■ »■ ■i V . ,- '4 ^ 1 ■ PAGB'flfinmsif ' MONDAY, AUGUST *8,, i s s i ' ^anrbP0tpr lEtfdtiho Average Daily Net Preaa Run X The Wfeather ------------------------- ------------ -------- For. tho Week CMded * . - -1 Tl ■•t") i'. ' dmio XL i m . FoiteeMt of D, g: t ^ Qwr •■4“ ' . About Ibwn^ Boltoii Sthooi RegtiitrationK 4 A ^Groupg Study I Seely-Brown WINDOW SHADES Wale eonUnB^C ieelglit MM t 12,701 W edueedayyeocM loiienir iwede i ^ Children who will enter Bol­ Groan, Whita, Ecru ,: Mevher et the Audit to tonlfht a e v im St. Marsrsret'i Circle. Daugh* | ton Elementary, School for the Sets Roving . Baieha-ef arenlatlDu '^trs of Isabella, will h6ld Us first | first lime next week should be Parking Lot W m h a b la High yi^dbliMdajr In 60*. meeting of the new season tomor- • registered tomoiroW. Registra­ Manche$ter-^A City of Village Charm »*w at 8 p.m in the K of C Home. tions will be taken at the school Issue Again Office Hours HOLLAND RNISH Plans will be discussed for the office on Notch Rd. from fl:30 . **■ 't VOL. LXXVIL NO. 278 (SlXTEl PAGES) / year in prospect, and .reports of a m to .i p.m. Birth and vac­ ftkde to Orter MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1958 (Ctoaamed AdverUaine on Pnge 14) PRICE FIVE CBN1« lha convention in i^ston w>iii be \ cination certllicatea must he Do they want a public pnrking ; Congressman Horace Seely- $ 2 * 3 0 With T M r Rollera given by the tleleKates. i presented. Immunlaatlon records lot on th'.lr properties? And If 'ao. j Brown of Pomfret starta Irovlng f ^ FULL LINE OP OVSTOW would he appreciated for the what lease arrangemehta would.' office houra today in the Second school health rfcords. Zipser CSub members are re- ; be bx-orked ouUiv Congresaional Dlatrict, planning to minded that reservations for the | VENETIAN BLINDS Paisy Drifting * The anawers tp these questions ' annual chicken dinner and dance Mr. and Mrs, John A. I^arson, | be in towns north and east of Monitors Riled at the. Garden Grove Sunday, | former .Mali. SI. re'sldentg w’hoi- will be sought by a group of North Manchester tomorrow. J. A. JOHNSON thwe^t hut should be made before Aug. 28 by lefl for California -a few months 1 End property owners at a meeting His vtalta'will take him into more contacting John Klein at the club- ; ago., will shortly move to their | tonight a. 8 o'clock 1- the Cham­ than- half of the 64 towns in the HINT GO. Gan Not\, house. new home. 808 N. Meritor .Ave., ber of CbnlDierce building. large district. He is delaying his m idship V.S. \ Passdena, Calif. | 72.') Main St., Tel. MI 9-4501 Miss Judy Leclerc. 2.1 Mam SI , .. Scheduled to attend are Mr. and .campaign for reetectlon until com­ pleting the visits. Miami, Aiig. 26 (/P)— Mias. Sandra Wofteradorf. 2b Au­ Manrhister (Irangs will nelgh- Mra. Robert Sandala, John ^ ert," burn Rd.. and Miss Mary Mielke Ivir wjih Ellington Grange . Stillman Keith and Dante Paganl. , He will iheet under non-politiclil Lazy hurrican^prfisy drifted i auspices any person who wishes to of Bolton will be graduated froiii I Wednesday at 8 p.m. ' ; all members of. a property owners Wafihington, A u g . 27 (JP) f may havS made the remark about northwestward ^ five miles | Waterbury Hospital School of i committee formed last week diir-i' Pliido by t'allot come without appointment to Ifelk the need for a cleanup. with .hirn upon any problem con- Court-appointed monitors per hour toda.v oiH weather I Nursing in commcncemenl exer­ Andcrsoii-Shea Auxiliary, VFW, | Ing a meeting with the Town Letts added that there "can't E n ^ a ^ e d necterf with the federal govern­ keeping watch over the scan­ forecasters said th^'still,ex­ cises to be held Sept, b si 8 p.ni. ' will hold a polliick tomorrow at I Parking Authority and the ftham- FOR be any conflict'* between Hoffa's ration ment. at the Wilby High .School audi- I 8:3(1 p.ni. at the post home. An i ber of Comr.ierce traffic and park­ Tlie engagement of Miss Carol dal-stained Teamsters Union commission Am) the 3-raan Hoffa pect a curvature awaj- from tonum. Miss I-a'dcrc is the fourth evcnfng of games snd bingo has i ing coinmlGee. Mrs, Sandal^ Is Todd Keeney to .S. Sgt. George Tomorrow he will be atb Staf­ SAFETY’S SAKE . demanded an explanation to­ board., the coast. \ daughter of Mr and .Mrs. Waller | been planne<l to follow this sup- ' committee^ chairman. Walter Ewing of Dob.son AVe., 'Ver- ford Springs, borough court room, day of what union boss Jatnes .Action Called Otitrageous Daisy, desci’ibed as a very nmall iion. son of the late Mr. snd Mrs. town hall, B to fl':30 a.m.: Somers, And Longer Tiro W odr storm with top winds of 8.8 ihlles N. beclerr to be graduated from per Reseivations may be made After a aurvev coniliiclcd In the R. Hoffa is up to in creating TYi'e poa.slbtUty of such a conflict the Waterbury Hospital School of , thrnugh .Vlrs, lues .Mahoney. 