THE GLENGARRY NEWS VOL. XLIV—No. 6. The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont., February 7, 1936. $2.00 A TEAS Ontario Cheese Patrons Name Commitlee Sliiiiy Separate Schools lo Shore Impressive Services Mark Governor General’s lialolres Alexandria Ueiled Ghurcli Alexandria's Council Association Meet At Kingston Proposed New Saoaloriom h Corporation lax Last Niles To Mrs. E. Houleau AI Carieo Riek loeighli Nolds Annual llleeliny Takes Hew Oaih ADBEESSES OF HIGH OEDEB Stormont, Glengarry and Dundas Coun- HALP-CENTXTEY’S COHTEOVEESY Trl)iute paid by His Excellency Alexandrians Play Winners of Last; Officers Appointed for Cfuirent Swear Fealty to His Majesty Edward - ^ I- cil awaits Information Before Fur- CULMINATES IN NEW LAW Bishop of Alexandria. Night’s Matches Year vm . On Wednésday and Tliursday, tlie ther Action. 29th and 30th January, there was a . (Toronto Globe, Feby. 4) On Friday morning, January Slat, The annual district matches for the At the annual meeting of the* Unit- A meeting of the Alexandria Town large and representative attendance ■CORNWALL, Ont., *Feb. 2.— (Spe- This settlement by the Ontario Govern- long before the hour set for the fun- Governor .GeneraHs garnie, bfeing ed Church, Alexandria, held on Janu- Council was held in the to'wn at the annual meeting of the Ontario cial)—Approving in principle the pro- ment of the Province’s most controversial eial of the late Mrs. Euclide Rouleau, played on local ice Thursday and Fri- afry 29th, the jrepoilts presented by office, Monday evening, 3rd February Cheese Patrons( A^soicSation held at posal for the erection of a tuberculosis issue—an issue of over half a century’s a vast crowd not only from the neigh- day, centre the interest of Hawkes- the various orpnizations indicated ■with Mayor Laurin presiding, there the Dairy School, Kingston. sanotorium in the vicinity of Corn- duration—was definitely ascertained at borhood of Alexandria but from many bury, VanGileek Hill and Alexandria that 1935 was à good year. The total being present Reeve E. A. MacGilH- Clengarry delegates were Messrs. wall, to serve the United Counties of Queen’s Park yesterday. distant points had gathered to show curlers this week on the local rink. givingrs amounted to more than $3000.00 vray and Councillors G. Tailfer, A. H. S. Marjerrison, Arch. J. Macdon- Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, but Having weighed the arguments of sep- by their presence their sincere appre- Two teams represent each club in this which is an excellent showing consider- Cameron, Alex, Lauzon, A. Dale, W. ald and Archie McDougald, while the unable to take furthur action until arate school supporters for what they ciation of the great services render- competition, their aggregate point ing financial and econ-omic conditions. A. T. Van Every,and Arthur Lauzon. neighboring county of Stormont was further data are available, counties claim to be their right to share in corpor- ed by the deceased to the community score spelling victory Or defeat. The To this gratifying result the various represented by A. W. McIntyre, pre council decided at its final meeting ation tax revenues for school purposes, at large. winners in this centre travel to Ot- groups contributed generously. Spe- Before proceeding to business the oath of allegiance to His Majesty sident of the Ontario Association, here yesterday aftern,oon to authorize the Government has definitely abandoned Members of Parliament, numerous tawa next week and should they sur- cial mention was made of the splendid King Edward VIII was taken by the Wm. Legault, Arch Morrison and W. the callng of a special session to deal any scheme of merely handing out representatives of the clergy and vive those playdowns will meet the record of The Ladies’ Aid Society and Fetterly. with the report a committee named “grants in aid” to separate schools. other prominent citizens from far and winners of the Montreal district in of their energetic and fruittful ef- Council. Then followed the presenta- tion by the clerk of a number of ac- HIGHLIGHTS OF CONFERENCE to gather additional information. This The new apportionment of corporation near mingled with the more humble the finals at Rideau Hall. forts during the past year. The *‘AU cheese in Ontario, east of Tor- committee will wait upon the Minister taxes as between—public and separate recipients of Mrs. Rouleau’s bounty At a meeting held at the local rink small group organized as an Auxili- counts, aggregating $6985.79, for ex- onto, to be sold only on organized of Health 'flojr Ontario , to ascertain schools is to be made in legislation to be in this last tribute of- respect. Tuesday evening, final arrangements ary of the Woman’s Missionary So- amination and payment. brought