Fall 2009 Volume 33 Issue 3 Progress Notes Newsletter of The Society of Pediatric Psychology, Division 54, American Psychological Association The President’s Message y final column as SPP president highlights of SPP financial support two projects that are consistent with APA’s for institutions hosting M goal of membership services and benefits. conferences, the struc- These projects focus on enhancing communication ture of conferences, and among members via the website and conferences, and guidelines on joint pro- are based, in part, on the responses you provided to the gramming by the SPP Membership Survey (see Christine Chambers’ column Board and the host site summarizing the survey on page 6). While these proj- will be discussed. ects will be initiated this year, their development and The information you implementation will continue under the strong leader- provided to the Board Kathleen Lemanek, Ph.D. ship of your next president, Dan Clay. in these surveys will be SPP President invaluable in ensuring Membership Directory, Database, and Website the presence of future conferences. Regional confer- Redesign ences will likely continue to be run by local organiza- In June, SPP signed a contract with Teraeon Consult- tions, such as medical centers and universities. As in ing Corporation to assist in redesigning our member- the past, SPP will offer financial support in the form of ship directory, database, and website. Some aspects loans to these organizations. However, these organiza- of the website will remain, such as news, announce- tions will continue to maintain control over the actual ments, and access to documents. In addition, the web- planning and running of the regional conferences. The site will house the membership directory, which will decision to combine national and regional conferences list contact information and biographical information may need to be reserved for future discussions once of those members who choose to participate. However, the national conference strategic plan has been devel- the website will also offer new features, functions, and oped and implemented for a period of time. The Board links. For example, the website will now offer mem- will solicit input from members as to the effectiveness bership signup and dues renewal capabilities. Another of the strategic plan. service provided by Tereaon will be to convert our I would like to acknowledge the efforts of SPP outdated membership database to one that can inte- Program Chair Avani Modi and Co-chair Amy Baugh- grate with the website on specific sections and provide cum for assembling a quality program at the 2009 APA officers and members easy tabulation of membership convention and for managing it with ease. I would also demographics data. A committee has been formed to like to thank Kristen Robinson and other SAB mem- provide Teraeon input on these structural and func- bers for organizing the hospitality suite program with tional changes. Incoming Progress Notes Associate Edi- diverse topics that appealed to both students and pro- tor Heather Lehmkuhl will assist in the redesign and fessionals. Finally, I want to express my appreciation oversee the website’s quality. to the SPP Board and to the SPP administrative officer, Karen Roberts, for their support and commitment to National Conferences SPP ac- The second project centers on developing a stra- tivities. tegic plan to organize future national conferences. It was a INSIDE The Board reviewed the feedback received from the pleasure Membership Survey, as well as a conference survey serving 2 SPP’s 40th Anniversary— conducted with a stratified sample of SPP members as your A History of People and Events led by Gerard Benez, member-at-large for regional and presi- 4 On the Student Front national conferences. SPP Members’ disappointment dent and 6 Committee Reports in the lack of a 2010 national conference was evident, I thank as were the challenges faced by many members in you 7 JPP Update attending past conferences. This information led to the for the 8 Opportunities and formation of a committee to develop a plan for future opportu- Announcements national conferences. Issues regarding the possibility nity. 10 Call for Nominations SPP’s 40th Anniversary Progress Notes is published three times each year by the People and Events Society of Pediatric Psychol- in the History of the Society of Pediatric Psychology ogy, Division 54, American Psychological Association. s we celebrate 40 years of the Society of Pediatric Psychology, members of the A SPP History Committee take a quick look at significant events in history with Newsletter Editor short essays. – Michael C. Roberts, SPP Historian Ric G. Steele, Ph.D. Clinical Child I learned that, although I prepared a talk and somehow Psychology Program managed to lead whatever meeting I was supposed to University of Kansas lead, I neglected one all-important thing: that those who 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, would be attending the social hour would need to be Room 2011 fed (I swear this wasn’t in the SPP bylaws). That’s what Lawrence, KS 66045-7555 [email protected] happens when a kid gets elected president.” Carolyn Schroeder and Phyllis Magrab were in at- Associate Editor tendance and understandably disturbed that there was Christine T. Chambers, Ph.D. no food. Being proactive problem solvers, they checked Departments of Pediatrics their available cash, stormed the hotel kitchen waving and Psychology $50 bills, and returned penniless, but with bowls of Dalhousie University peanuts and pretzels!! So now you know why there are and IWK Health Centre ALWAYS lovely hors d’oeuvres at SPP social hours. 