Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20050808-0254 Issued by FERC OSEC 08/08/2005 in Docket#: - Code of Federal Regulations Subchapter P- Regulations Under the Interstate Commerce Act 18 C.F.R. § § 341-347 (1991) Part 341 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Regulations (Commission) contains regulations issued by the Interstate Commerce Commission under the Interstate Commerce Act as amended and transferred to the Commbsion under authority of section ?05(a) of the Department of Energy Organization Act (Public Law 95-91, 91 Stat. 606 (1977), 42 U.S.C. § 7295 (1988)) to govern the construction and filing of tariffs of pipeline companies filing under the [nterslate Commerce Act. The regulations in this part also govern the conslrection and filing of tariffs naming through rates and joint rates over the lines of common carders by pipeline for the transportation of oil between any place in the United States and any place in • foreign country. Part 341 contains 63 sections pertaining oil pipeline tariffs. Some of the more import~ sections involve filing standards, special permission applications; s~utory notice; and powers of attorneys and occurrences in special situations. Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20050808-0254 Issued by FERC OSEC 08/08/2005 in Docket#: - Code of Federal Regulations Subchapter P-Regulations Under the Interstate Commerce Act 18 C.F.R. § § 341-347 (1991) Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20050808-0254 Issued by FERC OSEC 08/08/2005 in Docket#: - ,;~ u.zT~4 Retelotkms 17,009 [¶ 26,309] Part 341---011Plpaline Tariffs: PIl~llne Companies Subject to Section 6 of the Interstate Commerce Act and Carriers Jointly Therewith Sec. 341.0 General provisions: definitions. 341.1 Form size, and arrangement. 341.2 Changes to be indicated in tariff or supplement. 341.3 Content of tariff titJe page. 341.4 Content of tariffs. 341.$ Proponiomtl rates. 341.6 Commodity.list tariffs. 341.7 Alternating rate*. 34L& TramPer and cancell-tlort of rat~. 341.9 Amendments and supplements. 341.10 Tern~nal and special service% distance and mileage rates. 341.11 Index of tariffs. 341.12 Restorat/oe and discontinuance of water service. 341.13 Filing tariffs. Statutory notice; additional procedure in tiling tariffs. 341.15 341.16 341.17 Tariffs iss~d through an agent. 341.18 Powers of at t~uey. 341.19 Cm~urronc~. 341.20 Fili.n~of powers of attorney and concurrences. 341.21 Certificate sttt/n$ correct name of can'ier to be filed. 341.22 Trans/er of authority from one agent to another agent. 341.23 l~ocedure when one pubiishin8 agent succeed1 another. 341.24 FERC numbers of tariffs i,ued by • new agent or alternate agent. 341.2.5 Powers of atwfney and cmcurrences in special situations. 341.~ Amendment and revecation of powers of attorney and concurrences. 341.27 Intermediate application of rates. 341.28 Tar/ff notations m connect/on with fourth section orders. 341.29 Letter of transmittal. 341.30 Transmimon o/peblicatiorts to sul3scribers. 341.31 [Re.fred.] 341.51 Movement of shipments refused by coat/~ees. 341~2 Re~p~m~bilitiesof camera under tariffs. 341..53 Withdrawal of fried tariffs not permitted. 341.,54 Chanl~ in rates. 341.55 RALe~alucrate. 341.56 t/on of rtta to equal the sggregtte of the intermediate rttet. 341..57 Newly constructed pipelines. ~l J4 Applicat/c,~t~ ~ect/en 6 for authority to make changes in tariffs. 341.59 Diversion or recomignment privilqlm, and rule*. 341.6o [Reserved.] 341.e1 ~)eRemseu~e.]ee intentate thipmenu. 341.03 Reserved. 341.67341.66 ~ ~ im|~'t traffic--~ccan carrier|. AuTuoarry: Dep~-tment of Energy Organization Act, 42 U.S.C. 7101-7352 (1982); Interstate Commerce Act, 49 U.S.C. 1-27 (1976); E.O. 12009, 3 CFR Part 142 (1978). ~ sm~to~co~,.mm ¶ 26,309 Jnofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20050808-0254 Issued by FERC OSEC 08/08/2005 in Docket#: - 17,010 Re9~ t45 ii.zT~ SouncE: The provisions of Part 341 are co~tained in 49 F.R. 128~, March 30, 1984, effective October 30, 1984, as per 49 F.R. 38540, October 1, 1~4, untess otherwise noted. '126,309 ]nofflclal FERC-Generated PDF of 20050808-0254 Issued by FERC OSEC 08/08/2005 in Docket#: - 145 I 1.27.84 ReguJat/ons 17,011 [¶ 26,310] § 341.0 General provimons; defmitionL (a) General application; conformation to rules; reissue. (l) This part contains regulations issued by the Interstate Commerce Commission under the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended and transferred to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission under authority of section 705(a) of the Department of Energy Organization Act, as