Spirula - Corr.-bladNed. Malac. Ver., No. 320 (2001) 59 Artikelen in tijdschriften (JOURNAL PAPERS: CONTINENTAL MALACOLOGY) R.A. Bank References to malacologicalarticles published in journals. Sorted in thefollowing order of succession: - Faunistics/Ecology - Fossil Assemblages - Bivalvia Gastropoda (alphabetically rubricated at the family level) - Miscellania - Publications in the Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature (new cases - - Within each item, ordered the comments on previous cases Opinions). papers are alphabetical on name of the first author. * * FAUNISTICS/ECOLOGY PONDER, W.F. (2000): Interactive CD KIRITSHUK, G.E. (2000): Shell pores in * ANGELOV, A. (2000): Freshwater mol- Rom guide and key to the freshwater molluscs ofthe superfamily Pisidioidea - luscs (Mollusca: Gastropoda and Bival- Mollusca of Australia. - Australasian (Mollusca, Bivalvia). Vestnik Zoolo- via) from the Srebrana Lake, northeast- Shell News, 108: 4. gii, 34 (1-2): 41-47. Kyiv. (Russian) * * - A.V. & E. HACKENBERG ern Bulgaria. Historia Naturalis Bul- SERAFINSKI, W., A. MICHALIK- KORNIUSHIN, garica, 11: 133-138. Sofia. KUCHARZ & M. STRZELEC (2000): Four (2000): Verwendung konchologischer * BEN-AMI, F. & N. SIVAN (2000): A centuries of investigations on recent und anatomischer Merkmale für die of landsnails from southwestem malacofauna of Silesia. - Arten survey Przeglad Bestimmung mitteleuropaischer Jordan. - Israël Journal of Zoology, 46 Zoologiczny, 44 (1-2): 7-12. Wroclaw. der Familie Sphaeriidae (Bivalvia), mit (3): 181-191. (Polish) neuem Bestimmungsschlüssel und * * CARLSSON, R. (2001): Species-area SVERLOVA, N.V. (2000): Habitat of Diagnosen. - Malakologische Abhand- relationships, water chemistry and land molluscs in Lviv and its environs. lungen Staaüiches Museum für Tierkun- - 45-72. species turnover offreshwater snails on Vestnik Zoologii, 34 (3): 73-77. de Dresden, 20 (1,6): Dresden. the Aland Islands, southwestern Fin- Kyiv. (Russian) * LEWANDOWSKI, K. & A. STANCZY- land. - Journal of Molluscan Studies, KOWSKA (2000): The role of Dreissena FOSSIL ASSEMBLAGES 67 (1): 17-26. London. polymorpha (PALL.) (zebra mussels) in * A. Holocene fossil * FUJIE, (2000): COSTIL, K., G.B.J. DUSSART & J. freshwater ecosystems. - Przeglad of minute land molluscs assemblages 44 13-21. Wro- DAGUZAN (2001): Biodiversity of aqua- Zoologiczny, (1-2): from sand dunes on Kikaijima Island in tic gastropods in the Mont St-Michel claw. (Polish) the Amami - Archipelago, Japan. * basin (France) in relation to salinity MELNYCHENKO, R.K. (2000): The com- Venus, 59 (4): 317-324. Tokyo. and drying of habitats. - Biodiversity parative karyological analysis of two 1-18. of the Unio and Conservation, 10(1): species genus (Mollusca, BIVALVIA * I. & L. PENEV - Vestnik Zoolo- DEDOV, (2000): Species * Bivalvia, Unionidae). ARAUJO, R., D. BRAGADO & M.A. composition and origins of the terres- gii, 34 (1-2): 85-88. Kyiv. (Russian) RAMOS (2001): Identification of the * trial gastropod fauna of Sofia City, WILLAN, R.C., B.C. RUSSELL, N.B. river blenny, Salaria fluviatilis, as a - 10 121-131. MURFET, K.L. MOORE, F.R. MCENNUL- Bulgaria. Ruthenica, (2): '' host to the glochidia of Margaritifera Moskva. TY, S.K. HORNER, C.L. HEWITT, G.M. auricularia. - Journal