92 ALL-AMERICANS • 12 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS • 21 CONFERENCE TITLES GAMEGAME 5:5: ALABAMA (4-0,(4-0, 1-0 SEC)SEC) GAME INFORMATION Opponent: Kentucky Wlidcats VS. KENTUCKY (2-1,(2-1, 0-1 SECSEC)) Site: Commonwealth Stadium (67,942) SATURDAY, OCT. 3 • 11:21 A.M. • SEC NETWORK Series: Alabama leads, 34-2-1 COMMONWEALTH STADIUM (67,942) • LEXINGTON, KY. TV: SEC Network Dave Neal, Andre Ware & Cara Capuano THE GAME:GAME: TheThe UniversityUniversity of Alabama football team goes on the road in SoutSouth-h- Radio: Crimson Tide Sports Network eastern Conference plaplayy for the fi rst this season with a trip to the commonwealth of KentuckyKentucky for a clash with the Wildcats,Wildcats, on SaturdSaturday,ay, SeSept.pt. 26,26, at CommoCommon-n- WFFN-FM (95.3) - Tuscaloosa wealth Stadium in Lexington.Lexington. It is the fi rst true road gamegame of the season after three Eli Gold, Phil Savage & Barry Krauss straightstraight home gamesgames and a neutral-site tilt with VirginiaVirginia Tech in the GeorgiaGeorgia Dome. The gamegame is scheduled to kick off at 11:21 a.m. on the SEC Network with Dave Neal, Satellite Radio: Channels: XM - 199; SIRIUS - 214 Andre Ware and Cara Capuano callingcalling the action. Eli Gold and Phil SavageSavage and National Radio: Westwood One BarryBarry Krauss will have the radio call on the Crimson Tide Sports Network. Internet: www.RollTide.com HEAD COACHCOACH NICK SABAN: AlabamaAlabama headhead coachcoach NickNick SabanSaban (Kent State, 1973) Up Next: Kentucky (TV: TBD) is inin hishis thirdthird seasonseason withwith thethe CrCrimsonimson TiTide.de. He waswas nnamedamed tthehe sschool’school’s 2727thth hheadead coachcoach on JanuaryJanuary 3,3, 2007. SabanSaban hashas compiledcompiled a 114-50-1 (.694) recordrecord as a colle-colle- Oct. 10 - Time: TBA • Vaught-Hemingway Stadium (60,580) giate hheadead coaccoachh witwithh a 23-8 (.742) markmark at AAlabamalabama tthathat incincludesludes 4-0 recorrecordd tthishis year. He capturedcaptured hishis 100th100th career win andand coachedcoached hishis 150th150th game as a collegiatecollegiate headhead coachcoach duringduring thethe 2008 campaign. In 2003, SabanSaban ledled LSU to a 13-1 recordrecord ALABAMAALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE (4-0, 1-0 SEC)SEC) and the BCS National Championship. Overall, Saban has coached three confer-confer- Sept.Sept. 5 vs. Virginia Tech (7/7)(7/7) Atlanta, Ga. (ABC)(ABC) W, 34-2434-24 ence championshipchampionship teams (1990 Mid-American,Mid-American, 2001 SEC andand 2003 SEC) andand SSept.ept. 12 FFloridalorida InternationalInternational TuscaTuscaloosaloosa (PPV)(PPV) W,W, , 40-1440-14 nine ofof his 12 teams have played in post-season bowl games with Tide appearing SepSept.t. 19 NorthNorth Texas TuscaloosaTuscaloosa (SEC)(SEC) W, 53-753-7 in the 2009 Sugar Bowl. Saban is one ooff two (Bob Stoops) current Football Bowl SepSept.t. 26 *Arkansas TuscalooTuscaloosasa (CBS)(CBS) W, 35-735-7 Subdivision coaches to coach forfor at least 10 years and not susuffff er a losing season. OOct.ct. 3 *at Kentucky Lexington, Ky. (SEC)(SEC) 11:2111:21 a.m.a.m. OOct.ct. 10 *at MissisMississippisippi OxOxford,ford, MMiss.iss. TTBABA RANKINGS:RANKINGS: AlabamaAlabama waswas rankedranked fi fth in bothboth thethe AssociatedAssociated Press andand USAUSA TTo-o- OOct.ct. 17 *South Carolina (HC) Tuscaloosa TBATBA dayy Coaches’ preseason polls. It was the highest preseason ranking for the Tide OctOct.. 