LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL // 1 Contents Part One: LONG TERM PLAN OVERVIEW 4 Part Five: FUNDING IMPACT STATEMENT 166 Setting the Scene 5 Part A: Sources of Rates Income 168 Our Vision 7 Part B: Summary of Rating Requirements 169 Our Strategic Framework (How we work) 9 Part C: Rates Statement for 2021/22 172 Strategic Priority Areas 11 Part D: Sample Rating Impacts on Properties 183 The Big Issues 19 Part E: Rating Base Information 184 Choices 20 Part F: Schedule of Fees and Charges 185 The Basics 21 High Level Work Programme 23 Part Six: IMPORTANT INFORMATION 199 Infrastructure Strategy 201 Part Two: POLICIES 25 Variations to Water & Sanitary Services Assessment 236 Significance & Engagement Policy 27 Variations to Waste Management & Minimisation Plan 244 Treasury Policy 32 Council Controlled Organisation 245 Revenue & Financing Policy 41 Exercising Partnership – Council, Tangata Whenua, Mana Whenua 246 Rating Policy 55 Rate Remission & Postponement Policies 57 Available Separately (Development Contributions Policy) Statement of Accounting Policies 69 Part Three: GROUPS OF ACTIVITIES 82 The Things Council Provides 84 Groups of Activities 85 Water Services 87 Roads & Footpaths 98 Safe, Healthy & Liveable Communities 104 Economic & Community Development 112 Governance & Support Services 117 Part Four: FINANCE 121 Finance 122 Financial Strategy 133 Prospective Financial Statements 144 Mandatory Financial Disclosure Statement 161 2 // HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL // 3 Part One: LONG TERM PLAN OVERVIEW 4 // HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 Setting the Scene LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL // 5 6 // HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 Our Vision LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL // 7 8 // HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 Our Strategic Framework (How we work) LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL // 9 10 // HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 Strategic Priority Areas LONG TERM PLAN 2018-2028 HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL // 11 12 // HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL // 13 14 // HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL // 15 16 // HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL // 17 18 // HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 The Big Issues LONG TERM PLAN 2018-2028 HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL // 19 Choices 20 // HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 The Basics LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL // 21 LONG TERM PLAN 2018-2028 HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL // 22 High Level Work Programme LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL // 23 24 // HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 Part Two: POLICIES LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL // 25 Policies This part of the plan outlines the key policies which underpin the Long Term Plan. These policies are unchanged from the 2018 plan, apart from some improvements for clarity and a minor update to Council’s Revenue and Financing Policy, along with a change to the (rate to income ratio) within the Treasury Policy. A completed part of the iWay Walking and Cycling network. 26 // HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 In addition, the following types of decisions will be deemed to be significant if they are not Significance & Engagement Policy already explicitly provided for in the Council's long term plan and have been specifically consulted on as part of the long term plan consultation document: Any decision to transfer ownership or control, or dispose o,f or abandon, a strategic asset; 1.0 Purpose of Policy A decision to significantly alter the intended service level for any significant activity. (B) Criteria for other decisions The purpose of this policy is to set out the Council's approach to determining the significance of matters on which it makes decisions, and to broadly guide the engagement In determining the level of significance for any other issue, proposal, decision or other matter approach and decision making to be undertaken, proportionate to the significance of the under this policy, Council will be guided by the following criteria: issue. The number of people affected; The extent of the consequence; 2.0 Determining the Degree of Significance The financial implications for the Council’s overall resources; Significance is a continuum ranging from very low degrees of significance (not important) to very high degrees of significance (very important or critical). The level of public interest; Where a decision has a high degree of significance, it will be ‘significant'. The level of Reversibility, how easily a decision can be undone; and significance of a decision, including whether or not it is significant, will influence the The consistency of the matter with existing Council policy, plans and documents. approach the Council undertakes in engaging with the community and obtaining community views. Each of these criteria will be assessed to form a general understanding of the degree of significance and importance of the decision. A single criterion in isolation is not necessarily Certain types of decisions will be deemed to be significant. For all other decisions, the determinative of significance. Council will determine significance based on a number of criteria. These deemed decisions and criteria are described in the following sections. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE (A) Deemed significant decisions Not of Significance Moderate Significance High Degree of Significance A decision will be deemed significant if it exceeds either of the following thresholds: It incurs operational expenditure exceeding 5.0% of the Council’s consolidated annual operating budget for that year. Incurs new capital expenditure on any one proposal in the first three years of the Council’s plan, exceeding 10% of Council’s consolidated annual capital budget for that year. LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL // 27 3.0 Linking Decision Making and Engagement From time to time, Council may decide that it is not appropriate to carry out any form of engagement. For instance, a decision may have a low level of significance, or the Council may The degree of significance of the decision will guide the Council as to the approach it takes already be sufficiently informed about the views and preferences of interested and affected in making the decision and obtaining views of interested and affected parties in respect to parties. Also, it may be inappropriate to undertake engagement where, in the opinion of the the decision. Council, failure to make a decision urgently would result in unreasonable or significant damage Proposals which are assessed at the higher end of the continuum of significance will require to property, or risk to people’s health and safety, or the loss of a substantial opportunity to a more in-depth decision making process e.g. more in-depth analysis and if necessary a achieve the Council’s Community Outcomes identified in the Long Term Plan. greater level of engagement and opportunity for the community to put forward their views. The type of engagement undertaken will be proportionate to the significance of the matter 4.0 Process for Significant Decisions and will be tailored to the number of affected residents. The spectrum ranges from at one For significant matters (which do not require the use of the Special Consultative Procedure end providing information and at the other full participation. The judgement as to what under legislation) the Council will broadly undertake the following steps: approach will be taken will be made on a case by case basis by the Council. Obtain where practical preliminary community views prior to formulating a proposal for The Council will use the special consultative procedure, or consult in accordance with, or formal feedback; using a process or a manner that gives effect to, the requirements of section 82 of the Local Government Act 2002, when it is required to do so by legislation. These circumstances are Undertake targeted engagement where directly affected parties are identified; listed in Appendix C. Put in appropriate processes to hear community views; and In all other cases, the Council will have regard to the level of participation spectrum below to Inform the affected community of the decision. determine its engagement approach and will: Recognise that different levels of participation are appropriate for different issues and 5.0 Engagement with Māori different members of the community; For significant matters relevant to Māori, Council will actively consider early engagement with Consider which level(s) of participation to use, on a case-by-case basis; Māori in the development of appropriate plans and policies. For matters that are not Make it clear which levels of participation will be used and why; significant, Council will maintain decision-making processes to provide opportunities for Māori to contribute. Seek the appropriate degree of community input; and Significant decisions in relation to land or a body of water must take into account the Use the level of 'inform' as a minimum standard in all our consultations. relationship of Māori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral land, water, sites, waahi tapu, valued flora and fauna, and other taonga. LEVEL OF PARTICIPATION Inform Consult Participate Increasing involvement by affected and interested parties in and impact on decision-making. See Appendix (A) for a broad list of the types of engagement methods, and the likely circumstances in which they will be used. See Appendix B for a list of recent engagement examples. 28 // HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL LONG TERM PLAN 2021-2031 6.0 Procedures to Ensure Compliance 9.0 Strategic Assets All reports by officers to Council seeking a decision will include a statement addressing the The Hastings District Council owns a number of assets and assets managed ‘as a whole’ that it issue of significance.
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