THE Letters to the Editor CRESCIT OF GAMMA PHI BETA Letter To The Editor I enjoy reading The Crescent, however, I thought the last issue was EDITOR Ueborali I lidde Borak supposed to come out on tlie first of the month. Also, I mailed in two International Headquarters Beta Gamma chapter pictures and I was sure that the pictures of our rite Crescent&gammaphibeta. org hardworking girls would make it in the next issue. Unfortunately, ALUMNAE/ Kristyn Wiggin Goiberg the pictures were not put in and I was very disappointed. I thought COLLEGIATE 2314 Stone Creek Ln. West that to Gamma Phi Beta events or our NEWS EDITOR Chanhassen, MN 55317 anything pertained philan [email protected] thropy that was received by the deadline would make it into the next issue. Can let me know GRAPHIC ARTIST lodv Toth you why? Sincerely in IIKE, INTERNATIONAL 12737 E. Euclid Drive I. Wilbur *^lk: HEADQUARTERS Englewood, CO 801 1 1 Amy Phone: 303-799-1874 Fax: 303-799-1876 January, April, July and October 1st are the deadline datesfor copy arid photos to be [email protected] received in orderfor them to be consideredfor the corresponding issue ofthe magazine. The magazine is sent to all members approximately three months after the deadline date. The photos you submitted to The Crescent were received. But, because our Sorority has over "v-^* 1 00 Greek-letter and 200 Alumnae and Crescent it is to Helen M. Dodge Ferguson chapters chapters Circles, impossible The Crescent luorks to obtain a mix and in trances E. Haven Moss print every photo. staff good ofcopy photos every issue. We include Member News and include some the E. Adeline Curtis from every chapter of many photos that submit materials. To be considered, must be Maiy A. Bingham from different chapters photos originals, Willoughby focused and appropriate to the publication. From the Editor's Desk INTERNATIONAL Vicki Carlson Read is inevitable, a machine"�author unkno\'VTi PRESIDENT Alpha Epsilon-University "Change exceptfrom vending nf.A rizona : 1 love this quote and it is so appropriate for this issue. While many issues focus on the ALUMNAE Barbara Hurt-Simmons accomplishments our organization has attained, and there are still some of those, this issue VICE PRESIDENT Gamma Kappa-University focuses on that are ofNebraska-Kearney mainly changes taking place. A change in leadership as our new International Council begins leading our Sorority. A COLLEGIATE Barbara L. Chadwick new Consultant team that is ready to assist chapters. We have the highlights of the Sorority's VICE PRESIDENT .Mpha Theta-Vanderbilt 69th biennial Convention and now we to for the 70th Convention in Universit},' change begin planning 2002 in DC. We the search for women interested in FINANCIAL loanne Callis Roman June Washington, begin outstanding VICE PRESIDENT Alpha Thela-Vanderbdt applying for the Sorority Executive Director position as a result of Alison Maguire's resigna University tion. And, as always in the fall issue, we pro\'ide new information pertinent to the start of MEMBER-AT-LARGE { lorinne Yvette Martinez another school year. Eta-University of This is an time for all Gamma Phi Beta members. live in the DC California-Berkeley I exciting Ifyou Washington area, want to volunteer to with the next Convention. are a in MEMBERSHIP Lliane Soderstrom GoU you may help Ifyou collegian VICE PRESIDENT Xi~University ofIdaho your senior year, you may decide to apply to be a Consultant next year. And, for those NPC DELEGATE Elizabeth .'Ahlemeyer Quick members looking for a change in your professional life, yott may be interested in becoming Beta Ptii-Indiana University the next Sorority' Executive Director. Although change can be difficult for some people, it is IH EXECUTIVE Open Position inevitable. It's how you deal with change that's most important. DIRECTOR l,�Jjaj.lAl UIJ.ifJMJci Gamma Phi Beta (USPS 137-620). The Crescent is published Address or Name Change Call (303) 799-1874 or 'E-mail quarterly tn Faii. Winter, Spring and Summer by Gamma Phi Beta Address(!'^gamrnaphibeta.org Inc Fax:(303)799-1876 Sorority, , 12737 E. Euclid D-ive, Englewood, CO 80111-6445. Subscription price is $6.00. Proouced in tiie U.S.A. by Maury Boyd Crescent Classics Call Fax or and Associates Periodicals postage at Engiewooc, CO 1-800-453-5344, 1-714-44M029, and additiona mailing offices. E-mail: rightcontn(B>aolcom Copyrigiit 20CO, Gamma Piii Beta Sorority. First Tennessee Bank Call 1-800-234-2840 or visit Postmaster: Send address ciianges to lt]e Crescenf, Gamma Phi www.flbaffitiity.com Bela Sorority, 12737 E. Euclid Drr�e, Englewood, CO 80111-6445. Gamma Phi Beta Credit Card Printed in the U.S. A, Gamma Phi Personal Planners Call (303) 799-1874, ext 319 Subscribers: Send changes of address, notices of marriages and deaths lo Gamma Phi Beta Sororily, 12737 E, Euciid Drive, Engle National Card Call 1-800-628-8234 or visit wood, CO 8011 1-6445, Phone: 303-799-1874, Fax: 303-799-1876. CoUegiate Calling www.nationalcollegiate.com. SisterLink, Career & Call (303) 799-1874 or Networking Service E-tnail [email protected] Volunteer Opportunities E-mail [email protected] Member of tiie College Fraternity Editors Association Fall 2000 � THE CRESCENT � wwtv.gammaphibeta.org Bits & Pieces Upcoming Cresent Features Authors � Have you authored a book? Politicians �Do you hold an office at (IMTSVolume the local, state or national level? loo. No. 4 Sports �Are you a professional athlete? Did you compete in the Ol^Tupics or make it to the Olympic Trials? 