Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:10 27 March 2017 Corporatism and Fascism 7KLVERRNLVWKH¿UVWFRQFHSWXDODQGFRPSDUDWLYHHPSLULFDOZRUNRQWKHUHODWLRQ EHWZHHQ FRUSRUDWLVP DQG GLFWDWRUVKLSV EULQJLQJ ERWK ¿HOGV XQGHU D MRLQW FRQ- FHSWXDO XPEUHOOD ,W RSHUDWLRQDOL]HV WKH FRQFHSWV RI VRFLDO DQG SROLWLFDO FRU- SRUDWLVPGLIIXVLRQDQGFULWLFDOMXQFWXUHVDQGWKHLUSDUWLFXODUDSSOLFDWLRQWRWKH VWXG\ RI IDVFLVWHUD GLFWDWRUVKLSV 7KH ERRN¶V FDUHIXOO\ FRQVWUXFWHG EDODQFH EHWZHHQWKHRU\DQGFDVHVWXGLHVRIIHUVDQLPSRUWDQWFRQWULEXWLRQWRWKHVWXG\RI GLFWDWRUVKLSVDQGFRUSRUDWLVP 7KURXJK WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI VSHFL¿F LQGLFDWRUV LQ µFULWLFDO MXQFWXUHV¶ RI UHJLPHFKDQJHDQGLQVWLWXWLRQDOL]DWLRQDVZHOODVTXDOLWDWLYHGDWDEDVHGRQGLI- IHUHQWVRXUFHVVXFKDVSDUW\PDQLIHVWRVFRQVWLWXWLRQVDQGFRQVWLWXWLRQDOUHIRUPV H[SHUW FRPPLVVLRQV DQG WKH OHJLVODWLRQ WKDW LQWURGXFHV FRUSRUDWLVP WKLV ERRN WUDFHVWUDQVQDWLRQDOVRXUFHVRILQVSLUDWLRQLQGLIIHUHQWQDWLRQDOFRQWH[WV %\ EULQJLQJ WRJHWKHU D QXPEHU RI ERWK HVWDEOLVKHG DQG QHZ YRLFHV IURP DFURVVWKH¿HOGWKLVERRNZLOOEHRILQWHUHVWWRVWXGHQWVDQGVFKRODUVRIIDVFLVP GLFWDWRUVKLSDQGPRGHUQ(XURSHDQSROLWLFV Antonio Costa PintoLV3URIHVVRURI&RQWHPSRUDU\(XURSHDQ+LVWRU\DQG3ROLWLFV DWWKH,QVWLWXWHRI6RFLDO6FLHQFHV8QLYHUVLW\RI/LVERQ3RUWXJDO Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:10 27 March 2017 Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right 6HULHVHGLWRUV1LJHO&RSVH\ Teesside University DQG *UDKDP0DFNOLQ Teesside University 7KLV ERRN VHULHV H[DPLQHV IDVFLVW IDU ULJKW DQG ULJKWZLQJ SROLWLFV ZLWKLQ D KLVWRULFDOFRQWH[W)DVFLVPIDOOVZLWKLQWKHIDUULJKWEXWWKHIDUULJKWDOVRH[WHQGV WRVRFDOOHGµUDGLFDOULJKWSRSXOLVP¶%RXQGDULHVDUHQRW¿[HGDQGLWLVLPSRUWDQW WRUHFRJQL]HSRLQWVRIFRQYHUJHQFHDQGH[FKDQJHZLWKWKHPDLQVWUHDPULJKW 7KHVHULHVZLOOLQFOXGHERRNVZLWKDEURDGWKHPDWLFRUELRJUDSKLFDOIRFXVVXLW- DEOH IRU VWXGHQWV WHDFKHUV DQG JHQHUDO UHDGHUV 7KHVH ZLOO EH DYDLODEOH LQ KDUG- EDFNSDSHUEDFNDQGHERRN7KHVHULHVZLOODOVRLQFOXGHERRNVDLPHGODUJHO\DW VXEMHFWVSHFLDOLVWVZKLFKZLOODSSHDULQKDUGEDFNDQGHERRNIRUPDW RQO\ Cultures of Post- War British What Did You Do During the War? Fascism 7KHODVWWKURHVRIWKH%ULWLVKSUR1D]L Nigel Copsey and John E. Richardson ULJKW± 5LFKDUG*ULI¿WKV France and Fascism )HEUXDU\DQGWKHG\QDPLFVRI Anti- Fascism in Britain SROLWLFDOFULVLV (2nd Edition) Brian Jenkins and Chris Millington Nigel Copsey Searching for Lord Haw- Haw Right- Wing Terrorism in the 7KHSROLWLFDOOLYHVRI:LOOLDP-R\FH 21st Century Colin Holmes 7KHµ1DWLRQDO6RFLDOLVW8QGHUJURXQG¶ DQGWKHKLVWRU\RIWHUURUIURPWKHIDU Farming, Fascism and Ecology ULJKWLQ*HUPDQ\ Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:10 27 March 2017 $OLIHRI-RULDQ-HQNV Daniel Koehler Philip M. Coupland Corporatism and Fascism Fascist in the Family 7KH&RUSRUDWLVW:DYHLQ(XURSH 7KHWUDJHG\RI-RKQ%HFNHWW03 Edited by Antonio Costa Pinto Francis Beckett Corporatism and Fascism 7KH&RUSRUDWLVW:DYHLQ(XURSH Edited by Antonio Costa Pinto Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:10 27 March 2017 )LUVWSXEOLVKHG E\5RXWOHGJH 3DUN6TXDUH0LOWRQ3DUN$ELQJGRQ2[RQ2;51 DQGE\5RXWOHGJH 7KLUG$YHQXH1HZ<RUN1< Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business VHOHFWLRQDQGHGLWRULDOPDWWHU$QWRQLR&RVWD3LQWRLQGLYLGXDO FKDSWHUVWKHFRQWULEXWRUV 7KHULJKWRI$QWRQLR&RVWD3LQWRWREHLGHQWL¿HGDVDXWKRURIWKHHGLWRULDO