INFORMATION The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association DAY 1 AM PM Day 2 LS October 7 (Friday) Posters DAY 2 AM LS PM Posters DAY 3 AM PM Posters LS INDEX Authors Keywords Chairpersons 125 Room 4 Oct. 7 (Fri.) 8:00-8:50 E Room 8 Oct. 7 (Fri.) 8:00-8:50 J Potential cancer therapeutics targeting TGF-β/Smad3 From Real-time Tumor-Tracking Technology to Motion ML1 signaling ML5 Science in Life 動体追跡技術から生体の動きの科学へ Chairperson: Susumu Itoh (BioChem., Showa Pharm. Univ.) 座長:伊東 進(昭和薬大・生命薬学・生化学) Chairperson: Masahiko Miura (Tokyo Med. & Dent. Univ.) 座長:三浦 雅彦(東京医歯大・院医歯・口腔放射線腫瘍) ML1 Potential cancer therapeutics targeting TGF-β/Smad3 signaling ML5 From Real-time Tumor-Tracking Technology to Motion Seong-Jin Kim1, Eunjin Bae1, Jinah Park1, Mi-Kyung Kwak1, Kazuhito Science in Life Naka2, Ooshima Akira1 (1Nanobio Med. Res. Ctr., AICT, Seoul Natl. Hiroki Shirato1,2 (1Dept. Radiat. Med., Grad. Sch. Med. Hokkaido Univ., Univ., 2Res. Inst. for Radiation Biol. & Med., Hiroshima Univ.) 2Quant. Med. Sci. Eng., Glob. Inst. Res. Ed., Hokkaido Univ.) 動体追跡技術から生体の動きの科学へ 白土 博樹 1,2(1 北海道大・医・放医、2 北海道大・国際連携・量子医 理工) Room 5 Oct. 7 (Fri.) 8:00-8:50 J Room 9 Oct. 7 (Fri.) 8:00-8:50 J RUNX genes: Integral component of Fanconi-BRCA pathway In situ Delivery and Production System(iDPS) to Target ML2 ML6 Hypoxia of Solid Cancers with Anaerobic Bifidobacterium 嫌気性ビフィズス菌を用いた固形がんの嫌気的環境を標的とする選択的・持続的抗がん物質の産生系 Chairperson: Rieko Ooki (Natl. Cancer Ctr.) 座長:大木 理恵子(国立がん研究セ・研・難治がん) Chairperson: Shinae Kondoh (Sch. of Life Sci. &d Tech., Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) 座長:近藤 科江(東京工大・院生命理工・生体分子機能) ML2 RUNX genes: Integral component of Fanconi-BRCA pathway Yoshiaki Ito (Cancer Sci. Inst. of Singapore, Natl. Univ. of Singapore) ML6 In situ Delivery and Production System(iDPS) to Target 伊藤 嘉明(Cancer Sci. Inst. of Singapore, Natl. Univ. of Hypoxia of Solid Cancers with Anaerobic Bifidobacterium Singapore) Shun'ichiro Taniguchi (Dept. Comprehensive Cancer Therapy, Shinhsu Univ. Sch. Med.) 嫌気性ビフィズス菌を用いた固形がんの嫌気的環境を標的とする選択 的・持続的抗がん物質の産生系 谷口 俊一郎(信州大・医・包括的がん治療) Room 6 Oct. 7 (Fri.) 8:00-8:50 J Room 10 Oct. 7 (Fri.) 8:00-8:50 J In Memoriam: Alfred G. Knudson Recent Advances in Liquid Biopsy ML7 ML3 —Hereditary cancer & Environmental carcinogenesis— リキッドバイオプシー 最近の動向 Knudson 2 hit 45 周年記念~遺伝性がんと環境発がん~ Chairperson: Hidetoshi Tahara (Dept. of Cell. & Mol. Biol., Hiroshima Univ.) Chairperson: Akira Orimo (Dept. of Path. & Oncology, Juntendo Univ.) 座長:田原 栄俊(広島大・院医歯薬保健・細胞分子生物) 座長:折茂 彰(順天堂大・医・病理・腫瘍) ML7 Recent Advances in Liquid Biopsy ML3 In Memoriam: Alfred G. Knudson‐Hereditary cancer & Masaki Mori (Dept. of Gastroenterological Surg., Grad. Sch. of Med., Environmental carcinogenesis‐ Osaka Univ.) Okio Hino (Dept. of Pathol. & Oncology, Juntendo Univ. Sch. of Med.) リキッドバイオプシー 最近の動向 Knudson 2 hit 45 周年記念~遺伝性がんと環境発がん~ 森 正樹(大阪大・院医・消化器外科) 樋野 興夫(順天堂大・医・病理・腫瘍) Room 7 Oct. 7 (Fri.) 8:00-8:50 J Room 11 Oct. 7 (Fri.) 8:00-8:50 J ASK family kinases in Stress Signaling and Cancer Trends in epigenetic drug discovery for anticancer therapy ML4 ML8 ASK ファミリーによるストレスシグナルとがん がんエピゲノム創薬の潮流 Chairperson: Kohsuke Takeda (Dept. of Cell Reg., Grad. Sch. of Biomed. Sci., Chairperson: Masaya Imoto (Fac. of Sci. & Tech., Keio Univ.) Nagasaki Univ.) 