down at the impending session for the playing of these games were ciety has continued to manifest a Cheese Boards and minimum of fifteen the extent to which the Government Leading the funeral procession was It was moved by Angus Cameron, of the Ontario Legislature, will be passed completed. Three Alexandria skips Dr. deep interest in the great cause of cents for cheese advocated wi^h gov- will assist in financing the project. a splendid representation of the Lad- seconded by Arthuj. Lauzon, that J. before the House prorogues, and will be- Cheney, Donald A. Macdonald, K.C., Missions. The Young People’s Union, J. !Morris be appointed clerk-treasurer ernment to augment price. The finance committee reported to ies of Bte. Anne. The honorary pall- come law quickly thereafter. the Mission Band, the C.G.I.T. and the Mr. A. W. McIntyre, presiding, in council the sanatorium proposal has bearers; Mrs. J. Goulet, Mrs. Arthur and B. H. Cowan were in a position for the current yejir 1936. This all-important bill will be heralded to- enter rinks but, as the tounrament Sunday Sjehool a:^l contributed their opening the conference said ^^we can- been given the most careful consid- Currier, Mrs. UMe. Lalonde, Mrs. Jos. It was moved by W. A. T. Van in the Speech from the Throne, to beread quota to the success achieved. Every, seconded by George Tailfer not continue to produce milk at a loss. eration. and the committee realized it Iialonde, Mrs. Zotique Clement and calls for only two teams, it was decid- by Lieutenant-Governor Herbert A. The Pastor, presiding, referred to Our Cheese Association, which’ is a is a necessity in this portion of the Mrs. Zotique Girard and the acting ed to draw lots to decide Alexandria that R. S* McLeod be appointed Bruce a week from today when the skips. Dr. Cheney and Mr. Cowan prov- the encouraging fact that the congre- purely business one, can do something province. However, in view of the pallbearers A. Goulet, M.P., Russell; clerk-treasurer fop the current year. House formally opens. ed the lucky' ones and they will gation had recently been greatly The above will be further consid- to improve conditions in the cheese large expenditure involved, it was Mayor Laurin, Cyrille- Lacombe, V. G. Existing legislation provides that strengthened by the coming to Alex- industry by concerted effort, also 20,- thought all available facts should be Chisholm, J. Lanthier and Jos. La- choose foursomes to meet, this (Fri- ered at next meeting. directors of a corporation may, if they so day) evening, the winner of the andria of a number of families and 000 cheese patrons have some prestige placed before council before action is londe, walked beside the hearse. They Moved by Arthur Lauzon, seconded taken. desire, pay a share of the tax from their Hawkesbury-Vankleek Hill matches single persons who are rendering valu- in interviewing governments. It is an company to separate schools. were followed by the bereaved hus- by Angus Cameron that D. L. La- Will Report Soon which are being played as wc go to able service in a variety of ways. He utter piece of nonsense t© finance The present act states, in part : “Un- band, members of the family; Mr. londe be assessor for 1936 at a salary It is expected the special committee press. made grateful mention of the excel- dairy farmers|' through government less all the stock or shares are held by Ubald Boy^r, general manager Pro- of $125. * will be ready with th'e report within The local club members will be pull- lent service being rendered by Mrs. loans with present dairy prices. Pri- Roman Catholics, the share or portion vincial Bank, Montreal; Mr. Delphis Moved by Geo. Tailfep seconded by ing fOp them to win the district games Cheney wh© continue^ as secretary- ces must be improved to show a mar- two Or three weeks and council will of such land and business or other asses- St. Jean, brother-in-lfew of the de- E. A, MacGillivray that Arnold Weir and earn the right to go to Ottawa. treasurer, and expressed his gratitude gin of profit if loans are ever to be reconvene immediately. If a favor- sments to be so rated and assessed shall ceased, Mr. Fabien Frappier, cousin be assessor at a salary of $125. Car- to all who had assisted in carrying on repaid. able decision is reached^ tenders will not bear a greater proportion to the Mr. Donat Boyer, St. Andre Avellin; ried. OOMPTTLSORY BOARDING OF be called for a 100-bed sanatorium, Interest in the President’s Prize the Church’s work. Councillor Van Every gave notice whole of such assessments than the Messrs. J. and U. Bo-jer, Montreal; games each Tuesday night is still be- CHEESE to cost in the neighborhood of $200,- amount of the stock or shares so held Mr.
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