PDWWHUDQGRIWKHLQGLYLGXDODXWKRUVDVDXWKRUVRIWKHLUFRQWULEXWLRQVKDV EHHQDVVHUWHGE\WKHPLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKVHFWLRQVDQGRIWKH &RS\ULJKW'HVLJQVDQG3DWHQWV$FW $OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG1RSDUWRIWKLVERRNPD\EHUHSULQWHGRUUHSURGXFHGRU XWLOL]HGLQDQ\IRUPRUE\DQ\HOHFWURQLFPHFKDQLFDORURWKHUPHDQVQRZ NQRZQRUKHUHDIWHULQYHQWHGLQFOXGLQJSKRWRFRS\LQJDQGUHFRUGLQJRULQ DQ\LQIRUPDWLRQVWRUDJHRUUHWULHYDOV\VWHPZLWKRXWSHUPLVVLRQLQZULWLQJ IURPWKHSXEOLVKHUV Trademark notice3URGXFWRUFRUSRUDWHQDPHVPD\EHWUDGHPDUNVRU UHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNVDQGDUHXVHGRQO\IRULGHQWL¿FDWLRQDQGH[SODQDWLRQ ZLWKRXWLQWHQWWRLQIULQJH British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data $FDWDORJXHUHFRUGIRUWKLVERRNLVDYDLODEOHIURPWKH%ULWLVK/LEUDU\ Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data 7LWOH&RUSRUDWLVPDQGIDVFLVPWKHFRUSRUDWLVWZDYHLQ(XURSHHGLWHGE\ $QWRQLR&RVWD3LQWR 'HVFULSWLRQ$ELQJGRQ2[RQ1HZ<RUN1<5RXWOHGJH_ 6HULHV5RXWOHGJHVWXGLHVLQIDVFLVPDQGWKHIDUULJKW_,QFOXGHV ELEOLRJUDSKLFDOUHIHUHQFHVDQGLQGH[ ,GHQWL¿HUV/&&1_,6%1 KDUGEDFN _ ,6%1 HERRN 6XEMHFWV/&6+&RUSRUDWHVWDWH±(XURSH±+LVWRU\±WKFHQWXU\_ )DVFLVP±(XURSH±+LVWRU\±WKFHQWXU\_(XURSH±3ROLWLFVDQG JRYHUQPHQW±± &ODVVL¿FDWLRQ/&&-&&_''&±GF /&UHFRUGDYDLODEOHDWKWWSVOFFQORFJRY ,6%1 KEN ,6%1 HEN 7\SHVHWLQ7LPHV1HZ5RPDQ E\:HDUVHW/WG%ROGRQ7\QHDQG:HDU Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:10 27 March 2017 Contents List of illustrations YLL Notes on contributors YLLL Preface and acknowledgements xi PART I Comparative perspectives 1 Corporatism and ‘organic representation’ in European dictatorships $ 1721,2&267$3 ,172 2 Corporatism and political Catholicism: the impact of Catholic corporatism in inter-war Europe - 2+132//$5' 3 The Fascist Labour Charter and its transnational spread 0 $77(23$6(77, 4 The rise and fall of corporatist constitutionalism: a sociological thesis & +5,67+251+,// Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:10 27 March 2017 PART II European experiences 5 Rethinking Italian corporatism: crossing borders between corporatist projects in the late liberal era and the Fascist corporatist state / $85$&(5$6, YLContents 6 Inter- war Germany and the corporatist wave, 1918–39 . /$861(80$11 7 ‘Corporatist state’ and enhanced authoritarian dictatorship: the Austria of Dollfuss and Schuschnigg (1933–38) * (5+$5'% 27= 8 The Corporatist Chamber of the ‘New State’ in Portugal: organized interests and public policy - 26e/8 Ë 6 &$5'262 $1'1812(67Ç9­2 )(55(,5$ 9 Corporatism and the Franco dictatorship in Spain * /,&(5,26È1&+(= 5 (&,2 10 Vichy France and corporatism 2 /,9 ,(5' $5' 11 Inter- war Yugoslavia seen through corporatist glasses 6 7()$123(7581*$52 12 Corporatism and authoritarianism in the Baltics: Päts’ Estonia in comparison $ 1'5(6.$6(.$03 µ,GHDVLQÀX[¶WKHµWKRI$XJXVW¶GLFWDWRUVKLSLQ*UHHFH as a political ‘departure’ in search of ‘destination’ $ 5,6727/(.$//,6 Conclusion: the ‘corporatist moment’ in inter- war Europe $ 5,6727/(.