\ \ I I / SAINT GERMAIN SERIES \ \ VOLUME 17 I / \ \ I I I I / / THE "I AM DISCOURSE\ \ \ \ I I I I I I / / / S 7lllM BELOVED MASTER JESUnS TH E CHRIS\\T I THROUGH\ LOTUS RAY KING I \ SAINT GERMAIN PRESS "I AM" ACTIVITY OF SAINT GERMAIN FOUNDATION The UI AM" Activity represents the Original, Permanent, and Highest Source of the Ascended Masters' Instruction on the Great Laws of Life, as first offered to the western world by the Ascended Master Saint Germain, through His Accredited Messengers, Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Ballard. In the early 1930s the Ballards established Saint Germain Foundation and Saint Germain Press, Inc., which under Saint Germain's Guidance, have expanded into worldwide organizations that offer to mankind the true Ascended Master Teachings on the Great Cosmic Words, "I AM"! Saint Germain Foundation strives to keep the "I AM" Ascended Master Instruction in Its pure, un- adulterated form, free from any human interpretation, personal monetary gain, or proselytizing, as It is a Gift from the Great Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings to bring Illumination and Perfection to mankind. Hundreds of "I AM" Temples and Sanctuaries exist throughout the world, where the Teachings are applied in "I AM" Decree Groups. The Books of the Saint Germain Series are available in many libraries, bookstores, or direcdy from Saint Germain Press (address below). For further information, please contact: SAINT GERMAIN FOUNDATION SAINT GERMAIN PRESS 1120 Stonehedge Drive Schaumburg, Illinois 60194 USA (847) 882-7400 or (800) 662-2800 www.saintgermainfoundation.org www.saintgermainpress.com © 1999 Saint Germain Foundation 1999 Printing Printed in the United States of America All rights reserved unconditionally throughout the world, including foreign translation. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means-graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by information storage and retrieval systems-without written permission of the publisher. O O O TRADEMARKS AND SERVICE MARKS OF SAINT GERMAIN FOUNDATION INCLUDE: The Ascended Masters Instruction on the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,"* The Ascended Masters' Instruction,SM "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence," * Daughters of Light,* Heart of Heaven,SM Honor Cross,* Honor Cross Design,* "I AM",* "I AM" Activity,* UI AM" Angels of Light,* MI AM" Ascended Master Youth,SM ttI AM" Ascended Master Youth Newsletter,* ttI AM" COME! * MI AM" Emblem,* MI AM" Music of the Spheres,* MI AM" Reading Room,* "I AM" Religious Activity,* "I AM" Religious Broadcast,* "I AM" Sanctuary,* UI AM" School,* MI AM" Student Body,* ttI AM" Study Groups,* "I AM" Temple,* aI AM" University,SM aI AM" Violet Flame,™ The Magic Presence,™ "Mighty I AM Presence,"SM Minute Men of Saint Germain,* Music of the Spheres,* Saint Germain,* Saint Germain's Pantry,SM Saint Germain Foundation,* Saint Germain Press, Inc.,* Shasta Springs,* Unfed Flame Design,* Violet Consuming Flame,* Violet Flame,* The Voice of the MI AM"* Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Jesus Christ (Spirit) The MI am" discourses / by Beloved Jesus through Lotus Ray King. p. cm. — (Saint Germain series ; v. 17) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 1-878891-73-1 1. I AM Religious Activity-Doctrines. I. King, Lotus Ray, 1886-1971. II. Title. III. Series. BP605.I18J47 1999 299'.93—dc21 98-088467 CIP CONTENTS DISCOURSE PAGE I July 10, 1950 Chicago, Illinois 1 II December 17, 1951 Chicago, Illinois 16 III December 18, 1951 Chicago, Illinois 27 IV December 30, 1951 Chicago, Illinois 37 V April 13, 1952 Santa Fe, New Mexico 53 VI September 3, 1952 Los Angeles, California 79 VII November 20, 1952 New York City, New York 92 VIII March 24, 1953 San Diego, California Ill IX April 5, 1953 Santa Fe, New Mexico 124 X February 7, 1954 Daytona Beach, Florida 141 XI August 22, 1954 Shasta Springs, California 156 XII May 10, 1956 Chicago, Illinois 169 v Vi CONTENTS XIII November 28, 1957 Santa Fe, New Mexico 180 XIV October 18, 1959 San Francisco, California 196 XV April 18, 1965 Long Beach, California 217 XVI May 27, 1965 Santa Fe, New Mexico 237 XVII May 19, 1966 Chicago, Illinois 256 XVIII August 21, 1966 Chicago, Illinois 271 XIX January 8, 1967 Chicago, Illinois 295 XX May 4, 1967 Chicago, Illinois 318 XXI June 26, 1967 Chicago, Illinois 338 XXII August 17, 1967 Shasta Springs, California 355 XXIII September 17, 1967 Shasta Springs, California 368 XXIV May 23, 1968 Chicago, Illinois 389 XXV November 3, 1968 Chicago, Illinois 406 DEDICATION his Series of Books is dedicated in deepest Eternal Love and