2244 **TennesseeTennessee TuTuscaloosascaloosa TBA NoNov.v. 7 *LS*LSUU TusTuscaloosacaloosa TTBABA since the 2000 season when theythey opened at No. 3. Since the preseason poll the NNov.ov. 14 *at MississippiMississippi State Starkville,Starkville, Miss. TBA Tide has moved up to No. 3 after an Oklahoma loss on the openingopening weekend and a NNov.ov. 21 ChattanoogaChattanooga TuscaloosaTuscaloosa TBATBA weekweek threethree lossloss forfor SouthernSouthern California.California. TheThe CrimsonCrimson TideTide remainedremained No.No. 3 in bothboth NNov.ov. 27 *at Auburn Auburn,Auburn, Ala. (CBS)(CBS) 1:301:30 p.m.p.m. polls this week. UA also garneredgarnered four fi rst-place votes in the AP poll. *Conference*Conference GGameame - All TimTimeses areare CentralCentral KENTUCKYKENTUCKY SERIES:SERIES: Alabama leads the KentucKentuckyky series 34-2-134-2-1,, includinincludingg a 14-2 KENTUCKY WILDCATS (2-1, 0-1 SEC)SEC) mark in the state of KentuckKentucky.y. Alabama owns a 13-2 record in Lexington and also Sept.Sept. 5 vs. Miami (Ohio)(Ohio) Cincinnati, OOhiohio (ESPNU)(ESPNU) W,W, 4242-0-0 posted a 60-19 win over the Wildcats in Louisville during the 1945 season. Ala-Ala- SepSept.t. 19 Louisville LexiLexington,ngton, Ky.Ky. (ESPNU)(ESPNU) W,W, 31-2731-27 bamabama hashas not playedplayed in Lexington since a 45-17 win at CommonwealthCommonwealth StadiumStadium SSept.ept. 26 *Florida (1/(1/1)1) Lexington, Ky. (ESPN2)(ESPN2) L, 7-417-41 in 2004. UK’s last win in the series was a 40-34 overtime win in LexingtonLexington in 1997. Oct.Oct. 3 *Alabama (3(3/3)/3) Lexington, Ky. (SEC)(SEC) 11:2111:21 a.m.a.m. UA hashas won threethree straightstraight in tthehe series. OOct.ct. 10 *at South Carolina Columbia, S.C. TBA OOct.ct. 17 *at Auburn Auburn, Ala. TTBABA NEXT GGAME:AME: AlabamaAlabama continues a two-game roaroadd swing throughthrough thethe SEC withwith OOct.ct. 24 LouLouisiana-Monroeisiana-Monroe LexLexington,ington, KKy.y. TBA a trip to No. 21 Mississippi on Saturday,Saturday, Oct. 10. TheThe Crimson TideTide visit thethe Rebel’sRebel’s Oct.Oct. 31 *Mississippi*Mississippi State Lexington,Lexington, Ky.Ky. TBA Vaught-HemingwayVaught-Hemingway StaStadiumdium witwithh a 45-9-2 eedgedge in tthehe aall-timell-time series. TheThe kick-kick- NNov.ov. 7 Eastern KentucKentuckyky LexLexington,ington, Ky.Ky. TBA offoff time and television network has not been determined. The Tide has won fi ve NNov.ov. 14 *at VanVanderbiltderbilt NasNashville,hville, Tenn. TBTBAA straightstraight over tthehe ReRebels,bels, incincludingluding a 24-20 in TuscaTuscaloosaloosa llastast season. TThehe TiTide’sde’s llastast NNov.ov. 21 *at GeoGeorgiargia AtheAthens,ns, Ga. TTBABA trip to OxfordOxford resulted in a tight 27-24 win. The last ffourour games in the series - all AlAla-a- NNov.ov. 28 *Tennessee LexinLexington,gton, Ky. TBA bama wins - have been decided by fourfour points or less. UA is 5-3 all-time in OxOxfordford *Conference*Conference GamGamee - AlAlll TTimesimes areare CentralCentral andand 12-8-1 in Mississippi,Mississippi, includingincluding gamesgames in Jackson,Jackson, ColumbusColumbus andand Greenville.Greenville. 