13880 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 10 June 3, 2009 A TRIBUTE TO THE CAMPBELLS- the JLC focused its resources on saving Finally, in keeping with the Jewish principle VILLE UNIVERSITY BASEBALL unionists and other political prisoners from of Tikun Olam, which means ‘‘to repair the TEAM Nazi tyranny in Europe during World War II. world,’’ the JLC’s Western Region is planning Alerting the world to the Nazi/Fascist threat, a training program for foster youth who are HON. BRETT GUTHRIE the JLC worked tirelessly with its labor affili- about to find their first jobs. In an effort to help OF KENTUCKY ates to defeat Hitler by organizing economic them succeed, the training program is de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES boycotts of German-made products and rais- signed to give them an in-depth understanding of the legal, social and political intricacies of Wednesday, June 3, 2009 ing large amounts of money for anti-Nazi par- tisan fighters. Immediately following the war, the workplace. Mr. GUTHRIE. Madam Speaker, I rise today the JLC helped thousands of people, espe- To mark the national organization’s 75 year to honor the Campbellsville University Base- cially war orphans, survive Displaced Persons anniversary, the committee’s Western Region ball Team on their outstanding performance camps and emigrate to America and the then- is holding an awards brunch on June 14 at the this season. They demonstrated extraordinary forming state of Israel. Century Plaza Hyatt Regency Hotel in Los An- athletic and academic achievement that Recognizing post-war changing labor pat- geles at which a number of honorees will be brought national attention to Campbellsville terns, the JLC’s Western Region developed recognized for their outstanding service to our University, the Campbellsville and Taylor deep relationships with Latino, African Amer- communities. The honorees are: State Con- County communities, and all of Kentucky’s ican and Asian communities in Los Angeles, troller John Chiang; Executive Liaison for Uni- Second District. continuing the fight for social justice on polit- versal Pictures James D. Brubaker; President/ Under the leadership of head coach ical fronts. The JLC’s Western Region fought CEO of the National Association for the His- Beauford Sanders and his staff, the Camp- to elect minority candidates, gain fair housing, panic Elderly Dr. Carmela Lacayo; and Busi- bellsville University Baseball Team reached eradicate racial discrimination, and defeat anti- ness Manager, Southern California District the National Association of Intercollegiate Ath- labor campaigns. Council of Laborers, Mike Quevedo Jr. letics (NAIA) World Series for the first time in In 1949, the JLC’s Western Region worked Madam Speaker, as the Jewish Labor Com- school history. The Tigers reached the NAIA with the AFL Central Labor Council, the CIO mittee observes this milestone and continues World Series following a tremendous perform- Council, The Anti Defamation League, Amer- the fight for social and political justice in Los ance by senior pitcher Bryan Fuller. Mr. Fuller ican Jewish Congress, the National Associa- Angeles, California and throughout our great pitched 21 scoreless innings in 26 hours to tion for the Advancement of Colored People, nation, I ask my colleagues to please join me give the team three straight victories that pro- Japanese American Citizens League, the in commending everyone involved with the na- pelled them to the highest level of competition Mexican-American oriented Community Serv- tional JLC and its Western Region as well as in their league. ices Organization, and many religious organi- this year’s honorees for their continued com- The team finished the season with a re- zations, to rally behind my father, the late mitment to securing fairness for all working markable 39–12 record. Coach Sanders Congressman Edward Roybal, who was then families. I extend to them my best wishes for reached a noteworthy milestone this season a Los Angeles City Councilman as he pro- many more successful years ahead. as well by reaching 835 career wins for his posed the Fair Employment Practices Ordi- f tenure. Coach Sanders and his staff should be nance. Eight years later, in 1958, the JLC’s PAYING RESPECTS TO PRESIDENT commended for providing leadership, direction, Western Region joined a coalition of labor, mi- EPHRAIM KATZIR and encouragement to these student athletes. nority and religious civil rights groups to pre- The Campbellsville University Baseball vent California from becoming a Right-to-Work Team’s performance is a testament to their HON. SCOTT GARRETT state. OF NEW JERSEY exceptional talent and commitment to excel- In 2009, under the current leadership of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lence. Theirs is an example for all of Kentucky President Floyd Glen-Lambert, the Jewish to follow. I commend the coaching staff and Labor Committee Western Region still fights Wednesday, June 3, 2009 student athletes for the recognition they have anti-labor campaigns, most