■ ' ■ ■ - y ■i"/? j’ •.■ • I*" ', I -ii. C' /v{ ■ '# 1 % 8 S C T T tRURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28» IW l r^-Ks*:'- . , Artngp Dally Nat Preas Run Sttrafhg V«rail!i Tha Waathar For Week Baded Bepmiber U , 1961 Fereeaet el U. B WgatiMr Wia gaa Mia*. L m Uo . Cwolya Brown, Our t*dy of Hoj^ Mothers Cir- The Women's Bsnaflt 'Associa­ A b l» H T o w n tUuchtcr of Mr. and Mrg. Sidney eio will hUd its first fall meeting tion Guard Club will meet tomor­ 13,365 Fair, cool tonight, aeattered Alfred Brown, U Coburn R4-, and tonight at T:80 at the home of Mre. row at'S pjn. at tbs boms of Mrs. front likely. Low In SO*. Hatarday, Mice Ariync M. Oarrity, d au i^ r Steven Sutton, 7 Hackmatack St. Irens White, S3 Pine St. HMobeg ti the Aadlt M n Vseniy uid^naoott Wads- I^ k Free, Rear Of Storo fair, wewnei'. High 68 to 7S. Kth, both o f >EDichMter, arc ett- o f Atty. and M n . Harold Ganity, There w ill be a poUuck before the Bareaa ef draolattoB Dad aa atudcnta at the Unlvercity 141 Pitkin St,, are both enrolled meeting. Guest caller for the Manchester Mqnehe$ter~-^A CUy o f VUlage Charm In Orono. Re freshmen at Bmcraon College, Square Dance Club Saturday eve­ Boston, Mass. A t a ^ recorded ie m o n by the ning will be Joe Casey of Dover, BlngUeh evangellet Harry Bell wiU N. H.^He la ragulsr caller for the tOL. LXXX, NO. 806 (TWENTY-FOtlj^ PACES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN^, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1961 (OlaasUted Advertlttaig ee Page 82) PRICE FIVE CENTS Members of the Disabled Ameri* be'heard tonight at 7:30 at the Sal­ Down East Westerners of Klttery, PersOH|il N otici^ can Veterana Aiudliary last night vation Arm y church building. The Maine, and the Quid Town Squares entertained Gold Star Mothere of kiermon ia baaed op the Book of o f Newbury, Maas. The dance, Tolland at a ppUuck party at the RevelaUon. The public la invited. open to all club members in the Goes All Out With their Cites State Taxes In Memoiinm home of Mrc. George Caldw.ell In area, 'Will stait at A at the Waddell State News . lerlnc m m err of H»l»o Kanfhl Tollend. Coraagea and gifts were I- A rummage sale will be spon­ School. Refreshments will be ■iSl<lUt, who pCMod «ir>r Sopteoiber 3t. presented to four Gold Star-njoth- sored by the Covenant Women’s served. im. ere, Mrs. Luov Gaudino, Mrc. Mar. Guild Saturday from 9 a.m.' to noon Wc had a daushter. w|{o and motW ion Lawton, Mis. Cora Blow, and at the Community T aa a benefit Roundup wnh a heart of (old Six Soroptimists Syria Cuts Links with U AR; Mrs. Caldwell. Wbo-m«aid more to ua than iraalth un­ for the building fund o f Covenant told. Congregational Church. Mlse Elsie Phone Co. Asks Ood took her hand, we had to part Dr. - Douglas Humbert Smith of Johnson is general chairman. To Attend Parley With the dear one we lored wHh all our End Of Month Specials hearta. Manchester was among 33 Hart­ ford County physicians granted The' first fall meeting of Our Six members of the Manchester Blast Levels Bar memor;' la our keepsake with Soroptimist Club will attend the arhich we’ll never part. full membership in the Hartford Lady of Victory Mothers Circle Ood haa her in hit keeping, we have County Medical Association at its will be held Monday at 8 p.m. at fall conference of the Northeaet Increases Gas Station her in our hearta. I semi-annual meeting yesterday at the home o f Mrs. Ronald Herrick, Region of Soroptimist Clubs In 12 Pound niter-FIo Automatic Hay her aoul rest in -peace. the High Meadow Recreation Cen­ 81 Spring St.. Windsor Locks. A Stockbridge, Msss., tomorrow Nasser Calls Off Invasion dtemerabered alaraya by her ter in, Granby. Dr. Raymond A. potluck will be served. through Monday. New Haven, Sept. 29 (JP)— t H w mpeoiiivtUe and WIndeor Locke Berlin, Sept. 29 (ff>— A Mill Bother, hueband and family. They are Mrs. Alice Ciampet, —^would be hit wMh sllgliUy Mgher Weitzel of Manchester has applied The Southern New England Street gasoline station blew for provisional membership. The South School staff .will hold Mrs. Charles Hubert, Mrs. Beth taioresses because of what SNEHCO Card of Thanks Washer Telephone Co, (SNETCo) to­ up with a flashing roar last its annual coffee hour for parents Cook. Mrs. Hooka Johnston, Mrs. called the unueuaJly rapid growth We ariah to thank our many friends day applied for a rate in­ o f the munber o f telephones in for their Unjlness and aympathv, The executive board of the tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. A fter the Mildred Waslcy and Mrs. Clarence night that .demolished the floral and apirltual bouquets. cars, Ladies of the Assumption -will social