of Molluscan * KÖRNIG, G. (2000): Die Gastropoden- DALLY, M.L. CAMPBELL & S.T. BOUR- Studies, 67 (1): 128-129. London. fauna Auenwalder. KE Outbreak of sal- mitteleuropaischer * (2000): Mytilopsis EDLINGER, K. & W. DAUBAL (2000): - Hercynia, Neue Folge 33 (2): 257- lei (RÉCLUZ, 1849) (Bivalvia: Dreisse- Ein Fund der ostasiatischen Chinesi- 279. Halle (Saaie). nidae) in Australia. - Molluscan Re- schen FluBperlmuschel Sinanodonta * ONDINA, P. & S. MATO (2001): Influ- search, 20 (2): 25-30. woodiana (LEA 1834) in Österreich. - * M.L. Weitere Bemer- ence of vegetation type on the constitu- ZETTLER, (2000): Club Conchylia Informationen, 32 (4- tion of terrestrial gastropod communi- kungen zur Morphologie von Unio 6): 51-53. Ludwigsburg. - 1788 ties in northwestern Spain. The Veli- crassus PHILIPSSON aus dem nord- * GRAF, D.L. & D.O. FOIGHIL (2000): 44 8-19. Santa Barbara. ger, (1): europaischen Vereisungsgebiet (Bival- Molecular phylogenetic analysis of 28S via: Unionidae). - Malakologische rDNA supports a Gondwana origin for Abhandlungen Staatliches Museum für Australasian Hyriidae (Mollusca: Tierkunde Dresden, 20 (7): 73-78. Bivalvia: Unionoida). - Vie et Milieu, Dresden. 50 (4): 245-254. * GUTLEB, B., D. STREITMAIER, B. SEIDEL & P. MILDNER (2000): Das Anheften der Gemeinen Kugelmuschel Sphaerium corneum (LINNAEUS, 1758) (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae) an Amphibien. - Carinthia II, 110 (2): 555-560. Klagenfurt. * HASTIE, L. & P. COSGROVE (2001): The decline of migratory salmonid stocks: a new threat to pearl mussels in Scotland. - Freshwater Forum, 15: 85- 96. Cumbria. * IEYAMA, H. & S. TAKAHASHI (2000): Classification of Japanese Pisidia. - - Zospeum spelaeum lamellatum - Bole, 1974, Virpazaria backhuysi Gittenberger, 1969, Chiribotan, 31 63-66. (3): Tokyo. 43: 5. Razprave SAZU, 17: fig. 17d-e. Zool. Meded., fig. (Japanese) 60 Spiruta - Corr.-blad Ned. Malac. Iter., No. 320 (2001) GASTROPODA CHONDRINIDAE * BÖBNECK, U. (2000): Eine neue Abida- ACHATINIDAE Art aus den südöstlichen Pyrenaen * SIRGEL, W.F. (2000): Comparative (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Chon- genital anatomy of some South African drinidae). - Malakologische Abhand- Achatinidae (Pulmonata). - Annals of lungen Staatliches Museum für Tier- the Natal Museum, 41: 209-235. kunde Dresden, 20 (1, 1): 5-11. Dres- Pietermaritzburg. den. > Anatomy of Archachatina dimidiata, A. burnupi, A. transvaalensis, A. sanc- CLAUSILIIDAE * taeluciae, A. churchilliana, A. livings- EDLINGER, K. (2000): Clausilia dubia Eine tonei, Achatina bisculpta, A. craveni steinbergensis n. ssp.: neueUnter- and A. smithii. art von Clausilia dubia (DRAPARNAUD Österreich. 1805) aus dem östlichen - Club Conchylia Informationen, 32 (4- 6): 39-44. * FEHÉR, Z. (2000): Medora macarsca- ensis brancsiki subsp. n„ a new ende- Ancylus scalariformis and A. lapicidus mic clausiliid from the Velebit Hubendick, 1970, Acta Reg. Soc. Sci. Litt. moun- Croatia Gothob., Zool. 5: fig. 88, 91. tains, (Gastropoda: Stylomma- tophora: Clausiliidae). - Malakologi- sche Abhandlungen Staatliches Muse- um für Tierkunde Dresden, 20 (1, 2): cies of Mascarene land snails (Mollus- 13-17. Dresden. ca: Gastropoda). - Molluscan Re- * WELTER-SCHULTES, F.W. (2000): The search, 20 (2): 37-50. pattern of geographical and altitudinal variation in the land snail Albinaria BENEDICTIIDAE idaea from Crete (Gastropoda: Clausi- * SITNIKOVA, T. (2000): A new species of liidae). - Biological Journal of the Lin- hydrobiid mollusk from Lake Baikal. - neanSociety, 71 (2): 237-250. London. Ruthenica, 10(2): 105-111. Moskva. Porphyrobaphe iostoma - Schileyko, 1999. Ruthenica, Suppl. 