iDdictcd- I H n « « M m > m r wtiiiiri i«da d « m ^ ' ^ M I i Uv i Irt solswlfcon*. , , , L ■ I npoAikrti^CnllilM tnn Friday bn charges o f car* k- ry: in; g ..C3q)la< - ■ slve•• fj materials I : V Castle Rlock Fire3;surroun(idedonrae^ly all across state lines and one ■' si . •, and Instead sersent homi^ ^cha'TUUey' , ■■ -' the storm,could 1 •, / ofieachlngthcw Tlth<»f>>wiwittif :• ■ said. ^ 'cauise flash floods. V other how to ThOT weree 1 .766' pcrsqwcl on the H left to soak up mol use' them for .. ikphtl. P' • K EIO iuiif-FInightenerstryinsfto fiteiuofFdda)day. pthere could be sent , * besignlflcant. - vioSt le n t reft- miTDund (tie Castle Rode±FirBAvIth' J 'hdmeWUhlnseseveralda;^- j •. // S M new'snd archived stories es; ,. Flreflghtws, howi r^hand^dbffilitcheitBd-lnahfc!IdotedUne»7T^No8tiucdiraft refthevBbeeiidisstioyedln-*—^i:::-photos:afld.vldaos4bouuhls i tan£^^-^uppef:hand.--I^t A hm ed Ab> ■ cbiild b e ^ tovgo-home5. .Msoon;, sU d V th e 'tta ^ S .w hUi*-‘bw;gt6wft,w46,(xw: id . other Idaho wlIctfIrM online 81 'Bt, toba^buni,mop.i deUatir.Sherif f^7'-'h«ad:flrefmaiwgMT^lMitte^to..PM icba>;.|4oes.i&tnft(:« was,66^r;'r,-'t/ p m ^ c v a l l e p o m n '■ ,v'ariM be/pre. the 1 M ph^ed, 24, 'pScent coritidnataed'ortRJda«:'-.'.’'-. •; :■} '■ f.'vl;/A FHd^3biin;^ti-p^^^ ’• • ■ ^y /h it was ohce' J I F '-v" •.■'fev'Iathehcartsoi stu d e n t’ , ■ .giists'. of 35 niph’ididtfr^p f U - / a • fiS& W oiSSDmfEStSB^ M'-.TiwT'flaftlemi now-lfppo - - s ,, .Spilogs Ro««J,’ihfrbIiBA‘m< iiea^onfewie; at their feet Sevcad tont at. thetm O glllH ■ th e ^ Is still ooactive In' bnlen were ’tl ■:Si»!®ssstm^caU^:'^tfati^uQ^ Dm Vpta^';^,zAani^^ Va ^ ';s ^ v'uid oOIdali say n» . iintversUS' y,-.'.^-*^"*^' *‘f" . badElb&M anid burnouts^.i . 1m«t,,toV :cmbeit !j today.- ': • fac(H te rro d s tn .c h a rg e s f b r . l. Uoilt.'tiw m ain flMk access t ^^talt^tlU es-jffiif6rst6rm:/:;f'C-^-r— - " ■■ :eaching-and-dm onstratlng >: -•:a|)&litoiieafhcwi^ litbihi^vwlnds -Is^lbreatst. fora'or.-earlws---iMattiChHstmien iqwtfrusea thedqiloslves.. .B re^^iaha^ are also-conc b>leaum iqiN S;pa^e'U I' . • ;■ . ■ ■' o S t l ^ J ii EB,l lS liS -' V i d ^ 7- , Egj HtSM ricseffi^ .............. ;:OT . Fri( Isides I • line d bring rains, thafU ofti s.With^tdevcgctaUon oth nolsture, runoff could use ' viol owever, now have the ,• son s/a-havftseveral-dff/^:, A >p;iip arid coimect fte ; deli e cold-.'front ; moves • : , M|^ i e ' a ' b l ^ l ^ i ^ i t n ^ ,'- I o f Wtood River Valley'^ .- s ty t jpoaiijTo b<m fediigl“ -tleai !ijdriuLndatorye\«cu* ' ton( 0 tlfied l o t e l a s t V i i ^ ' . TfiR nsorft'could.be-UQ^-^ ' 'uni ■' v' •' face _—:— ,' teac wean bereadi9dM ; how it'matuhrtsunseh9 • . V ^ ...V.....-..1.B2.W ■■-9m - - . , . ... ta nM»WTWiaFtB«,l|UiM>bo S«b«^,S*p(H>btrl.'2007 TODAy’SFdREQiCAST ■ ■ RjVlQRW: T o d a y ' tonight1 ’^SuniMiday- . , ~ 1 1 ■ D M [ E l Vory warm wiih n6 PartiallyPart clonr and Mosily aunijunny, warm m •• ralnhkoly .mild • andc M agic VALum V ______ IDAHOO/WEST .' 'NA^ATI'QN/WOKLD SPORTS- H ig h 91 L o w 6 3 ' ' 92 / ' Govemiriment buys 9,000 Milllilitaiy chiefs tell Bush Prep football _ _..acr«Jnjn seven states___ Jraqlaq.war cpnc€ms.„ _ _ _ «• Todoy:A toasfy siafl to'ltio'Itio oxionde'd hohday wc'ckond. ■— scoreboard iHighsnearM, illNGTON - The WWASHINGTON - At a C / 1 ] governintn e n t is buying a.OOO keyjey ju n c tu re In th e Iraq war, . R aft River 58 !Tonlghl: Mostly dear, dryry and.1 mild. Lows low 60s. .icrcs In seven Wt^tern theie military chiefs con- , Camas County 6 'Tomorrow;,Slill plcnly sunnunnyandploniyv;a/m. Higlislo - states, theth .firsllsucii pur- veye^yed to President Hush on . :90s, , under a 2000 law Frid;riday their concern about Ughthouse Christian 68i id to help land man- a gngrowing stmln on troops '.Dietrich 35 atch tip fragmented - and:i d th e ir nim llles from long : Complete weathcIher report: See page ( . M lddloton 3 7 il parks, forests, and:id repeated coqibat tours. Jerom e 18 The qualityy (of mercy and other public . SEE PAGE A7- • __ j:ODAy:S_HAPPENSNINGS . L inongthe 19 places Mlnlco 5 0 |)urchnsed-for-Sl8 -------- m j .; = “^n-onihebig ------------------ B u r l^ O '------------- big:sctMn==.|»is|M from private ullHhiiia^si^tecair — ARTS ANDM ftpn-AiNMBir The power of forgiveness landowneners are laiuls eu«t /stem s for food, toys Hagerman 36. Discover Filer's Treasure C :al p o in t o f th e a ro u n d th e Chest of Fascinating Art, an Open "'ill In.- ihc foail j th e C oachella Valley ivlurtaugh 6 House.celebratingTwin FallsFal County Fair with works t}yby third arimial ^S u n Valley in Ciilifo.fornia. the Norili HEIICIIING - Chinn's lirsl ' national and local artiststs anda professional craftsmen.;n 1 to ■4 •''Plriiiiiil I'ilni I-esI-estiv’al.
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