2o?o- l+ba1 oM 2.o2,o - og- dot 0tPt0 MAt YIILAY clrY ClyJiiJA 6 REI.IA5ED Ei-!J{s-lDr, atrrtlir d ttr pliumtlrr !.1!a DelErtment of Gluation REGION X. NORT}IERN MINDANAO DMSION OF MALAYBAIAY CITY DIVISION MEMORAN'DUM No. Ao1 s. 2020 Assistant Schools Division Superitrtendent Chief Education Supervisors, SGOD and CID Education hogram Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors All School Heads All Others Concemed This Division F rom ^VICTORI v. GAZO,PhD,CESO V Di SuFrintendent \chools f Date August 7, Subject: TEACHER INDUCTION PROGRAM FOR NEWLY HIRED TEACHERS I . tn line wrth DepEd order No. 43, series 2017 on 7e dcher lnduchon Program Polic, that supports the continuing prolessional development and Fogress of the newly hired teachers based on the principle of lifelong learning and the Department's commitment to the development of new and beginning teachers, this OIIice in coordinatron with the Human Resource Development Section will conduct a Teacher Induction Program for Newly Hired Teachers on August 11-13,2020 at Iniza's Pavillion, Casissng,Malsybslay City. 2. The participants to this program are newly hired Elementary, Junior and Senior High School Teachers ( Enclosure I ) The actiyity mafix and pool of speakers of the activrty is attached for reference ( Enclosure 2 ). 3. Further, in observance to the lnter-Agency Task Force Health Protocol in the conduct of social gatherings, participants are advised to observe physical distancing and wearing of face mask/face shield ftroughout the aclivrty. 4 Meals and Snacks of the participants shalt b€ charged to Human Resource AddressiSayre Hiway, PL,ror 5, Casisao& MalaybalayCty felefar No.: O8E-314-m94j Telephone No.i 088{13-1246 EmailAddr€ss: E A4rIIir ot S? 3!fiilDirur Deprtmert ot @torstiotr REGION X. NORTHERN MINDANAO DMSION OF MAIJIYBAIAY CITY Development Fund *,hile transportation and other incidental expenses shall be charged agalnst school funds subJect to usual accounting and auditing rules. 5. Should there be queries contact Woodtow llilson B. Me da, Seriot Education Program Specialist, Human Resource Development at 091'181227 54. Copy tumi$ed: Records Urut HRD TO BE POSTED IN THE WEBSITE Address: Sayr€ Hi.way, Purol S, casisan& Maleybalay city Telefax No. 08&314-0094; Telephone No.: oaE-813-1245 EmailAddress: 6 i4[Ilr d 0! lriupirtr De1artment of Gtoution REGIONX. NORTHERN MINDANAO DIVISION OF MAIJIYBALAY OTY Enclosure I ofDM No 3ol s.2O2O LIST OF NEWLY HIR,ED/ TRANSFERRED TEACHERS SY 2O2G2O2I ELEMENTARY NO Family Name First Name M.l STATION I Jomolo Modesta B Aglayan Cential School 2 Canoy Manegold Bagotrg Silang Elementary School 3 Pangandian Mary Ann L BCT Elementarv School 4 Jumao-as Eljane L, Betrdolan Elementary School 5 Baciwag Mantess D Can-ayan Integrated School 6 Esperanza Everlyn P Catrdiisan lntegrated School 1 Bmgat John Derick L Indalasa Elementarv School 8 Berial Pretty Naive C Malaybalay City Central School 9 Jacutin Marie Joy P Managok Central School l0 Barete Menla C Managok Central Shool l1 Rara Francis S New Ilocos Elementarv School 12 Catian Ronelyn F New Ilocos Elementary School 13 Aleman Marivic T Paaarnucan Elementarv School l4 