ritmiti NEW YORK. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 188!. PRICE FOUR CENTS. ?«*??..?·?2.?? » iih nil «lue respect that fia« taken to bring Il 1« about beariiiL' whatever on the point ; »ml is graph« stete« he already «tepe AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Hi· (fot moro than ho wanted ycaterdny. lethoOwn I donoi think thai gnOaartia haeeweew WHAf DOING ABROAD. the «ublect of protection for submarine cable« beforo tho DEFENCE. timo for Corichili to get. nick ami *tny «lek." a<llr,lt it." , .. i.i The Timtâ the ooru- THE to inter¬ District-Attorney asked tlio witness whether IRISH proper Imperirtl ftracMonarlo*. eaya THE NEW ATTORNEY-GENERAL. DESTROYING Tho DiHtrict Attorn« y Mated tbat he deairod The ever million LAM'LOItIM ÏHSAlïIlKF.INf*. much to for the, lier sssselstji n with the prisoner »he had pante* have ? right to esk pro'ection, and It I« [BY TKLKiiRAril TO T1IB TKIIIl'VK.i a' atnst GUITBAU. rupt thoo.roNa-cxntuinution of Odierni Reynoida anv a'd lier wa«. " I never did·' Dnu.iv, Dee. If·..OwiiiK to a eontrovcrsy be nastrasi that the needful poifeetive leiiteUUon ehould p???t tmitvimi utasulty, rep!» " Doc. nomination of NO PHYSICAL to the atund QOerga I). Barnard, The I >i»ti «aid to Mr. Meovllle: roil may amon« the Undlorda in to their be taken an a enmmon work by all countries. WA8'fiy<¡Tov, ?ß.-The HM>S present, nini called let-Attorney" ragafi promised ?G???? HAMILTON fountv. ,, for In¬ Benjamin Harria Hrawatrr for il J)U ??.'AM roanm deputy-clerk of the. Hiipreiue Court of Kinira tiike the witness , ¦eetJagteexpraw ndlgaattea at the working of the The Marquis of ITartln-rton, Secretary of filate Attorney-Goner indications of ijWA*mr-eon*AO'· in the cuno "Tlnnk voiLMr-Corklini/'satdthepriHiMiclrfmlcillT; ? to BOs for was sent t - the .Senato The election oí Mr. 0· New York. tl.riciir.il record ·· have don« In tin- trial. L>M act m,d to detnnnd two tnoetlng· dia, eeeivlng a deputation from Msncheeter to-day. hkhavhik Ha produced that Is the decentl-t thinsyon w compensation, «aid the WIK : A WfTJIt·7.OBTJUOBCrtJi of Anna Unitomi iwuin.-t Chana« J. UuiUmiu. application i suppose thai Porter Insisted <>u it. aa ae is nppnea will he hcld-onc on the ? ?G .fumi iry nf the more BOB*· the total repeal ot* the Indian Import duties, Urewntcr was not, it ia »aid, altogether the one in· and «o is Mr. hut conld TU ? ?"» A«:11N. for divorce. s eoceni hum, Devidge." vn"r erateeeettoo,theDake or Aberdcoa teerltt- Pressât system rested on no fixed principle, which Senator Cameron would hive made wife of (iuitcuii, Then turnias ts Mr. BeovUle, be snUi "Cat presidine, r.-tnain a nart of the flneul nvstem. He prehapa <ho lornmr hut the waa overruled us t ? «oine- ci/.o the Land Curt the other on the 2?1 permettent as bis aa Mrs. PiaiWi ami Mr. Scovlllc objected, objection rroHH-i-vainiiiaMmi Hliorl, SOOVlUe, and let K< deci ions, and warned Chamtier» of Commerco against agitating for the rcpresonfiiig 8tate : inasmuch Mr. t<» (hu witness-stand yesterday, nn tin· deorco .idinlited In evidence. tilinte e-e." m Ih« present...nth, the Bari of Dosart presidili*·, to aholltlen of the duties. while aa a ine.mher of tbat w noaHed read tho the wlttie«« wlirUicr ah« h;..l »l-ilc-l. optimi BlOWator, regarded wing no! iced »my iiiH-in- ??<·? to Mr. Scorili« ssked M .· Bttaeh the (,,,.·, Uriraln of le ? that aha liad never The. I>i«M"ot-A:iorucy procoded of .lui tint s!ie leid e iii.'Cii.il rametti The ('ouneii of tho Rifle Association Bt Oreat tbe party wit/i which the Senator ha« bega iden- tosti that It) 1171 adcoreenf divoro;· wilt ttoOt the 2d y last, bun. Her C The the Assocation Dr. hating, of Waahintr r· oíd which «how« r Miner of unsound Bind when the livi ? ndh panel fnii.,? Irata· aro lining autieri] br have forwarded to the president of the P.ifle fiticd, Ins not been looked upon us a Cameron in t';e ·· itv MMrii· on the Kround of her bu.-'.baiid'a re -ii ? «..«: I never have »nid ho." ex- that lie had NUaÜned granted to Anna Gatteaa No, ofahaaeoo POliaetknaghoatthe oouutry. The cartoon published of America a cony of ? resolution adonted by them, man. Simon Cameron, however, it ia ton, OL-ulU , ttgttffd Tuen the prisoner opened ala loooVgatea this wok ·¦ Mr. with 's in eat tu welcoming in tin·»· no evi- ailulicry. red Mr.se.ivi.i.