amended, to govern the construction and filing of tariffs of pipeline companies filing under the Interstate Commerce Act. The regulations in this Part shall also govern the construction and filing of tariffs naming through routes and joint rates over the lines of common carriers by pipeline subject to the Interstate Commerce Act, on the one hand, and vessel- operating common carriers by water engaged in the foreign commerce of the United States, as defined in the Shipping Act, 1916, on the other hand, for the transportation of oil between any place in the United States and any place in a foreign country. See § 341.67. (2) All tariffs filed on or after Octot)ez 1, 1928, except as otherwise provided in this part or unless otherwise authorized by special permission of the Commission, must conform to the rules in this part. The Commission may direct the reissue of any tariff, power of attorney, or concurrence at any time. CRc~s REFERENCe: For filing tariffs, see §341.13. For provisions covering statutory notice, additional procedure in filing tariffs, reject/on of tariffs or schedules, see § 341.14. For provisions concerning powers of attorney and concurrences, see § § 341.17 to 341.26 inclusive. Co) Definitions..--(1) Local rate. The term "local rate," as used in this part, is construed to mean a rate that :xtends over the lines of one cartier only. (2) Local ~n'ffs. " Local tariffs• ,, are those which• contain "local rates." (:3) foint rate. The term "joint rate," as used in this part, is construed to mean a rate that extends over the lines of two or more carriers and that is made by arrangement or agreement between such carriers and evidenced by concurrence or power of attorney. (4) foint tariffs. "Joint tariffs" arc those which contain "joint rates." § 341.IS(e).CRoss RF.rZRENCZ: For joint tariffs issued by joint agents see (5) Through rate. The term "through rate" is construed to mean the total rate from point of or/10n to destination. It may be a local rate, a joint rate, or a combination of separately established rates. [¶ 2e,sxx] §341.1 Pofm Mm and ~ent (a) All tariffs and supplements thereto must be in book, pamphlet, or loose-leaf form of size 8 to 8~ inches wide and I0~ to II inches long, and must be plainly printed on hard calehdered or No. I machine finished book paper of durable quality using type of size not less than &point bold or full face, except as provided in § 341.3(b) as to FERC number and § 3419(k) as to ~IF*".~rm*q~hS~m~e4~m***,on 22 § 341.1 ¶ 26,311 Jnofficial FERC-Generated PDF of 20050808-0254 Issued by FERC OSEC 08/08/2005 in Docket#: - 17,012 Regulations ~-~.: H .';..~ vacation notice and except further that not less than 6-point ~ld.face type may be used for reference marks, for explanation of reference marks when such explanation appears on the page on which such reference marks appear, and for column headings and other p/aces where only a few words are continuously. Stereotype, planograph, or other similar durable process may be used, provided the copi~ posted and filed are clear and legible in all respects. Reproductions by hecto~paph or similar process, typewritten sheets or proof sheets must not be used for po~ting or filing. Alterations in writing or erasures must not be made in tariffs filed with the Commission or posted at points. (b) A mar~in of not lets than five-eighths of an inch without any printing thereon must be allowed at the binding edge of each tariff. When rates or numerals used for other purposes are shown in tables, the page shall be ruled from top to bottom. When not move than three figures or letters, including reference characters, are employed, the columns shall be not less than one. fourth of an inch in width with • correspondingly greater width when more than three f'~ures or letters,including reference characters, are employed. In such table~ • break in the printed matter of at least one space ~ the page Of a ruled line shall appear after each sixth line Of le~. .01 49 F.R. 446~ (Novmt~ & 1~). mi by n ..,4.--- aad ~tta~. In ~ t~*. .05 ~ Iwcor~---&tcttem 341.1 th~ w~da "din 8 to IW, ~hes wide sad u-~eaud ta ~ I~.R. tam (s/~/8~). ]ovt m n laem~ ling', and la mJme*~ ('e) I~ rumev~ Imm *he mind ~ (to/1/~). ud wm amm~l in ,m It.it. em lmr~ "ram ~-t- ~" whkb (t1/8/~). ~qK'tiv~ n/1/l~, in [¶ 26,312] §~t~ Ch~pm W I~ i~Ikamd In tariffo~ anl~ (a) Symbof~ (I) All tariffpublicatlons and supplements thereto must indJmte cl~p~ thereby made in ~ rotesor c~, rula, resul~tio~ or ~ of cbu~"ma~ by uN of the foikm~ uniform symbols in with s~chcl~m~: & to imlimtoreducfia~. • to deeote inczeazes.
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