Thursday, March 29, 2012 Daily Digest HIGHLIGHTS Senate passed H.R. 4281, Surface Transportation Extension Act. Senate agreed to S. Con. Res. 38, Adjournment Resolution. Senate state-sponsored persecution of its Baha’i minority Chamber Action and its continued violation of the International Cov- Routine Proceedings, pages S2187–S2285 enants on Human Rights, after agreeing to the fol- Measures Introduced: Thirty-four bills and eight lowing amendment proposed thereto: Page S2276 resolutions were introduced, as follows: S. Reid (for Paul) Amendment No. 1999, of a per- 2250–2283, S. Res. 411–417, and S. Con. Res. 37. fecting nature. Page S2276 Pages S2242–43 People of Tibet: Senate agreed to S. Res. 356, ex- Measures Reported: pressing support for the people of Tibet. H.R. 2297, to promote the development of the Pages S2276–78 Southwest waterfront in the District of Columbia. (S. Journalists and Freedom of the Press in Syria: Rept. No. 112–154) Senate agreed to S. Res. 391, condemning violence S. 2159, to extend the authorization of the Drug- by the Government of Syria against journalists, and Free Communities Support Program through fiscal expressing the sense of the Senate on freedom of the year 2017, with an amendment in the nature of a press in Syria. Page S2278 substitute. Page S2242 North Atlantic Treaty Organization Summit: Measures Passed: Senate agreed to S. Res. 395, expressing the sense of Surface Transportation Extension Act: Senate the Senate in support of the North Atlantic Treaty passed H.R. 4281, to provide an extension of Fed- Organization and the NATO summit to be held in eral-aid highway, highway safety, motor carrier safe- Chicago, Illinois, from May 20 through 21, 2012. ty, transit, and other programs funded out of the Pages S2279–80 Highway Trust Fund pending enactment of a multiyear law reauthorizing such programs. Promoting Peace in Sudan: Senate agreed to S. Pages S2209–12 Res. 397, promoting peace and stability in Sudan, after agreeing to the committee amendment in the Adjournment Resolution: Senate agreed to S. nature of a substitute. Pages S2280–82 Con. Res. 38, providing for a conditional adjourn- ment or recess of the Senate and an adjournment of University of North Carolina at Pembroke the House of Representatives. Page S2275 125th Anniversary: Senate agreed to S. Res. 414, commemorating the 125th anniversary of the Uni- Southwest Waterfront in the District of Colum- versity of North Carolina at Pembroke. Page S2282 bia: Senate passed H.R. 2297, to promote the devel- opment of the Southwest waterfront in the District National Association of Junior Auxiliaries Day: of Columbia, after agreeing to the following amend- Senate agreed to S. Res. 415, designating April 4, ment proposed thereto: Pages S2275–76 2012, as ‘‘National Association of Junior Auxiliaries Reid (for Lieberman) Amendment No. 1998, to Day’’. Page S2282 deauthorize a portion of the project for navigation of Parkinson’s Awareness Month: Senate agreed to the Corps of Engineers at Potomac River, Wash- S. Res. 416, supporting the designation of April as ington Channel, District of Columbia. Pages S2275–76 Parkinson’s Awareness Month. Page S2282 Baha’i Minority in Iran: Senate agreed to S. Res. 80, condemning the Government of Iran for its D331 VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:56 Mar 30, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D29MR2.REC D29MRPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with DIGEST D332 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST March 29, 2012 Measures Considered: Authorizing Leadership to Make Appoint- Paying a Fair Share Act—Agreement: Senate con- ments—Agreement: A unanimous-consent agree- tinued consideration of the motion to proceed to ment was reached providing that, notwithstanding consideration of S. 2230, to reduce the deficit by the upcoming recess or adjournment of the Senate, imposing a minimum effective tax rate for high-in- the President of the Senate, the President Pro Tem- come taxpayers. Pages S2188–99, S2223–24 pore, and the Majority and Minority Leaders be au- A motion was entered to close further debate on thorized to make appointments to commissions, the motion to proceed to consideration of the bill, committees, boards, conferences, or interparliamen- and, in accordance with the provisions of rule XXII tary conferences authorized by law, by concurrent ac- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, and pursuant to tion of the two Houses, or by order of the Senate. the unanimous-consent agreement of Thursday, Page S2282 March 29, 2012, a vote on cloture will occur on Pro Forma Sessions—Agreement: A unanimous- Monday, April 16, 2012, when the Senate resumes consent agreement was reached providing that when legislative session immediately following the vote on the Senate adjourns on Thursday, March 29, 2012, the confirmation of the nomination of Stephanie it convene for