3.38 town aimic time ago it was lec- George W. Ewing, Is announced by town hall, 10 to 10:30 a.fn.: Elling­ Drive In For Our wss broadly implied by O'Donog- per hour, was about 31,8 miles east Nursing .Main SI. ' her mother, Mr Walter W. Kee­ ton,' town hall, 1.1 to 1T:30 a.m.; his own tommission to hunt ht;e in hla letter to Hoffa. of Melbourne. Fla., at noon. A Integration omnienilei' that property in the Would Shut rear of N. .Main St., owiWd by ney of Bucklahd. .She Is also the Rockville, town hall, noon to 12:30 down racketeers. In advance of the release of the leisurely progress towards the northwest or north northwest is A bus has been secured to make, Airhie l.iyingslon of the .Man-, memhei'a of the ne-.viy formed daughter of the late Walter W. p.m.; Coventry, town office build­ The board instructed Hoffa to letter, Godfrey P. Schmidt, an a trip to the Orange Home m Hal- liicstcr Counlrv Chib altemfed the committee, ahoiild he utilized a.s Keeney. ing. 1:30 to 2. p.m.; Andover, town furnish by Aug. 28 a “ detailed re­ other of the coimr"appoinled expected during the next 12 hours boro. Pa It Is scheduled to leave Mlas.Keenc.v, a graduate of Mnn- hall, 2:30 to 3 p.m.; and Columbia, port concerning the reasons for group, described Hoffa's action In ^ 'ollowed by a gradual turn to the Scrap Near ’ third amiiist sfiori ioiirsc In club a public parking lot, j FREE north. Intenaity may increase All Schools, choster High .School, ‘ attended I town hall, 3:30 to 4 p.m. Orange Hall Sunday morning. irinnagemcnl held «l Cornell IJnl- Front End, Broka and the establishment of the commis­ creating his own anti-rSeketeering Memhera of the Orange Ixidgc I-atcr, however,. Ally. Herbert ^ While Plains Ho.spilal School of sion, Us powers and duties, its slichlly. vpislly .School of Hotel Adinih-j A.’ Pheion .Ir., chairman of the board as outrageous. should eonlacl Thomas Comi, 4 I Nursing and Is employed hy Pratt I----- --------^ ^ ------------- Shock Absorber Insptc- .. proposed procedures, and Its pro­ Schmidt said'in New fork yes- At n a.m. the hurricane was isiialiim law week. During the In- Parking ,-illliorlty, aaid the prop-! Edgerton S t. for rerervalions. , lenaiio .l-day ionise, altcntlon was * V\*,hllney Aircraft in East Hart­ posed relationship to the board of t 'day that "Hoffa can, now say centered near latitude 28.4 north, In Virginia Fears Ripts erty owners were mrifttf lo "get tie n . longitude 77.1 wcat. The atorm , fill used on the managemeiu sspeii 1 ford. monitors." the nominators are no longer nec­ together' when approached with, Her fiance, also a graduate of had drifted toward the nofthwesl ■ of sill rcssfiil ( liih operation. Work done by ex|>erts on ail In a letter to Hoffa, Martin F. essary because thl; union ha.s got Hari'isonlnu-g, V a „ AUg. 26 i Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 26 the Idea of ha-.-ing Ui* parking^ Mam heater Iligh, is willi the U .S. O'Donoghue, chairman of the board at about 5 miles per hour during area in the rear of their atbpes. ' conventional maket of ears. its own watchdogs. This is a the past six hours, the Weather —^V irginia^ last-ditch le- (VP)— Gov. Orval F'fiubus today Muss Gall Giaif, M Washington Air Korcp stationed in leGShlma, of monitors, said the board had typical pi ce of complicated Hoffa SI . icliinicd last night from a RecaiLSe of this, he said, the au- Ryukyu I.slands, near Okinawa. learned of Hoffa’a "antlrraeketeer- Bureau said. Central pressure gal m ancuvei'ing.to avoid niix- I told the Arkansa.s state legis- G LU E'S Ihority decided to pii.sli for the . Lowesf Prices conspiracy \acatlon of Hirer, v\-ecks si the j M O R IA R T Y Ing commiaslont' only through the In addition tp Bender, the mem- " storm"*swenr*aiP ex iceted to r a c ^ in public ' lature that the federal govem- ■ lollsgc of her grandparerTts St ^ use of a parking lot near the public press. A U TO BODY VVhilon Memorial Dibrary instead Worry of bers of the Hoffa-appointed group : muse rough seas'from Cape Hat° ! .■‘hil'ted today to a fed- l I ment can never constitutional­ Cape Civl.
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