座長:井本 正哉(慶應大・理工) 座長:武田 弘資(長崎大・院医歯薬・細胞制御) ML8 Trends in epigenetic drug discovery for anticancer therapy ML4 ASK family kinases in Stress Signaling and Cancer Minoru Yoshida (RIKEN CSRS) Hidenori Ichijo (Cell Signaling, Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., UTokyo) がんエピゲノム創薬の潮流 ASK ファミリーによるストレスシグナルとがん 吉田 稔(理研・環境資源) 一條 秀憲(東京大・院薬・細胞情報) 126 ML-MV INFORMATION Room 13 Oct. 7 (Fri.) 8:00-8:50 J Telomere maintenance system as an anticancer therapeutic MV1 target がん治療標的としてのテロメア維持機構 Chairperson: Ryuzo Ueda (Dept. of Tumor Immunology, Aichi Med. Univ. Sch. of Med.) 座長:上田 龍三(愛知医大・医・ 腫瘍免疫) DAY 1 MV1 Telomere maintenance system as an anticancer therapeutic target Hiroyuki Seimiya (Div. of Mol. Biotherapy, Cancer Chemotherapy Ctr., Japanese Foundation for Cancer Res.) がん治療標的としてのテロメア維持機構 AM PM Posters 清宮 啓之((公財)がん研・がん化療セ・分子生物治療) LS Room 15 Oct. 7 (Fri.) 8:00-8:50 J Strategic development of combination cancer ML9 immunotherapies 複合免疫療法の戦略的開発 DAY 2 Chairperson: Yataro Daigo (Ctr. Antibody & Vaccine, Inst. Med. Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo) 座長:醍醐 弥太郎(東京大・医科研・抗体・ワクチンセ) ML9 Strategic development of combination cancer AM immunotherapies Kouji Matsushima (Dept. Mol. Preventive Med., Grad. Sch. Med., U Tokyo) LS 複合免疫療法の戦略的開発 PM Posters 松島 綱治(東京大・医・分子予防医学) Room 16 Oct. 7 (Fri.) 8:00-8:50 J DAY 3 Training Junior Scientists in Basic and Translational ML10 Cancer Research in the United States 米国におけるがん基礎研究、臨床への橋渡しと若手研究者の教育 Chairperson: Yasushi Ino (Div. of Innovative Cancer Therapy. Inst. Med. Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo) AM PM Posters 座長:稲生 靖(東京大・医科研・先端医研セ・先端がん治療) LS ML10 Training Junior Scientists in Basic and Translational Cancer Research in the United States Ichiro Nakano (Dept. of Neurosurg., The Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham) 米国におけるがん基礎研究、臨床への橋渡しと若手研究者の教育 中野 伊知郎(Dept. of Neurosurg., The Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham) INDEX Authors Keywords Chairpersons 127 0-1 1-2 JCA-AACR Joint Symposia International Sessions Room 1 Oct. 7 (Fri.) 9:00-11:30 E Room 2 Oct. 7 (Fri.) 9:00-11:30 E Frontiers in genome engineering AACR2 Personalized treatments based on cancer genome profile IS5 ゲノム編集の最前線 Chairpersons: Hiroyuki Mano (Dept. of Cell. Signaling, Grad. Sch. of Med., The Chairpersons: Yasuhiro Yamada (CiRA, Kyoto Univ.) Univ. of Tokyo/Natl. Cancer Ctr. Res. Inst.) Jin-Soo Kim (Ctr. for Genome Engineering, Inst. for Basic Sci.) Marc Ladanyi (Mol. Diagnostics Service, Dept. of Path. & Human 座長:山田 泰広(京都大・ iPS 細胞研究所) Oncology & Pathogenesis Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering Jin-Soo Kim (Ctr. for Genome Engineering, Inst. for Basic Sci.) Cancer Ctr.) Recent advances in genome engineering technology have provided us power- 座長:間野 博行(東京大・院医・細胞情報/国立がん研究セ・研) ful tools to examine various aspects of biology, including cancer biology. Marc Ladanyi (Mol. Diagnostics Service, Dept. of Path. & Human Especially, the CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic Oncology & Pathogenesis Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer repeat) system has been shown to be a versatile experimental platform for Ctr.) genome engineering that uses a guide RNA to target nucleases or transcrip- Characterization of gene expression profiles had been shown useful to stratify tional modifiers to a specific sequence. Similarly, transposon-mediated breast cancer in different prognosis tiers. Additionally, recent advent of genome manipulation is a useful technology for insertional mutagenesis in next-generation sequencers has revealed a number of genetic alterations that both loss-of-function and gain-of-function