1 CRIMSONCRIMSON TIDE FOOTBALL MEDIA SERVICES (Kentucky)(Kentucky) MONDAYMONDAY TUESDAYTUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAYTHURSDAY FRIDAYFRIDAY SATURDAYSATURDAY SUNDAYSUNDAY MediaMedia DayDay PracticePractice SECSEC CCoachesoaches ClosedClosed PracticePractice WalkthroughWalkthrough KentuckyKentucky Off DayDay 1212 p.m.p.m. - CoacCoachh SaSabanban 3:453:45 p.m.p.m. - ViewinViewingg TeleconferenceTeleconference 4 p.m.p.m. ClosedClosed (SEC(SEC NETWORKNETWORK)) 12:30 p.m. - PeriodPeriod No Media AvailabilityAvailability No Media AvailabilityAvailability 11:2111:21 A.M. CTCT 10:3510:35 a.ma.m.. SelectedSelected PlayersPlayers 6 p.m.p.m. - Selected Players PracticePractice CSSCSS REPLAYREPLAY PracticePractice 3:453:45 p.m. 8 p.m.p.m. 4 p.m. ViewingViewing PeriodPeriod ViewingViewing PeriodPeriod 55:45:45 p.m. - CoacCoachh SaSabanban No MediaMedia AvailabilityAvailability 6 p.m. - PlayersPlayers MONDAYMONDAY TTHURSDAYHURSDAY 1122 p.m. CT - Coach Saban Press Conference – AlabaAlabamama head coach NiNickck SSabanaban 33:50:50 pp.m..m. CT – CClosedlosed Practice at TThomas-Drewhomas-Drew Practice Facility.Facility. will be available to the media for his weekly press conference in the Naylor Stone (NO MEDIA AVAILABLITLAVAILABLITLY)Y) Media Room in the Mal Moore BuildBuildinging at 12 p.m. The audio of Coach Saban’s me- dia briefi ng can also be heard by teleconference by calling (800) 973-1544. Se- 7 pp.m..m. CT – Nick Saban Radio Show at Buff alo Wild WinWingsgs llectedected plplayersayers tthathat hhaveave bbeeneen requesterequestedd 24 hhoursours in aadvancedvance wiwillll bbee avaiavailablelable in thethe Naylor Stone Media Room following Coach Saban’s press conference at 12:30 p.m. FRIFRIDAYDAY PPlayerlayer requests sshouldhould bbee mamadede by e-maie-mailingling JJoshosh MaxsoMaxsonn (([email protected])[email protected]) CClosedlosed WaWalkthrough.lkthrough. (NO MEDIA AVAILABILITY) or cacallinglling (205) 348-7496 no llaterater tthanhan 5 p.m. CDT on SunSunday.day. SSATURDAYATURDAY PPostgameostgame highlight feeds are available through the University of Alabama fol- MONMONDAYDAY PRPRESSESS COCONFERENCENFERENCE SCHSCHEDULEEDULE lowlowinging all home football games. Coordinates will be available a week priprioror to 1122 pp.m..m. CoacCoachh SaSabanban ththee game. 112:302:30 p.m. SelectedSelected PlayersPlayers ON THE ININTERNETTERNET 3:30 p.m.p.m. CT – Crimson Tide Video UplinkUplink – Horizons 2, TransponderTransponder 11 (12120)(12120) RolRollTide.comlTide.com – AlaAlabama’sbama’s offi ccialial aathleticsthletics wwebeb sitsitee sserveserves aass a rresourceesource fforor (Coach(Coach Saban and Selected Players).Players). iin-depthn-depth information on current and historical Crimson Tide student-athletes, coaches and teams. The footbalfootballl ppageage includes links to rosters, coachcoachinging staff , 4 pp.m..m. CCTT – PPracticeractice at the Thomas-Drew Practice FacilFacilityity (l(limitedimited viewing pe- nnotesotes packages, practice reports and schedules as well as Tide
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