HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE – AGENDA ITEM 6: LIST OF PLANS. DATE: 17 February 2015 PLAN: 07 CASE NUMBER: 14/04981/REMMAJ GRID REF: EAST 430810 NORTH 451405 APPLICATION NO. 6.79.1136.AN.REMMAJ DATE MADE VALID: 02.12.2014 TARGET DATE: 03.03.2015 REVISED TARGET: CASE OFFICER: Mrs Kate Williams WARD: Pannal VIEW PLANS AT: http://uniformonline.harrogate.gov.uk/online- applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=NFREOZHY64000 APPLICANT: The Rycroft Group (holdings) Limited AGENT: Mr Jay Everett PROPOSAL: Reserved matters application under outline permission 6.79.1136.AM.OUTMAJ for demolition of existing buildings to be replaced with a care home (use class C2), and amenity space with access considered (site area 10ha) (revised scheme) LOCATION: Pannal Business Park Station Road Pannal North Yorkshire REPORT SITE AND PROPOSAL The application site at Pannal Business Park is predominantly a brownfield site which was formerly the Dunlopillo factory and environs; this factory closed in 2008. The various buildings on site are now let to individual industrial and business occupiers. The southern part of the site, outside of the main confines of the business park, is within the West Yorkshire Green Belt. The Business Park is located approximately 5km from Harrogate town centre. The site is located on the edge of Pannal Village between the Harrogate/Leeds railway line (parallel to the western boundary) and the A61 Princess Royal Way (east). Beyond the A61 is the residential area of Walton Park. The site has a boundary to the north to Station Road which provides the only entrance to Pannal Business Park and this road also serves the Pannal Memorial Hall, post office, car park and residential properties. The southern boundary borders on to and incorporates open countryside with a less defined edge due to the previous provision of the factory sports pitches. Other key site features on the eastern boundary with the A61 is an extensive car showroom, consisting of modern clad buildings, parking areas and workshops, which due to the topography allows widespread views over the business park. Adjacent to this is an area of land covered by a belt of trees of varying species approximately 130m in length which is covered by a Tree Preservation Order. Beyond the tree belt and accessed from the A61 is a group of two dwellings (formerly three terraces) which forms a wedge within the application site. The Tree Belt continues and borders their northern and western boundaries. Outline planning permission was granted in October 2014 under application 14/02804/OUTMAJ: Outline application for demolition of existing buildings to be replaced with a mixed use development to include dwellings, serviced employment plots use class B1), retail units (use class A1) and care home (use class C2) park and ride, sports pitches and amenity space with access considered. The redevelopment of Pannal Business Park will be undertaken on a phase by phase basis. The area subject of the reserved matters application comprises Phase 1 of the proposed redevelopment of the site. Phase 1 comprises the development of the care home with associated landscaping, infrastructure and access; together with details of the principle access to the site from the A61. The principle of providing a care home on the site was in part supported for the stimulus it would provide for the re-development at this mixed use site and the provision of specialist care home has been established for up to 140 beds. The remainder of the site is currently occupied by the existing business park and will not be available for redevelopment until late 2016. The roundabout and main access was approved under application 14/02804/OUTMAJ. The proposals include this main access route from the A61 into the site and its landscape mitigation. It consists of a 3 arm roundabout, which adjusts the linear alignment of the A61 to accommodate it. The roundabout and access road crosses into the open countryside and designated West Yorkshire Green Belt taking a north westerly route in front of the two residential properties at Spacey View. The land rises and falls steeply into the southern periphery of the business park area of the site. This land is agricultural and open with small outcrops, and due to its topography largely screen the business park from users of the A61. From this point the access road will continue and it is likely that it will form a central road within the remainder of the redeveloped site based on the design principles contained within the outline masterplan. The central road will not link with the existing business park, for the purposes of this application it will end close to where the care home access road branches off to the east and rises to the care home. The design parameters in the outline consent positioned