period, a color film strip McCarthy. a Washes 12 Ibsi. crease it said would . .provide theee local-caUing areas. building and sent five persons drivera. raeaaages and raiious cour- meet tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. in the based on “ Your C3iild's Intelli­ The conference will be held at an additional $11.9 million in On the other hand, the company Egyptian Paratroops tealea during our recent bereavement. to New Britain General Hos­ A. rrank Wachey and family. Church of the Assumption Hall. gence.” will be showm. the Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge. ' truly dean said the propoeed increasee “will annual revenue. be offset completely or In part by pital. Uncontrolled flames The Inereaae would mean higher reductimie in zone charges for 43,- swept the wreckage. ehargeg for home and buaineaa 000 customers living in outlying Three walls of the building were a Fully automatic telephone aervlce and extenalon 2 areas wMch in recent years have blown out, collapsing the roof. The Reported Wiped Out telephonea. It alao would boost Ini­ become more heavUy settled.” force of the explosion tossed a tial-period and overtime rates for SNETCo has an estimated 771,- some toll calls within the state. large steel girder 20 feet from the 500 customeris ki the state. buUdtog. • 3 load selections The company’s announcement By WEBB M oKD ^T I f approved by the PUC, the here, made as Its application was - The two persona Injured to the new rates would increase the com­ Beirut, Lebanon, Sept. 29 (/P)— Syria reasserted its inde­ Large 10-12 Ib^ being filed with the State Public explosion were Arthur Couture. 28, Utilities COmtnUaion In Hartford, pany's total revenues by leee than of 620 Broad St., Forestirllle, own­ pendence today after less than four years as a region of the Medium 6-10 lbs. said the Increases we..> needed "to 8 per cent, according to Roger VV. er of the station, and Robert Au- United Arab Republic and .set up a new civilian government help offset continuing inflation Hartt, revenues vice president guer, 24. North Main St„ Bristol, supported by rebel army officers. Small under 6 lbs. and pay an increase in state taxes "Increases are needed to help hia assistant. offset cMHitinuing inflation and pay ■Firemen said one of them was President Gamal Abdel Nasser of the U AR bowed to the that will amount to almost $5 mil­ revolutionary command which led the predawn uprising yes­ lion next year alone.” an Increase in state taxes that 'will found dazed In the station drive­ amount to almost 86 milUon next way after being blown'through a terday. 0 Can be install^ The Announcement did not pre­ sent precise monthly figures but year alone,” Hartt said. plate glass ^ v ^ d o w . The other, He announced that he had recalled troc^, planes and war­ The they said, w M found wandering to said the increases would amount to “ Meeting these needs,” Hart ships sent to crush the revolt, and indicated he would leave like a built-in a daze on an adjacent highway. one to two cents daily for most sold, “will gi-ve us the flncmcial to the Syrians the task of working out their future. home telephone eervlco and up to resources we need to keep pace They did not say which was which, The Pinehurst man is in love with hii- five cents a day for business tele­ with the growing demands of Con­ however. “The regime of tyranny has gone forever,” said Damascus gtore phones. The Increase for extension necticut people for more and better Couture and Auger were hos­ broadcasts proclaiming independence from Cairo, accusing His business is dear to his heart telephones would be 2S cents a telephone service.” pitalized with second degree burns Nasser of turning Syria into a prison and disputing his claim DEUVeRGD^NSTALLeD^SERVICED->DCMON5mATED month. Rises in the cost o f living, Hartt but neither was placed on the critl He’s fond of his fixtures but cherishes cal list. to Arab leadership. Chargee would go up for private pointed out, have far outdistanced Speaking to tf. crowd of 100,OOQ. in Cairo, Nasser said the more branch exchange and pucOibUUon telephone rates. “ Even with the Two members o f the Kensington The lady who’s pushing the cart. telephone eyeteme and for mls- proposed revisions,” he said, Volunteer’ Fire Department, Wes­ entire Egyptian Navy, A ir Force and two Army regiments Just Weekly Or Monthly ley Root and W alter Pajor were His prices he knows are the lowest in NO MONEY oelleneoue buBinees qulpment and “ Connecticut telephone rates will were sent to Syria yesterday, but were recalled to avoid blood­ injured by a lashing fire hose.
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