assays. Furthermore, unique for- play important roles in carcinogenesis. Such information is critical in organ- ward genetic screens can be performed by the combination of such genome izing treatment strategies for a given cancer patient. Thus, high-throughput engineering technologies with stem cell technologies. In this session, we sequencing of tumor DNA for cancer gene panels has attracted a great deal of will learn cutting-edge researches with the latest genome engineering tech- attention in clinics, and the potential utility of “liquid biopsy” is currently nologies and discuss the possible applications of such technologies to cancer under scrutiny. Such momentum is further accelerated by the “Precision reserach. Medicine Initiative” announcement by President Obama in 2015. In this JCA-AACR symposium, such cutting-edge trials are discussed across dif- IS5-1 CRISPR RNA-guided Genome Editing in Human Stem Cells, ferent cancer types for different application. Animals, and Plants Jin-Soo Kim1,2 (1Ctr. for Genome Engineering, Inst. for Basic Sci., 2Dept. AACR2-1 Personalized medicine through cataloging essential growth of Chemistry, Seoul Natl. Univ.) drivers Hiroyuki Mano (Dept. of Cell. Signaling, Grad. Sch. of Med., The IS5-2 CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing in mice Univ. of Tokyo/Natl. Cancer Ctr. Res. Inst.) Masahito Ikawa (Res. Inst. Microbial. Dis, Osaka Univ.) 本質的発がん原因遺伝子の解析がもたらす個別化医療 CRISPR/Cas9 システムを用いたマウスゲノム編集 間野 博行(東京大・院医・細胞情報/国立がん研究セ・研) 伊川 正人(大阪大・微生物研) AACR2-2 Precison Medicine for Advanced Cancer Care IS5-3 When haploid embryonic stem cells met CRISPR-Cas9 Mark A. Rubin (Weill Cornell Med. Coll. & New York-Presbyterian Jinsong Li1,2,3 (1Inst. of Biochemistry & Cell Biol., 2Shanghai Institues for Hosp.) Biological Sciences, 3Chinese Academy of Sciences) AACR2-3 A Novel Genetic Mechanism of Evading Anti-tumor IS5-4 Harnessing endogenous DNA repair pathways for gene editing Immunity In Multiple Human Cancers in human iPSCs. Seishi Ogawa (Pathol. & Tumor Biol., Grad. Sch. of Med., Kyoto Knut Woltjen1,2, Shin-Il Kim1, Tomoko Matsumoto1, Fabian Oceguera- Univ.) Yanez1, Harunobu Kagawa1 (1Ctr. for iPS Cell Res. & Application (CiRA), 2 がんの免疫回避の新たなメカニズムについて Kyoto Univ., Hakubi Ctr. for Advanced Res., Kyoto Univ.) 小川 誠司(京都大・院医・医・腫瘍生物) IS5-5 Transposon mutagenesis identifies genes and evolutionary AACR2-4 The MSK-IMPACT initiative in prospective clinical cancer forces driving gastrointestinal tract tumor progression genomics: the first 10,000 patients Haruna Takeda1,2, Zhubo Wei5, Hideto Koso2,3, Alistair Rust4, Christopher Marc Ladanyi (Mol. Diagnostics Service, Dept. of Pathology & Kuan Yew2, Michiael Mann2,5, Jerrold Ward2, David Adams4, Neal Human Oncology & Pathogenesis Program, Memorial Sloan Copeland2,5, Nancy Jenkins2,5 (11st Dept. of Path., Kanazawa Med. Univ. Kettering Cancer Ctr.) Sch. of Med., 2Div. of Genomics & Genetics, IMCB, 3Inst. of Med. Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo., 4Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst., 5Houston Methodist Res. Inst.) Sleeping Beauty トランスポゾンによる大腸がん形成に関与する 遺伝子の同定 武田 はるな 1,2、Zhubo Wei 5、高祖 秀登 2,3、Alistair Rust 4、 Christopher Kuan Yew 2、Michiael Mann 2,5、Jerrold Ward 2、David Adams 4、Neal Copeland 2,5、Nancy Jenk- ins 2,5(1 金沢医大・医・病理学 I、2 Div. of Genomics & Genet- ics, IMCB、3 東京大・医科研、4 Wellcome Trust Sanger Inst.、 5 Houston Methodist Res.
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