2: fig. 449A. BOETTGERILLIDAE * REISE, H., J.M.C. HUTCHINSON, R.G. FORSYTH & T.J. FORSYTH (2000): The ecology and rapid spread of the terres- ANCYLIDAE trial slug Boettgerilla pallens in Europe * SANTOS, S. BARBOSA DOS (2000): Mor- with reference to its recent discovery in fologia do sistema muscular e do siste- North America. - The Veliger, 43 (4): ma reprodutor de Anisancylus obliquus 313-318. Santa Barbara. (BRODERIP & SOWERBY) do Chile, como contribuigao a sistematica de Ancylidae BRADYBAENIDAE (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Basommato- * Wu, M. & D.-N. CHEN (2000): A new phora). - Revista Brasileira de Zoolo- of the ffom species genus Bradybaena gia, 17 (4): 995-1006. Curitiba. Tibet, China (Pulmonata: Stylomma- tophora: Bradybaenidae). - Acta Zoo- ASSIMINEIDAE taxonomica Sinica, 25 (1): 30-32. * O.L. Nine GRIFFITHS, (2000): new spe- Nesiophaedusa okinoerabuensis - Pilsbry, CAMAENIDAE 1905, Proc. Acad. natl. Sci. Philadelphia,pl. * L11 14 (right) AZUMA, Y. (2000): Rediscovery of fig. Luchuhadra iheyaensis (Pulmonata: Acrophaedusa fruhstorferi - Loosjes,1953, Camaenidae) from Iheya Island, Oki- 51 - Beaufortia, 31: fig. (left). nawa Pref., and its genital system. Chiribotan, 31 (3): 85-89. Tokyo. (Japanese) DIPLOMMATINIDAE * CHAROPIDAE HWANG, C.-C., K.-M. CHANG & H.-W. * EDDIE, C. (2000): A new locality for CHANG (2001): Diplommatina chaoi the land snail Elsothera genus (Charo- (Prosobranchia: Diplommatinidae), a - pidae) in Queensland. - Australasian new species from southern Taiwan. Shell News, 108: 4-5. The Veliger, 44 (1): 104-107. Santa * FONSECA, A.L.M. & J. THOMÉ (2000): Barbara. Conquiliomorfologlay anatomfa de los sistemas de ELLOBIIDAE excretor y reproductor * Radiodiscus S. The Ellobiid fauna cuprinus n. sp. (Gastro- KIMURA, (2000): poda: Stylommatophora: Charopidae). in Miyakojima Island, Okinawa Pref., Ancylus fluviatilis - Hubendick, 1970, Acta - Neotrópica, 46: 11-18. La Plata. southwestern Japan. - Chiribotan, 31 Reg. Soc. Sci. Litt. Gothob., Zool. 5: fig. (3): 69-84, pl. 1-6. Tokyo. (Japanese) 80-81. Spirula - Corr.-blad Ned. Malac, Ver., No. 320 (2001) 61 ENDODONTIDAE * MIENIS, H.K. (2000): Once more Exili- LYMNAEIDAE * * ABDOU, A. & P. BOUCHET (2000): Nou- berus jacksoni IREDALE, 1942. - Aus- JACKIEWICZ, M. (2000): Structure of veaux gastéropodes Endodontidae et tralasian Shell News, 108: 6-7. lymnaeid shell columella (Gastropoda: of the desert snail - Ab- Punctidae (Mollusca, Pulmonata) >A synonym Pulmonata). Malakologische récemment éteints de 1'archipel des Eremina irregularis zitteli from Libya. handlungenStaatliches Museum für Gambier (Polynésie). - Zoosystema, 22 Tierkunde Dresden, 20 (1, 5): 37-44. (4): 689-707. Paris. HYDROBIIDAE Dresden. * BERNASCONI,
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