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PROCEEDINGS OF THE YORKSHIRE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, VOL. 33, PART 4, NO. 20, PP. 475-487, 15TH MAY, 1963. INDEX TO VOLUME 33 Accounts, 1960, 34-5; 1901, 260-1. Ben Nevis Sandstone, molluscs, 100. Agate Point, 274 ff., 281; structures, Benches, ice-marginal, 367. 276-9, 281-2. Bevelled spurs, 154. Ahrensisporites sp., 435. Bifrons Zone, 383-4, 413-4; species Alatisporites pustulutus, 435. of Dactylioeeratidae and Hilda - Allenheads, Namurian strata, 235- ceras in, 414-5. 54, Pis. 16-7. Biller Howe channel, 378, Pi. 23. Alston Block, 2-4, 11 ff., 238, 346 ff., Binbrook, 154-6. 355 ff.; eastern margin, 11, 13. BISAT, W. S., 256, 257; presentation Alum Shale Series, and the Jet Rock of Sorby Medal, 258-9. Series, of the Yorkshire coast, Bituminous Shales, 383-4, 390-5, 381-422, Pis. 24-8. 405, 413. Anatase in White Sandstone, 62, Black Beds, 239. Pi. 5. Black Dyke Slack, 367-8, 376, PI. Andree Land, 89, 90, 107, Pi. 6. 23. Andreebreen Sandstone, 84, 102. Black Nab, 390, 393, PI. 28. Anhydrite, 222. Blackingstone Rock, 327-9. Animal dogger, 385-6. Blanket bogs, 458-9. Annelid tracks in Keuper, 212. Block fields, 326, 331. Annual report, 1900, 31-46; 1961, Blue granite, Dartmoor, 333. 255-71. Bluestone Heath, 153. Antiforms at Eyemouth, 281-2. Biyth [gravity] low, 7. Apieulatisporis spinosactosm, 437. Bockfjorden, 85, 87, 89; fossil list, Ashes quarry, 137-8, 141-2. 114. Askrigg Block, 345, 356. Bodmin Moor, 323-4. Assemblages of miospores—see mio• Bollandoceras hodderense, in Sykes spore assemblages. Anticline, 292-3. Associated tors, 332. Boreholes in Keuper Series, 234, Asterolepis Sandstone Member, 96. PI. 15. Audleby monocline, 151, 155 ff., BOTT, M. H. P., on a gravity survey 160 ff. off the coast of NE. England, 1-20 Austfjorden, 90 ff.; fossil list, 115; PI. 1; discusses paper by D. A. Sandstone, 90-3, 102, 106. Spears, 26-7; leads field meeting Avenue tors, 332, 340, PI. 21. to Rookhope and Weardale, 262-4. Bouger anomalies, 1-20, PL 1. Bain, river, 149 ff., 159. Bowerman's Nose, 327, 332. BAIRSTOW, L., leads field meeting to BOWES, D. R., leads field meeting Robin Hood's Bay, 41-5. at Glasgow, 265-71. Balance Sheet, 1960, 35; 1961, 261. Bowland Fells, clinographic curves, Barnard Castle boring, 348-50. 185 ff., erosion surfaces, 173-96, Barnetby Gap, 152, 155 ff., 160 ff. PI. 14; slope frequency histo• Barnsley seam, 447. grams, 185, 188, 190, 191; slope/ Barytes, in Sykes Anticline, 304. height curves, 185 ff.; slope map, Base of the Namurian and of the 181-5, 192, 196, PI. 14; structure Millstone Grit in NE. England, contours, 177; topography, 176. 341-62, PI. 22. Bowland, Forest of, erosion surfaces, Bedding poles, Sykes Anticline, 300, 173-96, PI. 14; topography and 302, 308. structure, 175-8 (see also Bow• Beelsby Top-Haugham Surfaeo, 152, land Fells). 155-6, 160 ff., PI. 12. Bowland Shale Group, 293-7. Belstone Tor, clitter, 325-6. Bowland Shales, 178, 288-9, 292-7, Ben Nevis, 85; Division, 81, 84-5, 300 ff.; joint orientation, 303; 87; fossil list, 112. thickness variations, 296-7. 