Bingal Michael John L Pighalu gar Elementary School t5 Chizano Julie Grace G Pi ghalugan Elementary School l6 Gumahad Gtorife s Tuburan Elem€ntary School JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL I Darnasco Beverly T Apo Macote Natioal High School 2 Orang lhraflor D Apo Macote Natiol High School 3 Mariano Maricel s Apo Macote Natioml Ilgh School 4 Tabios Janiel Bangcud National High School 5 Rosete Nenita F Bukidnon National High School 6 Ricablanoa Lied c Bukidtron National High School ,7 Halasan Arabelle R Bukidnon National High School 8 Takiang Clarissa Mae T Buki&ron National High School 9 Sumayang Dionisio P Bukidnon National High School 10 Quibongan Hanny Lou L Bukidnon Natronal High School ll Dela Pef,a Hyacinth S Busdi Integated School AddressrSayre Hi-way, Purok 5, casisan& Malaybalaycity Telefax No-:oE&314-0094,Telephone No :088{13-1246 EmarlAddress: E 34dli. d Ua PlilipiItr Delgrtnert of Gbutation REGIO X. NORTHERN MINDANAO DMSION OF MALAYBALAY CITY t2 Montesclaros Shela Mae Busdi Integrated School t3 Casanos fuchard B Candiisan Integrated School l4 Rozal Chloe D Candiisan Integrated School t5 Ab.Lrca Mary JaDe s Capitan Angel htegrated School l6 !iuu"1',0 Vatressa P Casisang Central Integrated School 11 Salvafla Joyl)n c Casisang Cenhal lntegrated Sohool l8 Lanorias Char$ Mae G Casisang Central Integrated School l9 Molina Sharah Mae E Casisan g Integated School 20 Mabe Rosemarie P Casisang National High School 2t Mendizabal Jenny Pearl Dalwangan National High School 22 Padilla Charmme B Imbayao National High School 21 Oroyan Judy Ann D Kibalabag Integated School 24 Trmbangan James Cardie G Kilap-agan Integrated School 25 Libres Ircne L Lalawan Nahonal High School 26 Binatao Meaflor S Magsaysay Integrated School 27 Agebo Cheryl C MagMysay Integrated School 28 Dela Cruz Gemma c Managok National High School 29 Nuflez Karen Managok Natronal High School 30 Estrada Bren Don Manalog Integrated School 3l Ventic Romcel C Manalog Integrated School 32 Agsaoay Shaira z Manalog Integrated School 33 Ceniza Justine Carriel S Mamlog lntegrated School 34 Tudtud Alex o Mapayag Integrated s.hool l5 Diahan Jamiel P Mapayag Integrated School 36 Pascua lezA B Mapayag Integrated School 31 Liwanan Ro\1 c Miglamin National High School 38 Escosa Apple May U Silae National High School 39 Palluto Reziel Jane B Silae National High School 40 Paul Mariah Rosarett J Silae National High School 4t Ayre Shahanie Mae Srmaya Integaied School 42 Drcz Cvril Monk Simaya Integaled School 43 Duran Jullie Jean R. Tuburan Integrated School Address'sayre Hi-way, PurokS, casisang, Malaybalay City Telefar No.: 08a.314-0094; Ie lephone No.: 0E8-813.1246 Em.ilAddress: 6 atsltlitdt t fDilipil.i De$rtnent of Gtuation REGIONX. NORTHERN MINDANAO DMSION OF MALAYBATJTY CITY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Duran Michetle D Bukrdnon National Hrgh School 2 Satga I!orabelle Bukidnon National High School 3 Jacinto Rhea Mae L BukidoonNational Hrgtr SchoL 4 L^' an(umo Emmanuel Bukidnon National High School 5 Redondo Mariel S Bukidtron National High School 6 Baldejo Allan I Bukidnon National High School ,7 Saboco Lonell Can-ayan htegated