138 Santa Fe Calendar_Layout 1 8/2/2012 11:34 AM Page 1 Jewish Calendar 2012–2013 ג תשע 5773 Chabad Jewish Center - Santa Fe 505.983.2000 • CHABADSANTAFE.COM 138 Santa Fe Calendar_Layout 1 8/2/2012 11:34 AM Page 2 Dear Friend, Thank You for Your Support! Pillars Steven & Camille Ovitsky Henry Joseph It is our pleasure to present this beauti- Anonymous (2) Yehuda & Nurit Patt Gary & Susan Katz ful art calendar for the year 5773! You Halley & Ruth Anne Faust Paul & Cynthia Kase Pedota Maurice & Betty Katz will find exciting news regarding our Tzvi Gould Renee Rhyner Refael & Miriam Koslin builidng campaign and information on Jeffrey & Kristina Krenzel Stephanie Rosen Burton & Susan Krohn our ongoing events, programs and serv- Linda Krull Bob Sacks Mark & Margie Lessen ices. Please suppport our advertisers in Richard & Carol Lieberman Marvin Schneider Zalman & Rochee Levertov this calendar and continue to support Sulica Fund Lee & Ginger Levin and volunteer at Chabad. Your help Partners Frederik Weindling Lisa Levine Mirka Albert Mike & Conni Williams Steve & Sally Lowen makes it possible for Judaism in our Brake Masters Dennis Yares Alan & Karen Marx community to continue to flourish. Cartwright’s Plumbing Tony & Dianne Medina Laura Cowan Supporters Diane Miller Tillery & Regina Dingler Carolyn Albin Yosef & Sara Moscowitz This calendar is dedicated to the Special Thanks to our Lisa Freeman Peyton & Elaine Alexander Aaron Joel Moskowitz LUBAVITCHER REBBE, Volunteers: Steven & Joyce Gitomer Jonathon & Sara Avigdori Fred & Arlyn Nathan Larry Goldstone Beverly Berger Steven & Barbara Pretsfelder RABBI MENACHEM M. Aaron Moskowitz Ryanna Kramer Paul & Pam Grand Eliyahu Billowitz Jay & Beth Ritter SCHNEERSON, Krisna Krenzel Marylin Bennet Cowden & Wendy Henry Trudy Blitz Rosner, Barry & Audrey of righteous memory, whose love, Jeffrey Krenzel Lisa Freeman Sidney Himmel Stuart Bornstein Martin Rutte leadership, dedication and inspira- Gen Goldy Diane Miller Eli and Shevy Kaminetsky Vickie Crevoi Tony & Edna Sandoval tion are the guiding light of all of Karen Tobin Lisa Levine Morris Kaufman Ron & Gloria Duncan Martha Schlenger Chabad’s efforts in Santa Fe and Regina Klapper Maryln Bennet Michael & Carol Kokin Shuli Eizicovics Willa Shalit the world over Donna Secular Linda Krull Alan & Elizabeth Langer James Elliot Scott & Kimberley Sheffield Beverly Berger Carolyn Albin Eric & Shalom Laytin Bill & Regina Foster Paul Walsky Camille Ovitsky Stephanie Rosen Sanford & Viola Lechner Gen Goldy Llyod Weinreb Joanie Hershfeld Shelly Levin Sheldon Levin Victor & Yolanda Hesch Robert & Kasha Willis Ma Ross Frederik Weindling Corey & Vanessa Lieber Stephen & Jane Hochberg Joan Grossman Frances Salas Michael & Rita Linder Rosemary Jackson With appreciation, Tzvi Gould Lena Keslin Judy Moore‐Kraichnan Stan & Esther Jacobson Rabbi Berel and Devorah Levertov Yaszmina Nedboy Laureen Pepersack Maxime Ohayon Estate of Max Peterson Chabad - A Nurturing Community. • Shabbat and Holiday Services • Matzah Distrubution • JLI Classes • Kosher Catering • Wedding Preparations Come check • Shabbat and Holiday Dinners • Community Seder • Lunch and Learns • Kitchen Koshering Service • Yahrtzait Services out all our • Children’s Holiday Programs • Lag Ba'Omer BBQ • Childrens Hebrew School • Hospital Visitation • Educational Holiday Guides • Public Shofar Blowing • Chassidic Farbrengens • One on One Classes • Prison Visitation • Weekly e‐Torah