475 v 476 INDEX TO VOLUME 33 Bowland, structure of SW. part of Cement Shales, 383, 395 ff., 413. the Sykes Anticline, 287-314, Cenomanian Greensand, 49-50, 70-1. PI. 19. Chaeteles Band, 240. Bowland Surface, 183 ff. Chalk, 149 ff.; Sea, 48, 69, 71, 75. Bowland Tunnel, succession, 289, Chalky Boulder Clay, 149 ff., 163. 295. Chert, Sykes inlier, 290, 304. Boxfolds at Eyemouth, 274-5. Cheviot Block, 18-9. Braunianus Subzone, 403, 407 ff.; China clay, 318-9, 323, 330. species of Dactylioceratidae, 408. Clarain, 425, 450. Brennand, 177, 304,- Grits, 183; Clarite, 429, 440 ff., PL 29. inlier, 290, 292; Stones, 296. CLABKI;, A. M., discusses paper, by Brocklesby Park, 157; Surface, 152, M. K. Howarth, 418; by A. H. V. 157, 162-3, PL 12. Smith, 472. Brockwell Coal, 342-3. Clarodurain, formation, 451. Brown coal, 425. Clarodurite, 429, 440 ff., 446-7, Brunton Band, 240. PL 29. Bulmanfjellet, 92. Claviradix, a new genus of the family Bunny Hill, Nr. Costock, 224. Palaeocorynidae from the Car• Bunter-Keuper boundary, 211, 215. boniferous rocks of County Bunter Series, 200, 211 ff., 226, 228. Durham, 135-48, Pis. 10-1; Burleigh borings, 202, 203-4, 217, C. ashi, gen. et sp. nov., 140-1, 227-8, 234, PL 15. 148, Pis. 10-1; Bumham, 156; Surface, 152, 156-7, C. bifureata sp. nov., 142, 148, 160 ff., PL 12. PL 10; Burnmouth, 273-5, 281. C. gigantea sp. nov., 142, 148, Burrator reservoir, 317, 320, 322. PL 10; Burtreeford Disturbance, 235. C. stanhopensis sp. nov., 141-2, Butterknowle Fault, 3, 4, 7-12,15-7, 148, Pis. 10-1. 20, PL 1; gravity profile across, Claxby-Driby fault, 162, 166. 10; hinge belt, 12-3. Clay minerals in White Sandstone, 66. Clifton Fault, 226. Caiusbroen, 98. Clinographic curves, Bowland Fells, Calceby Beck, 156-7, 162. 185. Caledonoid trend in fold structures, Clipston boreholes, 211, 234, PL 15. 282. Clitheroe, 293, 295; field-meeting, Calliphylloceras fabricatum, 405. 264-5; Limestones, 306, 309. Candleby Lane borings, 203, 222, Clitter, 316, 323, 325-6, 340, PL 20; PI. 15. shape of blocks, 325-6. Cannel coal, 451. Coal, macerals, 431, PL 30; micro• Canneloid clarite, 429, PL 29. lithotypes, 429, PL 29; miospore Cannon Ball Doggers, 385, 388 ff., assemblages of seams, 428-9; PL 25. origin of petrographic types, 450-2; Caradoc Series, Cross Fell, tri- petrographic types, 440 ff.; seams nucleid trilobites from, 119-33, sampled, 466; swamps, 424, 448. Pis. 7-9. Coal Sills, 241-2. Carboniferous peats, formation of, Coalcleugh, 249, PI. 17; Coal, 238, 448-61; palaeoecology, 423-74, 249, PL 17; Shell Bed, 236, PL 17; Pis. 29-33. Transgression Beds, 249, PL 17. Carlton Formation, 200-1, 205, 207, Coarse drab beds, Vestspitsbergen, 210, 217-8, 228. 102. Cartographic analysis, 180-92. Collier Shaft, PL 17. Castle Hill, 370; channel, 377. Collieries providing coal samples, Catacoeloceras, 399, 406-8; fauna, 466. 403, 416. Collina, 406-8. Caton, 178, 184; Moor, 175; Shales, Colours of Keuper rocks, 208-9. 175, 177. Columnar joints in Whin Sill, 22, Cauldron Snout, 21, PL 2; joints at, 28-9. 