T T"T"" " TOP SINGLE PANEL PICKS EARTH WIND 6 FIRE/Septemh.r T ^ ^ ' T ' f 'f ' ir-Sar;:; lOT ALBUM orchestra/ TTlj^ hfl [KX- WHS: Tosh a stinker KECORD DEALERS outside a 60- that 3,000 copies were delivered. Jay' by Goody Good^and 'No Good- Am '"thlnlTwEA ha^doneTtself aGary bad CJuU RecOTds n^arin^dhl^OT^For E~~r L,'s;. Flimsy reasons for King disc A HisSmurp latest For satirical Christmas offering, (All 'LickFall Down)' (GAS 1) by Father Abiphart \ L_x step in promotional gimmicks. We been fantastic. This is going to be the warrant it." ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ product nationwide^the TopJOO will r if until it is cl THE BEST OF EARTH WIND &.FIRE I featuring 'Fantas^, 'Got To Get You Into My Life', 'Saturday Nite', 'Shining Star*, 'Get Away*. NEWS Stanley exit Shop calls cut on RESTRUCTURING OF Pye CBS sales re-jig of Ierry Irish hit bids for UK Kids LP push GLORIA'S 'One Day Ai A Time', 3 11*0111r JL13 OlydOr 1 J 'thramp^^f^the^^NeirDia-w.^h mtjor independcm rctaUcrs'Tt U.UNITED A. labelARTISTS laUncH Records will be through^ into the British'Ssed"^ market, brei- al- THE VENUE w d >1 Irish chart, is still at campaign^part of Polydor's consisting Christmas of four window colour courseDisco Forummeals onto Novemberyour guests 26. at Thethe consumer^pmgn which magazines ^akes^n plus ^ Trade national and hasTop qualified 30. It has for sold a platinum100,000 copies award. and ^ ' 'Te'sfl ^1's0a/'v"t^™^1's0Sw^ Soloists^of'the m five weeks. With noLckV suppon 2310 637—retails at £3.95. The title possible in difficult circumstances. Ko/'j and 4 by the Dimov Quartet made arrangements for London and a promotional v.s.i, FOLLOWING THE surprise resig- m fin R Pinnacle rises nTr has becn ' appointed mlSpng experiencing8 considerablef m P ono delays re-r now keen to release the record, but we p^fACLE RECORDS has upped director ^td^itlTi th^l" ™ a ^ ^ °^ NICK LOWE EMERSON. LAKE & PALMER ALICE COOPER NEILY0UNG "American Squirm/ "All I Want Is You" "How Are You Gonna See Me Now" "Four Strong Winds" What's So Funny, Bout (Peace, Love & Understanding)" ioosc4ovic p??# ADA 26 MOLLINGS SOME INDUSTRY observers believe a new top man soon to be appointed at CBS, onallowing the eve Maurice of a holiday Oberstein taking toin becomeEquador chairman and Galapagos - he's Islands, not committing where he himself, says: "I bringshall be one investigating back with thea hard origin shell" of the (quote species inspired of record by executives current BBC2 and will series perhaps The heVoyages is not of Charlesthe chosen Darwin). one .. .. the. Variety head of reports a North ABC London-based international label veep says thatJay Morgensternend of the year" as saying- how thatflimsy Anchor is longevity will continue . recent "indefinitely visit by TK's certainly Henry until Stone the WHATcould lead WILL to appointment they think of of next? a EuroUK (I) Staff representative at Radio 1 and . Capital. amazed to find thereplacement Stops - published toilet rolls by in Heath-Levy. their loos bearing . (2) legend a disco 'Glad version I'm of Not 'White A Woman' Christmas' by bythe the aptly M& named O Band Slush on Birdsnest on Ember label , .- . andembarrassing even less desirable end to otherwisea punk treatment enjoyable by receptionNicholas forTreadwell Chiswick's art excellentgallery was Sniff discovery 'n'The Tears of loss debut of azVoumFickle £200-plus paintingHeart at Jonathanremoved from Morrish the wallleaving ... for yet second more timechanges and imminent deputy Robin at RCA Eggar press splitting office afterwith Members.slight altercation . reader with Tony the Mannersupper brass of Darlingtonre his management explains meaning of band ofTossin' called the A Wobbler'as "to be (which so possessed puzzled by our epilepsy, reviewer strong of VinGarbutt's drink or powerful Topic album emotion of that that name) one JUSTbecomes WHO uncontrollable are rock's Phyllisfor a brief and periodSharon of and time" why . do. they only communicate Chriswith each Wright other and by wifetelegram? Chelle . -. who. a daughter recently Chloe moved Nicole to new for Holland Chrysalis Park chairman home swimmingalthough his pool, £135,000 still on the Wokingham market. house,recent weddingcomplete of with Bronze cricket general pitch manager and Robert... ace Lemoncameraman and studentDezzo Hoffmanteacher Eve celebrating Ricotti, now 30 years honeymooning taking pictures in Barbados of pop Centralpersonalities Isolation . HowardHospital Wall,with meningitis,lead singer ofwith Lurkers, medical seriously evidence ill pointingin Ayrshire to stopdisease ... resulting a sad farewell from his last having week been to spatour productionon during a Belfasteditor Peter gig - nowHarvey will theywho departedRedfearn, to but edit welcome a new toweekly his successor disco magazine Tony Bradman, published former by MIF'sMW chief Garrell sub TheatreCLIFF RICHARDon December playing 12 to a aid special Capital tickets-for-toys Radio's annual charity appeal concert - the at swap Dominion takes placeBAFTA in station'spreview foyertheatre tomorrow during (5)the ...screening if a bomb of amusing,had been ordropped should on it thebe businesslaughable, would Kiss bemovie, free ofKiss liggers Meets . .The much Phantom patient Ofand The persistent Park, thentelephoning the record by WEA'smaking ever-helpfulit to RB's highly Moira successful Bellas resultedDisco Forum in Marcia and Awardsand Maisie as guests from ofBoney honour M concert... 