$//,6 Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:10 27 March 2017 Selected bibliography Index 3 The Fascist Labour Charter and its transnational spread Matteo Pasetti In May 1937, on the tenth anniversary of the Labour Charter (Carta del Lavoro), Mussolini’s regime promoted a series of cultural activities to celebrate the event. Among others, a special issue of Civiltà Fascista – an important monthly review published by the National Institute of Fascist Culture (Istituto Nazionale di Cultura )DVFLVWD ±JORUL¿HGWKH/DERXU&KDUWHUDVWKHXQLYHUVDOPDQLIHVWRRIFRUSRUDWLVP The aim was not to emphasize the role of the Charter in the construction of the Italian corporatist state, but its importance in the history of modern political WKRXJKWDQGHVSHFLDOO\LWVLQÀXHQFHDEURDGRQWKHLQVWLWXWLRQDOV\VWHPVRIVHYHUDO QDWLRQV,QSDUWLFXODUDQDUWLFOHE\$QVHOPR$QVHOPL±DQRI¿FLDORIWKH,WDOLDQ Ministry of Corporations – took stock of the general situation, arguing that fascist corporatism had affected both dictatorial regimes (such as Portugal, Austria and Germany), democratic reformist plans (such as the New Deal in the United States) and left- wing governments (such as the Popular Front in France).1 Furthermore, FRUUHVSRQGHQWV IURP DOO RYHU WKH ZRUOG GHVFULEHG WKH LQÀXHQFH RI WKH /DERXU Charter in other countries, such as Spain, Romania, Hungary, Switzerland and even Japan.2 Altogether, thanks to its corporatist policy, Fascist Italy appeared as an ideological lighthouse during the hard times of the Great Depression. The propagandistic purpose of this fascist message is quite clear. At the same time it is equally clear that from the late 1920s the corporatist policy of Mussolini’s regime and the Labour Charter resonated considerably around the world. Nevertheless, this transnational spread of fascist corporatism has received little attention in scholarship. Many treatises were published in the inter- war years that analysed, by means of a comparative approach, the simil- 3 Downloaded by [New York University] at 21:10 27 March 2017 arities and differences between the various corporatist policies of that period. +RZHYHUWKHUHDUHYHU\IHZKLVWRULFDOVWXGLHVWKDWIRFXVRQWKHLQÀXHQFHWKH fascist model had on the development of such political experiences.4 This is VSHFL¿FDOO\WKHWRSLFRIWKLVFKDSWHULQZKLFKZHDLPWRWUDFHWKHFLUFXODWLRQ of the fascist corporatist model, and in particular of the Labour Charter, as a ‘travelling theory’ in the political culture of inter-war Europe.5 In other words, WKH VXEMHFW LV WKH SHUFHSWLRQ WKH DWWUDFWLRQ DQG WKH LQÀXHQFH RI IDVFLVW FRU- poratism abroad. The purpose is to highlight its importance both to fascist sup- porters and to certain dictatorial experiments marked by a process of hybridization between authoritarianism and fascism.6 The Fascist Labour Charter 61 Indeed, corporatism – meant as both an ideological discourse and a set of concrete policies – provided legitimacy to the fascist option. Therefore, focusing on the transnational spread of the Italian corporatist model is important in order WR UHYLVLW WKH KLVWRU\ RI )DVFLVP DQG LWV VLJQL¿FDQFH LQ WKDW HSRFK ,WV VSUHDG UHYHDOHGWKHLQÀXHQFHRI0XVVROLQL¶VUHJLPHRQWKHLGHRORJLFDOGHEDWHDVZHOO as on socio- economic policies and institutional reforms carried out in other coun- tries. In short, during the inter- war period, fascist corporatism played a ‘politi- cally decisive’ role in Europe and beyond.7 By crossing borders, connecting LQWHOOHFWXDOFLUFOHVDQGFRQWDPLQDWLQJLGHRORJLFDOFXUUHQWVLWLQÀXHQFHGWKHHYR- lution of political thought and policy-making
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