Gratitude to our Beloved Ascended Masters Saint Germain, Jesus, Nada, the Great Divine Director, the Great White Brotherhood, the Brotherhood of the Royal Teton, the Brotherhood of Mount Shasta, the Great Ascended Masters from Venus, the Great Cosmic Beings, the Great Cosmic Light and those other Ascended Masters whose loving Help has been direct and without limit. To the Beloved Master Jesus, with all the gratitude we know how to express, do we offer this Volume of His Discourses from 1949 through 1968, in print for the first time. These Dictations were given before hundreds of UI AM" Students through the Beloved Messenger Mrs. G. W. Ballard, Beloved Lotus. As she thanked Him for His Words on May 4, 1967, she said: "Beloved Jesus, thank You for everything you have done for this world and for every Life Stream that has passed this way. May we stand by Your vii viii DEDICATION side, abide within Your Own Heart's Flame, and pour forth to this world whatever compels the Ascension for all, and as soon as possible." Record CD 1324 TRIBUTE he year 2000 marks the threshold of the third millenium, and the close of two thousand years since the Advent of Jesus the Christ. The Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain recognized that world event: "Down through the ages one Great Life Stream after another has come into embodiment in this world, and poured the Light and the Love that has lasted over a period of perhaps two thousand years, poured It to humanity, poured the Miracles, poured the Healing, poured the Assistance, poured the Il- lumination, and then, withdrawn and taken the Ascension." Record CD 1380; Cassette 60446 Beloved Jesus said December 5, 1932: "My choice of experience two thousand years ago, was to set the example which every individu- alization of God would and must sooner or later follow. ... At the time and after My Ascension, I saw the immensity of the Radiation I would be able to pour forth to my beloved brothers and sisters ix X TRIBUTE upon the Earth, from the sphere in which I had become fitted to dwell. I wish to say to you in all Truth: Every individual who will send his conscious thought to Me with the desire to be raised above the limitations of Earth or of his own creation and will live accordingly, will receive every Assistance from Me that is possible to be given, according to the steps of growth in consciousness which he at- tains from time to time." The "I AM" Discourses, Volume 3:222 On August 22, 1937 He said: "Remember! and I say this to the whole world: All of you who have loved Me, remember, Saint Germain has brought forth the continuation of that which I started two thousand years ago." The Voice of the "I AM," 41.12:8 And on Sept. 3, 1952: "As My work through the centuries, and especially through the last two thousand years, has gone on in Its ever-expanding Cosmic Action, I wish you to know and understand tonight that I am still guarding My Work of long ago! Therefore, 'I AM' the Guarding Presence of all who have sought Me and have sought the Light through Me. 'I AM' the Guardian also of the Beloved Saint Germain's Work TRIBUTE xi to set mankind Free! I am not going to see My Work fall into ruins, and His Work is not going to fall into ruins! "When I said, 'I AM' the Open Door that no man can shut! I meant that for Eternity would My Life's Flame stand as an Opening and as a Magnet to draw mankind into the Octave of the Ascended Host! . When I said, 'I AM' with you always! It was because I knew that I would stand and hold this Door Open-because no man can shut It!" Record SG 968; Cassette 60330 Beloved Sanat Kumara reminded us of Beloved Jesus' Great Attainments since His Ascension: w. as you remember the Words of the Master Jesus and you use them with a sincere Call to Him ... so shall you learn much, and become aware of the Mighty Gifts He can still bestow, and the Greater Height of Power to which He has attained since the morning of His Resurrection and the Moment of His Ascension. For two thousand years He has gone on in the ever-expanding Glory of His Cosmic Service to Life, ever increasing the Power of His Activities of the Sacred Fire and His Love to the Earth." The Voice of the "I AM/' 76.4:16-17 DISCOURSE I July 10, 1950 Chicago, Illinois Cassette 65091 Beloved of the Light, let Us enter in tonight, deeper and deeper, into the true understanding in the feeling world of all that the Cosmic Christ means to you. When I say the Cosmic Christ, I mean that "Mighty Presence" of the "I AM" in the Physical Sun and the Great Central Sun and in those Great Beings who minister to this whole system of worlds.
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