'tis statingsaid that "The Elton doctor John told sent me jocular I mustn't message have to any Rod excitement Stewart before - so I his came Paris to seeyear you" by arrival . recordofGTO industry in building, inhabitants also to be of occupied Soho Square by Campbell will be Connelly.increased next . TOoffering ENCOURAGE visitors supper dealers on December to visit their20-21 Ulsterand breakfast depot, Solomonon December and 10Peres and AT17. WEMBLEY international soccer match last week, Rediffusion Records' Ron LondonSmith and for Mike contract Weston negotiations hosted visit. whileby Czech retaining delegation label identityfrom Supraphon overseas via in EMT,company, Larry with Uttal Michael has restructuredZager Band Privateand Cissy Stock Houston in America placed as with a production CBS. BiBs 01-836Hyde House, 9311 13 Langley Street, London WC2H 9JG DEPUTYEDITOR/MANAGING EDITOR (News) DIRECTOR John Hayward Brian Mulligan EDITORIALASSISTANT DavidEDITOR Redshaw (Production) (Talent); Peter Brian Harvey Harrigan (Radio) TimRESEARCH Smith (Retailing); Godfrey RustFrank (Manager): Granville BarkerDafydd (Classical) Rees (Assistant ADVERTISINGManager): Barry Nigel Lazell; Steffens Jan Martin (Manager); Julia Ball (Production COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR Bill Newton Subscriptions do RBP Ltd., Oakfietd House, Perrymount Road, Hay- 'KEEP ON JUMPIN" wardsPublished Heath, by SussexRecord RH16 Business 3DH. Publications Ltd., Hyde House, the new album aam 13 Langley Street, London WC2, set by TypeMatters (London) featuring'lnTheBush"l^l Ltd.,Distributed and printedby J & Gby (Forest) Garrod Promotions and Lofthouse Ltd. Registered Ltd., Bedford. at the luced by Patrick Adams. iSJ L.rr: Post Office as a newspaper. Order from CBS Order Desk. Tel: 01-960 2155. CBS Distribution Centre, Barlby Road, Lon RECORD BUSINESS December 4 1978 NEWS Sleigh list play, are you listening? EVERYONE MUST have heard of the (Ensign); Wings - Mull Of Kintyr ing (Arista); Chris Dc Burgh - Space- Beach Boys - Little Saint Nick ChristmasRadio-1 Playlist the station by hasnow, put togetiierbut this a Take(.MPL/Parlophone); Four (EP) (Virgin); Mike Sladc Oldfield - Merry - Tullman -Came Ring TravellingOut Solstice (A&M); Bells (Chry-Jethro Coming(Capitol); To Jackson Town (Motown);Five -Santa Crystals ClausIs - specialflavoured SLEIGHLIST songs suitable of forseasonally- festive Christmas- Winter EverybodySong (Casablanca); (Polydor); Father Angel salis);Happy Lynsey Christmas De PaulFrom & BarryMe To Blue You - SantaSpectre Claus International); Is Coming ToCarpenters Town (Phil - "anyplays, or although none of themthe BBC will stressesbe featured, that (Decca);Abraham Salsoul- Christmas Orchestra In Smurfland - Little Christmas(Jet); Greg (Atlantic);Lake - I Believe Wizzard In -1 Father Wish Santa(A&M); Claus Steeleye Is ComingSpan -To Gaudete Town it's not a playlist but an 'aide- Drummerlivan - Christmas Boy (Salsoul); Song (MAM); Gilbert O'Sul-Kinks (Harvest);,It Could BeJohn Christmas & Yoko Every- Happy Day Christmas(Chrysalis); Darling Carpenters (A&M); Carpenters- Merry GladysHear What Knight I Hear? & The (Buddah); Pips - RonettcsDo You Mackay- Father - ChristmasA Song Of(Arista); Friendship Andy ChristmasWounded John(War Scott Is CreeOver) - Rudolph(Apple); It's- Winter Gonna Wonderland Be A Cold, Cold(A&M); Christmas Dana - International);- Frosty The ChrisSnowman Hill - (Phil Disco Spector Santa Jack(Bronze); Tempchin Chorale - Peaceful- Riu Riu Easy (Arista); Feel- TheJohn Red-Nosed- Step Into Reindeer Christmas (Pye); (DJM); Elton (GTO);mas Song Shawn (A&M). Phillips - The Christ- 1 net general manager Iain McNay, has UA extends tractconcluded with Spartana long-term Records. distribution con- Shirley B Cherry Red was the first company to openedbe looked up lastafter June, by andSpartan now whenthe deal it campaign pi has been made official. The -next two • UNITED ARTISTS Records is to ■ I releasesFisher's fromThe Sleeperthe label Wakes are Morganto be extendBassey itsalbum tv advertising 25th Anniversary for the Shirley fol- released on December 8 and an inde- lowing the success of the
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