notably by pushing Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. Madam brought to Campbellsville University, the for passage of the Employee Free Choice Act Speaker, I rise today to pay my respects to a Campbellsville and Taylor County commu- in partnership with the Los Angeles County great statesman and an important world lead- nities, and the Second District. Federation of Labor. er. This past Saturday, Ephraim Katzir, the f To remind the community how critical it is fourth President of the State of Israel, passed A TRIBUTE TO THE JEWISH LABOR for workers to safeguard organized represen- away at the age of 93. COMMITTEE AND ITS WESTERN tation to bargain for fair wages, benefits and Over a long and remarkable life, President REGION BASED IN LOS ANGELES conditions, the JLC holds annual Labor Pass- Katzir dedicated himself to the security of the ON THE OCCASION OF THE JLC’S over Seders and continues to work with labor State of Israel and the progress of mankind. In 75TH ANNIVERSARY and Jewish businesses to resolve disputes. addition to being a leading Israeli statesman, The JLC is also forming a new Ethnic Coali- President Katzir was a world-renowned bio- tion to address persistent labor issues. physicist, performing groundbreaking research HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD Under the auspices of Captive Daughters of in defense studies and the natural sciences. OF CALIFORNIA the Los Angeles Unity Coalition, the JLC’s After receiving his Ph.D. from the Hebrew Uni- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Western Region is using a grant to make labor versity of Jerusalem, Katzir went on to study Wednesday, June 3, 2009 aware of human trafficking, the fastest growing and teach at leading American universities, Ms. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD. Madam crime in America. The JLC will never forget such as Harvard, Columbia, and UCLA. He Speaker, I rise today to recognize the Jewish how quickly slave labor burgeoned in Europe then returned to Israel to lead the Department Labor Committee and the committee’s West- during World War II and remains committed to of Biophysics at the Weizmann Institute of ern Region, based in Los Angeles, California, its eradication. Science, and later became the chief scientist on the occasion of the national non-profit or- As an affiliate of the Labor Task Force for for the Israel Defense Forces. Katzir was ganization’s 75th anniversary of fighting to Universal Healthcare, the JLC’s Western Re- awarded the Israel Prize—the state’s highest protect the rights of working families in our gion is making headway on another crucial civilian honor—for his work in natural science, country. issue to workers—bringing health care reform and was the inaugural recipient of the Japan In 1934, the national Jewish Labor Com- to California and the nation. With state budget Prize for ‘‘original and outstanding achieve- mittee (JLC) formed on New York’s Lower cuts looming, the Jewish Public Affairs Com- ments in science’’ and ‘‘having advanced the East Side by a coalition of labor and Jewish mittee and the JLC’s Western Region are also frontiers of knowledge and served the cause groups that recognized that European Nazism lobbying state legislators on many other crit- of peace and prosperity for mankind.’’ He was threatened the rights of trade unionists and ical issues, including how budget cuts will af- also elected into the British Royal Society of Jews. That same year, the committee’s ‘‘West- fect our most vulnerable citizens who need in- London for the Improvement of Natural Knowl- ern Region’’ formed in Los Angeles. home health care to avoid being forced into edge, and in 1996 became the first Israeli in- With its funding drawn primarily from labor nursing homes and the need for fair wages for ducted into the American Academy of union members and the Jewish community, in-home health care givers. Sciences. VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:47 Sep 12, 2011 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E03JN9.000 E03JN9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD June 3, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 10 13881 In 1973, Ephraim Katzir answered Prime President Al Gore. Despite some initial skep- TRIBUTE TO MR. DAVE SALLENGS Minster Golda Meir’s call to serve as President ticism about a surgeon writing on other topics, of Israel. During the first year of his tenure, his books wove connections between every- HON. HAROLD ROGERS Israel was attacked by her Egyptian and Syr- thing from art and physics to human evolution OF KENTUCKY ian neighbors in the Yom Kippur War. Just in a highly creative and accessible style. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES four years later, President Katzir and Prime Wednesday, June 3, 2009 Minister Menachem Begin welcomed Egyptian Art & Physics (1990) was hailed as a vision- President Anwar El Sadat to Jerusalem, mak- ary exploration of the work of scientists and Mr.
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