the care home within the eastern part of the site, which is set in an area of sloping land between the car showroom, properties and gardens at Spacey View and the tree belt along the A61. This area of land is in part undeveloped, and part used as hard standing. Land levels are lower than the A61 road and tree belt and slope significantly in some areas down to the west. There are various small copses of trees within the site and areas of ecological interest. Within the site the building is orientated east to west to relate to the east west slope across the site. The application is supported by full drawings of the proposed development, roundabout and access road construction and drainage drawings (subject of a section 278 agreement of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended) with the Highway Authority), ecological surveys and mitigation strategies, environmental noise assessment, geo-environmental appraisal, arboricultural impact assessments and method statements, landscape proposals, construction method statement and statement of community involvement. MAIN ISSUES 1) Policy Context & Principle 2) Design & Impact On The Spatial Quality Of The Area 3) Neighbouring Amenity 4) Conserving & Enhancing The Natural Environment 5) Highways & Accessibility 6) Reducing Risks To The Environment RELEVANT SITE HISTORY The site has an extensive planning history, of most relevance to this application: 13/01684/SCREEN Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Opinion for 2.7ha of employment plots, 120 dwellings, park and ride car park, sports pitches and modification to accesses. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT NOT REQUIRED 29.05.2013 6.79.1136.AJ.OUTMAJ 13/02358/OUTMAJ Outline application for demolition of existing buildings to be replaced with a mixed use development to include dwellings, serviced employment plots (use class B1), retail units (use class A1), park and ride, sports pitches and amenity space with access considered (site area 10ha). PERMITTED: 21.03.2014 6.79.1136.AK.DVCMAJ - 14/01256/DVCMAJ – Variation of condition 13 of planning permission 6.79.1136.AJ.OUTMAJ to allow sustainable code level 4 instead of 6. PERMITTED: 21.08.2014 6.79.1136.AM.OUTMAJ – 14/02804/OUTMAJ - Outline application for demolition of existing buildings to be replaced with a mixed use development to include dwellings, serviced employment plots (use class B1), retail units (use class A1) and care home (use class C2), park and ride, sports pitches and amenity space with access considered (site area 10ha) (revised scheme) PERMITTED: 21.10.2014 CONSULTATIONS/NOTIFICATIONS Head Of Parks & Environmental Services No comments received DCS Arboricultural Officer No objections, makes observations and raises concerns regarding the construction of parking spaces and makes recommendations. Principal Ecologist No objections suggests mitigation as outlined in the submitted ecological reports. NYCC Highways And Transportation No objections, makes recommendations and suggested conditions in respect of the care home access. EHO Contaminated Land No objections, the details are acceptable and recommends conditions to ensure compliance with specified noise levels. H.B.C Land Drainage No objections, makes observations and recommends conditions. Yorkshire Water No objections, makes observations regarding the need for drainage for the entire site. Conservation and Design Section No objections, makes observations. See assessment. Landscape Officer No objections, the landscape details are acceptable. Environment Agency - Dales Area Office No objections Police Architectural Liaison Officer No objections meets the requirements of condition 29 of the outline approval DOT - Highways Agency No objections KIRKBY OVERBLOW PARISH COUNCIL (141) No comments received Economic Development Officer Welcomes the development of first phase Planning Policy No comments received RELEVANT PLANNING POLICY NPPF National Planning Policy Framework CSSG4 Core Strategy Policy SG4 Settlement Growth: Design and Impact CSEQ1 Core Strategy Policy EQ1: Reducing risks to the environment CSEQ2 Core Strategy Policy EQ2: The natural and built environment and green belt CSJB1 Core Strategy Policy JB1: Supporting the Harrogate District economy CSJB2 Core Strategy Policy JB2: Conference and business tourism CSC1 Core Strategy Policy C1: Inclusive communities CSTRA1 Core Strategy Policy TRA1: Accessibility CSTRA2 Core Strategy Policy TRA2: Transport infrastructure CSSG3 Core Strategy Policy SG3 Settlement Growth: Conservation of the countryside, including Green Belt CSTRA3 Core Strategy Policy TRA3: Travel management LPC02 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy C2, Landscape Character LPHD13 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004)
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