·,«arlug to nim, What la lb« ns« of going repreaaahi Pfntar jaflai keys prc»s|tii' the pleasure they will experience repp w'tifoil. did not share this fooling, and bis com¬ «'v·* anal bod fonad When tlie renditi« was concluded the pri-m-ier eons unman M -"-ss. I fcaad and a w irraat marked Kilm ?????????G In the other. Karl of Wiildegrave, Sir 0ullcw*> Into that,Soovillc 1 Yen are a J the team to Wimbledon. The ing Ii« re a or since is to have the mimi. ·· woman with whom lie. U» tOW??«ß h«vo dav tira understood « ? nee of a d'naaed foedWoa of out : I'hm MMi JeiininiiM |lne woulil rather have a ten ve -.r-nld boy try '¦"r.''p?-t.iu.ua lean weartag a helmet, brlatltag Henry lanifero and Mossi«. Young and Humphrey tir*.:-class- WMHM t ii>, ti \<>ii. no no rou b··· ? arrean the detaiWfor the Inni some cunnecfioa wifb the for Ihm of N^v-York. committed adultery | w a* a li i^li-t otiid You hare got brains, conception; with aadwttk on ttabaoh inscribed appointed aeonumtteew preparations Allan Mel/ine Hamilton, a of ?? ? .1 ease, bayoneta ataearU reeeption. Dr. mal '.er of money ht vein UH. I esano! we root ahead yn.i. tu; ·· with view to all inforcai*, tino.· e* <j' New-York. It uns u itinl I will do tho hn»l neun inmelr. I onold nave Mnrluil Law"ned "More C "rei m." In front there la ¦ominarla« | reconciling that bo had nmdo personal nd of agemini en tie The name of the gentleman who ha» contributed teotifoad eoiiinii'l. d Ih.-act of adult- ry to i;et t-ol Ihr.·.· .ir <eir fir»l BUM« lawyers In S> nn of wooioii I e Ladies' Mr. Ilrowsfor, when be arrive«! bore yes¬ assassin, and hai found bin Thiit'a ool wltb y..nr array represcutltn: ??????????» 003,000to the fonal rOrthercBefet the sufferer« by the ¡imimitioiis of tin did imi love and M*M MTH to li.iv o married. la-i, if en bad not elbowed tseoi H la tbat ri,· r/ail d rreteaotatobe terday, wont directly to Camorons lion e, and thia de- coiisiniimitie ani vanity. You sr· tailing nnderatood printed theatre fin-at Vi. :ra Is (inettcl. He is an Austrian by to ho a man with no anp/UWlt physical all there h to (???? c me. I thewujbt it better, more moral, egoUen el'. I HSV« tu London aud tiiei.ee pu ted toaubmriliera. slum! I the was usa of the relations be¬ lmlicat- obtained allineili, 1 m iiiiieli resi oiipllnlit, on .vom ».»ver.cm in the oiBee will birth, and is anu.uraliz-rt American cittzen. A Vicnua interprète«! alga beyd Ho found OOtblag whatever more Christian even wav In have ¦ divorce p.· to do befana UwCoartaaa Interfere wlththo pnblioatl tween ioniuty. to beavj wort atyaetl u·· ti.ms ermi io Parla, wnenee eoidn of the paper w.n to shvs some sensation has been them. none ami have etnldren by . dispatch G?? Dad?« Bina« IIa dis oveml than to live illuni; you;· after year theJury.** , bcdl«!i·.Imi.dun 1er cover ? io Uin.I-oi received was eoa r gettai defect this In· bent his beso areni a that attor eoosntag from Mr. born October I:l, lnlti. in Salmi bgany in of confeti nee and pi iucitdc I eon- Asine prisoner flnl-died tirade, two so ¡I,- I ,i,7,·./ I,;l,nul ,or distrlliufion wlilc.li esnasd by baker*« stauiuiiint Ittawaaar, ?G or Ineanity her. A» a metier in s paroi tin· lie e line canili· M a·"! hii«- ot Banal Imbed ity *.v or en the table ami m talced for some time qelel Isnpi. indi., a of !.inning theatre ¡in issed County, H .f., where bis ane« stura lora· veril celien¬ tin· rigno I lia\e ¡icen *tilc(iy vìi tmm-, for lile .Tus- UUUIO ItlOO dlapatcued ¡ram Dublin before the »-laure tome the sufferer», Hi of I be fate Bitted adul'uiy. After Mr. Scovllle had resinned ;'.l tened bert ta tbe bone of saving ol ti 'lis hail He waa the contour of the h ni, linei married to¬ a to toe wit- ? die. him ami refused to let hiut lived and owned larir· estates. «ven yean. I enn tro to Nc.w-Yoric Mi «el be inaile some mistake In patthig quoetlon or ihr and G? ??.t??,???· but that Hie arrested mil* or tonga« Be* Msaeoseme¡ ? was thinking MaAatea newspaper«, piilillahed enter the building. imiiuiti'il from G:meet,,n Collée«· in and the teeth, root of the mouth, morrow if I want to." sod said promptly, in ta· sun,, .nil. ,· with ./..· On ltd Ireland, wen noi 18S4, else." . Leonard Tilev last, night t(» be recalled to the M mid and tomethivg r, mi u, d by tbe police. Tim United Inland waa aelxed OrTAWA.Ont., Deo. Id..Sir immediately eníen-l u ,0u the stuly of law p? the Dr.
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