School 8 Babida Chrrstopher Capitan Angel lntegrated Shool 9 Gamo Deseree Ja[e R Capitan Angel lntegaled Shool t0 Melloria Jick Lloyed M Kibatabag Integrated School ll Ares Jory Jean M Kibalabag Integrated School 12 Patitrgga Vilma L Lalawan National High School 13 Cunanan Mary Ann B Luyutrgao C€nter for Indigenous Peoples Leaming and Sustainable Development l4 Gador Jay-ann Luyungal Center for lodigenous Peoples Learning arld Sustainable DeveloDment Addr€ssrSayre Hi'way, Purok 6, Casisan& Malaybalay Gty Telelax No.: 088-31rL0094j Telephone No.: taa€13-1246 Email Addr€ss: tr frp[tlit d 0r 3liusillr Depurtorent of Glutation REGION X. NORTHERN MINDANAO DIVISION OF MAJ,AYBALAY CITY Enclosure 2 of DMNo. 3O1 s.2020 Activity Matrix TEACHER INDUCTION PROGRAM FOR NEWLY HIRED TEACHtrRS' August ll-13'2020 Loiza's Pavillon, Casisang, Mrlaybal0y City TIMf, Dsy I Day 2 Dsy 3 7 00-7.30 Regiltrrtion 7r30€:0o Opeoing Progrsm MsnrSement ofL€rrDitrg ORGANIZATIONAI, DRI]SS CODE AND SOCIAI Mf,DIA ETHICS CAREER PATEWAYS STRUCTURE a:0O-9:0O ( EPS Purisin, J. Yrp Roselio P. Arengco (ASDS Sunry Roy n AD,t) ) (2 ho@ ) EPS-SGOI) CODtr OF CONDUCT TORTEACI{ERS 9:00-10:00 MAGNACARTA FOR Tf, ACHf, RS ( ALy, wlerbog!. L. P.rlrm) (2 hom ) n l0:0G10'1s IIEAJTH BR-f,AK Address:gyre Hi-way, Puok 5, Casisang, MalaybalayCity relehx No.: 08&314-0094; Telephone No | 088'813-1246 EmarlAddress: 6 tr,.fllttu !t S. Srilfu[ind Delartment of Gtuation RXGION X. NORTHERN MINDANAO DIVISION OF MAIAYBAIAY CITY RPMS-PPST for Teschers Nyns M. Docdocil PhD 10:15-11:00 School H€ad PREPARING DLL ANI) (l lNod l0 nD ) DLP/INSTRT]CTIONAL STRATEGIES Actusl Rrthg uling thc f,-IPCRF FOR TEE 21ST CENTURV TEACHERS woodrow Wihon B. Meridr ( EPS Rachel R. Velde) SEPS.HRD Administretive Procedures (2 hom ) (r0nh) 11:00-12r00 ( Jurchd L. Nayra, PhD) (l hor ) !2:0o-12:45 LUNCE !2:45-1:oo Mrtragemcnt ofLe{rnitrB Teacher Itrduction Program Module Bf,NEFITS A]\D PRWILEGES OF Distatrce Lermitrg M€rry t g{odoy 1:m-3rm TEACIIf,RS Rrlpb T. Quirog (5.[6] Hed) (Rhys, Cyle C. Roselejos, CPA) ClD, Chief (2 hoB ) (2 hom ) 2r3O-3:@ Address:sayrc Hi-way, Purok5, qsisant, Malaybalay City Telefd No.i 0a8-314-OO94j Tel€phone No.i 088-813-1245 EmailAddressl 6 Aqrllir d O! DDiIlplIt Dr{lrtmert of Gtuation REGION X. NORTHERN MINDANAO DIVISION OF MAJ.AYBAIAY CITY 3:m-3:15 HEALTH BREAK HUMAN RESOURCE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT STRUCTT]RING Financial Literacy Guia Ms. G. villrhermoso ( EPS Liza Balintongog) ( SDS vktori, V. GrrrPhD,CESO V) IIRMO (llDraill0nD) ( I bou rJn 30 mir ) 3:0O{:00 LRMDS PDO Msnucl L, Dinlryen IlI (30 otr ) CLOSING PROGRAM 4i0O-5rm Ilomewerd Bourd Tercher Inductioo Progmm Coumittee Techlicrl Working Committec Chairmatr: Woodrow Wilson B. Merida, SEPS,HRD Pmgrom Master ard Logistics Chairman: Ria K Alcuizar, EPS-II,HRD Secret{riat Chairman: Lucilyn M. CahucomPDO -I,YFD MoDitoring rtrd f,valurtioD Chairman: Edelina M. Ebora, SEPS-M & E Hall Preparrtion and Documentrtion Chairman. Patemo L. Padua"PDO-I,YFD Address:Sayr€ Hi-way, Purok6, casis.n& Malaybalay City Telef?x No.: O8&314-0094; T€lephone No.r 088313-1246.
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