pro forma sessions only with no busi- Dawn Thacker, of West Virginia, to be United ness conducted on the following dates and times and States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit. that following each pro forma session, the Senate ad- Pages S2223–24 journ until the next pro forma session: Monday, A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- April 2, 2012 at 2 p.m., Thursday, April 5, 2012 viding that Senate resume consideration of the mo- at 11 a.m., Monday, April 9, 2012 at 10 a.m., tion to proceed to consideration of the bill at ap- Thursday, April 12, 2012 at 2 p.m.; and that the proximately 2 p.m., on Monday, April 16, 2012. Senate adjourn on Thursday, April 12, 2012 until 2 Page S2283 p.m., on Monday, April 16, 2012, unless the Senate Oil Tax Subsidies: Senate resumed consideration of has received a message from the House of Represent- S. 2204, to eliminate unnecessary tax subsidies and atives that it has adopted S. Con. Res. 38, and if the promote renewable energy and energy conservation, Senate has received such a message, the Senate stand after agreeing to the motion to proceed, and taking adjourned until 2 p.m. on Monday, April 16, 2012, action on the following amendments and motions under the provisions of S. Con. Res. 38. Page S2283 proposed thereto: Page S2199 Pending: Thacker Nomination—Agreement: A unanimous- consent-time agreement was reached providing that Reid Amendment No. 1968, to change the enact- at 4:30 p.m., on Monday, April 16, 2012, Senate ment date. Page S2199 begin consideration of the nomination of Stephanie Reid Amendment No. 1969 (to Amendment No. Dawn Thacker, of West Virginia, to be United 1968), of a perfecting nature. Page S2199 States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit; that Reid motion to commit the bill to the Committee there be 60 minutes for debate equally divided in on Finance with instructions, Reid Amendment No. the usual form; that upon the use or yielding back 1970, to change the enactment date. Page S2199 of time, Senate vote without intervening action or Reid Amendment No. 1971 (to (the instructions) Amendment No. 1970), of a perfecting nature. debate, on confirmation of the nomination; and that no further motions be in order. Page S2275 Page S2199 Reid Amendment No. 1972 (to Amendment No. Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol- 1971), of a perfecting nature. Page S2199 lowing nominations: During consideration of this measure today, Senate Phyllis Nichamoff Segal, of Massachusetts, to be also took the following action: a Member of the Board of Directors of the Corpora- By 51 yeas to 47 nays (Vote No. 63), three-fifths tion for National and Community Service for a term of those Senators duly chosen and sworn, not having expiring October 6, 2013. voted in the affirmative, Senate rejected the motion Lisa M. Quiroz, of New York, to be a Member of to close further debate on the bill. Page S2199 the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Na- Signing Authority—Agreement: A unanimous- tional and Community Service for a term expiring consent agreement was reached providing that from February 8, 2014. Thursday, March 29, 2012 through Monday, April Marguerite W. Kondracke, of Tennessee, to be a 16, 2012, the Majority Leader, Senator Webb and Member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation Senator Rockefeller be authorized to sign duly en- for National and Community Service for a term ex- rolled bills or joint resolutions. Page S2282 piring June 10, 2014. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:56 Mar 30, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D29MR2.REC D29MRPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with DIGEST March 29, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D333 Richard Christman, of Kentucky, to be a Member Maureen K. Ohlhausen, of Virginia, to be a Fed- of the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Na- eral Trade Commissioner for a term of seven years tional and Community Service for the remainder of from September 26, 2011. the term expiring October 6, 2012. David T. Danielson, of California, to be an Assist- Thomas M. Harrigan, of New York, to be Deputy ant Secretary of Energy (Energy Efficiency and Re- Administrator of Drug Enforcement. newable Energy). Jon D. Leibowitz, of Maryland, to be a Federal LaDoris Guess Harris, of Georgia, to be Director Trade Commissioner for a term of seven years from of the Office of Minority Economic Impact, Depart- September 26, 2010. ment of Energy. Deepa Gupta, of Illinois, to be a Member of the Michael E. Horowitz, of Maryland, to be Inspector National Council on the Arts for a term expiring General, Department of Justice. September 3, 2016. Gregory Howard Woods, of New York, to be Anuj Chang Desai, of Wisconsin, to be a Member General Counsel of the Department of Energy.
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