23. Commune Subzone, 403, 406 ff.; Cautley, field meeting, 36-7. species of Dactylioceratidae, 409. INDEX TO VOLUME 33 477 DEABMAN, W. R., on refolded folds in the Silurian rocks of Eyemouth, Berwickshire, 273-85. DB BOER, G., discusses paper by A. Straw, 170. Deepgrove Wyke, 390. Deglaciation, of eastern Eskdale, Yorkshire, 363-80, PL 23; Esk valley, 378; Goathland area, 377; Stonegate area, 375-6. Denaby Main colliery, 447, 474, PI. 32. Densospore phase, 433 ff., 443 ff., 456 ff., 467-70; occurrence of numbers of species, 436; petro• graphic types in, 443, 446; species diagnostic of, 437. Densosporites, 425; D. duriti, 430 ff.; D. loricalus, 430, ff.; D. sphaerotriangularis, 430 ff., 445-6, PL 30; D. striatus, 433. Devonian, molluscs, 99; palaeo- geography, Vestspitsbergen, 103- 6. Devonian stratigraphy of north and central Vestspitsbergen, 77-118, PI. 6; history of research, 78-81; nomenclature, 81-4. Dickson Land, 82, 83, 88 ff., 97-8, 106, PI. 6; Devonian formations, 91. Dicksonfjorden Sandstone, 88 ff., 97-8, 106; fossil list, 115. Dictyotriletes bireticulatus, 430 ff., 454. Dimorphism in ammonoids, 418, 420. Dine Holm Scar, joints at, 23. Dittonian, 85, PL 6. Dominant species, 430-3; relation• ship of occurrence, 431. Donations to Publications Fund, 32-3. 256. Dorket Head brick pit, 202-3, 217. Doryaspis-Arctolepis fauna, 83, 88, 92. Downtonian, 84-5, PL 6. Drainage channels—see Glacial drainage channels. Dufton Shales, trinucleid trilobites from, 119-33, Pis. 7-9. DUNHAM, A. C, leads field meeting to Rookhope and Weardale, 262-4. V2 478 INDEX TO VOLUME 33 DUNHAM, K. C, on sub-surface data FAIRBAIRN, R. A., on the base of the on the Namurian strata of Allen- Namurian and of the Millstone heads, south Northumberland, Grit in north-eastern England, 235-54, Pis. 16-7; discusses paper, 341-62, PL 22. by W. R. Dearman, K. A. G. Falciferum Subzone, 406 ff.; species Shiells and G. P. Larwood, 284; of Dactylioceratidae, 409. by G. A. L. Johnson, B. L. Hodge Falciferum Zone, 383 ft, 413-4; and R. A. Fairbairn, 360; by F. Harpoceratinid ammonites, 414. Moseley, 311; by D. A. Spears, Faults, Sykes Anticline, 301. 27-8; leads field meeting to FEABNSIDES, W. G., 256; discusses Rookhope and Weardale, 262-4. paper by R. E. Elliott, 232. Durain, 425, 448 ff., 467; occurrence, Fenestella, 143 ff. 448-9; origin, 450-1. FERGUSON, J., on Claviradix, a new Durham coastal region, Bouger genus of the family Palaeo- anomalies map, 20, PI. 1. eorynidae from the Carboniferous Durite, 429, 440 ff., PL 29. rocks of County Durham, 135-48, Duroclarain, formation, 451. Pis. 10-1. Duroclarite, 441-2, 447. Ferruginous oolite, 243 ff., 249-51. Fibulatum Subzone, 407-8, 413, 415-6; species of Dactyliocera• Early joints in Whin Sill, 22, 28- tidae, 408. 9. Field meetings, 31, 36-45, 262-71. East Allendale, 351, 353-4. Firestone Sill, 245-6,252,353, PL 17. East Arncliff gorge, 372, 376, 379. FIRMAN, R. J., discusses paper by Eastern Durham, field meeting, D. A. Spears, 26. 37-41. Fish eyes, Keuper, 207, 219, 221. Edaphic conditions, 459-60. FiskekMta, Formation, 83, 91, Edwalton, boreholes, 211, 213, 234, 95-7, 103; Formation, fossil list, PL 15; Formation, 200, 206, 210, 117; Series, 82; Shale Member, 96. 219-21; Hill brick pit, 203, 220.

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