Number 122 Vol. XXV, No. 122 Vintage Car C lub of N.Z. [lnc.] February-March 1980 NAT10NAL EXECUTIVE 26th YEAR OF PUBLICAT ION President : L. J.D . Priest (Hawkes Bay) Club Captain: A. D . Storer (Banks Peninsula) Club Vice -Captain: M. H . Ferner (Wgtn) H all. Secreta ry: Clynt Inns (Banks Peninsula) IN THIS ISSUE Cl ub Re gistra r: S. A. England, r.o. Box 4154, Christchurch. President's Message 2 Executi ve: Messrs B. 1. Barnes (Southlan d), W. M. Birch (Wellington, N. A. Dewhurst (Auck land), 1. W. A. Haere Mai 21st International 3 Newe ll (Banks Peninsula). Pre War travel on the 'Coast' 9 Some pages from the past 11 CORRESPONDENCE Club correspondence, including members' CHANGES Crossword No. 6 13 OFADDRESS, must be sent to The Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (lIIC.) Ma rlborough Branch 21 st 14 r .o. Box 2546. Auckland Branch 25 Years 16 Christchurch, Inte nding members should write to this address. The Club's old Vehicles 18 All Beaded Wheels correspondence and subscribers change of add ress to p.a . Box 13140. George Roberts Scrapbook 21 Tiger Moths in N.Z. 28 BEADED WHEELS EDITORIAL COMMITTEE More about Tiger Moths 31 Chairman: Spencer Barnard. The Centre Lock Wire Wheel 33 Committee: Ga vin Bain, Geoff H ockley, Bruce Pidgeon, Bob Scott. Paul Gie sler. Classified Ads 43 Material for publication is the responsibility of this committee and should be forwarded to p.a. Box 13140, Christchurch, typed or neatly printed, double spaced on one side of paper only . Reports of restorations, events, road tests, historica l and CLOSING DATE technica l articles welcome.No payment made to Closin g date for Ap ril/May issue Mar ch 11 th . con tributors. The opin ions expressed in lette rs or ar ticles in Beade d COVER PHOTO Wheels are the au thors' own views and do not necessa rily Roto ru a Bran ch new Clu b Room s ope ned 24 th express the po licy of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (In c.) Nove mb er, 1979. Phot o su pp lied by Nola Bor st . PRODUCTION Beaded Whee ls is the voice of the Vint age Car moveme nt Beaded Wheels is published bi-monthly by Purse Willis in New Zealand and of the Clubs wh ose efforts are fostering and ever widening the inte restof;t his movement & Aiken Ltd, Christchurch for the Vintage Car Club and for m rallying points for that ever increasing band of of N.Z. Inc.. at its editorial office. p.a. Box 13140. enthusiasts. The fascin ation oragc iuelf or revulsion from Ch ristchurch. the flashy medto ceiw of the pre sent day is drawin g an increasing number of motorists back to the individuality, Mailed free to all members. Annual subscription $5.40. solid worth, and functional elegance that was demanded by a more disc rim inating gene rati on and it is to these that Individual copies and back numbers 90c. this magazine is de dicated. ADVERTISING Regist ered e t Pest Office Headquarters We lling to n Rate schedu le available on request to Advertising es a MaqaJine . Ma nager, p.a. Box 13140. Ch ristchurch. Phone 67-346. From the President Greetings to one and all, and Accid ent Compensa tion Com­ have been bu sy securing them­ welcome to a new decad e. On e mission will at last bring som e selves and pr ocuring premises of cannot help but wonder what relief in the form of a reduced one kind or ano ther. to pr ovid e fortunes will befall our organis a­ levy. Wh atever the future holds, a permanent b om~ for th eir tion as we move through the we ca n cer tainly hold our heads members and other assets. On 1980s. T he Middle Ea st crisis proud with our start to this the home front, we have 33 has surely put a cloud over our decade. Our efforts in parading vears behind us as an organisa­ future activities, in that we are one of the largest ever groups tion and tbis is going fro m now facing galloping pri ce in­ of vehicles, for an International strength to stre ngth each year. creases in a very essential com­ motoring event, rate s high and Our younger members can really mo dity-petro l. With prices now en sure s a solid approach to the be proud of the foresight of the in excess of $2.00 per ga llo n, a next ten years. It must also mean founders and the aims of the lot of our long