Newsletters ongoing • Sukkah Mobile • Special Guest Speakers • Bar/Bat Mitzvah Preparation • Home Visitation • Jewish Art Calendar • Public Menorah Lighting • Weekly Women's Classes • Bar and Bat Mitzvot • Tourist and Visitor Hospitality • Educational Website services: • Giant Menorah Displays • Jewish Women’s Circle • Specialty Judaica for Sale • Tahara and Funeral Services • Women’s Mikvah • Chanukah on Ice • Weekly Hebrew Classes • Mezuzot and Teffilin for Sale • Jewish Cemetary • Purim Party • Weekly Torah Classes • Kosher Meat for Sale • Counseling 242 West S. Mateo • Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 • 505-983-2000 • [email protected] • chabadsantafe.org CHABAD Chabad of NM: 4000 S. Pedro, NE • Albuquerque, NM • 505-880-1181 • Rabbi Chaim Schmukler, Regional Director • chabadnm.org Jewish Center • Santa Fe Chabad of Taos: 221 Paseo Del Pueblo Norte • Taos, NM 87571 • 575-751-1323 • jewishtaos.org 138 Santa Fe Calendar_Layout 1 8/2/2012 11:35 AM Page 3 A Home for Community FutureFuture to Flourish ChabadChabad CenterCenter forfor JewishJewish Life!Life! • Sanctuary • Social Hall • Classrooms • Hospitality Guest Rooms • Kosher Commercial Kitchen • Mulmedia Library • Office Suite • Cafe • Gi Shop • Jewish Art Showcase • Total sq ft. 10,000 • Architecht: David Perrigo • Builder: Sarcon Construcon Making the Dream a Reality; Launching the Building Campaign for Chabad Center for Jewish Life Total Building Cost: $3,000,000. Secured: $1,000,000. Matching Grant Challenge: $1,000,000 Fundraising Goal: $1,000,000 Building Partners to date: Anonymous (3), Eliyahu Billowitz, Tillery and Regina Dingler, Halley and Ruth Anne Faust, Larry Goldstone, Tzvi Gould, Wendy Henry, Stephen and Jane Hochberg, Gary and Susan Katz, Linda Krull, Sanford Lechner, Lee and Ginger Levin, Sheldon Levin, Richard and Carol Lieberman, Steve and Sally Lowen, Manny and Kathy Marczak, Tony and Dianne Medina, David and Ruth Miller, Maxime Ohayon, Yehuda and Nurit Pa, Stephanie Rosen, Bob Sacks, Robert and Kasha Willis Together we can make this happen! Visit ChabadSantaFe.org/Building and become a partner! 138 Santa Fe Calendar_Layout 1 8/2/2012 11:35 AM Page 4 KOL NIDREI BY BEN AVRAM ROSH HASHANAH: Apple & Honey: Dipping a piece of apple September 17–18 into honey at the first meal of Rosh Hashanah is a popular custom, symbolizing Rosh Hashanah celebrates the beginning of the hope that our new year will be blessed creation, when G-d gave breath to human with sweetness and goodness. For the same beings. On this day, G-d charged Adam with reason, it is customary to eat other sweet the responsibility of helping the world reach foods, such as tzimmes. perfection. Rosh Hashanah, therefore, is a time for us to reflect on the purpose of FAST OF GEDALIA: creation and resolve to make our lives more September 19 meaningful by contributing to all of creation. This fast day commemorates the tragic The Shofar: On Rosh Hashanah we hear the assassination of Gedalia, the Jewish sounding of the shofar, the ram’s horn. It is Governor of Judea who was installed over the the oldest and most soulful of wind country after Nebuchadnezzar’s invasion of instruments, sounding like a primal outcry Israel (and the subsequent Babylonian from the depth of the soul. The sounding of exile). the shofar has many meanings. It heralds a special occasion, signifying that we proclaim YOM KIPPUR: G-d as King of the universe. Its thrilling blasts awaken us