5850/5980 University Ave. PO Box 9700 Halifax, Nova Scotia The Founders of the Society of Pediatric Psychology Founding of the Journal of Pediatric Psychology: B3K 6R8 Canada By Donald K. Routh, Ph.D. Newsletter to Journal [email protected] By Diane J. Willis, Ph.D. he three people who founded the Society of Pedi- uring the earliest era of SPP’s development, Gail Administrative Officer T atric Psychology in 1969 were Logan Wright, Lee Database Manager Salk, and Dorothea Ross. Wright, working at the Uni- D Gardner and Allan Barclay served as editors of the Karen Roberts versity of Oklahoma Health Center, first introduced the newsletter entitled Pediatric Psychology. Diane Willis PO Box 3968 concept of pediatric psychology. During his career, he was appointed associate editor of the newsletter in 1972 Lawrence, KS 66046 served as the president of the American Psychological and then editor in 1973 by SPP president, Art Wiens, [email protected] Association and was able to advocate several, perhaps when Barclay resigned as co-editor. By 1975, the great- contradictory views within organized psychology: the ly expanded newsletter was flourishing with an over- Newsletter Design, importance of professional activities, the need for au- abundance of submissions. Because of the growing size Editing, and Production and quality of the publication, the SPP Board decided to Firefly Communications tonomy for scientific psychology, and the legitimacy develop the newsletter into a journal. In 1976, the first & Design, LLC of practice by people with masters’ degrees in the field. Iowa City, Iowa Lee Salk, author of the best-selling book, What Every journal issues were published by Founding Editor Di- [email protected] Child Would Want his Parents to Know, advocated ane Willis on topical themes such as “Enuresis and En- common-sense approaches to clinical work despite be- copresis,” “Child Abuse and Neglect,” and “Child Neu- Newsletter Deadline ing surrounded during his training and career by many ropsychology.” When Willis was elected President of Articles for the next a doctrinaire psychoanalyst. Dorothea Ross engaged in SPP in 1976, she stepped down as editor and Donald K. newsletter are due before a large body of NIH-funded research and wrote articles Routh was January 1, 2010. Please send and books relevant to pediatric psychology on such top- appointed your submission to incoming in her newsletter editor, David ics as children’s aggressive behavior, special education, place. The Janicke at djanicke@phhp. pain management, and hyperactivity. ufl.edu. journal has Social Hours and the Dry Snack Incident flourished By Carolyn S. Schroeder, Ph.D. and Dennis Drotar, from these Ph.D. beginnings and the round 1980, the SPP Board decided to demon- Newsletter A strate that the society was well established by was revived hosting a social hour at the APA Convention. As SPP in 1980 president, it was Dennis Drotar’s responsibility to or- under the ganize and host the gala event, “Picture me, a newly editorship elected president of the prestigious Society of Pediatric of Michael Psychology. At the Los Angeles Convention, however, Roberts. 2 Progress Notes Journal of Pediatric Psychology and Publish- Regional and National Conferences ing Contracts By Sue White, Ph.D. and Terry Stancin, By Ronald T. Brown, Ph.D. Ph.D. he early Newsletter and Journal (1976- hile enjoying the SPP Social Hour at T 1978) were self-published with private W the 1986 APA Convention in Wash- printers. Starting in 1979, JPP began a long ington, D.C., several SPP members (Denny and productive relationship with Plenum Drotar, Terry Stancin, Helen Cleminshaw, Sue Publishing Corporation when the publisher White) began discussing the idea of regional rescued SPP from its severe financial woes. conferences as a means of improving network- This relationship was sustained for over two ing and collaboration, and providing a venue decades as JPP grew in prestige under the for students to meet established SPP members excellent editorships of Diane J. Willis, Don- and present research in a supportive atmo- ald Routh, Gerald Koocher, Michael Roberts, sphere. The first SPP Regional Conference and Annette La Greca. Under La Greca’s was held in Cleveland in 1987. The format editorship, JPP went from four issues per included pre-meeting practice-oriented work- year to six issues per year.
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