distance mot or­ we intend to face these difficult Club, to restore, preserve and ing must suffer. New Zeal anders times with a view to overcoming motor automobilia can be en­ are however, ren owned for the ir such problems in the best po s­ trusted to them for the future. efforts to com e lip with an alter­ sible way. Finally. may I wish all par­ native under such a crisis, and I In recent months, many of our ticipants in the 21st Internati on al am sure we will be qui ck to Bran ches have reached some Rall y, a ver y enj oyable occa sion , improvise in this case too. It form of milestone in their par­ with trouble free motoring and reall y rem ain s for liS to decide ticul ar history, with several whether you ar e attending for which alternative, perhaps a re­ att aining the "key to the future" the chance of a "gong" or just turn of the once famili ar gas having put 2J years behind them for the enj oyment of the fellow­ producers. while others hav e gone a little ship r tru st you will go away Hopefully we can look toward farther and added a silver lining happy. the bright er side and tru st that to record 25 yea rs of progress. our recent representations to the Severa l well established branches LIONEL PRIEST Note our New Address- College FORD SPARES New Ford parts from 1928 on - Now at 195 NEW WINDSOR ROAD, AVONDALE PHONE 674-857 AUCKLAND - Postal enquiries welcome! PAGE TWO Haere Mai 21st InternationaI - This month we will ha ve the pleasure of witnessing one of the greatest motor car spectaculars of all time - the 21st Int er­ nat ional Vintage and Vetera n Vehicle Rally in Rot orua, the centre of New Zealand thermal wond erland, from 24th February to 8th March, 1980. It is an hon our for a country to receive permi ssion to stage a n Intern at ional eve nt. Th is mu st be obtained fro m F ederation Int ern at ion ale D es Voit ures An­ ciennes (F. LV.A.) which is the world co ntrolling organisation for veteran mo toring. Australia held an Intern ation al in 1978. Ireland in 1979 an d Italy will Peter Shaskey's 1925 OM 4 cyl. 1500 cc, one ot the few cars which have stage the event in 1981. It is been entered in all three International Rallies in NZ. His entry in this considered tha t the curren t event rally is R65. will be the lar gest th at has been held. Tt will be a parti cu lar pleasure to welco me entra nts from over­ seas .T hese will be co ming from West Germany. Japan , South Africa, England, Ca nada, U.S.A., H ong Kong. Cha nnel Island s a nd Australia. New Zealand is renowned for its standard of Internation al Rallies and this is the third to be held here. Th e first, the H aast Rally in 1965, attra cted an entry of 300. the second the 13th Intern at ion al based in Nelson in 1972 ha d 750 entries and for th is curre nt event there are 1.060 entries. One hundred and th irty­ nine makes are entered made up j of 64 motorcycles. 962 cars and 34 com merc ial vehicles. T he oldest vehicle is an 1897 Lu x car entered by Mr L. B. South­ ward of Wellington . 076 1910 Regal " 20", G. W. Piddington, South Canterbury. This car was Some of the vehicles entere d entered in the 1965 Haast International Rally and also the 1972 are : Ajax , Ansaldo, Alvis, AJ.S.. International. P A GE T HREE HOOD IRONS Repaired Replaced Re-built Ame rican irons a specialty. Tapered tubes with lock seam. Plea se send S.A.E. with yOU! enqui ry to:- HOOD IRON SPECIALTIES 53 Mo rtlake Street, Ch ristchu rch , 4 . Auburn. Calcott, Citroen , D e­ soto, Davis, Duryea, E nfield . Ga rdner. Gwynne, Hender son, Indian . Jewett, Lagonda, M ar­ 0108 1927 Dodge, R. R. Leet , Waikato. quet te, Mi nerva. Overla nd . Pontiac. Paige, Reo. Star, Stutz, White. ZedeI. In spite of the large number of entries in this 2 1st Inte r­ national there are pr ob ab ly fewer than a do zen wh o have entered all three Intern a tional Rallies in New Zealand a nd certainly in the sa me vehicle. In thi s category we have Bill Pidding to n from Ti rnaru in his 1910 Regal. H is rall y numbers were 4 14 in the 1965 Rally and 658 in the 1972 Rall y. In thi s Rall y it is or ange 76. Also in thi s categor y is Peter Shaske y with his 1925 O.M.
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