to repent and return to G-d September 26 and remind us of the shofar heard at Mount Yom Kippur is a 25-hour fast beginning at Sinai when we accepted G-d’s sunset on September 25th, and continuing commandments for all time. through nightfall the following night. Tashlich: On the first afternoon of Rosh Although Yom Kippur is a solemn day on Hashanah it is customary to visit a natural which we fast, it is not a sad day. In fact, in a body of water that contains fish. There we subtle way, it is one of the happiest days of cast our sins down the river of time from the year, for on Yom Kippur we receive one of which they will never return. G-d’s most precious gifts—forgiveness. Adieb Khadoure Fine Art Celebrating 20 Years of Excellence! 505.820.2666 613 Canyon Road akhadourefineart.com WWW. AVIRAMART.COM 138 Santa Fe Calendar_Layout 1 8/2/2012 11:35 AM Page 5 àìåì úùò”á/úùøé úùò”â úùò”â úùò”á/úùøé àìåì ◆ September 2012 Elul/Tishrei 5772/3 Tishrei Molad: Sunday, September 16, 2012, 1:57AM +8 chalakim SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY vbak AUGUST OCTOBER àìåì é”ã S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 14 ELUL 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 !vcuy Ki Teitzei 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 / SERVICES 10:00 AM 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 30 31 28 29 30 31 DAVID J. SHABBAT ENDS: 8:09 PM POLLAK è”å àìåì è”å àìåì è”æ àìåì é”æ àìåì é”ç àìåì é”è àìåì ë’ àìåì ë”à Your Financial Advisor at 2 15 ELUL 3 16 ELUL 4 17 ELUL 5 18 ELUL 6 19 ELUL 7 20 ELUL 8 21 ELUL RAYMOND Labor Day B SERVICES 7:00 PM Ki Tavo / SERVICES 10:00 AM JAMES 218 East Marcy Street 982-1904 LIGHT CANDLES AT: 7:04 PM SHABBAT ENDS: 7:59 PM ë”á àìåì ë”á àìåì ë”â àìåì ë”ã àìåì ë”ä àìåì ë”å àìåì ë”æ àìåì ë”ç 9 22 ELUL 10 23 ELUL 11 24 ELUL 12 25 ELUL 13 26 ELUL 14 27 ELUL 15 28 ELUL B SERVICES 7:00 PM First Day of Hebrew School Women’s Circle Nitzavim Meeting 6:30pm / SERVICES 10:00 AM LIGHT CANDLES AT: 6:54 PM SHABBAT ENDS: 7:49 PM ë”è àìåì ë”è úùøé à’ úùøé á’ úùøé â’ úùøé ã’ úùøé ä’ úùøé å’ 16 29 ELUL 17 1 TISHREI 18 2 TISHREI 19 3 TISHREI 20 4 TISHREI 21 5 TISHREI 22 6 TISHREI Erev Rosh Rosh Rosh Fast of B SERVICES 7:00 PM Vayelech Hashanah Hashanah I Hashanah II Gedalia SHABBAT SHUVA / FGB / Services 9:30am / Services 9:30am SERVICES 10:00 AM R Shofar 12:00 R Shofar 11:30 Services and Community Shofar on Plaza 5:00 Shofar on Plaza 5:00 Dinner 6:45 pm Tashlich 5:30 LIGHT CANDLES AT: 6:51 PM LIGHT CANDLES AFTER:7:46 PM ROSH HASHANAH ENDS: 7:44 PM FAST 5:35AM-7:30PM LIGHT CANDLES AT:6:44 PM SHABBAT ENDS: 7:38 PM æ’ úùøé æ’ úùøé ç’ úùøé è’ úùøé é’ úùøé é”à úùøé é”á úùøé é”â 23 7 TISHREI 24 8 TISHREI 25 9 TISHREI 26 10 TISHREI 27 11 TISHREI 28 12 TISHREI 29 13 TISHREI Erev Yom Kippur B SERVICES 6:30 PM Ha'Azinu é”ã úùøé é”ã Yom Kippur Yizkor / SERVICES 10:00 AM P Kol Nidrei 6:45 pm / Services 10:00 am CHABAD 14 TISHREI Yizkor 1:00 pm 30 LServices 4:45 pm Jewish Center • Santa Fe Erev Sukkot LIGHT CANDLES AT:6:38 PM FAST ENDS: 7:32 PM LIGHT CANDLES AT: 6:34 PM SHABBAT ENDS: 7:28 PM LIGHT CANDLES AT:6:31 PM 138 Santa Fe Calendar_Layout 1 8/2/2012 11:35 AM Page 6 JEWISH JOY BY BEN AVRAM SUKKOT: October 1–7 The Festival of Sukkot is observed through the performance of three mitzvot: Sukkah: For the duration of the holiday it is a mitzvah to eat in a Sukkah, a temporary hut covered by loose tree branches.
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