4 Ideas on Issue: There's No Place Like Home Cool Jobs � What special job or career do you have? By Joanne Callis Roman, Financial Vice President Send your stor\' including your name and initiating chapter to The Crescent 12 International Leaders Editor, Gamma Phi Beta International Meet the 2000-2002 International Council Headquarters, 1 2737 E. Euclid Drive, Englewood, CO 80111, oryoucan e-mail information to thecrescent@ 12 New Official Jeweler Legacy your gammaphibeta.org. Photos are always appreciated and should be originals�no Feature: Home From Home 14 Away electronic photos accepted. 20 Convention 2000 Highlights Your Award-Winning Magazine A collegian's perspective of Convention The Crescent ofGamma Phi Beta received two awards at the College Frater 26 The Life of a Gamma Phi Beta Consultant nity' Editor's Association (CFEA) Confer ence in Palm Springs, CJ\. CFEA. brings Meet the new CLCs and MDC together editors and designers from both fraternity and sorority headquarters publications. On The Cover I'ormer International President L'Cena Brunskill Rice hitched a ride out of the welcome dinner at Convention 2000 on a live Texas steer. The steer was provided by the Convention Committee to give attendees a taste of Texas, as well as a photo opportunity. Good-bye, Alison Alison Webster Maguire, Sorority Executive Director recently resigned to return to Southern California to pursue an exciting new career opportunity and to plan for her upcoming wedding. Under Alison's stewardship for nvo and a half years, Gamma 2nd Place� Innovative Handling of Phi Beta accomplished much, including the development of a Routine Information long-range strategic plan, reorganization of the International Convention Coverage in the Fall '99 and Headquarters, and refinement of the Sororir\''s financial Winter '00 issues, Editor: Deborah Borak, management. Alison also served as an outstanding representative Designers: Susan Reeves and Jody Toth. of Gamma Phi Beta in the fraternal world. Alison and her staff worked tirelessly to help Gamma Phi Beta celebrate 125 years of 2nd Place�News Article sisterhood, culminating in an outstanding International Conven "The Hidden Faces of Growth," Given by tion in Houston, Texas this summer. die National Interfraternity Foundation International Council appreciated her hard work, vision and devotion in taking our (NIF) Writer: Vicki Read, Editor: Headquarters to the next level of professionalism. She will be missed. Deborah Borak. A search committee has been formed and will begin reviewing resumes December 1, 2000. Ifyou are interested in applying, please review the Job Opportunity paragraph on page 25. Fall 2000 � THE CRESCENT � wntvTv.gammaphibeta.org 3 Ideas on Issues There's No Place Like Home. .. a Gamma Phi Beta home. By Joanne Callis Roman, Financial Vice President about the basement office? Have summer, we went on a family trip they Lastto visit colleges with our 17-year-old changed the furniture in our suite? Where does the hold its meet son. Because of my work with so many chapter chapter What to the on the Gamma Phi chapters across the United ings? happened graffiti States and Canada, I think that I was more telephone booth wall? When can we come back and visit? which includes excited about this trip than he was! So my concerns, security issues, builds fire and care of first request to the fctmily each time we Gathering together community safety, aging properties and is an of the Greek inside and out. the facilities arrived on a new campus (after the \isit to important part Updating the Admissions Office) was "Let's find the experience. Our strategic plan highlighted with Internet access is crucial for our Gamma Phi Beta house!". Or "Let's drive that for us in the survey answers that facilities to remain competitive with cam came back from alumnae and dormitories. and by the sorority houses" . The reaction was collegians, pus Hiring training qual always, "Ah, Mom, not again" and "Do parents. Friendships, sisterhood, lifelong ified house directors is a recurring task. Prudent fiscal has you have to take another picture of a friendships, communication, living management always Gamma Phi Beta house?" together, personal development, leader been a goal and a challenge.
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